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In a primary monolayer cell culture of the anterior pituitary from mature male rats the effects of exogenous rPrl (rPrl exog.) and endogenously secreted rPrl (rPrl endog.) on basal and LHRH stimulated LH secretion were investigated. In pilot studies basal Prl- and LH secretion as well as influence of various LHRH concentrations (10(-1)-10(+3) ng/ml) on Prl- and LH release were observed. The influence of exogenous rPrl was studied at various concentrations (50-500 ng/ml) and with preincubation periods of 2 hrs and 6 hrs before starting LHRH stimulation. The dopamine agonist bromocriptine and the dopamine antagonist sulpirid were preferentially used to prove physiologic function of the cell system presented. Basal LH secretion started after a delay of 3 hrs, whereas basal Prl secretion began immediately showing a linear rise for 9 hrs. LHRH stimulation resulted in a non-linear dose and time dependent LH secretion. LHRH showed no influence on endogenous Prl (rPrl endog.) secretion of the mammotroph cells. Exogenous Prl (rPrl exog.) did not affect spontaneous Prl release excluding ultra short loop inhibition in this cell system. Furthermore, exogenous Prl had no effect on either basal or LHRH stimulated LH secretion even after a preincubation period of up to 6 hrs and at concentrations generally observed for prolactin secreting tumors. Bromocriptine suppressed endogenous Prl release and did not affect LH secretion. Sulpirid had no influence on either Prl or LH secretion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gene activation in early development is highly dependent on precise concentrations of trans-acting factors for the activation of different genes at differing points in the embryo. Thus, not only is the presence or absence of a particular trans-activator or repressor relevant in determining gene activation, but also the concentration of the regulatory protein must be above or below a certain threshold for proper gene regulation. Signaling pathways in somatic cells are thought to represent cascades of on/off switches, mediated most commonly by phosphorylation. Here we demonstrate a quantitative mechanism for regulating the level of a component of the IFN-gamma signaling pathway that in effect represents the differential sensitivities of STAT1, IFN-regulatory factor-1, and class II trans-activator (CIITA) to IFN-gamma. Unlike developmental gene regulation, in which specificity of gene activation is a function of regulatory protein concentrations, specificity of gene activation in the IFN-gamma signaling pathway is regulated by the duration of the activation of the primary IFN-gamma-regulatory protein, STAT1. This result most likely explains previously reported data indicating that a minimum amount of IFN-gamma is required for MHC class II gene activation despite the fact that the level of the IFN-gamma-inducible factor directly required for MHC class II induction, CIITA, directly correlates with the level of MHC class II expression. The induction of a high level of CIITA is dependent on sustained IFN-gamma signaling. The possible implications of this result for tumorigenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene expression has been studied in an Abelson virus-transformed pre-B cell line R8, and its Ia-negative variant R8205. These variant cells contained barely detectable levels of RNA specific for all class II genes, including the nonpolymorphic invariant chain gene (Ii), and did not express cell surface Ia. Fusion of this murine Ia-negative cell line to the human Ia-positive Raji cell produced an interspecies hybridoma that expressed the murine Ia. These data are further evidence for the existence of trans-acting factors that can regulate class II gene expression. Furthermore, the T cell-derived lymphokine B cell stimulatory factor 1 (BSF-1) induced expression of class II genes in the R8205 cells. Exposure of R8205 cells to an antibody that has been shown to mimic BSF-1 activity on normal B cells also resulted in expression of class II genes. These data demonstrate that three distinct signals--a lymphokine, an alloantibody binding to membrane structures, and an interspecies trans-acting factor--can induce expression of class II genes.  相似文献   

MHC class II molecules are pivotal for the adaptive immune system, because they guide the development and activation of CD4+ T helper cells. Fulfilling these functions requires that the genes encoding MHC class II molecules are transcribed according to a strict cell-type-specific and quantitatively modulated pattern. This complex gene-expression profile is controlled almost exclusively by a single master regulatory factor, which is known as the class II transactivator. As we discuss here, differential activation of the three independent promoters that drive expression of the gene encoding the class II transactivator ultimately determines the exquisitely regulated pattern of MHC class II gene expression.  相似文献   

Cell surface expression of MHC I molecules depends on the chaperone tapasin; how tapasin functions is not fully understood. We created three fluorescent tapasin constructs: wild-type tapasin, soluble tapasin, which does not interact with TAP, and N300 tapasin, which does not interact with MHC I. In contrast to earlier reports, all three constructs localize to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), though soluble tapasin is more mobile than wild type and N300. Soluble tapasin does not increase MHC I surface levels to the same extent as wild type, which suggests that proximity to TAP is necessary for full tapasin function. N300 acts as a dominant-negative perhaps by blocking wild-type tapasin access to TAP. None of the constructs affects MHC I stability at the cell surface, although stability of ER resident MHC I is decreased in tapasin-negative cells. We propose that tapasin acts primarily to increase efficiency of assembly of MHC I within the ER.  相似文献   

Local inflammation induces increased expression of MHC and other genes in the affected tissue because of the paracrine effects of cytokines such as IFN-gamma. We previously reported that one such process--local allograft rejection--was accompanied by increased expression of MHC in a remote tissue, namely kidney. To explore how local inflammation affects gene expression in remote tissues, we studied MHC, beta 2-microglobulin, and IFN-gamma expression in mice undergoing either of two T cell-dependent localized inflammatory processes: rejection of an ascites tumor allograft, and skin sensitization by oxazalone. As assessed by binding of radiolabeled mAb and by immunohistology, each stimulus increased MHC expression in many remote tissues, including liver, heart, pancreas, and kidney. This was associated with increases in steady state mRNA for class I, class II, and beta 2-microglobulin. MHC induction was inhibited by the in vivo administration of cyclosporine or anti-IFN-gamma mAb and did not occur in nude mice, confirming the key role of IFN-gamma released from T cells. When we examined tissues of mice with these localized inflammatory lesions for IFN-gamma mRNA levels by polymerase chain reaction, we found that IFN-gamma steady state mRNA levels were increased in the spleen and, more surprisingly, in the kidney, and in uninvolved skin. Moreover, anti-IFN-gamma inhibited the induction of IFN-gamma mRNA in the kidney, suggesting that IFN-gamma expression was induced by IFN-gamma in an autoregulatory fashion. Thus the systemic MHC induction accompanying local T cell-mediated inflammation reflects the release of IFN-gamma from the site of inflammation, but may be amplified by the ability of IFN-gamma to induce its own expression in remote tissues. This self-amplification of IFN-gamma may contribute to the ability of local inflammation to induce extensive systemic effects.  相似文献   

Modulation of gene expression by the MHC class II transactivator   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The class II transactivator (CIITA) is a master regulator of MHC class II expression. CIITA also modulates the expression of MHC class I genes, suggesting that it may have a more global role in gene expression. To determine whether CIITA regulates genes other than the MHC class II and I family, DNA microarray analysis was used to compare the expression profiles of the CIITA expressing B cell line Raji and its CIITA-negative counterpart RJ2.2.5. The comparison identified a wide variety of genes whose expression was modulated by CIITA. Real time RT-PCR from Raji, RJ2.2.5, an RJ2.2.5 cell line complemented with CIITA, was performed to confirm the results and to further identify CIITA-regulated genes. CIITA-regulated genes were found to have diverse functions, which could impact Ag processing, signaling, and proliferation. Of note was the identification of a set of genes localized to chromosome 1p34-35. The global modulation of genes in a local region suggests that this region may share some regulatory control with the MHC.  相似文献   

PHA-activated lymphocyte supernatants and high doses of affinity-purified human gamma-interferon enhance the expression of apparently normal Class I histocompatibility antigens in a malignant human trophoblast cell line that expresses low amounts of these antigens under normal culture conditions. Another human choriocarcinoma cell line, Jar, which is normally HLA-, did not respond to this treatment. This system provides a model in which to study further the regulation and effects of MHC antigen expression in cells of trophoblastic origin.  相似文献   



The expression of major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) antigens in both mouse and human tumors is rare, and these antigens are not easily inducible by IFN-gamma (IFNg). Since MHCII may play an important role in the development of host antitumor immune response, we explored the possibility of restoring MHCII inducibility in several IFNg-resistant tumor cell lines using protein kinase C (PKC) agonists phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or Bryostatin.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II (MHCII) is constitutively expressed by immature dendritic cells (DC), but has a short half-life as a consequence of its transport to and degradation in lysosomes. For its transfer to lysosomes, MHCII is actively sorted to the intraluminal vesicles (ILV) of multivesicular bodies (MVB), a process driven by its ubiquitination. ILV have, besides their role as an intermediate compartment in lysosomal transfer, also been proposed to function as a site for MHCII antigen loading and temporal storage. In that scenario, DC would recruit antigen-loaded MHCII to the cell surface in response to a maturation stimulus by allowing ILV to fuse back with the MVB delimiting membrane. Other studies, however, explained the increase in cell surface expression during DC maturation by transient upregulation of MHCII synthesis and reduced sorting of newly synthesized MHCII to lysosomes. Here, we have characterized the relative contributions from the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways and found that the vast majority of antigen-loaded MHCII that is stably expressed at the plasma membrane by mature DC is synthesized after exposure to inflammatory stimuli. Pre-existing endosomal MHCII contributed only when it was not yet sorted to ILV at the moment of DC activation. Together with previous records, our current data are consistent with a model in which passage of MHCII through ILV is not required for antigen loading in maturing DC and in which sorting to ILV in immature DC provides a one-way ticket for lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

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