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Intracerebroventricular and intraperitoneal injections of salsolinol and subsequent analyses of rat brain and heart revealed that 7-O-methylsalsolinol (7-OMe-Sal) is the principal O-methylated product formed in vivo. Production of 7-OMe-Sal was blocked by pretreatment of the rats with pyrogallol, an inhibitor of catechol-O-methyltransferase. 7-OMe-Sal and 6-O-methylsalsolinol (6-OMe-Sal) injected intraventricularly or prepared as external standards were distinguished by gas chromatography as peaks with different relative retention times compared to salsolinol as an internal standard. These substances were chromatographed as their corresponding pentafluoropropionic anhydride derivatives on a JXR column. Similar experiments performed with 6,7-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline revealed that this substance was similarly selectively converted to its 7-O-methylated product in rat brain.  相似文献   

In the cultured cells of Corydalis pallida var. tenuis, the formation of 6-O-methylated metabolites (6-D4 and 6-D7) from salsolinol-D4 (2-D4) was reduced by pyrogallol. The production of 3-O-methylated derivatives (10 and 10-D3) from dopamine was almost not affected by pyrogallol. Similar results were obtained in intact plants, though the effect of pyrogallol on methylation of C-6-OH of salsolinol in plants is smaller than that in the cultured cells. These results show that the effects of pyrogallol on the methylation of C-6-OH of salsolinol and that on the methylation of C-3-OH of dopamine are different, suggesting that the O-methylating enzymes of salsolinol and dopamine are different in C. pallida var. tenuis. The production of 3-O-methyldopamine in the presence of pyrogallol was reduced in intact plants of Cynanchum vincetoxicum, but not in the cultured cells. The effect of pyrogallol on the methylation of salsolinol was uncertain in Cyn. vincetoxicum. Both 6- and 7-O-methylations of salsolinol occur in Cyn. vincetoxicum, while only 6-O-methylation occurs in C. pallida var. tenuis. This could reveal that the O-methylating enzymes at C-6 and C-7 are different.  相似文献   

Using a solid-phase extraction procedure, an enantioselective derivatization and a gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method, the levels of dopamine (DA) and of the dopamine-derived tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids (R)/(S)-salsolinol (SAL) and norsalsolinol (NorSAL) were determined in human brain samples. A complex pre-analytical synthesis of reference substances as well as deuterated internal standards allowed the standardized and reproducible analysis. In this study, to our best knowledge for the first time, the regional distribution of (R)-SAL and (S)-SAL, as well as NorSAL is examined systematically in a large collective of human brain samples obtained by autopsy. The material comprises 91 brains and 8 standardized specimens in each case. Anatomical concentration differences and no ubiquitous occurence were encountered. Significant amounts of (R)-SAL, (S)-SAL and NorSAL were only found in dopamine-rich areas of the basal ganglia, whereas in other regions of the brain no tetrahydroisoquinolines were detected. These findings suggest that the concentration of the substrate dopamine may determine the alkaloid level during in vivo formation. In our opinion, non-enzymatic formation of SAL via the Pictet-Spengler reaction reveals both the SAL enantiomers. An additional enzymatic synthesis of only (R)-SAL could explain the predominant occurrence of this enantiomer. Especially in the nucleus caudatus, the concentrations of DA, SAL and NorSAL decreased significantly with rising age, which may be consistent with apoptotic effects of ageing. Our data can serve as reference for other studies in humans concerning the etiology of alcoholism or other neurodegenerative diseases with the involvement of tetrahydroisoquinolines.  相似文献   

The acetaldehyde content in rat brain during ethanol metabolism   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  

Kinetic characteristics of nitric oxide synthase from rat brain.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

The relationship between the rate of synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) and guanylate cyclase stimulation was used to characterize the kinetics of the NO synthase from rat forebrain and of some inhibitors of this enzyme. The NO synthase had an absolute requirement for L-arginine and NADPH and did not require any other cofactors. The enzyme had a Vmax. of 42 pmol of NO formed.min-1.mg of protein-1 and a Km for L-arginine of 8.4 microM. Three analogues of L-arginine, namely NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, NG-nitro-L-arginine and NG-iminoethyl-L-ornithine inhibited the brain NO synthase. All three compounds were competitive inhibitors of the enzyme with Ki values of 0.7, 0.4 and 1.2 microM respectively.  相似文献   

Alcohol oxidase, an enzyme which exhibits relatively weak substrate specificity among short chain alcohols, forms the corresponding aldehyde and hydrogen peroxide as coproduct. The ability of alcohol oxidase from Pichia pastoris yeast to convert ethanol to acetaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide was examined in an oxygen pressure reactor under conditions, such that oxygen availability was sufficient to permit rapid catalysis. Hydrogen peroxide levels of approximately 1.8/M (6% w/w) were attained in 2-3 h with 2.8 muM enzyme, corresponding to a productivity of approximately 30 g peroxide/g enzyme. Optimal conditions (within equipment limitations) were 900 psi oxygen, 2.6M ethanol, at 4 degrees C. Similar levels of products were reached in the reactor using enzyme immobilized covalently on controlled pore glass and noncovalently on an anion exchange support. Recycle of covalently immobilized enzyme was not possible as a result of enzyme inactivation after a single run. Limited recycle of noncovalently immobilized enzyme was accomplished with substantial decreases in levels of product attainable on each cycle.  相似文献   

Using radioenzymatic assay procedures, we have measured picomolar amounts of endogenous norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) released in vitro. The release of NE and DA in response to KCl stimulation was examined in 6 brain regions: cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, striatum, combined accumbens-olfactory tubercle, and substantia nigra. NE release was detectable in all regions except striatum. Amounts of NE released by 55mM KCl (expressed as % control) were: cortex (313%), hippocampus (227%), hypothalamus (225%), accumbens-tubercle (278%), s. nigra (155%). KCl stimulated release of DA was detected in 3 regions: striatum (414%), accumbenstubercle (282%), and hypothalamus (312%). DA was measurable in filtrates from the s. nigra but levels in control and KCl stimulated samples were equal. Release of NE and DA was also measured in 12 brain regions after incubation of tissue in vitro with 10?4M d-amphetamine sulfate. d-Amphetamine stimulated NE outflow when compared to controls in all regions examined. DA outflow was markedly increased in most regions, especially striatum (287%), hypothalamus (387%) and accumbens-tubercle (670%). d-Amphetamine doubled endogenous DA outflow from the s. nigra.  相似文献   

Summary The enzymatic conversion of ethanol into acetaldehyde using dried whole cells ofHansenula polymorpha was tried in a gas-solid bioreactor. The bioreactor could be maintained stably over one month at 35°C with complete conversion in the water content under 8% without any serious problems.  相似文献   

A CMP-sialic acid: GM3 sialyltransferase (GD3 synthase) and a CMP-sialic acid: LacCer sialyltransferase (GM3 synthase) have been purified 10,000- and 3,000-fold, respectively, from the Triton X-100 extract of rat brain. The two enzymes were purified and resolved by affinity chromatography on two successive CDP-Sepharose columns by NaCl gradient elution. Final purification of GD3 synthase was achieved by specific elution from a 'GM3 acid'-Sepharose column with buffer containing GM3. Sodium dodecylsulfate-gel electrophoresis of GD3 synthase revealed a single major protein band with an apparent molecular weight of 55,000.  相似文献   

A sensitive radioenzymatic assay for the simultaneous quantitation of salsolinol and dopamine in tissues and fluids has been developed. Salsolinol and dopamine were radiolabeled by 0-methylation using the enzyme catechol-0-methyltransferase and its cosubstrate, [3H]-S-adenosylmethionine, as the methyl donor. Specificity was achieved by alumina adsorption, selective solvent extraction, thin layer chromatography, primary amine precipitation and ion pair solvent extraction. The assay was linear over a 1000 fold concentration range. Sensitivities of 2 and 3 picograms were obtained for dopamine and salsolinol, respectively. Separate assay of standard samples had a coefficient of variation of 5%. Salsolinol was formed in vitro in dopamine enriched plasma and whole brain homogenates following incubation with physiologic concentrations of acetaldehyde.  相似文献   

It has been recently shown that salsolinol (SAL) is present in the hypothalamic neuroendocrine dopaminergic (NEDA) system and appears to be a selective and potent stimulator of prolactin (PRL) secretion in the rat. Furthermore, the lack of interference of SAL with 3H-spiperone binding in the striatum and the anterior lobe (AL) of the pituitary gland has been also demonstrated. These data clearly indicate that SAL does not act at the dopamine (DA) D(2) receptors, and suggest that SAL supposedly has a binding site through which the secretion of PRL may be affected. Therefore, binding of 3H-SAL to different regions of the central nervous system (CNS) has been investigated. Specific and saturable binding has been detected in the striatum, cortex, median eminence and in the hypothalamus as well as in the AL and the neuro-intermediate lobe (NIL) of the pituitary gland. K(D) values of the bindings were in the nanomolar range in all tissue tested. 3H-SAL displacing activity of several agonists and antagonists of known DA receptors have also been tested. It has been found that DA and in a lesser extent, apomorphine could displace 3H-SAL, but other DA receptor specific ligands have not been able to affect it. Furthermore, several pharmacologically active compounds, selected on the basis of their influence on DA synthesis, transport mechanisms and signal transduction, have also been tested. Neither mazindol (a selective DA transporter inhibitor) nor clonidine (an alpha(2)-adrenoreceptor agonist) could alter SAL binding. At the same time, L-dopa, carbidopa, benserazide and alpha-methyldopa were able to displace 3H-SAL. The possible changes in SAL binding due to physiological and pharmacological stimuli, like suckling stimulus and reserpine pretreatment (that blocks vesicular monoamine transport in DA terminals), respectively, have also been investigated. In the NIL of the pituitary gland and in the median eminence of the hypothalamus the binding decreased following 10 min of suckling stimulus compared to the binding detected in the same tissues obtained from mothers separated from their pups for 4h and not allowed to be suckled. At the same time, there were no changes in the binding at the AL and striatum. Following reserpine pretreatment that has completely prevented PRL releasing effect of SAL, the binding was significantly augmented. These results support our assumption that SAL should have specific binding sites through which it can affect PRL secretion. Furthermore, it clearly suggests that it may regulate DAergic neurotransmission of NEDA neurons by an altered intracellular or intraterminal synthesis and/or distribution of hypophysiotropic DA.  相似文献   

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