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Summary The size of mitochondrial genomes in higher plants are known to range from 200 to 2400 kilobase pairs. However, we failed to identify cytochemically any mitochondria that contain an identifiable master mitochondrial genome. In the present experiments, we have found the giant mitochondrial nuclei which have the capacity for including the master mitochondrial genome in the young ovaries ofPelargonium zonale by use of a 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) epifluorescence microscopy, a Technovit embedding, and a video-intensified photon counting system.  相似文献   

H. Kuroiwa  T. Ohta  T. Kuroiwa 《Protoplasma》1996,192(3-4):235-244
Summary The preferential development of giant mitochondria and their nuclei (nucleoids) in the egg cells ofPelargonium zonale Ait. during megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis was examined by fluorescence microscopy, after Technovit embedding and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining, fluorimetry for DNA content, using a video-intensified microscope photon-counting system (VIMPICS), and by three-dimensional reconstruction of mitochondrial nuclei (mt-nuclei). Reproductive cells during the megaspore mother cell, meiosis, tetrad, and functioning megaspore stages contained many small mitochondria with characteristic, uniformly DAPI-stained mt-nuclei about 0.3 m in diameter, containing a small amount of DNA (0.3 Mbp). During formation of the 2-, 4-, and 8-nucleate embryo sac, mt-nuclei did not markedly change in shape or DNA content. When the embryo sac formed and differentiation of each cell began, mitochondria and their nuclei in the egg cell took on a small ring or string-like shape. Accompanying the maturation of the embryo sac, they underwent progressive enlargement and gradually altered to long thick strings, or stacks of concentric or half concentric rings. By flower opening, they have developed to an extremely large size. One of these stacks of mt-nuclei was reconstructed in three dimensions; each ring in the stack was cup- or plate-shaped; 5 to 10 rings made up the stack, though each remained discontinuous from the others. From serial sections, we counted 44 mitochondria in one egg cell. Fluorometry using VIMPICS revealed that DNA amount within the stacked mitochondrion increased to 40 times that of the megaspore mother cell stage; a single stack of mitochondria contained 340–1700 Mbp DNA; which means that one egg cell contains at least 15000 Mbp mt-DNA, a value greater than the cell-nuclear DNA content.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study, we studied changes in organellar DNA in the sperm cells of maturing pollen ofPelargonium zonale, a plant typical to exhibit biparental inheritance, by fluorescence microscopy after staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and by immunogold electron microscopy using anti-DNA antibody. Fluorescence intensities of DAPI-stained plastid nuclei in generative and sperm cells at various developmental stages were quantified with a video-intensified microscope photon counting system (VIMPCS). Results indicated that the amount of DNA per plastid in generative cells increased gradually during pollen development and reached a maximum value (about 70 T per plastid; 1 T represents the amount of DNA in a particle of T4 phage) in young sperm cells at 5 days before flowering. However, the DNA content of plastids was subsequently reduced to about 20% of the maximum value on the day of flowering. Moreover, the DNA content of the plastid further decreased to 4% of the maximum value when pollen grains were cultured for 6 h in germination medium. In contrast, the amount of DNA per mitochondrion did not decrease significantly around the flowering day. Similar results were also obtained by immunogold electron microscopy using anti-DNA antibody. The density of gold particles on plastids decreased during pollen maturation whereas labelling density on mitochondria remained relatively constant. The number of plastids and mitochondria per generative cell or per pair of sperm cells did not change significantly, indicating that the segregation of DNA by plastid division was not responsible for the decrease in the amount of DNA per plastid. These results indicate that the plastid DNA is preferentially degraded, but the mitochondrial DNA is preserved, in the sperm cells ofP. zonale. While the plastid DNA of the sperm cells decreased before fertilization, it was also suggested that the low DNA contents that remain in the plastids of the sperm cells are enough to account for the biparental inheritance of plastids inP. zonale.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - VIMPCS video-intensified microscope photon counting system  相似文献   

Summary The behavior of organelle nuclei during maturation of the male gametes ofLilium longiflorum andPelargonium zonale was examined by fluorescence microscopy after staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and Southern hybridization. The organelle nuclei in both generative and vegetative cells inL. longiflorum were preferentially degraded during the maturation of the male gametes. In the mature pollen grains ofL. longiflorum, there were absolutely no organelle nuclei visible in the cytoplasm of the generative cells. In the vegetative cells, almost all the organelle nuclei were degraded. However, in contrast to the situation in generative cells, the last vestiges of organelle nuclei in vegetative cells did not disappear completely. They remained in evidence in the vegetative cells during germination of the pollen tubes. InP. zonale, however, no evidence of degradation of organelle nuclei was ever observed. As a result, a very large number of organelle nuclei remained in the sperm cells during maturation of the pollen grains. When the total DNA isolated from the pollen or pollen tubes was analyzed by Southern hybridization with a probe that contained therbc L gene, for detection of the plastid DNA and a probe that contained thecox I gene, for detection of the mitochondrial DNA, the same results were obtained. Therefore, the maternal inheritance of the organelle genes inL. longiflorum is caused by the degradation of the organelle DNA in the generative cells while the biparental inheritance of the organelle genes inP. zonale is the result of the preservation of the organelle DNA in the generative and sperm cells. To characterize the degradation of the organelle nuclei, nucleolytic activities in mature pollen were analyzed by an in situ assay on an SDS-DNA-gel after electrophoresis. The results revealed that a 40kDa Ca2+-dependent nuclease and a 23 kDa Zn2+ -dependent nuclease were present specifically among the pollen proteins ofL. longiflorum. By contrast, no nucleolytic activity was detected in a similar analysis of pollen proteins ofP. zonale.  相似文献   

In the male gametophyte of Pelargonium zonale, generative and sperm cells contain cytoplasmic DNA in high density compared to vegetative cells. Cytoplasmic DNA was examined using the DNA fluorochrome DAPI (4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) and observed with epifluorescence and electron microscopy. The microspore cell contains a prominent central vacuole before mitosis; mitochondria and plastids are randomly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Following the first pollen grain mitosis, neither the vegetative cell nor the early generative cell display a distributional difference in cytoplasmic DNA, nor is there in organelle content at this stage. During the maturation of the male gametophyte, however, a significant discrepancy in plastid abundance develops. Plastids in the generative cell return to proplastids and do not contain large starch grains, while those in the vegetative cell develop starch grains and differentiate into large amyloplasts. Plastid nucleoids in generative and sperm cells in a mature male gametophyte are easily discriminated after DAPI staining due to their compactness, while those in vegetative cells stained only weakly. The utility of the hydrophilic, non-autofluorescent resin Technovit 7100 in observing DAPI fluorescence is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the manner of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and distribution during the culture ofPhysarum polycephalum amoebae cells by microphotometry, anti-BrdU immunofluorescence microscopy, and quantitative hybridization analysis. In amoebae cells ofP. polycephalum, the number of mitochondria per cell and the shape of both mitochondria and mitochondrial nuclei (mt-nuclei) noticeably changed over the culture period. At the time of transfer, about 27 short ellipsoidal shaped mitochondria, which each contained a small amount of DNA, were observed in each cell. The number of mitochondria per cell decreased gradually, while the amount of mtDNA in an mt-nucleus and the length of mt-nuclei increased gradually. Midway through the middle logarithmic growth phase, the number of mitochondria per cell reached a minimum (about 10 mitochondria per cell), but most mtnuclei assumed an elongated shape and contained a large amount of mtDNA. During the late log- and stationary-growth phase, the number of mitochondria per cell increased gradually, while the amount of DNA in an mt-nucleus and mt-nuclei length decreased gradually. Upon completion of the stationary phase, the number and condition of mitochondria within cells returned to that first observed at the time of transfer. The total amount of mtDNA in a cell increased about 1.6-fold the first day, decreased immediately, then maintained a constant level ranging from 130 to 160 T. Except for the fact that mtDNA synthesis began earlier than synthesis of cell nuclei, the rate of increase in mtDNA paralleled that of cell-nuclear DNA throughout the culture. These results indicate that mtDNA is continuously replicated in pace with cell proliferation and the rate of mitochondrial division varies during culture; this mitochondrial division does not synchronize with either mtDNA replication or cell division. Furthermore, we observed the spatial distribution of DNA replication sites along mt-nuclei. Replication began at several sites scattered along an mt-nucleus, and the number of replication sites increased as the length of mt-nuclei increased. These results indicate that mtDNA replication progresses in adjacent replicons, which are collectively termed a mitochondrial replicon cluster.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - VIMPCS video-intensified microscope photon counting system - BrdU 5-bromodeoxyuridine - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate  相似文献   

Giant mitochondria accumulate within aged or diseased postmitotic cells as a consequence of insufficient autophagy, which is normally responsible for mitochondrial degradation. We report that giant mitochondria accumulating in cultured rat myoblasts due to inhibition of autophagy have low inner membrane potential and do not fuse with each other or with normal mitochondria. In addition to the low inner mitochondrial membrane potential in giant mitochondria, the quantity of the OPA1 mitochondrial fusion protein in these mitochondria was low, but the abundance of mitofusin-2 (Mfn2) remained unchanged. The combination of these factors may explain the lack of mitochondrial fusion in giant mitochondria and imply that the dysfunctional giant mitochondria cannot restore their function by fusing and exchanging their contents with fully functional mitochondria. These findings have important implications for understanding the mechanisms of accumulation of age-related mitochondrial damage in postmitotic cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondria in cells ofCatharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don in synchronous cell division cultures were observed by double staining using fluorescence microscopy. The cells were stained with 4′-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) first and subsequently stained with rhodamine 123 (r-123). Immediately after staining with r-123, yellowishgreen, elongated and moving mitochondria were observed upon excitation at 485 nm. When the excitation filters were replaced by a UV filter (360 nm), 1 to 7 mitochondrial nucleoids were visible in each mitochondrion in the same field. Changes in the lengths of mitochondria during the cell cycle obtained from the observations under fluorescence microscopy by this staining method suggest the occurrence of multiplication of mitochondria concurrent with the cell cycle ofC. roseus.  相似文献   

Marine invertebrates settle, attach, and/or metamorphose in response to signals from several sources, including seaweeds. In response to the aquaculture challenge of producing constant numbers of juveniles from cultured species, natural inducers have been screened for their ability to improve those processes. However, few chemical inducers of attachment of invertebrates have been identified, and even less of these were secondary metabolites. The goal of this work was to isolate the natural products responsible for induction activity using bioassay-guided fractionation of the organic extract of the brown seaweed Stypopodium zonale and the attachment of juveniles of the common brown mussel, Perna perna, as a model. The meroditerpene epitaondiol, identified by comparison of spectral data with the literature, promoted as much as 4.7 times more mussel attachment compared to controls at the natural concentration found in this alga (0.041% of the crude extract or 0.012% of algal dry weight). This is the first report showing that a seaweed produces terpenoid compounds as cues for invertebrate attachment, and future studies evaluating this action on settlement of mussels in the field are expected to improve aquaculture technology by increasing mussel spat production.  相似文献   

S. M. Read  A. E. Clarke  A. Bacic 《Protoplasma》1993,174(3-4):101-115
Summary Production of sperm cells by division of the generative cell occurs during growth ofNicotiana (tobacco) pollen tubes through the sporophytic tissue of the style, and is associated with transition to the second phase of pollen-tube growth. WhenNicotiana pollen tubes are grown in liquid culture, the extent of generative-nucleus division and the timing of this division depend on the chemical composition of the medium. Addition of reduced forms of nitrogen, either as mixed amino-acids (0.03% w/v of an acid hydrolysate of casein) or as 1 mM ammonium chloride, induces division of the generative nucleus in over 90% of the tubes; 3 mM calcium nitrate does not stimulate division. Individual amino-acids differ in their ability to induce this division. Contaminants in some batches of poly(ethylene glycol), which is a major component of pollen-tube growth media, inhibit generative-nucleus division; this inhibition is greater in the absence of nitrogen, which increases the observed nitrogen-dependence of division. Reduced forms of nitrogen are also required for growth of pollen tubes after division, when callose plugs are deposited. In the absence of nitrogen, growth continues until the point where sperm cell production would normally occur, then ceases. Addition of amino-acids or ammonium chloride thus allows cultured pollen tubes ofNicotiana to progress to their second phase of growth. WhenNicotiana pollen is germinated in a complete culture medium at 25–26°C, sperm nuclei are first observed in the growing tubes after about 10 h, and by about 16 h most of the tubes have undergone division; at lower temperatures, division is delayed. The timing of division also varies between species ofNicotiana, but division occurs similarly in self-compatible and self-incompatible species. Anaphase in an individual pollen tube is calculated to take less than 4 min. The resultant sperm nuclei usually trail behind the vegetative nucleus, but a variety of arrangements of the three nuclei are observed.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - PEG poly(ethylene glycol) - OG ordinary grade of PEG - SP Specially Purified for Biochemistry grade of PEG  相似文献   

Summary Modes of regeneration from hypocotyl explants were studied in Pelargonium × hortorum ‘Scarlet Orbit,’ and three wild relatives, P. zonale, P. alchemilloides, and P. inquinans, on different cytokinin treatments [1 μM thidiazuron (TDZ), 4 μM TDZ, or 8 μM N6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and 1 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)]. P. × hortorum ‘Scarlet Orbit’ and P. zonale showed similar high numbers of easily detached, embryo-like structures in response to 1 μM TDZ; P. alchemilloides and P. inquinans showed weak embryogenic responses to all treatments. To revisit whether P. × hortorum produces somatic embryos, and to examine modes of regeneration in the wild species, the histology of regenerating structures on hypocotyl explants in 1 μM TDZ was examined. Both P. × hortorum and P. zonale produced embryo-like structures from single cell derivatives of epidermal cells. Globular-shaped structures transitioned into heart-shaped structures that had loose attachments to explant surfaces and no vascular connection to the explant. Roots with direct vascular connections to the rest of the embryo-like structures were never observed; root organogenesis appeared to be secondary. We propose that P. × hortorum and P. zonale exhibit partial somatic embryogenesis, in which all of the criteria for somatic embryos are met except formation of a root pole. In both species, explants forming embryo-like structures could also undergo shoot organogenesis, where shoots exhibited a broad base of attachment to the explant and a vascular connection to vascular nodules within the explant. Epidermally derived embryo-like structures were not observed in P. alchemilloides or P. inquinans in response to 1 μM TDZ. Shoot organogenesis occurred in P. alchemilloides but not in P. inquinans.  相似文献   

V. Zachleder  S. Kawano  T. Kuroiwa 《Protoplasma》1995,188(3-4):245-251
Summary DNA containing structures (cellular, chloroplast and mitochondrial nuclei) were stained with the fluorochrome DAPI. Fluorescence intensity, as a measure of DNA content, was estimated during the mitotic cycle in synchronized populations of the chlorococcal alga,Scenedesmus quadricauda. In cells yielding eight daughter cells, three consecutive steps in chloroplast DNA increase occurred over one mitotic cycle. The first step was performed shortly after releasing the daughter cells, the second and third steps occurred consecutively during the first half of the mitotic cycle. Commitment to chloroplast DNA replication was chronologically separated from commitment to division of chloroplast nuclei, revealing that these two chloroplast reproductive steps were under different control mechanisms. The replication of chloroplast DNA occurred at a different time to that of cell-nuclear DNA. The coordination of chloroplast reproductive processes and those in the nucleocytoplasmic compartment were governed by the mutual trophic and metabolic dependency of these compartments rather than by any direct or feedback control controlled by either of them.Abbreviations DAPI 46-diamidino-2-phenylindole - ptDNA DNA in chloroplast nuclei - nucDNA DNA in cell nuclei  相似文献   

Summary Synchronous cultures of the green algaScenedesmus quadricauda were grown at different mean irradiances (ranging from 15 Wm–2 to 130Wm–2). At each irradiance, the algae were exposed to illumination regimes which differed in light duration and dark intervals (222 to 240 hours). The cells from these cultures were sampled during their cycles, stained with DAPI and the number of nuclei and chloroplast nucleoids estimated.The nucleoids divided semisynchronously in steps which represented doublings in their number. For each doubling a constant amount of light energy (defined as the product of irradiance and light duration) had to be converted by the cells to become committed to this division. The times to the start of the nucleoid divisions were therefore inversely proportional to the irradiances applied and the final number of nucleoids was proportional to the light duration.Temporal relationships between nuclear and nucleoid divisions were also light dependent. Shortage of light energy caused delay in nucleoid division. The cell division rate was higher than the rate of nucleoid division and consequently, the cells tended to decrease their nucleoid number with decreasing irradiance. With increasing irradiance the start of nucleoid division was gradually shifted toward the beginning of the cell cycle. The rate of nucleoid division exceeded the rate of nuclear and cellular division, thus with increasing irradiance cells with increasing numbers of nucleoids were formed.Abbreviations DAPI 46-diamidino-2-phenylindole - pt-DNA chloroplast DNA  相似文献   

Hu Z  Zhao Z  Wu Z  Fan Z  Chen J  Wu J  Li J 《Mitochondrion》2011,11(5):716-721
The efficient expression of exogenous gene in mitochondria of photosynthetic organism has been an insurmountable problem. In this study, the pBsLPNCG was constructed by inserting the egfp gene into a site between TERMINVREP-Left repeats and the cob gene in a fragment of mitochondrial DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-124 and introduced into the mitochondria of respiratory deficient dum-1 mutation of C. reinhardtii CC-2654. Sequencing and DNA Southern analyses revealed that egfp gene had been integrated into the mitochondrial genome of transgenic algae as expected and no other copy of egfp existed in their nucleic genome. Both the fluorescence detection and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of eGFP protein in the transgenic algae; it indicated that the egfp gene was successfully expressed in the mitochondria of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic aspects of mitochondrial biogenesis have been the focus of much recent attention and a review is presented here of studies on the life cycle of mitochom dria inPhysarum polycephalum. Such studies have focused predominantly on behavior of the mitochondrial genome throughout the mitochondrial life cycle and have been designed to reveal details about (1) the role of the DNA-membrane complex in the segregation of the mitoehondrial genome; (2) the regulation of mitochondrial activity associated with changes in ptoidy of the mitoehondrial nucleus; (3) the hierarchical pattern of transmission of the mitochondrial genome as it relates to the mating-type locus (matA) during the sexual development; and (4) the fusion of mitoehondria that is promoted by a mitochondrial plasmid. The results of such studies contribute significantly to efforts towards a better understanding not only of the mitochondrial life cycle inP. potycephalum but also of the biogenesis of mitoehondria and plastids in many other organisms. Recipient of the Botanical Society Award for Young Scientists, 1988.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [14C]-acetate, [14C]-mevalonate and [14C]-desmosterol into cholesterol in the muscle mitochondria of the brown shrimpPenaeus aztecus (Ives) is more as compared to that in hepatopancreas. [14C]-Desmosterol is more efficiently incorporated into cholesterol in comparison with [14C]-acetate. The muscle mitochondria from males incorporated more [14C]-mevalonate into cholesterol than those from females, while the converse is true in the hepatopancreatic mitochondria.  相似文献   

Summary Earlier whole-animal experiments have shown that the California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) from tidal marshes is highly tolerant to sulfide while the speckled sanddab (Citharichtys stigmaeus) from the open coast is intolerant to sulfide. In the present paper, we demonstrate that the liver mitochondria of the California killifish detoxify sulfide by oxidizing it to thiosulfate and produce ATP in the process. Sulfide oxidation is obligately and stoichiometrically linked to mitochondrial electron transport to oxygen. Concentrations up to 20 M sulfide stimulate mitochondrial respiration while 50 M sulfide causes half-inhibition. Sulfide oxidation by mitochondria is adversely affected at pH<7.4. ATP production is maximal at 10 M sulfide. The finding of sulfide oxidation coupled to ATP production by killifish mitochondria is unprecedented among vertebrates. In comparison, mitochondria of the specked sanddab oxidize sulfide at a much lower rate. This is the first demonstration of biochemical adaptation to sulfide among coastal marine fishes.Abbreviations ADP adenosine diphosphate - APHA American Public Health Association - ATP adenosine triphosphate - BSA bovine serum albumin - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethyl-ether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - G-6-PDH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sulfonic acid - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography; mBBr monobromobimane - NADP nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, oxidized form - NADPH reduced form - RCR respiratory control ratio  相似文献   

Digitonin was applied to permeabilize the plasma membrane of Bothrops alternatus erythrocytes to study respiration, oxidative phosphorylation and Ca2+ transport by mitochondria in situ. These mitochondria oxidized added NAD-linked substrates, succinate and N,N,N, N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine. Respiration was sensitive to rotenone and cyanide but not to antimycin A. This indicates that Bothrops mitochondria possess the respiratory complexes NADH-ubiquinone, succinate-ubiquinone, and ferrocytochrome c-oxygen oxidoreductases, although the lack of sensitivity to antimycin A raises doubt about the composition of the ubiquinol cytochrome c-reductase complex. An ability to build up and sustain a membrane potential was documented by their capacity to accumulate tetraphenylphosphonium and Ca2+ through an uncoupler-sensitive mechanism. Addition of ADP caused a transient decrease in the membrane potential, indicating that this is the predominant driving force for ATP synthesis as in most types of mitochondria. Uncoupling of phosphorylation from the oxidative process increased hemoglobin O2 affinity, which suggests that ATP production by mitochondria may participate in modulation of O2 transport by hemoglobin.Abbreviations membrane potential - BAE Bothrops alternatus erythrocytes - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - DPG 2,3-diphosphoglycerate - EGTA ethyleneglycol tetra-acetic acid - FCCP carbonylcyanide p-trifloromethoxyphenylhydrazone - TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium - TRIS tris-(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

A. L. Moore  S. B. Wilson 《Planta》1978,141(3):297-302
The permeability of the inner membrane of turnip mitochondria to H+ and OH- ions has been investigated using an acid pulse technique. The rate of decay of a H+ pulse across the inner membrane is exponential having first-order kinetics and gives t 1/2 values of approx 54 s at neutral pH and at 25° C. Valinomycin or 1799 alone have little effect on t 1/2 values, whereas in combination, values of <15 s are observed. Nigericin produces a similar effect. The effective proton conductance of the inner membrane near pH 7 at 25° C is 0.27 nmol H+ min-1 mg protein-1 mV-1. The results suggest that at neutral pH, the inner membrane of plant mitochondria is relatively impermeable to H+ and OH- ions.  相似文献   

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