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The microtubule associated system I fibers of the basal apparatus of the flagellate green alga Spermatozopsis similis are noncontractile and display a 28-nm periodicity. Paracrystals with similar periodicities are formed in vitro by SF-assemblin, which is the major protein component of system I fibers. We have determined the amino acid sequence of SF-assemblin and show that it contains two structural domains. The NH2-terminal 31 residues form a nonhelical domain rich in proline. The rod domain of 253 residues is alpha-helical and seems to form a segmented coiled coil with a 29-residue repeat pattern based on four heptads followed by a skip residue. The distinct cluster of acidic residues at the COOH-terminal end of the motifs (periodicity about 4 nm) may be related to tubulin binding of SF-assemblin and/or its self assembly. A similar structure has been predicted from cDNA cloning of beta-giardin, a protein of the complex microtubular apparatus of the sucking disc in the protozoan flagellate Giardia lamblia. Although the rod domains of SF-assemblin and beta-giardin share only 20% sequence identity, they have exactly the same length and display 42% sequence similarity. These results predict that system I fibers and related microtubule associated structures arise from molecules able to form a special segmented coiled coil which can pack into 2-nm filaments. Such molecules seem subject to a strong evolutionary drift in sequence but not in sequence principles and length. This conservation of molecular architecture may have important implications for microtubule binding.  相似文献   

The arrangement of subunits in flagellar fibers   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

We previously found that a mutation at the ODA7 locus in Chlamydomonas prevents axonemal outer row dynein assembly by blocking association of heavy chains and intermediate chains in the cytoplasm. We have now cloned the ODA7 locus by walking in the Chlamydomonas genome from nearby molecular markers, confirmed the identity of the gene by rescuing the mutant phenotype with genomic clones, and identified the ODA7 gene product as a 58-kDa leucine-rich repeat protein unrelated to outer row dynein LC1. Oda7p is missing from oda7 mutant flagella but is present in flagella of other outer row or inner row dynein assembly mutants. However, Oda7 levels are greatly reduced in flagella that lack both outer row dynein and inner row I1 dynein. Biochemical fractionation and rebinding studies support a model in which Oda7 participates in a previously uncharacterized structural link between inner and outer row dyneins.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagella, unlike eukaryotic flagella, are largely external to the cell and therefore many of their subunits have to be exported. Export is ATP-driven. In Salmonella, the bacterium on which this chapter largely focuses, the apparatus responsible for flagellar protein export consists of six membrane components, three soluble components and several substrate-specific chaperones. Other flagellated eubacteria have similar systems. The membrane components of the export apparatus are housed within the flagellar basal body and deliver their substrates into a channel or lumen in the nascent structure from which point they diffuse to the far end and assemble. Both on the basis of sequence similarities of several components and structural similarities, the flagellar protein export systems clearly belong to the type III superfamily, whose other members are responsible for secretion of virulence factors by many species of pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

The in vitro assembly of flagellar outer doublet tubulin   总被引:17,自引:16,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Flagellar outer doublet microtubules were solubilized by use of sonication, and the tubulin was reassembled in vitro into single microtubules containing 14 and 15 protofilaments. The tubulin assembly was dependent on both the KCl and tubulin concentrations, exhibiting a critical concentration of 0.72 mg/ml at optimum solvent conditions. Flagellar tubulin was purified by cycles of temperature-dependent assembly-disassembly and molecular sieve chromatography, and characterized by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Although doublet microtubules were not formed in vitro, outer doublet tubulin assembled onto intact A- and B-subfibers of outer doublet microtubules and basal bodies of Chlamydomonas; the rate of assembly from the distal ends of these structures was greater than that from the proximal ends. Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) from mammalian brain stimulated outer doublet tubulin assembly, decorating the microtubules with fine filamentous projections.  相似文献   

The determination of the configuration of a protein in three-dimensional (3D) space constitutes one of the major challenges in molecular biology research today. A method consists in choosing a protein structure from a database that minimizes an energy function. First, we model the problem in terms of dynamic programming and show that the determination of the order in which the variables must be considered to minimize the time complexity is an NP-hard problem. Second, we propose a new decomposition algorithm of the threading problem that is based on the connectivity of the graph induced by the 3D structure of a protein. Our decomposition could be used to solve the threading problem. The goal in this paper is to evaluate the intrinsic complexity of 3D structure, which can be viewed as information that may be incorporated into a solution method. It provides two indexes of complexity (time and space) and determines in polynomial time complex components of the 3D structure of a protein.  相似文献   

The flagellar filament protein   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

The outer dynein arm-docking complex (ODA-DC) targets the outer dynein arm to its correct binding site on the flagellar axoneme. The Chlamydomonas ODA-DC contains three proteins; loss of any one prevents normal assembly of the outer arm, leading to a slow, jerky swimming phenotype. We showed previously that the smallest ODA-DC subunit, DC3, has four EF-hands (Casey, D. M., Inaba, K., Pazour, G. J., Takada, S., Wakabayashi, K., Wilkerson, C. G., Kamiya, R., and Witman, G. B. (2003) Mol. Biol. Cell 14, 3650-3663). Two of the EF-hands fit the consensus pattern for calcium binding, and one of these contains two cysteine residues within its binding loop. To determine whether the predicted EF-hands are functional, we purified bacterially expressed wild-type DC3 and analyzed its calcium-binding potential in the presence and absence of dithiothreitol and Mg2+. The protein bound one calcium ion with an affinity (Kd) of approximately 1 x 10-5 m. Calcium binding was observed only in the presence of dithiothreitol and thus is redox-sensitive. DC3 also bound Mg2+ at physiological concentrations but with a much lower affinity. Changing the essential glutamate to glutamine in both EF-hands eliminated the calcium binding activity of the bacterially expressed protein. To investigate the role of the EF-hands in vivo, we transformed the modified DC3 gene into a Chlamydomonas insertional mutant lacking DC3. The transformed strain swam normally, assembled a normal number of outer arms, and had a normal photoshock response, indicating that the Glu to Gln mutations did not affect ODA-DC assembly, outer arm assembly, or Ca2+-mediated outer arm activity. Thus, DC3 is a true calcium-binding protein, but the function of this activity remains unknown.  相似文献   

Spirochete periplasmic flagella (PFs), including those from Brachyspira (Serpulina), Spirochaeta, Treponema, and Leptospira spp., have a unique structure. In most spirochete species, the periplasmic flagellar filaments consist of a core of at least three proteins (FlaB1, FlaB2, and FlaB3) and a sheath protein (FlaA). Each of these proteins is encoded by a separate gene. Using Brachyspira hyodysenteriae as a model system for analyzing PF function by allelic exchange mutagenesis, we analyzed purified PFs from previously constructed flaA::cat, flaA::kan, and flaB1::kan mutants and newly constructed flaB2::cat and flaB3::cat mutants. We investigated whether any of these mutants had a loss of motility and altered PF structure. As formerly found with flaA::cat, flaA::kan, and flaB1::kan mutants, flaB2::cat and flaB3::cat mutants were still motile, but all were less motile than the wild-type strain, using a swarm-plate assay. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis indicated that each mutation resulted in the specific loss of the cognate gene product in the assembled purified PFs. Consistent with these results, Northern blot analysis indicated that each flagellar filament gene was monocistronic. In contrast to previous results that analyzed PFs attached to disrupted cells, purified PFs from a flaA::cat mutant were significantly thinner (19.6 nm) than those of the wild-type strain and flaB1::kan, flaB2::cat, and flaB3::cat mutants (24 to 25 nm). These results provide supportive genetic evidence that FlaA forms a sheath around the FlaB core. Using high-magnification dark-field microscopy, we also found that flaA::cat and flaA::kan mutants produced PFs with a smaller helix pitch and helix diameter compared to the wild-type strain and flaB mutants. These results indicate that the interaction of FlaA with the FlaB core impacts periplasmic flagellar helical morphology.  相似文献   

A motile Chlamydomonas flagellar mutant that lacks outer dynein arms   总被引:24,自引:18,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A new Chlamydomonas flagellar mutant, pf-28, which swims more slowly than wild-type cells, was selected. Thin-section electron microscopy revealed the complete absence of outer-row dynein arms in this mutant, whereas inner-row arms and other axonemal structures appeared normal. SDS PAGE analysis also indicated that polypeptides previously identified as outer-arm dynein components are completely absent in pf-28. The two ATPases retained by this mutant sediment at 17.7S and 12.7S on sucrose gradients that contain 0.6 M KCl. Overall swimming patterns of pf-28 differ little from wild-type except that forward swimming speed is reduced to 35% of the wild-type value, and cells show little or no backward movement during photophobic avoidance. Mutant cells will respond to phototactic stimuli, and their flagella will beat in either the forward or reverse mode. This is the first report of a mutant that lacks dynein arms that can swim.  相似文献   

To investigate the functional role of protein F of the outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we isolated mutants devoid of protein F, and the defective gene was transferred to a wild-type strain by plasmid FP5-mediated conjugation. Chemical analyses of the protein F-deficient outer membrane revealed that the amount of outer membrane protein was reduced to 72 to 74% of that of the protein F-sufficient strain and that lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids increased to 117 to 123% and 135 to 136%, respectively. The mutants and the transconjugant showed the following characteristics: (i) growth rates of protein F-deficient strains in low-osmolarity medium (e.g., L broth containing 0.1% NaCl) were less than 1/10 the rate of the protein F-sufficient strain; (ii) protein F-deficient cells were rounded, and the outer membrane formed large protruded blebs; and (iii) the outer membrane became physically fragile, since a significant amount of periplasmic proteins leaked out and the cells became highly sensitive to osmotic shock. The results suggested that protein F plays an important role in morphogenesis and in maintaining the integrity of the outer membrane. Determination of the diffusion rates of saccharides and beta-lactam antibiotics showed that the protein F-deficient outer membrane had no detectable transport defect compared with the protein F-sufficient outer membrane. The MICs of antibiotics for the protein F-deficient strains were nearly identical to those for the protein F-sufficient strain.  相似文献   

The beta-barrels found in the outer membranes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms constitute an important functional class of proteins. Here we present solid-state NMR spectra of the bacterial outer membrane protein OmpX in oriented lipid bilayer membranes. We show that OmpX is folded in both glass-supported oriented lipid bilayers and in lipid bicelles that can be magnetically oriented with the membrane plane parallel or perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. The presence of resolved peaks in these spectra demonstrates that OmpX undergoes rotational diffusion around an axis perpendicular to the membrane surface. A tightly hydrogen-bonded domain of OmpX resists exchange with D2O for days and is assigned to the transmembrane beta-barrel, while peaks at isotropic resonance frequencies that disappear rapidly in D2O are assigned to the extracellular and periplasmic loops. The two-dimensional 1H/15N separated local field spectra of OmpX have several resolved peaks, and agree well with the spectra calculated from the crystal structure of OmpX rotated with the barrel axis nearly parallel (5 degrees tilt) to the direction of the magnetic field. The data indicate that it will be possible to obtain site-specific resonance assignments and to determine the structure, tilt, and rotation of OmpX in membranes using the solid-state NMR methods that are currently being applied to alpha-helical membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The β-barrels found in the outer membranes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms constitute an important functional class of proteins. Here we present solid-state NMR spectra of the bacterial outer membrane protein OmpX in oriented lipid bilayer membranes. We show that OmpX is folded in both glass-supported oriented lipid bilayers and in lipid bicelles that can be magnetically oriented with the membrane plane parallel or perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. The presence of resolved peaks in these spectra demonstrates that OmpX undergoes rotational diffusion around an axis perpendicular to the membrane surface. A tightly hydrogen-bonded domain of OmpX resists exchange with D2O for days and is assigned to the transmembrane β-barrel, while peaks at isotropic resonance frequencies that disappear rapidly in D2O are assigned to the extracellular and periplasmic loops. The two-dimensional 1H/15N separated local field spectra of OmpX have several resolved peaks, and agree well with the spectra calculated from the crystal structure of OmpX rotated with the barrel axis nearly parallel (5° tilt) to the direction of the magnetic field. The data indicate that it will be possible to obtain site-specific resonance assignments and to determine the structure, tilt, and rotation of OmpX in membranes using the solid-state NMR methods that are currently being applied to α-helical membrane proteins.  相似文献   

A Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane protein F-deficient omega-insertion mutant strain H636, in contrast to its protein F-sufficient parent strain H103, was unable to grow on unsupplemented Proteose Peptone no. 2 broth (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.). Addition of high concentrations of NaCl, KCl, glucose, sucrose, or potassium succinate permitted growth of strain H636 at rates approaching those of the parent strain H103. Strain H636 cells were 33% shorter and had a 46% smaller cross-sectional area than did the parent strain growing at similar rates on the same medium. These properties of the oprF::omega mutant were analogous to those previously observed for Escherichia coli ompA mutants in an lpp (Braun lipoprotein-deficient) mutant background. Therefore, we compared P. aeruginosa protein F and the E. coli OmpA protein. In addition to many similarities previously described, sequence alignment demonstrated substantial amino acid sequence homology throughout the carboxy-terminal 168 to 180 amino acids of the two proteins. Consistent with this observation, polyclonal antiserum specific for OmpA reacted on Western blots (immunoblots) with protein F. Expression of protein F from the cloned oprF gene in an E. coli ompA lpp double mutant resulted in a 1.7-fold increase in cell length and a 2.1-fold increase in cross-sectional area compared with values for the same mutant containing only the plasmid vector onto which the oprF gene had been cloned. These results favor a structural role for P. aeruginosa protein F and suggest that it is strongly related to the E. coli OmpA protein.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi adenylyl cyclases are encoded by a large polymorphic gene family. Although several genes have been identified in this parasite, little is known about the properties and regulation of these enzymes. Here we report the cloning and characterization of TczAC, a novel member of T. cruzi adenylyl cyclase family. The TczAC gene is expressed in all of the parasite life forms and encodes a 1,313-amino acid protein that can complement a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant deficient in adenylyl cyclase activity. The recombinant enzyme expressed in yeasts is constitutively active, has a low affinity for ATP (K(m) = 406 microm), and requires a divalent cation for catalysis. TczAC is inhibited by Zn(2+) and the P-site inhibitor 2'-deoxyadenosine 3'-monophosphate, suggesting some level of conservation in the catalytic mechanism with mammalian adenylyl cyclases. It shows a dose-dependent stimulation by Ca(2+) which can be reversed by high concentrations of phenothiazinic calmodulin inhibitors. However, bovine calmodulin fails to stimulate the enzyme. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen it was found that TczAC interacts through its catalytic domain with the paraflagellar rod protein, a component of the flagellar structure. Furthermore, we demonstrate that TczAC can dimerize through the same domain. These results provide novel evidence of the possible localization and regulation of this protein.  相似文献   

The beating of cilia and flagella is based on the localized sliding between adjacent outer doublet microtubules; however, the mechanism that produces oscillatory bending is unclear. To elucidate this mechanism, we examined the behavior of frayed axonemes of Chlamydomonas by using high-speed video recording. A pair of doublet microtubules frequently displayed association and dissociation cycles in the presence of ATP. In many instances, the dissociation of two microtubules was not accompanied by noticeable bending, suggesting that the dynein-microtubule interaction is not necessarily regulated by the microtubule curvature. On rare occasions, association and dissociation occurred simultaneously in the same interacting pair, resulting in a tip-directed movement of a stretch of gap between the pair. Based on these observations, we propose a model for cyclical bend propagation in the axoneme.  相似文献   

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