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Seventy-six novel microsatellite markers with various simple sequence repeat (SSR) motifs are reported in this paper. They were generated on the basis of non-radioactive library screening procedures from flow-sorted rat Chromosome (Chr) 5-specific DNA, and were mapped in three rat backcross populations. Fifty-four of these markers mapped to Chr 5, while the other 22 mapped to other chromosomes of the rat genome. The marker D3Uwm8 is a new microsatellite marker for the rat syndecan 4 (ryudocan) gene. A genotyping protocol based on agarose gel electrophoresis is also provided in this paper. Received: 17 December 1998 / Accepted: 17 February 1999  相似文献   

Using degenerate primer amplification of chromosomes microdissected from banded cytogenetic preparations, we constructed both whole chromosome painting probes for mouse Chromosomes (Chrs) 1, 2, 3, and 11 and a centromere probe that strongly paints most mouse centromeres. We also amplified a Robertsonian translocation chromosome microdissected from unstained preparations to construct a painting probe for Chrs 9 and 19. The chromosomes probes uniformly painted the respective chromosomes of origin. We demonstrated the utility of the Chr 11 probe in aberration analysis by staining mutants that we had previously identified as containing a Chr 11 translocation, and in some mutant cell lines we observed chromosome rearrangements not previously detected in stained cytogenetic preparations. The technology of microdissection and amplification applies to all mouse chromosomes or to specific subchromosomal regions and will be useful in mouse genetics, in aberration analysis, and for chromosome identification.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA library was produced from flow-sorted rabbit chromosome 1 and enriched for fragments containing CA-repeats. Clones containing CA-repeats were identified and primers for amplification of the microsatellite were developed after sequencing the clone. The degree of polymorphism was tested in rabbits from different breeds. This approach identified 12 microsatellite markers which could be used for studying linkage relationships in the progeny of an F(2)-intercross: (AX/JUxIIIVO/JU) F(2), and two backcrosses: (OS/JxX/J)X/J and (WH/JxX/J)X/J. Seven of these markers were mapped on chromosome 1.  相似文献   

Alpha satellite DNA is a tandemly repetitive DNA family found at the centromere of every human chromosome. Chromosome-specific subsets have been isolated for over half the chromosomes and have prove useful as markers for both genetic and physical mapping. We have developed specific oligonucleotide primer sets for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of alpha satellite DNA from chromosomes 3, 7, 13/21, 17, X, and Y. For each set of primers, PCR products amplified from human genomic DNA are specific for the centromere of the target chromosome(s), as shown by somatic cell hybrid mapping and by fluorescence in situ hybridization. These six subsets represent several evolutionarily related alpha satellite subfamilies, suggesting that specific primer pairs can be designed for most or all chromosomal subsets in the genome. The PCR products from chromosome 17 directly reveal the polymorphic nature of this subset, and a new DraI polymorphism is described. The PCR products from chromosome 13 are also polymorphic, allowing in informative cases genetic analysis of this centromeric subset distinguished from the highly homologous chromosome 21 subset. These primer sets should allow placement of individual centromeres on the proposed STS map of the human genome and may be useful for somatic cell hybrid characterization and for making in situ probes. In addition, the ability to amplify chromosome-specific repetitive DNA families directly will contribute to the structural and functional analysis of these abundant classes of DNA.  相似文献   

The Alu-polymerase chain reaction (Alu-PCR) was applied to selectively amplify DNA sequences from human chromosome 6 using a single primer (A1) directed to the human Alu consensus sequence. A specific amplification pattern was demonstrated for a panel of eight somatic cell hybrids containing different portions of chromosome 6. This PCR pattern permits the identification of submicroscopic DNA alterations and can be utilized as a reference for additional chromosome 6-specific hybrids. To obtain new chromosome 6-specific markers we established two libraries from PCR-amplified sequences using two somatic cell hybrids (MCH381.2D and 640-5A). Out of a total of 109 clones that were found to be chromosome 6 specific, 13 clones were regionally assigned. We also included a procedure that allows the isolation of chromosome 6-specific markers from hybrids that contain human chromosomes other than 6. Our results will contribute to the molecular characterization of chromosome 6 by fostering characterization of somatic cell hybrids and by the generation of new regionally assigned DNA markers.  相似文献   

The short interspersed nuclear element (SINE), Au, was used to develop sequence-specific amplified polymorphism (S-SAP) markers for U- and M-genome chromosomes. The markers were localized using Triticum aestivum (wheat)-- Aegilops geniculata and wheat-- Aegilops biuncialis disomic chromosome addition lines. Thirty-seven markers distributed over 6 U and 6 M chromosomes were produced. A genetic diversity study carried out on 37 accessions from Ae. biuncialis, Ae. comosa, Ae. geniculata, and Ae. umbellulata suggested that Ae. biuncialis have arisen from its diploid ancestors more recently than Ae. geniculata. Several earlier studies indicated that the M genomes in polyploid Aegilops species had accumulated substantial rearrangements, whereas the U genomes remained essentially unmodified. However, this cannot be attributed to the preferential insertion of retroelements into the M genome chromosomes. Fourteen markers from a total of 8 chromosomes were sequenced; 3 markers were similar to known plant genes, 1 was derived from a long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposon, and 10 markers did not match to any known DNA sequences, suggesting that they were located in the highly variable intergenic regions.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone as probe, is a reliable cytological technique for chromosome identification. It has been used in many plants, especially in those containing numerous small chromosomes. We previously developed eight chromosome-specific BAC clones from tetraploid cotton, which were used as excellent cytological markers for chromosomes identification. Here, we isolated the other chromosome-specific BAC clones to make a complete set for the identification of all 26 chromosome-pairs by this technology in tetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). This set of BAC markers was demonstrated to be useful to assign each chromosome to a genetic linkage group unambiguously. In addition, these BAC clones also served as convenient and reliable landmarks for establishing physical linkage with unknown targeted sequences. Moreover, one BAC containing an EST, with high sequence similarity to a G. hirsutum ethylene-responsive element-binding factor was located physically on the long arm of chromosome A7 with the help of a chromosome-A7-specific BAC FISH marker. Comparative analysis of physical marker positions in the chromosomes by BAC-FISH and genetic linkage maps demonstrated that most of the 26 BAC clones were localized close to or at the ends of their respective chromosomes, and indicated that the recombination active regions of cotton chromosomes are primarily located in the distal regions. This technology also enables us to make associations between chromosomes and their genetic linkage groups and re-assign each chromosome according to the corresponding genetic linkage group. This BAC clones and BAC-FISH technology will be useful for us to evaluate grossly the degree to which a linkage map provides adequate coverage for developing a saturated genetic map, and provides a powerful resource for cotton genomic researches.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms in genomic fingerprints generated by arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) can distinguish between strains of almost any organism. We applied the technique to the mouse (Mus musculus). The characteristic differences in the AP-PCR genomic fingerprints between strains will be of value in strain identification and verification. Using one primer, we genetically mapped four polymorphisms in a set of C57BL/6J x DBA/2J recombinant inbreds. One of these polymorphisms is a length variant. The method will allow rapid genetic mapping of DNA polymorphisms without Southern blotting.  相似文献   

In the silkworm, Bombyx mori, the female is the heterogametic (ZW) sex and the male is homogametic (ZZ). The female heterogamety is a typical situation in the insect order Lepidoptera. Although the W chromosome in silkworm is strongly female determining, no W-linked gene for a morphological character has been found on it. The Z chromosome carries important traits of economic value as well as genes for various phenotypic traits, but only 2% of molecular information based on its relative size is known. Studies conducted so far indicate that the Z-linked genes are not dosage compensated. In the present study, we constructed a genetic map of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA fragments (RAPD), simple sequence repeats (SSR), and fluorescent intersimple sequence repeat PCR (FISSR) markers for the Z chromosome using a backcross mapping population. A total of 16 Z-linked markers were identified, characterized, and mapped using od, a recessive trait for translucent skin as an anchor marker yielding a total recombination map of 334.5 cM. The linkage distances obtained suggested that the markers were distributed throughout the Z chromosome. Four RAPD and four SSR markers that were linked to W chromosome were also identified. The proposed mapping approach should be useful to identify and map sex-linked traits in the silkworm. The economic and evolutionary significance of Z- and W-linked genes in silkworm, in particular, and lepidopterans, in general, is discussed.  相似文献   

Ninety-one new rat microsatellite chromosome markers were generated through screening chromosome-sorted DNA libraries. Of the 91 markers, 29 have been mapped to various rat chromosomes. Because of a lack of suitable polymorphisms among the appropriate rat strains of our interest, the remaining 62 markers are still unassigned, but are likely to be useful for genotyping different rat strains employed to study a wide range of genetic traits other than blood pressure. With these new markers, two genes, encoding α2 adrenergic receptor, class II and gastric H,K-ATPase beta subunit, were mapped to regions on rat Chromosomes (Chrs) 1 and 16 respectively. Received: 2 July 1997 / Accepted: 13 September 1997  相似文献   

 Populations derived by multiple backcrosses are potentially useful for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping studies. Comparisons of relative power to detect QTL using populations derived by multiple back-crosses are needed to make decisions when mapping projects are initiated. The objective of this study was to theoretically compare the power to detect QTL in populations derived by multiple backcrosses relative to mapping in a recombinant inbred population of equal size. Backcrossing results in a reduction in genetic variance with each generation and also results in an increasing frequency of the recurrent parent marker genotype. The relevant outcome for QTL mapping is a reduction in genetic variance to partition between marker genotype classes and increasing unbalance of the number of individuals contributing to the mean of the marker genotypes. Both of these factors lead to a decrease in the power to detect a QTL as the number of backcross generations increases. Experimental error was held constant with the populations compared. From a theoretical standpoint, backcross-derived populations offer few advantages for QTL detection. If, however, a backcrossing approach is the most efficient method to achieve a desired breeding objective and if QTL detection is an objective of equal or less importance, backcross-derived populations are a reasonable approach to QTL detection. Received: 4 August 1996 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

Using PCR analysis of pig-mink and pig-Chinese hamster hybrid cell lines and heterologous and homologous primers of various types, chromosomal and subchromosomal mapping of genes TOP2A, THRA, BRCA1, GAS, HLR1, MYL4, LIS1, MCP1, ENO3, CRYB1, P4HB, STAT5B, and H3F3B to pig chromosome 12 was carried out. The efficiency of using different types of heterologous primers for pig chromosome mapping was compared.  相似文献   

Repeat element-mediated PCR can facilitate rapid cloning and mapping of human chromosomal region-specific DNA markers from somatic cell hybrid DNA. PCR primers directed to human repeat elements result in human-specific DNA synthesis; template DNA derived from a somatic cell hybrid containing the human chromosomal region of interest provides region specificity. We have generated a series of repeat element-mediated PCR clones from a reduced complexity somatic cell hybrid containing a portion of human chromosome 10. The cloning source retains the centromere and tightly linked flanking markers, plus additional chromosome 10 sequences. Twelve new inter-Alu, two inter-L1, and four inter-Alu/L1 repeat element-mediated PCR clones were mapped by hybridization to Southern blots of repeat element-mediated PCR products amplified from somatic cell hybrid DNA templates. Two inter-Alu clones mapped to the pericentromeric region. We propose that a scarcity of Alu elements in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 10 contributed to the low number of clones obtained from this region. One inter-Alu clone, pC11/A1S-6-c23, defines the D10S94 locus, which is tightly linked to MEN2A and D10Z1.  相似文献   

DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF) using a high primer-to-template ratio and single, very short arbitrary primers, was used to generate amplified fragment length polymorphic markers (AFLP) in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). The inheritance of AFLPs was studied using a cross between the ancestral Glycine soja PI468.397 and Glycine max (L.) Merr. line nts382, F1 and F2 progeny. The amplification reaction was carried out with soybean genomic DNA and 8 base long oligounucleotide primers. Silver-stained 5% polyacrylamide gels containing 7 M urea detected from 11 to 28 DAF products with primers of varying GC content (ranging from 50 to 100% GC). Depending on their intensity, AFLPs were classified into three classes. DAF profiles were reproducible for different DNA extractions and gels. Forty AFLPs were detected by 26 primers when comparing G. soja and G. max. Most AFLPs were inherited as dominant Mendelian markers in F1 and F2 populations. However, abnormal inheritance occured with about 25% of polymorphisms. One marker was inherited as a maternal marker, presumably originating from organelle DNA while another showed apparent paternal inheritance. To confirm the nuclear origin and utility of dominant Mendelian markers, three DAF polymorphisms were mapped using a F11 mapping population of recombinant inbred lines from soybean cultivars Minsoy × Noir 1. The study showed that DAF-generated polymorphic markers occur frequently and reliably, that they are inherited as Mendelian dominant loci and that they can be used in genome mapping.  相似文献   

A complete genomic DNA library was prepared from a Chinese hamster-human cell hybrid that contains human chromosome 5 as its only human DNA. Unique or low-copy DNA fragments, isolated form recombinant bacteriophage that contained human DNA inserts, were regionally mapped on chromosome 5 using Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from a series of hybrid cell lines that were selected as having deletions of various portions of 5q. The chromosome 5-specific DNA library, together with a genetic selective procedure allowing the isolation of hybrid cell lines with deletions of virtually any portion of 5q, will provide a means to construct very accurate physical and recombinational maps of this human chromosome. This system represents an excellent opportunity to examine very precisely the relationship between physical and genetic distances for many loci along the length of this autosome.  相似文献   

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