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Two synthetic approaches leading toN-4-carboxymethyl-2-nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl derivatives of model compounds and of glycosylsphingosines are described. The carboxymethyl group can be converted into a hydrazido derivative and the resulting products react with an active ester polymer yielding light-sensitive polymeric products that may subsequently serve as acceptors in glycosyltransferase reactions.Author for correspondence. Address until September 1990; Graduate Department of Biochemistry, Brandeis University, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA 02254, USA  相似文献   

N-Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl-protected serine and threonine derivatives, carryingO-glycosidically - or -linked peracetylated -d-Galp-(1–3)-d-GalNAcp carbohydrate chains, were prepared. These derivatives are intended for use in solid phase glycopeptide synthesis. Suitably protected mono- and disaccharide thioglycosides were used as carbohydrate intermediates. These were activated by treatment with bromine to give the glycosyl bromides, which were then used in silver triflate-promoted glycosidations ofN-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl amino-acid phenacyl esters. Removal of the phenacyl esters with zinc gave the target free acids.  相似文献   

Bacillus azotofixans is a recently described species capable of fixing molecular nitrogen efficiently.Ecological studies performed in monoxenic wheat cultures, both in 0.7% agar and in vermiculite-sand mixture, showed that no acetylene reduction occurred and that this bacteria did not grow when supplied only with the wheat plant root exudates. However, after glucose addition to the 0.7% agar cultures, acetylene reduction ability (ARA) was detected. Comparing ARA for media with glucose both with and without plants, it was observed that the plants supply some component leading to the increase of the nitrogenase activity, since the ARA doubled in the samples containing plants.In wheat straw cultures a fast growth of the bacteria was observed in the first 24 hours after inoculation, but no acetylene reduction was detected. After glucose addition to the media with and without straw, nitrogenase activity was detected.  相似文献   

Early in apoptosis, ceramide levels rise and the mitochondrial outer membrane becomes permeable to small proteins. The self-assembly of ceramide to form channels could be the means by which intermembrane space proteins are released to induce apoptosis. Dihydroceramide desaturase converts dihydroceramide to ceramide. This conversion may be removing an inhibitor as well as generating a pro-apoptotic agent. We report that both long and short chain dihydroceramides inhibit ceramide channel formation in mitochondria. One tenth as much dihydroceramide was sufficient to inhibit the permeabilization of the outer membrane by about 95% (C2) and 51% (C16). Similar quantities inhibited the release of carboxyfluorescein from liposomes indicating that other mitochondrial components are not necessary for the inhibition. The apoptogenic activity of ceramide may thus depend on the ceramide to dihydroceramide ratio resulting in a more abrupt transition from the normal to the apoptotic state when the de novo pathway is used in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Treatment of wheat seedlings with the synthetic auxin, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d), induced nodule-like structures or tumours (termed para-nodules) where lateral roots would normally emerge. The formation of these structures promoted increased rates of acetylene reduction at reduced oxygen pressure (0.02–0.04 atm) in seedling inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense, compared to seedlings inoculated without auxin treatment. Fluorescent microscopy, laser scanning confocal microscopy and direct bacterial counts all showed that the 2,4-d treatment stimulated internal colonization of the root system with azospirilla, particularly in the basal region of the nodular structures. Both colonization with azospirilla and acetylene-reducing activity were further stimulated by simultaneous treatment with another synthetic auxin, naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and, less reliably, with indoleacetic acid (IAA) and indolebutyric acid (IBA). These auxins produced shortening of many initiated lateral roots, although 20 times the concentration of NAA was required to achieve rounded structures similar to those obtained with 2,4-d. Treatment with NAA, IAA or IBA alone also stimulated colonization with azospirilla and acetylene reduction rates at 0.02 atm oxygen, but less effectively than by treatment with 2,4-d. Such exogenous treatments of wheat seedlings with synthetic growth regulators provide an effective laboratory model for studies on the development of a N2-fixing system in cereals.  相似文献   

The species composition, relativeabundance, and seasonal dynamics of selectednatural enemies of cereal aphids were monitoredin spring wheat fields in Moscow, Idaho in 1997and 1998. Trials also examined the potentialimpact of resistance to Russian wheat aphid(RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko)(Homoptera: Aphididae) in wheat, on aphidbiological control agents. Natural enemypopulations were monitored on two springwheats: D. noxia susceptible variety`Centennial' and resistant genotype `IDO488'. Field plots were artificially infested withadult D. noxia, and sampled for cerealaphids and parasitoids weekly. Coccinellidpredators were monitored once in 1997 and twicein 1998. The coccinellids Hippodamiaconvergens Guerin, Coccinellaseptempunctata L., C. transversoguttataBrown and C. trifasciata Mulsant weredetected. No significant differences in adultor immature coccinellid densities were observedbetween the D. noxia resistant andsusceptible genotypes. During both years, themost abundant primary hymenopteran parasitoidswere Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh), Aphidius ervi Haliday, A. avenaphis(Fitch), and Lysiphlebus testaceipes(Cresson), Aphelinus varipes (Foerster),Aphidius colemani Viereck, Aphidiuspicipes (Nees), Aphidius sp., Monoctonus washingtonensis Pike & Stary, Praon gallicum Stary, Praon occidentaleBaker, and Praon sp. were also detected. Numbers of both D. noxia and D.rapae were significantly greater on Centennialthan on IDO488 in both years. When all speciesof cereal aphids and parasitoids areconsidered, the total percentage parasitism wasnot significantly different between thegenotypes. There was no interaction betweenD. noxia resistance and the populationdensity of the predators or parasitoidsmonitored. These results suggest that the D. noxia resistant line had no adverse impacton natural enemies under the conditions ofthese field experiments.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe how reactions of cell-free protein synthesis can be successfully conducted using plasmids prepared with regenerated anion-exchange columns. When washed, stripped, and equilibrated with appropriated buffers, regenerated columns were able to be used repeatedly to prepare plasmids with consistent yield and purity. The regenerated columns exhibited comparable performance to a fresh column with respect to the efficiency of protein synthesis using the plasmids prepared from them. Overall, we expect that the presented results will contribute significantly to economizing the technology of cell-free protein synthesis as a practical method for protein production in preparative scales.  相似文献   

The trisaccharide 2-(p-trifluoroacetamidophenyl)ethyl 2-O-(-l-fucopyranosyl)-3-O-(-d-galactopyranosyl)--d-galactopyranoside, corresponding to the human blood group B determinant, was synthesized. Thioglycosides activated by sulfuryl chloride/trifluoromethanesulfonic acid were used as glycosyl donors in the construction of the three glycosidic linkages.  相似文献   

We have studied the inactivation of membrane-bound and solubilized UDP-glucose:ceramide glucosyltransferase from Golgi membranes by various types of sulfhydryl reagents. The strong inhibition of the membrane-bound form by the non-penetrant mercurial-type reagents clearly corroborated the fact that in sealed and right-side-out Golgi vesicles the ceramide glucosyltransferase is located on the cytoplasmic face. No significant differences in the susceptibility to the various sulfhydryl reagents were noted when solubilized enzyme was assayed, showing that solubilization does not reveal other critical SH groups. The different results obtained must be interpreted with regard to several thiol groups, essential for enzyme activity. No protection by the substrate UDP-glucose against mercurial-type reagents was obtained indicating that these thiol groups were not located in the nucleotide sugar binding domain. A more thorough investigation of the thiol inactivation mechanism was undertaken with NEM (N-ethylmaleimide), an irreversible reagent. The time dependent inactivation followed first order kinetics and provided evidence for the binding of 1 mol NEM per mol of enzyme. UDP-Glucose protected partially against NEM inactivation, indicating that the thiol groups may be situated in or near the substrate binding domain. Inactivation experiments with disulfide reagents showed that increased hydrophobicity led to more internal essential SH groups which are not obviously protected by the substrate UDP-glucose, thus not implicated in the substrate binding domain, but rather related to conformational changes of the enzyme during the catalytic process.Abbreviations Chaps 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio] 1-propanesulfonate - Mops 4-morpholinepropanesulfonic acid - PC phosphatidylcholine - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - CPDS carboxypyridine disulfide (dithio-6,6-dinicotinic acid) - DTNB 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) - DTP dithiodipyridine - p-HMB para-hydroxymercuribenzoate - DTT dithiothreitol - BAL British anti-Lewisite (dimercaptopropanol) - Zw 3–14 Zwittergent 3–14  相似文献   

Two trisaccharide glycosides,p-trifluoroacetamidophenylethyl 3-O-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy--d-galactopyranosyl)-2-O-(-l-fucopyranosyl)--d-galactopyranoside andp-trifluoroa-cetamidophenylethyl 2-O-(-l-fucopyranosyl)-3-O-(-d-galactopyranosyl)--d-galactopyranoside, corresponding to the human blood group A and B determinants, were synthesized. A key fucosylgalactosyl disaccharide derivative was glycosylated with galactosaminyl or galactosyl donors, respectively. Dimethyl (thiomethyl)sulfonium tetrafluoroborate was used for thioglycoside activation in coupling reactions.  相似文献   

A simple, first stereoselective total synthesis of botryolide-E has been described. The synthesis started from propylene oxide employing Jacobsen’s hydrolytic kinetic resolution (HKR), selective epoxide opening, sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation, one pot acetonide deprotection and lactonization as key steps. Further, the synthesis confirms the absolute configuration of the natural product botryolide-E and we evaluated the biological behavior of natural product botryolide-E against a panel of bacteria and fungi. Botryolide-E exhibits significant potent activity against Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC 96) (6.25 μg/ml), good against Escherichia coli (MTCC 443) (12.5 μg/ml), Bacillus subtilis (MTCC 441) (25 μg/ml) and compound 1 exhibited good to moderate antifungal activity.  相似文献   

Interactions among three trophic levels of resistant and susceptible slenderwheat grasses, Elymus trachycaulum (Link) Goule ex Shinners ex. H.F. Lewis, Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), and a hymenopterous parasitoid were studied in the laboratory and greenhouse. These relationships were compared with a commercial susceptible wheat Triticum aestivum L. variety. Aphids reared on the resistant entries showed significantly lower weights and numbers. Significant reduction of parasitoid mummy weight and adult size was positively correlated with the effects on the aphids. Resistant entries also induced a longer prereproductive period for both the aphids and parasitoids. Numbers of aphids and aphid damage were significantly modified by the addition of parasitoids. Parasitism was higher on plants that did not have leaf rolling. These findings may indicate that antibiosis resistance studied here is not the most desirable because it decreases natural enemy vitality.  相似文献   

Calmodulin is a ubiquitous transducer of calcium signals in eukaryotes. In diploid plant species, several isoforms of calmodulin have been described. Here, we report on the isolation and characterization of calmodulin cDNAs corresponding to 10 genes from hexaploid (bread) wheat (Triticum aestivum). These genes encode three distinct calmodulin isoforms; one isoform is novel in that it lacks a conserved calcium binding site. Based on their nucleotide sequences, the 10 cDNAs were classified into four subfamilies. Using subfamily-specific DNA probes, calmodulin genes were identified and the chromosomal location of each subfamily was determined by Southern analysis of selected aneuploid lines. The data suggest that hexaploid wheat possesses at least 13 calmodulin-related genes. Subfamilies 1 and 2 were both localized to the short arms of homoeologous-group 3 chromosomes; subfamily 2 is located on all three homoeologous short arms (3AS, 3BS and 3DS), whereas subfamily 1 is located only on 3AS and 3BS but not on 3DS. Further analysis revealed thatAegilops tauschii, the presumed diploid donor of the D-genome of hexaploid wheat, lacks a subfamily-1 calmodulin gene homologue, whereas diploid species related to the progenitors of the A and B genomes do contain such genes. Subfamily 3 was localized to the short arm of homoeologous chromosomes 2A, 2B and 2D, and subfamily 4 was mapped to the proximal regions of 4AS, 4BL and 4DL. These findings suggest that the calmodulin genes within each subfamily in hexaploid wheat represent homoeoallelic loci. Furthermore, they also suggest that calmodulin genes diversified into subfamilies before speciation ofTriticum andAegilops diploid species.  相似文献   

Ceramides have been implicated in the initiation of apoptosis by permeabilizing the mitochondrial outer membrane to small proteins, including cytochrome c. In addition, ceramides were shown to form large metastable channels in planar membranes and liposomes, indicating that these lipids permeabilize membranes directly. Here we analyze molecular models of ceramide channels and test their stability in molecular dynamics simulations. The structural units are columns of four to six ceramides H-bonded via amide groups and arranged as staves in either a parallel or antiparallel manner. Two cylindrical assemblies of 14 columns (four or six molecules per column) were embedded in a fully hydrated palmitoyloleoyl-phosphatidylcholine phospholipid bilayer, and simulated for 24 ns in total. After equilibration, the water-filled pore adopted an hourglass-like shape as headgroups of ceramides and phospholipids formed a smooth continuous interface. The structure-stabilizing interactions were both hydrogen bonds between the headgroups (including water-mediated interactions) and packing of the hydrocarbon tails. Ceramide's essential double bond reduced the mobility of the hydrocarbon tails and stabilized their packing. The six-column assembly remained stable throughout a 10-ns simulation. During simulations of four-column assemblies, pairs of columns displayed the tendency of splitting out from the channels, consistent with the previously proposed mechanism of channel disassembly.  相似文献   

Radioimmuno-and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays show that a substantial amount of wheat germ agglutinin(WGA)-like protein is present at the base of the shoot and in the roots of adult wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants. The protein can be purified by hapten-and antibody-mediated affinity procedures. It forms an arc of identity with the embryo lectin upon Ouchterlony double-diffusion and is an active lectin that agglutinates trypsinized erythrocytes in an N-acetylglucosamine-and chitin-inhibitable manner. Reduced and carboxyamidated protein comigrates with the 18-kdalton subunits of embryo lectin on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Invivo labeling of 9-d-old, hydroponically grown plants with 35S-labeled sulfate demonstrates that at least some of the WGA-like protein is synthesized de novo. Immunocytochemistry with rabbit anti-WGA and colloidal-gold-conjugated second antibody shows that cross-reactive protein is present at the tips of new adventitious roots. In reactive cells, the lectin is localized near the inner surface of the vacuole membrane. Wheat plants contain up to 100 ng of WGA-like protein after the first week of growth, but the level fluctuates thereafter. Since most of the lectin is present at the base of the shoot and much less is found in older roots, these fluctuations may be the consequence of changes in the initiation of new advantitious roots.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

Summary The patterns of chloroplastic and cytosolic isoenzymes of triosephosphate isomerase were analysed by immunoblotting in leaves of rye, wheat, and some species of Aegilops or Agropyrum. While rye contained solely one chloroplastic and one cytosolic isoenzyme, wheat had a much more complex pattern which can be explained by the presence of three genomes in 6 x wheats (AABBDD) with distinct triosephosphate isomerase genes that provided different subunit species for the dimeric isoenzyme molecules. The 6 × wheats contained five, the 4 × wheats three, and the 2 × wheats only one chloroplastic isoenzyme band. The isoenzyme patterns were in accordance with a potential origin of one of the three chloroplastic triosephosphate isomerase genes of 6 × wheats from an Aegilops ancestor. The descent of the other two genes was, however, not in accordance with common contentions on the general evolution of cultural wheats. In the reciprocal intergeneric hybrids Secalotricum and Triticale both the chloroplastic and the cytosolic isoenzyme patterns of rye and wheat were biparentally inherited, indicating that both isoenzymes were controlled by nuclear genes. When monitored by immunoblotting the chloroplastic triosephosphate isomerase isoenzymes may provide useful genetic markers.  相似文献   

Anthers of wheat cultivars Orofen and Pitic 62 were incubated for 8 days at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C before transfer to 25°C. Compared with anthers cultured at 25°C constantly, anthers treated at 30°C produced 40% more microspore callus and green plants in both cultivars whereas those treated at 35°C produced 2–3 fold more green plants. Treatment at 40°C was deleterious. Possible modes of action of high temperature on callus production and albinism were discussed.  相似文献   

Wheat for feed use (84 samples) was collected after harvest from 79 farms in a southwestern part of Germany (Baden-Wuerttemberg). The 1987 crop year was characterized by heavy rainfall in the summer months. The internal mycoflora of wheat samples was primarily fusaria, and storage fungi were rarely present. TheFusarium toxins, zearalenone (ZON), - and -zearalenol (,-ZOL), deoxynivalenol (DON), 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-AcDON), nivalenol (NIV), T-2 Toxin (T-2), HT-2 toxin (HT-2) and diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) were analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (detection limit: 1–3 µg/kg). Each of the samples contained at least one of theFusarium toxins examined except DAS. DON, ZON, 3-AcDON, NIV, T-2, HT-2 and -ZOL were detected in 96%, 80%, 59%, 26%, 26%, 7% and 5% of samples, with an average of 1632, 178, 7, 9, 82, 10 and 23 µg/kg, and a maximum of 20538, 8036, 18, 32, 249, 20 and 71 µg/kg, respectively. -ZOL (12 µg/kg) was found in one sample with -ZOL (71 µg/kg). One, two, three, four, five and sixFusarium toxins were detected in 6%, 27%, 37%, 23%, 4%, and 4% of total samples, respectively. The most frequent combination was that of ZON with DON and 3-AcDON, followed by the combinations ZON/DON and ZON/DON/3-AcDON/NIV in 22, 20, and 11% of total samples, respectively.Abbreviations 3-AcDON 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol - DAS Diacetoxyscirpenol - DON Deoxynivalenol - HT-2 HT-2 toxin - NIV Nivalenol - T-2 T-2 toxin - -ZOL -Zearalenol - -ZOL -Zearalenol - ZON Zearalenone  相似文献   

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