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Cnudde SE  Prorok M  Castellino FJ  Geiger JH 《Biochemistry》2006,45(37):11052-11060
The crystal structure of the human Pg-derived angiogenesis inhibitor, angiostatin, complexed to VEK-30, a peptide from the group A streptococcal surface protein, PAM, was determined and refined to 2.3 A resolution. This is the first structure of angiostatin bound to a ligand and provides a model of the interaction between Pg and streptococcal-derived pathogenic proteins. VEK-30 contains a "through-space isostere" for C-terminal lysine, wherein Arg and Glu side chains, separated by one helical turn, bind within the bipolar angiostatin kringle 2 (K2) domain lysine-binding site. VEK-30 also makes several contacts with K2 residues that exist outside of the canonical LBS and are not conserved among the other Pg kringles, thus providing a molecular basis for the selectivity of VEK-30 for K2. The structure also shows that Pg kringle domains undergo significant structural rearrangement relative to one another and reveals dimerization between two molecules of angiostatin and VEK-30 related by crystallographic symmetry. This dimerization, which exists only in the crystal structure, is consistent with the parallel coiled-coil full-length PAM dimer expected from sequence similarities and homology modeling.  相似文献   

L-aspartyl and L-asparaginyl residues in proteins spontaneously undergo intra-residue rearrangements forming isoaspartyl/beta-aspartyl residues linked through their side-chain beta-carboxyl group with the following amino acid. In order to avoid accumulation of isoaspartyl dipeptides left over from protein degradation, some bacteria have developed specialized isoaspartyl/beta-aspartyl zinc dipeptidases sequentially unrelated to other peptidases, which also poorly degrade alpha-aspartyl dipeptides. We have expressed and crystallized the 390 amino acid residue isoaspartyl dipeptidase (IadA) from E.coli, and have determined its crystal structure in the absence and presence of the phosphinic inhibitor Asp-Psi[PO(2)CH(2)]-LeuOH. This structure reveals an octameric particle of 422 symmetry, with each polypeptide chain organized in a (alphabeta)(8) TIM-like barrel catalytic domain attached to a U-shaped beta-sandwich domain. At the C termini of the beta-strands of the beta-barrel, the two catalytic zinc ions are surrounded by four His, a bridging carbamylated Lys and an Asp residue, which seems to act as a proton shuttle. A large beta-hairpin loop protruding from the (alphabeta)(8) barrel is disordered in the free peptidase, but forms a flap that stoppers the barrel entrance to the active center upon binding of the dipeptide mimic. This isoaspartyl dipeptidase shows strong topological homology with the alpha-subunit of the binickel-containing ureases, the dinuclear zinc dihydroorotases, hydantoinases and phosphotriesterases, and the mononuclear adenosine and cytosine deaminases, which all are catalyzing hydrolytic reactions at carbon or phosphorous centers. Thus, nature has adapted an existing fold with catalytic tools suitable for hydrolysis of amide bonds to the binding requirements of a peptidase.  相似文献   

The determination of the bound solution conformation of D-gluco-dihydroacarbose (GAC), a tight-binding inhibitor of several glycosidase and amylase enzymes, by glucoamylase is described. Transferred NOE NMR experiments and line-broadening effects indicate that GAC is bound in a conformation resembling that observed in the crystal structure. This contrasts with the predominant conformation of GAC when free in solution. The NMR results also suggest regions on the carbohydrate that are in close contact with the protein. The determination of the bound solution conformation of GAC by glucoamylase using transferred NOE (trNOE) measurements is a significant achievement given the high affinity constant (Ka = 3 x 10(7) M(-1)) for this receptor-ligand pair. It is striking that the off-rate for complexation is still sufficiently high to permit observation of trNOEs.  相似文献   

Human cyclophilin A (165 residues) has peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity. Here we report a high-resolution three-dimensional X-ray structure of a substrate, ac-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala-amc (ac. acetyl: amc. amidomethylcoumarin) bound to the active-site of cyclophilin. The structure consisting of a dimer of complexes and 135 water molecules was refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 17.7% for all data in the range 8 Å-2.3 Å.  相似文献   

The group IV pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent decarboxylases belong to the beta/alpha barrel structural family, and include enzymes with substrate specificity for a range of basic amino acids. A unique homolog of this family, the Paramecium bursaria Chlorella virus arginine decarboxylase (cvADC), shares about 40% amino acid sequence identity with the eukaryotic ornithine decarboxylases (ODCs). The X-ray structure of cvADC has been solved to 1.95 and 1.8 A resolution for the free and agmatine (product)-bound enzymes. The global structural differences between cvADC and eukaryotic ODC are minimal (rmsd of 1.2-1.4 A); however, the active site has significant structural rearrangements. The key "specificity element," is identified as the 310-helix that contains and positions substrate-binding residues such as E296 cvADC (D332 in T. brucei ODC). In comparison to the ODC structures, the 310-helix in cvADC is shifted over 2 A away from the PLP cofactor, thus accommodating the larger arginine substrate. Within the context of this conserved fold, the protein is designed to be flexible in the positioning and amino acid sequence of the 310-helix, providing a mechanism to evolve different substrate preferences within the family without large structural rearrangements. Also, in the structure, the "K148-loop" (homologous to the "K169-loop" of ODC) is observed in a closed, substrate-bound conformation for the first time. Apparently the K148 loop is a mobile loop, analogous to those observed in triose phosphate isomerase and tryptophan synthetase. In conjunction with prior structural studies these data predict that this loop adopts different conformations throughout the catalytic cycle, and that loop movement may be kinetically linked to the rate-limiting step of product release.  相似文献   



Pyrimidine-preferring N-ribohydrolases (CU-NHs) are a class of Ca2+-dependent enzymes that catalyze the hydrolytic cleavage of the N-glycosidic bond in pyrimidine nucleosides. With the exception of few selected organisms, their physiological relevance in prokaryotes and eukaryotes is yet under investigation.  相似文献   

Human kallikreins are serine proteases that comprise a recently identified large and closely related 15-member family. The kallikreins include both regulatory- and degradative-type proteases, impacting a variety of physiological processes including regulation of blood pressure, neuronal health, and the inflammatory response. While the function of the majority of the kallikreins remains to be elucidated, two members are useful biomarkers for prostate cancer and several others are potentially useful biomarkers for breast cancer, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease. Human tissue kallikrein (human K1) is the best functionally characterized member of this family, and is known to play an important role in blood pressure regulation. As part of this function, human K1 exhibits unique dual-substrate specificity in hydrolyzing low molecular weight kininogen between both Arg-Ser and Met-Lys sequences. We report the X-ray crystal structure of mature, active recombinant human apo K1 at 1.70 A resolution. The active site exhibits structural features intermediate between that of apo and pro forms of known kallikrein structures. The S2 to S2' pockets demonstrate a variety of conformational changes in comparison to the porcine homolog of K1 in complex with peptide inhibitors, including the displacement of an extensive solvent network. These results indicate that the binding of a peptide substrate contributes to a structural rearrangement of the active-site Ser 195 resulting in a catalytically competent juxtaposition with the active-site His 57. The solvent networks within the S1 and S1' pockets suggest how the Arg-Ser and Met-Lys dual substrate specificity of human K1 is accommodated.  相似文献   

Integrins are cell surface receptors that transduce signals bidirectionally across the plasma membrane. The key event of integrin signaling is the allosteric regulation between its ligand-binding site and the C-terminal helix (alpha7) of integrin's inserted (I) domain. A significant axial movement of the alpha7 helix is associated with the open, active conformation of integrins. We describe the crystal structure of an engineered high-affinity I domain from the integrin alpha(L)beta(2) (LFA-1) alpha subunit in complex with the N-terminal two domains of ICAM-5, an adhesion molecule expressed in telencephalic neurons. The finding that the alpha7 helix swings out and inserts into a neighboring I domain in an upside-down orientation in the crystals implies an intrinsically unusual mobility of this helix. This remarkable feature allows the alpha7 helix to trigger integrin's large-scale conformational changes with little energy penalty. It serves as a mechanistic example of how a weakly bound adhesion molecule works in signaling.  相似文献   

Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) catalyzes the hydrolytic cleavage of a carbon-carbon bond in fumarylacetoacetate to yield fumarate and acetoacetate as the final step of Phe and Tyr degradation. This unusual reaction is an essential human metabolic function, with loss of FAH activity causing the fatal metabolic disease hereditary tyrosinemia type I (HT1). An enzymatic mechanism involving a catalytic metal ion, a Glu/His catalytic dyad, and a charged oxyanion hole was previously proposed based on recently determined FAH crystal structures. Here we report the development and characterization of an FAH inhibitor, 4-(hydroxymethylphosphinoyl)-3-oxo-butanoic acid (HMPOBA), that competes with the physiological substrate with a K(i) of 85 microM. The crystal structure of FAH complexed with HMPOBA refined at 1.3-A resolution reveals the molecular basis for the competitive inhibition, supports the proposed formation of a tetrahedral alkoxy transition state intermediate during the FAH catalyzed reaction, and reveals a Mg(2+) bound in the enzyme's active site. The analysis of FAH structures corresponding to different catalytic states reveals significant active site side-chain motions that may also be related to catalytic function. Thus, these results advance the understanding of an essential catabolic reaction associated with a fatal metabolic disease and provide insight into the structure-based development of FAH inhibitors.  相似文献   

The amino-pyrazole 2,6-dichloro-N-ethyl benzamide 1 is a selective GR agonist with dexamethasone-like in vitro potency. Its X-ray crystal structure in the GR LBD (Glucocorticoid ligand-binding domain) is described and compared to other reported structures of steroidal GR agonists in the GR LBD (3E7C).  相似文献   

The solution NMR structure is reported for Ca(2+)-loaded S100B bound to a 12-residue peptide, TRTK-12, from the actin capping protein CapZ (alpha1 or alpha2 subunit, residues 265-276: TRTKIDWNKILS). This peptide was discovered by Dimlich and co-workers by screening a bacteriophage random peptide display library, and it matches exactly the consensus S100B binding sequence ((K/R)(L/I)XWXXIL). As with other S100B target proteins, a calcium-dependent conformational change in S100B is required for TRTK-12 binding. The TRTK-12 peptide is an amphipathic helix (residues W7 to S12) in the S100B-TRTK complex, and helix 4 of S100B is extended by three or four residues upon peptide binding. However, helical TRTK-12 in the S100B-peptide complex is uniquely oriented when compared to the three-dimensional structures of other S100-peptide complexes. The three-dimensional structure of the S100B-TRTK peptide complex illustrates that residues in the S100B binding consensus sequence (K4, I5, W7, I10, L11) are all involved in the S100B-peptide interface, which can explain its orientation in the S100B binding pocket and its relatively high binding affinity. A comparison of the S100B-TRTK peptide structure to the structures of apo- and Ca(2+)-bound S100B illustrates that the binding site of TRTK-12 is buried in apo-S100B, but is exposed in Ca(2+)-bound S100B as necessary to bind the TRTK-12 peptide.  相似文献   

Ricin is a potent heterodimeric cytotoxin; the B chain binds eucaryotic cell surfaces aiding uptake and the A chain, RTA, reaches the cytoplasm where it enzymatically depurinates a key ribosomal adenine, inhibiting protein synthesis. Ricin is known to be an agent in bioterrorist repertoires and there is great interest in finding, or creating, efficacious inhibitors of the toxin as potential antidotes. We have previously identified two families of bicyclic RTA inhibitors, pterins and purines. Both classes have poor solubility which impairs inhibitor development. Here we report the use of 2-amino-4,6-dihydroxy-pyrimidines as RTA inhibitors. Unlike previously observed single ring inhibitor platforms, these displace Tyr 80 and bind deep in the RTA specificity pocket. These compounds are at least 10 times more soluble than pterin-based inhibitors and appear to be useful new class of ricin inhibitors.  相似文献   

A new class of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors has been identified by screening a collection of compounds against stromelysin. The inhibitors, 2,4,6-pyrimidine triones, have proven to be potent inhibitors of gelatinases A and B. An X-ray crystal structure of one representative compound bound to the catalytic domain of stromelysin shows that the compounds bind at the active site and ligand the active-site zinc. The pyrimidine triones mimic substrates in forming hydrogen bonds to key residues in the active site, and provide opportunities for placing appropriately chosen groups into the S1' specificity pocket of MMPS: A number of compounds have been synthesized and assayed against stromelysin, and the variations in potency are explained in terms of the binding mode revealed in the X-ray crystal structure.  相似文献   

We present a general kinetic analysis of enzyme catalyzed reactions evolving according to a Michaelis-Menten mechanism, in which an uncompetitive, reversible inhibitor acts. Simultaneously, enzyme inactivation is induced by an unstable suicide substrate, i.e. it is a Michaelis-Menten mechanism with double inhibition: one originating from the substrate and another originating from the reversible inhibitor. Rapid equilibrium of the reversible reaction steps involved is assumed and the time course equations for the reaction product have been derived under the assumption of limiting enzyme. The goodness of the analytical solutions has been tested by comparison with simulated curves obtained by numerical integration. A kinetic data analysis to determine the corresponding kinetic parameters from the time progress curve of the product is suggested.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) is a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the rate-determining step in the biosynthesis of polyamines. ODC is a proven drug target to treat African sleeping sickness. The x-ray crystal structure of Trypanosoma brucei ODC in complex with d-ornithine (d-Orn), a substrate analog, and G418 (Geneticin), a weak non-competitive inhibitor, was determined to 2.5-A resolution. d-Orn forms a Schiff base with PLP, and the side chain is in a similar position to that observed for putrescine and alpha-difluoromethylornithine in previous T. brucei ODC structures. The d-Orn carboxylate is positioned on the solvent-exposed side of the active site (si face of PLP), and Gly-199, Gly-362, and His-197 are the only residues within 4.2 A of this moiety. This structure confirms predictions that the carboxylate of d-Orn binds on the si face of PLP, and it supports a model in which the carboxyl group of the substrate l-Orn would be buried on the re face of the cofactor in a pocket that includes Phe-397, Tyr-389, Lys-69 (methylene carbons), and Asp-361. Electron density for G418 was observed at the boundary between the two domains within each ODC monomer. A ten-amino acid loop region (392-401) near the 2-fold axis of the dimer interface, which contributes several residues that form the active site, is disordered in this structure. The disordering of residues in the active site provides a potential mechanism for inhibition by G418 and suggests that allosteric inhibition from this site is feasible.  相似文献   

Carboxylesterases (CXEs) are widely distributed in plants, where they have been implicated in roles that include plant defense, plant development, and secondary metabolism. We have cloned, overexpressed, purified, and crystallized a carboxylesterase from the kiwifruit species Actinidia eriantha (AeCXE1). The structure of AeCXE1 was determined by X-ray crystallography at 1.4 A resolution. The crystal structure revealed that AeCXE1 is a member of the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold superfamily, most closely related structurally to the hormone-sensitive lipase subgroup. The active site of the enzyme, located in an 11 A deep hydrophobic gorge, contains the conserved catalytic triad residues Ser169, Asp276, and His306. Kinetic analysis using artificial ester substrates showed that the enzyme can hydrolyze a range of carboxylester substrates with acyl groups ranging from C2 to C16, with a preference for butyryl moieties. This preference was supported by the discovery of a three-carbon acyl adduct bound to the active site Ser169 in the native structure. AeCXE1 was also found to be inhibited by organophosphates, with paraoxon (IC50 = 1.1 muM) a more potent inhibitor than dimethylchlorophosphate (DMCP; IC50 = 9.2 muM). The structure of AeCXE1 with paraoxon bound was determined at 2.3 A resolution and revealed that the inhibitor binds covalently to the catalytic serine residue, with virtually no change in the structure of the enzyme. The structural information for AeCXE1 provides a basis for addressing the wider functional roles of carboxylesterases in plants.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2) SH2 domain complexed with a high-affinity inhibitor containing a non-phosphorus phosphate mimetic within a macrocyclic platform was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Unambiguous assignments of the bound inhibitor and intermolecular NOEs between the Grb2 SH2 domain and the inhibitor was accomplished using perdeuterated Grb2 SH2 protein. The well-defined solution structure of the complex was obtained and compared to those by X-ray crystallography. Since the crystal structure of the Grb2 SH2 domain formed a domain-swapped dimer and several inhibitors were bound to a hinge region, there were appreciable differences between the solution and crystal structures. Based on the binding interactions between the inhibitor and the Grb2 SH2 domain in solution, we proposed a design of second-generation inhibitors that could be expected to have higher affinity.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of sangivamycin, a potent nucleoside inhibitor of protein kinases, has been determined. Sangivamycin crystallizes from water with its purine ring in a conformation anti to its ribose sugar. Such an anti conformation has been detected in solution for sangivamycin and other potent protein kinase inhibitors and appears to correlate with inhibitor potency [(1990) Biochemistry (in press)]. An intramolecular hydrogen bond between purine ring substituents is detected in the X-ray structure and may be an important structural feature of sangivamycin related to its degree of inhibition of rhodopsin kinase and of protein kinases C and A.  相似文献   

In order to use giant vesicles for substrate uptake studies in metabolically important tissues, we characterized giant vesicles isolated from heart, liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. We investigated which cell types and which plasma membrane regions are involved in giant vesicle formation and we examined the presence of transporters for metabolic substrates. Analysis of giant vesicles with markers specific for distinct cell types and distinct domains of the plasma membrane reveals that the plasma membrane of parenchymal cells, but not endothelial cells, are the source of the vesicle membranes. In addition, plasma membrane regions enriched in caveolae and involved in docking of recycling vesicles from the endosomal compartment are retained in giant vesicles, indicating that KCl-induced alterations in recycling processes are involved in giant vesicle formation. Giant vesicles contain vesicular lumen consisting of the soluble constituents of the cytoplasm including, fatty-acid binding proteins. Furthermore, giant vesicles isolated from heart, liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue are similar in size (10–15 m) and shape and do not contain subcellular organelles, providing the advantage that substrate fluxes in the different organs can be studied independently of the surface/volume ratio but most importantly in the absence of intracellular metabolism.  相似文献   

The homodimeric enzyme form of quinoprotein ethanol dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 17933 crystallizes readily with the space group R3. The X-ray structure was solved at 2.6 A resolution by molecular replacement.Aside from differences in some loops, the folding of the enzyme is very similar to the large subunit of the quinoprotein methanol dehydrogenases from Methylobacterium extorquens or Methylophilus W3A1. Eight W-shaped beta-sheet motifs are arranged circularly in a propeller-like fashion forming a disk-shaped superbarrel. No electron density for a small subunit like that in methanol dehydrogenase could be found. The prosthetic group is located in the centre of the superbarrel and is coordinated to a calcium ion. Most amino acid residues found in close contact with the prosthetic group pyrroloquinoline quinone and the Ca(2+) are conserved between the quinoprotein ethanol dehydrogenase structure and that of the methanol dehydrogenases. The main differences in the active-site region are a bulky tryptophan residue in the active-site cavity of methanol dehydrogenase, which is replaced by a phenylalanine and a leucine side-chain in the ethanol dehydrogenase structure and a leucine residue right above the pyrrolquinoline quinone group in methanol dehydrogenase which is replaced by a tryptophan side-chain. Both amino acid exchanges appear to have an important influence, causing different substrate specificities of these otherwise very similar enzymes. In addition to the Ca(2+) in the active-site cavity found also in methanol dehydrogenase, ethanol dehydrogenase contains a second Ca(2+)-binding site at the N terminus, which contributes to the stability of the native enzyme.  相似文献   

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