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目的:探讨羊水细胞染色体异常核型与各产前诊断之间的关系。方法:466例高危孕妇行羊膜腔穿刺术后羊水细胞培养及染色体核型分析。结果:异常核型66例,异常率14.16%,包括染色体数目异常27例,三体综合征22例(21-三体15例、18-三体6例、13-三体1例),占异常染色体核型的33.33%,占染色体数目异常的81.48%;染色体结构异常39例,主要包括染色体多态性、平衡易位、倒位和衍生等,占染色体异常核型的59.10%。异常核型检出率中血清学筛查高危组(14.44%)要高于高龄妊娠组(10.89%)和有不良孕产史组(11.11%)(P0.05);超声提示胎儿发育异常组(23.26%)要高于血清筛查高危组(P0.05)。结论:血清筛查高危和超声提示胎儿发育异常是黑龙江地区最主要的产前诊断指征,异常核型以21-三体综合征检出率最高。通过对高危孕妇羊水细胞染色体的核型分析可发现部分染色体疾病,从而避免此类出生缺陷儿的出生。  相似文献   

目的:通过检测孕中期孕妇血清学甲胎蛋白(APF)、游离β-绒毛膜促性腺激素(Freeβ-hCG)、非结合雌三醇(uE3),进行唐氏综合征(Down's syndrome,DS)、18三体综合征和神经管缺陷(neural tube defect,NTD)的无创性产前筛查.方法:采用时间分辨荧光免疫分析法,对1641例16~20+6周孕妇进行血清AFP、Frees-hCG、uE3检测,结合孕妇年龄、孕周及体重等因素,经专用软件进行分析校正,计算风险率,对唐氏综合征和18三体综合征高风险孕妇,进行羊水细胞染色体核型分析.结果:1641例孕妇中筛查出高危孕妇98例,其中唐氏高风险孕妇73例,18三体综合征高风险孕妇4例,神经管畸形高风险孕妇21例;95例选择羊水细胞染色体分析的产前诊断,确诊唐氏综合征1例,18三体综合征1例.结论:孕中期血清三联筛查是可靠、有效的产前筛查方案,结合产前诊断可以有效降低缺陷儿出生,提高出生人口素质.  相似文献   

孟晓伟  汪洁  马晴雯 《遗传》2018,40(3):207-217
唐氏综合征(Down syndrome, DS)是最常见的常染色体异常疾病,由人类21号染色体(human chromosome 21, Hsa21)的重复引起。由于Hsa21的直系同源基因分散于小鼠16、17和10号染色体上,所以用小鼠模拟人类唐氏综合征并不容易。早期的Ts65Dn小鼠虽然具有DS表型特征,但其重复片段由电离辐射产生,未包含所有Hsa21直系同源基因。2004年,Cre/LoxP重组酶系统介导的染色体编辑技术在Ts1Rhr小鼠中的成功应用,解决了特定片段重复化的难题,使DS小鼠模型在基因重复和表型模拟方面实现了精准化。本文从同源基因重复和DS表型模拟两方面简要介绍了不同时期DS小鼠模型的优势和局限,为科研人员在DS研究中对不同小鼠模型的选用提供了参考。  相似文献   

多重实时荧光PCR相对定量法快速诊断唐氏综合征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了建立一种基于多重实时荧光相对定量PCR技术并应用之于唐氏综合征分子诊断, 选择21号染色体上唐氏综合征特异区域基因片段(DSCR3)为目的基因, 以12号染色体上的磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶基因(GAPDH)为参照基因, 设计合成两对引物以及分别以不同荧光标记的TaqMan探针, 在同一个反应管中进行扩增。以相对定量指标△CT值区分唐氏综合征患者与正常人。采用EB 病毒转化技术, 把唐氏综合征患者外周血B 淋巴细胞转化成永生淋巴母细胞系作为标准品。通过优化反应条件, 使得目的基因和参照基因的扩增效率基本一致, 接近100%, 模板浓度在3~300 ng/μL范围内, △CT值的变异系数小于15%, 浓度在30 ng/μL时, 变异系数最小(<10%), 以该浓度的DNA作为模板进行批内和批间实验的△CT值重复性好, 变异系数分别为9.8%和13.3%。运用建立的方法检测20例唐氏综合征患者的血标本和30例正常人的血标本, 正常人△CT值范围是-1.90~-1.30, 患者的△CT值范围是-2.95~-2.15, 两组之间无交叉重叠, 有明显差异(P<0.001)。唐氏综合征患者永生细胞系建系成功 ,染色体核型和DNA 分析表明建系前后遗传是稳定的。因此, 实时荧光定量PCR比较△CT值的相对定量法快速诊断唐氏综合征是可行的。  相似文献   

探讨建立一个高效、稳定的21三体遗传病植入前诊断的方法,以染色体G显带核型分析为对照,取正常成人外周血单个淋巴细胞40枚、21三体患者外周血单个淋巴细胞40枚及单卵裂球20枚,采用荧光定量PCR技术同时扩增21号染色体上特异区域基因片段(DSCR)和12号染色体上管家基因(GAPDH)片断作内对照,结果在正常组织同时扩增二片断的有效率为95%(38/40),扩增产物的荧光强度比值为1.00±0.05;21三体患者单个淋巴细胞同时扩增二片断的有效扩增率为92.5%(37/40),DSCR/GAPDH荧光强度的比值约为1.58±0.17;单卵裂球的扩增效率为80.0%(16/20).三者实验结果与染色体核型分析结果完全一致,准确率100%.研究结果表明荧光定量PCR技术产前检测21三体综合征具有准确、快速、安全、实用等特点,有较高的临床推广应用价值.  相似文献   

为了探究无创产前DNA检测筛查唐氏综合症降低出生缺陷的效果,本研究选择2012年4月至2017年12月我院收治的孕期产检6 192例孕妇作为研究对象,应用DNA测序方法对孕妇血浆中胎儿游离DNA进行染色体非整倍体检测,并检测其灵敏度和特异性,同时采用羊水核型分析两种结果。研究显示,阳性共73例,69例做了进一步检查,显示40例胎儿染色体检查核型正常继续妊娠,29例染色体异常。比较不同年龄组的孕妇血清学筛查唐氏综合征高风险情况,研究表明随着孕妇年龄的增加,DS阳性率逐渐降低(p0.05);血清学筛查后胎儿游离DNA (cffDNA)检测与染色体核型分析的阳性例数基本一致(p0.05)。本研究表明,采用产前无创检测胎儿游离DNA操作方便,检测灵敏度和特异性高,不会对胎儿的正常发育造成不良影响,且阳性检测率与羊水核染色体核型结果基本相同,是无创产前诊断唐氏综合征的重要方法,值得在临床上推广使用。  相似文献   

采用人类染色体G显带技术、高分辨显带技术、荧光原位杂交技术(FISH),对一例7p21.2→pter部分三体综合征患者的染色体进行研究,并综合文献报道的14例7P部分三体综合征的临床资料,就7p部分三体综合征患者的核型与表型的相关关系、核型与疾病基因的相关关系等问题进行探讨。通过1例染色体7p21.2→pter部分三体患者的染色体分析、表型定位研究和相关文献复习比较,探索染色体区带与表型的关系。结果表明,7p21.2→p22是7p部分三体综合征的关键片段,生殖器畸形、髋关节脱位与7p15重复有关,心脏畸形与7p多个基因作用有关,颅缝早闭基因可能位于7p21.2→p21.3。  相似文献   

1 概述唐氏综合征 (Downs Syndrome,简称 DS) ,是由英国爵士 Down于 186 6年首先发现并描述本征 ,故得名。195 9年 L ejeune等证实本征是由于 G组增加 1条额外的 2 1号染色体所致 ,故又名 2 1-三体综合征 (2 1Trisomysyndrome) ,简称 2 1-三体 ;由于本征患者主要的临床症状是先天性多发性畸形 ,相似而特殊的面容 ,生长发育迟滞 ,智能低下 ,口常半开 ,流涎 ,舌常伸出口外 ,因此又称为伸舌样呆痴。患者精神发育迟滞或智力低下 (mne-tal retardation,MR)是本征最突出最严重的表现 ,本征患者智商通常在 2 5~ 5 0之间 ,有些患者甚至连生活…  相似文献   

目的:评价孕妇血清标记物(甲胎蛋白AFP、β-绒毛膜促性腺激素β-hCG和雌三醇uE3)的孕中期三联筛查在临床中的应用价值。方法:采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)对1200例孕中期(14~22周)孕妇进行血清标记物AFP、β-hCG和uE3的检测,结合孕龄、孕周、体重等因素,经专门的筛查分析软件,计算唐氏综合征,18三体及神经管缺陷(NTD)的风险率。如孕妇为高风险,则进行胎儿的超声检查和染色体核型分析的产前诊断。结果:在1200例孕妇中,筛查高风险的孕妇有73例,其中唐氏综合征,18三体,NTD高风险孕妇分别为65例,5例和3例,假阳性率为6.08%(73/1200)。其中59例接受了产前诊断,占高风险孕妇的80.8%(59/73)。共检出1例唐氏综合征儿和1例无脑儿,未发现18三体,检出率为100%(2/2),未有漏诊的情况。妊娠不良结局在筛查高风险组和低风险组的比率分别为17.1%和1.32%,两组有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:利用孕妇血清标记物(AFP、β-hCG和uE3)的孕中期无创伤性产前筛查,结合产前诊断,对减少出生缺陷儿的出生,具有重要意义,并且高风险的筛查结果对胎儿的预后有一定的提示作用。  相似文献   

人类核仁形成区结构性变异与随体联合的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王戈华 《遗传学报》1989,16(1):67-73
本文以硝酸银染色法研究了200对正常夫妇及200对唐氏综合征(DS)患者双亲淋巴细胞染色体核仁形成区(NOR)。结果发现双核仁形成区(dNOR)的检出率在两组人群中均为0.5%;随体联合(SA)的结果表明,负有dNOR染色体的SA频率并不随其核糖体RNA(rRNA)基因含量的明显增加而上升,提示除rRNA基因含量及其活性外,尚有其他因素影响SA的形成。dNOR携带者与DS的发生亦无明显关系。  相似文献   

Interchange trisomy 21 by t(1:21)(p22:q22)mat: Interchange trisomy 21 by t(1;21)(p22;q22)mat was identified in a sporadic patient with Down syndrome. With a 21q22 specific probe, we observed signals on both normal 21 chromosomes and on the der. We reviewed the 23 published reports of families with reciprocal translocations leading to viable offspring with interchange trisomy 21. The breakpoints in chromosome 21 were mainly located in 21q (19/24 instances, including the present report) and in 19/23 cases the other chromosome involved in the translocation was (pairs 1-12). The underlying 3:1 segregation occurred mainly in carrier mothers; only one patient presented a de novo imbalance and in another case the father was the carrier. In addition, there were 4 instances of concurrence with another unbalanced segregation (adjacent-1 or tertiary trisomy) and 3 families with recurrence of interchange trisomy 21. The mean age of 14 female carriers at birth of interchange trisomy 21 offspring (24.8 yr) was lower that the mean (28.3 yr) found in a larger sample of mothers of unbalanced offspring due to 3:1 segregation (mostly tertiary trisomics) and was not increased with respect to the general population average. Overall, these data agree with previous estimates regarding recurrence risk (9-15%) and abortion rate (about 28%) in female carriers ascertained through an interchange trisomic 21 child.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old girl with Down syndrome exhibited an autosomal translocation t(2;18) in addition to trisomy 21. An evaluation of GTG-banded metaphases revealed the karyotype 47,XX,t(2;18),21 that was confirmed by using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) probes. This case represents a very rare coincidence of an autosomal aneuploidy and a structural rearrangement. Her parents showed a normal chromosome complement. The translocation must have been an apparently "balanced" one as the proband presented with typical features of Down syndrome alone. The mechanism of origin of this rearrangement along with a nondisjunctional error and its significance are discussed.  相似文献   

Down syndrome is rarely due to a de novo Robertsonian translocation t(14q;21q). DNA polymorphisms in eight families with Down syndrome due to de novo t(14q;21q) demonstrated maternal origin of the extra chromosome 21q in all cases. In seven nonmosaic cases the DNA markers showed crossing-over between two maternal chromosomes 21, and in one mosaic case no crossing-over was observed (this case was probably due to an early postzygotic nondisjunction). In the majority of cases (five of six informative families) the proximal marker D21S120 was reduced to homozygosity in the offspring with trisomy 21. The data can be best explained by chromatid translocation in meiosis I and by normal crossover and segregation in meiosis I and meiosis II.  相似文献   

E B Hook 《Mutation research》1978,52(3):427-439
The Down syndrome phenotype may be associated with, among other genotypes, an unbalanced Robertsonian translocation producing an "interchange trisomy" with 46 chromosomes, or 47, trisomy 21. Translocations, like specificlocus point mutations, result from a direct change in structural chromosome elements. In contrast 47, trisomy 21 results from meiotic non-disjunction. Mutation rates for interchange trisomies may be followed indirectly by determining the ratio of instances of Down syndrome associated with a new translocation mutation to those produced by 47, trisomy 21, which accounts for the bulk of the Down syndrome phenotype. This genotypic ratio can be analyzed in data from cytogenetic laboratories, clinics, and chromosome registries and does not depend upon intensive chromosome screening of newborn populations. A similar approach can be adopted to follow trends in Patau syndrome. The genotypic ratio, stratified by maternal age, may in addition, provide a sentinel index for changes in human specific-locus mutations and perhaps other adverse health consequences. Analysis of data from the New York State-North-eastern chromosome registry revealed a two- to three-fold increase in the genotypic ratio for both Down syndrome and Patau syndrome for individuals born in 1973, 1974 and 1975 compared to those born in earlier years.  相似文献   

This report deals with a reciprocal t(10;21) translocation which is observed in three generations of a family. Included are examples of the balanced translocation, adjacent-2 segregation producing three patients with trisomy of the distal long arm of chromosome 21 and the Down syndrome, and 3-1 disjunction producing trisomy of the proximal segment of chromosome 21 in a mildly mentally retarded boy without phenotypic features of the Down syndrome. These data provide evidence that the Down phenotype is attributable to trisomy of the distal long arm of chromosome 21.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking and Down syndrome.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A matched case-control study of 100 mothers of Down syndrome children, 100 mothers of children with other defects (defect controls), and 100 mothers of children with no defects (normal controls) was carried out. All infants were born in upstate New York in 1980 and 1981. Matching was very close on maternal age for the normal controls but not for the defect controls. The risk ratios for the association of cigarette smoking around the time of conception with Down syndrome was 0.58 (90% confidence interval of 0.34-0.98) in the case-defect control comparison and 0.56 (90% confidence interval of 0.33-0.95) in the case-normal control comparison. Stratification by alcohol ingestion and maternal age did not abolish the negative trend to association. The results are contrary to that of an earlier study of others that found a positive association of older age and trisomy in spontaneous abortions. In fact, among mothers of Down syndrome cases over age 30 in this analysis, the risk ratio was lower than for younger mothers. (For case-normal control comparisons, the value was 0.39 [90% confidence interval of 0.17-0.87]). If not due to chance or confounding, the negative association in our data may be attributable to, among other factors, a selective effect of smoking upon survival or fertilizability of +21 gametes prior to conception or upon survival of +21 conceptuses after fertilization.  相似文献   

The co-occurrence of two numerical chromosomal abnormalities in same individual (double aneuploidy) is relatively rare and its clinical presentations are variable depending on the predominating aneuploidy or a combination effect of both. Furthermore, double aneuploidy involving both autosomal and sex chromosomes is seldom described. In this study, we present three patients with double aneuploidy involving chromosome 21 and sex chromosomes. They all had the classical non disjunction trisomy 21; that was associated with monosomy X in two of them and double X in the other. Clinically, they had most of the phenotypic features of Down syndrome as well as variable features characteristic of Turner or Klinefelter syndrome. Cytogenetic studies and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis were carried out for all patients and their parents. The first patient was a male, mosaic with 2 cell lines (45,X/47,XY,+21) by regular banding techniques and had an affected sib with Down syndrome (47,XY,+21). The second was a female, mosaic (46,X,+21/47,XX,+21) where monosomy X was detected only by FISH in 15 percentages of cells, nevertheless, stigmata of Turner syndrome was more obvious in this patient. The third patient had non mosaic double trisomy; Down-Klinefelter (48,XXY,+21) presented with Down syndrome phenotype. Parental karyotypes and FISH studies for these patients were normal with no evidence of mosaicism. In this report, we review the variable clinical presentations among the few reported cases with the same aneuploidy in relation to ours. Also, the proposed mechanisms of double aneuploidy and the occurrence of non-disjunction in more than one family member are discussed. This study emphasizes the importance of molecular cytogenetics studies for more than one tissue in cases with atypical features of characteristic chromosomal aberration syndromes. To our knowledge, this is the first report of double aneuploidy, Down-Turner and Down-Klinefelter syndromes in Egyptian patients.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic investigation of two groups of prematurely born babies was carried out on the basis of the specialized department for prematurely born children in Moscow and in the Moscow Region. The material for this investigation was the culture of lymphocytes. In the first group comprising 607 prematurely born babies without any perceptible developmental defects abnormalities of the karyotype were observed in 15 probands (2.5%) which is 3.5 times higher than the frequency of karyotypic abnormalities among newborn babies from the same population born in proper time. In the second group comprising 70 prematurely born babies with various congenital malformations various karyotypic abnormalities were observed in 13 probands (18,6%), which is 8 times the frequency among babies from the same population born in proper time. The main type of abnormalities observed were those affecting the system of sex chromosomes and the cases of trisomy of the 21st pair of autosomes and structural abnormalities. The high proportion of X- and 21-trisomies among the chromosome abnormalities observed suggests their important role in the etiology of premature births and postnatal death-rate of mutant organisms having D- and E-trisomies and structurally unbalanced chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

We describe a 17-month-old infant with clinical features of Down syndrome and a normal karyotype by standard chromosomal analysis, her two uncles aged 28 and 30 years, respectively, with reduced intelligence and unusual appearance but not apparent Down syndrome, and a severely retarded 6-year-old girl with dysmorphy and epilepsy from the same family. Cytogenetic studies of patients and normal intervening relatives had been carried out at different institutions with normal results. Fluorescence in situ hybridization using whole chromosome painting and unique-copy probes (cosmids) and high-resolution banding revealed a familial subtelomeric translocation of chromosomes 18 and 21, resulting in partial trisomy 21 in the infant and her two uncles, and partial monosomy 21 in the 6-year-old girl. Cytogenetic breakpoints were located in bands 18q23 and 21q22.1, respectively. The molecular breakpoint on chromosome 21 was located between D21S211 (proximal) and D21S1283 (distal) and thus maps within the Down syndrome critical region. Received: 11 November 1996 / Accepted: 29 April 1997  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The impact of prenatal diagnosis on the live birth prevalence of Down syndrome (trisomy 21) has been described. This study examines the prevalence of Down syndrome before (1990-1993) and after inclusion of prenatally diagnosed cases (1994-1999) in a population-based registry of birth defects in metropolitan Atlanta. METHODS: We identified infants and spontaneous fetal deaths with Down syndrome (n = 387), and pregnancies electively terminated after a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome (n = 139) from 1990 to 1999 among residents of metropolitan Atlanta from a population-based registry of birth defects, the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program (MACDP). Only diagnoses of full trisomy 21 were included. Denominator information on live births was derived from State of Georgia birth certificate data. We compared the prevalence of Down syndrome by calendar period (1990-1993, 1994-1999), maternal age (<35 years, 35+ years), and race/ethnicity (White, Black, other), using chi-square and Fisher's exact tests. RESULTS: During the period when case ascertainment was based only on hospitals (1990-1993), the prevalence of Down syndrome was 8.4 per 10,000 live births when pregnancy terminations were excluded and 8.8 per 10,000 when terminations were included. When case ascertainment also included perinatal offices (1994-1999), the prevalence of Down syndrome was 10.1 per 10,000 when terminations were excluded and 15.3 when terminations were included. During 1990-1993, the prevalence of Down syndrome was 24.7 per 10,000 among offspring to women 35+ years of age compared to 6.8 per 10,000 among offspring to women <35 years of age (rate ratio [RR] = 3.65, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.53-5.28). During 1994-1999, the prevalence of Down syndrome was 55.3 per 10,000 among offspring to women 35+ years compared to 8.5 per 10,000 among offspring to women <35 years (RR = 6.55, 95% CI = 5.36-7.99). There was no statistically significant variation in the prevalence of Down syndrome by race/ethnicity within maternal age and period of birth strata. During 1994-1999, the proportion of cases that were electively terminated was greater for women 35+ years compared to women <35 years (RR = 5.10, 95% CI = 3.14-8.28), and lower for Blacks compared to Whites among women 35+ years of age (RR = 0.33, 95% CI = 0.16-0.66). CONCLUSIONS: In recent years, perinatal offices have become an important source of cases of Down syndrome for MACDP, contributing at least 34% of cases among pregnancies in women 35+ years of age. Variation in the prevalence of Down syndrome by race/ethnicity, before or after inclusion of cases ascertained from perinatal offices, was not statistically significant. Among Down syndrome pregnancies in mothers 35+ years we found a lower proportion of elective termination among Black women compared to White women. We suggest that future reports on the prevalence of Down syndrome by race/ethnicity take into account possible variations in the frequency of prenatal diagnosis or elective termination by race/ethnicity.  相似文献   

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