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Gillian M. Puttick 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):158-167
Puttick, G. M. 1978. The diet of the Curlew Sandpiper at Langebaan Lagoon, South Africa. Ostrich 49:158-167.

Nereid worms (mainly Ceratonereis erythraensis) and the hydrobiid gastropod Assiminea globulus were the most important prey items throughout the year for Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea feeding at Langebaan Lagoon. Other important items were the amphipod Urothoe grimaldi, the crabs Hymenosoma orbiculare and Cleistostoma edwardsii and dipteran larvae (Stratiomyidae). Immature Curlew Sandpipers took smaller prey items than adult birds. The diet of male and female birds differed in the proportion, sue and range of prey items taken.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in the diet of the great cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis, were studied in four Greek wintering areas, the Amvrakikos Gulf, the Axios and Evros Deltas and the Messolonghi Lagoon, through the analysis of stomach contents. Great cormorants are birds sexually dimorphic in size, with males being generally larger than females. Although similar prey species were found in the stomachs of both sexes in all the studied areas, significant differences were observed with respect to the proportion of species taken. Male birds ate higher proportions of large fish species such as grey mullets, European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, and Prussian carp, Carassius gibelio, while female birds took higher proportions of smaller species such as big-scale sand smelt, Atherina boyeri, and black goby, Gobius niger. As a consequence, male great cormorants were found to feed on significantly larger prey than did females by means of fish standard length and body mass. There was no significant difference between the sexes in the mass of food found in stomachs.  相似文献   

During a 6-year field study on the game farm ‘Benfontein’ in the central Republic of South Africa 1725 prey items were observed consumed by 17 free-ranging habituated black-footed catsFelis nigripes Burchell, 1824. Average prey size was 24.1 g. Eight males fed on significantly larger prey (27.9 g) than 9 females (20.8 g). Fifty-four prey species were classified by their average mass into 8 different size classes, 3 for mammals, 3 for birds, 1 for amphibians/reptiles, and 1 for invertebrates. Small mammals (5–40 g) constituted the most important prey class (39%) of total prey biomass followed by larger mammals (>100 g; 17%) and small birds (<40 g; 16%). Mammals and birds pooled comprised 72% and 26% of total prey biomass, respectively, whereas invertebrates and amphibians/reptiles combined constituted just 2% of total prey mass consumed. Three seasons of 4-months duration were recognized. Heterotherm prey items were unavailable during winter, when larger birds and mammals (> 100 g) were mainly consumed. Small rodents like the large-eared mouseMalacothrix typica, captured 595 times by both sexes, were particularly important during the reproductive season for females with kittens. Male black-footed cats showed less variation between prey size classes consumed among climatic seasons. This sex-specific difference in prey size consumption may help to reduce intra-specific competition.  相似文献   

The hawk owl genus Ninox is unique among raptorial birds in that it includes three species in which males are substantially larger than females. This is a reversal of the normal pattern observed in both diurnal and nocturnal raptorial birds in which females are larger. Interestingly, these three Ninox species also are both the largest of the 22 species in the genus and the only species that exhibit the striking behaviour of ‘prey holding’ in which large (> 600 g) mammalian or avian prey is captured at night and held with body parts intact, and draped below a roost for the entire day without being consumed. Because explanations of the evolution of large male size suggest that it results from competition among males, the adaptive significance of prey holding was studied in a wild population of powerful owl Ninox strenua. Prey holding is largely confined to breeding males and its occurrence varies significantly across the breeding cycle, being most frequent during incubation and brooding. The study did not clearly resolve whether prey holding is a form of food storage or territorial display; however, both functions can select for large male body size and therefore play a significant role in the evolution of nonreversed size dimorphism. Although female‐only incubation and brooding is typical of Ninox owls and other owl species, prey holding appears to occur only in the large Ninox species because of the unique combination of large body size, large prey size, separate sex roles, and obligate cavity nesting. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 284–292.  相似文献   

Especially in birds, it is widely found that the size of individual prey items follows the size of the instruments of prey capture, handling and processing, i.e. bill size. In fact, this is the natural history basis of major discoveries on adaptive evolution in the face of changing food resources. In some birds, e.g. the molluscivore shorebirds ingesting hard‐shelled prey, most of the prey processing takes place within the digestive tract. This study of a salvaged sample of actively feeding great knots Calidris tenuirostris accidentally drowned in fishing nets in northern China, is the first documentation of diet selection at the level of the individual in previously well‐studied molluscivore shorebirds. Diet composition was not associated with the length of the bill, but with the mass of the muscular gizzard. Gizzard mass, which unlike bill length is a phenotypically flexible trait, enables great knots to adjust to changing food resources as an individual, i.e. instantly responding to the food on offer. For migratory species like great knots which rely on seasonal sequences of interdistant feeding areas offering prey with a variety of characteristics, the capacity to individually adjust appears a key adaptation.  相似文献   

Guy Beauchamp 《Oecologia》2009,161(3):651-655
Despite its fundamental relevance to many ecological processes in predator–prey relationships, the functional response, which relates predator intake rate to prey density, remains difficult to document in the field. Here, I document the functional response of semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) foraging on a burrowing amphipod Corophium volutator during three field seasons at the peak of fall migration in the upper Bay of Fundy (New Brunswick, Canada). I gathered data during the ebbing tide when all sandpipers are highly motivated to feed after a lengthy hide-tide fast. As birds follow the receding tideline, foragers encounter prey at different densities and do not aggregate in the richest food patches. Results show that intake rate increased at a decreasing rate with Corophium density, yielding a type II functional response typical of many shorebird species. Intake rate decreased in the later stages of migration stopover at a time where preferred prey items have been shown to occur at lower densities due to prior depletion. At this period of lower prey availability, intake rate also decreased with sandpiper density providing evidence for interference at low prey density. The results illustrate the fact that the functional response may not be unique but instead vary as a function of the type of competitive relationship among foragers.  相似文献   

Several species of kingfisher occur on Lake Nokoué, southern Bénin, including Malachite (Alcedo cristata) and Pied Kingfishers (Ceryle rudis). Here, we compare their diet and estimate the degree of overlap in food niche by analysing contents of regurgitated pellets collected near nesting sites of Pied Kingfishers or inside the nest chambers of Malachite Kingfishers. Characteristic fish skull bones were identified using a reference collection of local fish skeletons. Malachite Kingfishers feed most frequently on fish that occur around floating vegetation, mainly Kribia sp. (56%), Hemichromis fasciatus (28%) and Sarotherodon melanotheron (8%). Important differences were found between different pairs, and between adults and nestlings, the latter being fed almost exclusively on Kribia sp. Larger fish are fed to nestlings than are eaten by the adults. Pied Kingfishers prey upon 14 different fish species, some of them being caught in the pelagic region of the lake, particularly clupeids taken by hovering. By comparison with Malachite Kingfishers, Pied Kingfishers feed on a wider diversity of prey, and take larger fish, so that the dietary overlap between the species is relatively low (O = 0.181).  相似文献   

Birds’ responses to human disturbance are interesting due to their similarities to anti‐predator behaviour, and understanding this behaviour has practical applications for conservation management by informing measures such as buffer zones to protect priority species. To understand better the costs of disturbance and whether it will impact on population size, studies should quantify time‐related responses as well as the more commonly reported flight initiation distance (FID). Using waders wintering on an estuarine area, we experimentally disturbed foraging birds on the Wash Embayment, UK, by walking towards them and recording their responses (FID, alert time, time spent in flight, time taken to resume feeding, and total feeding time lost). We present data for 10 species of conservation concern: Curlew Numenius arquata, Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, Bar‐tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica, Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola, Redshank Tringa totanus, Knot Calidris canutus, Turnstone Arenaria interpres, Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula, Sanderling Calidris alba and Dunlin Calidris alpina. Larger species responded more strongly, response magnitude was greater under milder environmental conditions, and responses varied over both small and large spatial scales. The energetic costs of individual responses, however, were low relative to daily requirements and disturbance events were unlikely to be frequent enough to seriously limit foraging time. We suggest, therefore, that wintering wader populations on the Wash are not currently significantly negatively impacted by human disturbance during the intertidal foraging period. This is also likely to be the case at other estuarine sites with comparable access levels, visitor patterns, invertebrate food availability and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

B. KALEJTA  P.A.R. HOCKEY 《Ibis》1994,136(2):233-239
Foraging densities of Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea and Grey Plovers Pluvialis squa-tarola at the Berg River estuary, South Africa, are examined in relation to prey and habitat attributes.
There is a substantial overlap in the prey species eaten by Curlew Sandpipers and Grey Plovers, but the distribution patterns of the two species within the estuary could not be explained by the same prey attributes.
The distribution of tactilely foraging Curlew Sandpipers was determined largely by the numerical abundance of nereid worms. They foraged preferentialiy on muddy rather than sandy substrata, but their distribution could not be explained on the basis of substratum penetrability. The density of visually foraging Grey Plovers was correlated with the biomass, rather than abundance, of the larger of the two common nereids on the estuary. The favoured foraging area of Grey Plovers had a high vegetation cover, but their foraging dispersion was not influenced by substratum type.
The energy intake rates of Curlew Sandpipers were broadly inversely related to their foraging density, although the rate of prey capture was maximal at high prey density. These birds may use neighbour success rates in selecting foraging sites. Energy intake rates of Grey Plovers were very consistent across the estuary, suggesting that individuals occupy or defend areas which provide access to comparable food resources.  相似文献   

WILLIAM J. MAHER 《Ibis》1979,121(4):437-452
The nestling diets of seven species of grassland passerines were studied from gullet samples collected in 1969–1971 at Matador, Saskatchewan, Canada. Relative population densities on census plots on grazed and ungrazed prairie showed that Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris, McCown's Longspur Calcarius mccownii and Chestnut-collared Longspur C. ornatus preferred grazed areas and Sprague's Pipit Anthus spragueii, Western Meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta, Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis and Baird's Sparrow Ammodramus bairdii preferred ungrazed prairie. Fifteen invertebrate ordinal taxa, and seeds were represented to an important extent in combined gullet contents; but two taxa, Lepidoptera (77% larvae) and grasshoppers (all Acrididae), comprised the bulk of nestling diets. Four grasshopper species contributed 70–100% of grasshoppers eaten in June-August. Overlap at the family level was also high in several other important prey. Comparison with invertebrate populations of ungrazed prairie showed that the birds ignored some abundant taxa of very small invertebrates, and apparently preferred the two least abundant groups which offered large individual prey items. Average nestling food overlap indices for the season among all species except Savannah Sparrow and Baird's Sparrow, based on taxonomic composition, was 0.85. Overlap was moderate in May and June and became very high in July and August. The number of nestlings reached a peak in June and early July when nestling food overlap was much lower than later in the season. Horned Larks avoid competition by nesting earlier than do the other species, while McCown's Longspur, which depends on grasshoppers for nestling food more than do the other species, tends to breed later in the season than the other species. Finally, data suggest that nestling food may be superabundant.  相似文献   

Low Foraging Success of Semipalmated Sandpipers at the Edges of Groups   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Variation in foraging success in relation to spatial position in a group is little known in species that feed on mobile prey that can hide or flee upon disturbance by foragers. I examined the foraging success of individuals located either at the edge or at the centre of flocks of semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) feeding on a burrowing amphipod (Corophium volutator) during migration stopover in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. The rates of pecking, prey capture and success were lower for individuals foraging at the edge than at the centre of flocks. Edge birds spent more time running and more time flying than centre birds. Edge birds moved away from the centre of the flock and made frequent short flights towards the centre. In contrast, centre birds rarely moved in a specific direction and flew mostly to relocate elsewhere with the whole flock. Sandpiper flocks foraged over a large area in a relatively short amount of time. In addition, amphipod density is high in this habitat. It thus appears unlikely that prey depletion or low food availability at the edges of groups could explain the spatial variation in foraging success. Low foraging success at the edges of flocks thus arose mainly because of time costs related to flock expansion and retraction. The effect of mutual interference among foragers and of predation risk by falcons is discussed with respect to flock expansion and retraction.  相似文献   

1. Protozoans are important consumers within microbial food webs and, in turn, they represent potential prey for small metazoans. However, feeding interactions within these food webs are rarely characterised and this is especially true for freshwater sediments. 2. We aimed to quantify the feeding links between a freshwater meiofaunal copepod and ciliates in two laboratory experiments. The first experiment addressed the response of Eucyclops serrulatus towards ciliate density and type (two ciliate species of the same genus differing in terms of body size). A second experiment assessed the effect of habitat structure on feeding rates by introducing different structural complexity into the feeding arena. In contrast to the first experiment, which was run only for one time period, this experiment also tested three different total feeding times (4, 7 and 9 h). 3. Eucyclops serrulatus exhibited high ingestion rates, with 3–69 ciliates copepod?1 h?1 consumed depending on food concentration, food type and habitat complexity. Copepods exhibited a preference for the smaller ciliate when total ciliate concentration was low, but selected both ciliates equally when food concentrations were medium or high. However, at very high food concentration, Eucyclops preferred the larger ciliate (which was 1/3 of its own body size), suggesting that the longer handling times of the larger prey are rewarding when the large prey is present in high numbers. In terms of total numbers consumed, copepods fed on more small ciliates, but in terms of carbon units both ciliates were selected equally when total prey concentration was low or medium. However, copepods derived more carbon from the larger prey at high and very high prey concentrations (up to 0.7 μgC out of a maximum of 1.1 μgC copepod?1 h?1). Habitat complexity influenced the feeding of copepods when it was observed over time. 4. The copepod–ciliate link is well known from the pelagic zone of both marine and freshwater habitats. We have shown its potential importance within the benthos, where it can be influenced by food identity, food quantity and possibly by habitat complexity.  相似文献   

Samples of the stomach contents of Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica) were obtained on board ship in the Prydz Bay region of Antarctica from birds which had spontaneously regurgitated. The weight of food and the species composition of the stomach contents were measured. Antarctic krill,Euphausia superba, the sole prey item taken, were compared to krill obtained by nets in the same region as part of a large-scale krill survey. Krill from petrel stomach samples were larger in mean size than those sampled by nets. This may be attributed to selection of the larger sized krill by the petrels, it may be caused by the nets sampling different populations of krill or it may be due to net avoidance by the larger krill.  相似文献   

We examined the diet of an endangered frog, Rana porosa brevipoda inhabiting rice fields of western Japan, by forced regurgitation of stomach contents. The frog diet consisted of a wide variety of arthropods, and ants, beetles, dipterans, bugs, orthopterans, and spiders, which were especially prominent. These prey taxa were also collected in large numbers by sweep-net samplings made in the frog habitat, and relative abundances of prey taxa in frog diet and those in sweep samples were found to be significantly correlated. Aquatic forms did not contribute much to the frog diet, but were found to be taken more frequently and in larger numbers in irrigated fields than in drained fields. These findings suggest that prey availability around frog habitat is very important to regulate the food items of R. p. brevipoda. On the other hand, terrestrial components of frog habitats are indicated to be important because the frog highly depended on terrestrial invertebrates. From these results, we consider it imperative to preserve terrestrial components linked with aquatic environments to conserve biodiversity in rice field ecosystems.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Nentwig 《Oecologia》1990,82(4):446-449
Summary The maximum body length of the phasmid Carausius morosus which the ctenid spider Cupiennius salei can overwhelm is 2–3x larger than the length of crickets. Eight phasmid species were offered to Cupiennius salei in feeding tests. Among them, Carausius morosus was raised on 4 different food plants. All species of prey items were accepted by the spider predator very readily (>80%). This indicates that phasmids are a highly palatable prey group for spiders. The possible importance of chemical defence and its obvious lack under laboratory conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Most hypotheses attempting to explain the evolution of pronounced sexual dimorphism in body size in the three species of weasels (Mustela erminea, M. frenata, M. nivalis) assume that sexual dimorphism is a long-term adaptation, associated with the different reproductive strategies of the two sexes. We here examine an auxiliary hypothesis which predicts that the degree of sexual dimorphism may also vary over the short-term, because when food is temporarily abundant, sexual selection should favour a greater growth rate of males than of females. This hypothesis concerns a phenotypic response which could introduce temporarily increased variation into an existing genotypic trait. We document the present size and sexual dimorphism of stoats introduced last century to New Zealand from Britain in relation to between-year variation in food supply in a single habitat (forests of southern beech, Nothofagus sp.). Southern beech trees produce heavy crops of flowers and seed at 3–5 year intervals, which are associated with very variable supplies of important prey of stoats, including several species of seed-eating birds, litter-feeding insects, and feral house mice (Mus musculus). Alternative prey are scarce. Regressions of condylobasal length and head-body length on mouse population indices were significant in both sexes. Mean condylobasal length was larger in both male and female stoats born after a heavy seedfall compared with those born in non-seedfall years. However, the largest males born in years of heavy seedfall were removed by selective mortality before the age of 3 years, so the condylobasal lengths for old (≥ 3.0 yr) males converged on a common mean regardless of food supply in their birth year. Sexual dimorphism did not vary with food supplies (as reflected in seedfall records or mouse population indices) at any age. First-year survivorship, at least from the age of independence, was significantly negatively correlated with density of stoats in the summer of their birth year.  相似文献   

Will Cresswell 《Ibis》1996,138(4):684-692
Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus, Peregrines Falco peregrinus and Merlins Falco columbarius were studied hunting Redshanks Tringa totanus, Dunlins Calidris alpina and Skylarks Alauda arvensis over three winters on a small Scottish estuary. Most Sparrowhawk and Merlin hunts consisted of a single attack (mean = 1.0 and 1.1, respectively), whereas Peregrine hunts often consisted of several attacks (mean = 1.8). Most hunts were short (<1 min), but Peregrine and Merlin hunts occasionally lasted over 5 min. In general, all three raptor species attacked by surprise, although Peregrines were more likely to make nonsurprise attacks. Prey attacked were usually initially very close to the raptor (<100 m); Peregrines attacked prey most often at long distances (>500 m). Chase lengths were mostly <5 second in length, although Peregrines, and particularly Merlins hunting Skylarks, often chased for several minutes. Peregrines attacked most prey in flight from flight, while Merlins and Sparrowhawks attacked birds on the ground with a flight from a perch. All three raptor species preferentially attacked larger Dunlin flocks, but Peregrines also favoured single birds. Capture rates of Redshanks and Dunlins were similar for the three raptor species (C. 10%), but for Skylarks, capture rate by Merlins was much higher (12%) than by Sparrowhawks (3%) or Peregrines (0%). Capture rates were highest when raptors attacked by surprise, particularly for a Peregrine hunting in the first minute of arrival on the study site if no Peregrines had been hunting there for the previous hour (16% success for the first minute compared with 2% in subsequent minutes). Sparrowhawks were more successful when attacking small rather than large Dunlin flocks. The use of short surprise attacks interspersed with long periods of inactivity was common to the three raptor species and was interpreted as a strategy to minimize the amount of energy and risk involved in hunting during the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

R. G. ARKELL 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):179-183
Feare, Christopher J. 1981. Breeding schedules and feeding strategies of Seychelles sea-birds. Ostrich 52:179–185.

A comparison of the breeding schedules of Seychelles seabirds with their feeding strategies showed no relation between synchronous breeding and the ranges over which the birds forage, but there was a relation with flock feeding. Flock feeding birds are largely dependent upon schools of predatory fishes that drive prey species to the surface, and food is thus localized and transient. Synchronous colonial breeding probably helps individuals to locate these localized food sources, but species that are dependent mainly on dispersed prey would derive no benefit from synchrony, and they do, in fact, breed throughout the year.

Within shoals of prey, food is probably superabundant, but feeding space may be limiting. The dark backs of flock feeding birds render them inconspicuous to foraging birds (conspecifics and other species), thereby tending to reduce competition for space within the feeding flocks. The white plumage of species that feed on dispersed prey appears to act as a spacing out mechanism, reducing interference between feeding birds.  相似文献   

The cranio‐mandibular complex is an important structure involved in food capture and processing. Its morphology is related to the nature of the food item. Jaw muscles enable the motion of this complex and their study is essential for functional and evolutionary analysis. The present study compares available behavioral and dietary data obtained from the literature with novel results from functional morphological analyses of the cranio‐mandibular complex of the Guira cuckoo (Guira guira) to understand its relationship with the zoophagous trophic habit of this species. The bite force was estimated based on muscle dissections, measurements of the physiological cross‐sectional area, and biomechanical modeling of the skull. The results were compared with the available functional morphological data for other birds. The standardized bite force of G. guira is higher than predicted for exclusively zoophagous birds, but lower than for granivorous and/or omnivorous birds. Guira guira possesses the generalized jaw muscular system of neognathous birds, but some features can be related to its trophic habit. The external adductor muscles act mainly during food item processing and multiple aspects of this muscle group are interpreted to increase bite force, that is, their high values of muscle mass, their mechanical advantage (MA), and their perpendicular orientation when the beak is closed. The m. depressor mandibulae and the m. pterygoideus dorsalis et ventralis are interpreted to prioritize speed of action (low MA values), being most important during prey capture. The supposed ecological significance of these traits is the potential to widen the range of prey size that can be processed and the possibility of rapidly capturing agile prey through changes in the leverage of the muscles involved in opening and closing of the bill. This contributes to the trophic versatility of the species and its ability to thrive in different habitats, including urban areas.  相似文献   

The ongoing climate change has improved our understanding of how climate affects the reproduction of animals. However, the interaction between food availability and climate on breeding has rarely been examined. While it has been shown that breeding of boreal birds of prey is first and foremost determined by prey abundance, little information exists on how climatic conditions influence this relationship. We studied the joint effects of main prey abundance and ambient weather on timing of breeding and reproductive success of two smaller (pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum and Tengmalm’s owl Aegolius funereus) and two larger (tawny owl Strix aluco and Ural owl Strix uralensis) avian predator species using long-term nation-wide datasets during 1973–2004. We found no temporal trend either in vole abundance or in hatching date and brood size of any studied owl species. In the larger species, increasing late winter or early spring temperature advanced breeding at least as much as did high autumn abundance of prey (voles). Furthermore, increasing snow depth delayed breeding of the largest species (Ural owl), presumably by reducing the availability of voles. Brood size was strongly determined by spring vole abundance in all four owl species. These results show that climate directly affects the breeding performance of vole-eating boreal avian predators much more than previously thought. According to earlier studies, small-sized species should advance their breeding more than larger species in response to increasing temperature. However, we found an opposite pattern, with larger species being more sensitive to temperature. We argue that this pattern is caused by a difference in the breeding tactics of larger mostly capital breeding and smaller mostly income breeding owl species.  相似文献   

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