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A third nuclear gene encoding a bacteriophage T7-type RNA polymerase, NsRpoT-C, was isolated and characterized from Nicotiana sylvestris. The gene, NsRpoT-C, consists of 21 exons and 20 introns and encodes a polypeptide of 977 amino acid residues. The predicted NsRpoT-C protein shows the highest identity (72% amino acid identity) with Arabidopsis thaliana RpoT;3 which is a plastid-targeted protein. Surprisingly, comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of NsRpoT-C with that of A. thaliana RpoT;3 predicted that the NsRpoT-C starts at a CUG triplet, a rare translation initiation codon. Transient expression assays in protoplasts from tobacco leaves demonstrated that the putative N-terminal transit peptide of NsRpoT-C encodes a targeting signal directing the protein into chloroplasts. This strongly suggests that NsRpoT-C functions as an RNA polymerase transcribing plastid-encoded genes. We have designated this protein NsRpoTp.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the biogenesis of photosystem II (PSII) and to identify auxiliary factors required for this process, we characterized the mutant hcf173 of Arabidopsis thaliana. The mutant shows a high chlorophyll fluorescence phenotype (hcf) and is severely affected in the accumulation of PSII subunits. In vivo labeling experiments revealed a drastically decreased synthesis of the reaction center protein D1. Polysome association experiments suggest that this is primarily caused by reduced translation initiation of the corresponding psbA mRNA. Comparison of mRNA steady state levels indicated that the psbA mRNA is significantly reduced in hcf173. Furthermore, the determination of the psbA mRNA half-life revealed an impaired RNA stability. The HCF173 gene was identified by map-based cloning, and its identity was confirmed by complementation of the hcf phenotype. HCF173 encodes a protein with weak similarities to the superfamily of the short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases. The protein HCF173 is localized in the chloroplast, where it is mainly associated with the membrane system and is part of a higher molecular weight complex. Affinity chromatography of an HCF173 fusion protein uncovered the psbA mRNA as a component of this complex.  相似文献   

The RING finger protein CrgA acts as a negative regulator of light-induced carotene biosynthesis in the fungus Mucor circinelloides. Sequence analysis of the crgA coding region upstream of the first AUG codon revealed the existence of an additional non-canonical RING finger domain at the most N-terminal end of the protein. The newly identified RING finger domain is required for CrgA to regulate photocarotenogenesis, as deduced from site-directed mutagenesis experiments. The role of both RING finger domains in the stability of CrgA has been investigated in a yeast system. Wild type CrgA, but not the RING finger deleted forms, is highly unstable and is stabilized by inhibition of the proteasome function, which suggests that native CrgA is degraded by the proteasome and that active RING finger domains are required for proteasome-mediated CrgA degradation. To identify the translation start of CrgA, a mutational analysis of putative initiation codons in the 5' region of the crgA gene was accomplished. We demonstrated that a GUG codon located upstream of the first AUG is the sole initiator of CrgA translation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a naturally occurring non-AUG start codon for a RING finger regulatory protein. A combination of suboptimal translation initiation and proteasome degradation may help to maintain the low cellular levels of CrgA observed in wild type cells, which is probably required for accurate regulation of photocarotenogenesis.  相似文献   

BELL1 and AGAMOUS genes promote ovule identity in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Molecular and genetic analyses have demonstrated that the Arabidopsis thaliana gene BELL1 (BEL1) is required for proper morphogenesis of the ovule integuments. Several lines of evidence suggest that BEL1 may act, at least in part, to repress the function of the organ identity gene AGAMOUS (AG) during ovule development. To study the relative roles of BEL1 and AG, plants homozygous for ag, bel1 or both were constructed in an ap2 mutant background where ovules form even in the absence of AG function. The loss of either BEL1 or AG led to a decrease in the number of mature ovules, accompanied by an increase in primordial outgrowths. These data suggest that BEL1 and AG gene products act early in ovule development in a partially redundant manner to direct ovule identity. Development of the abnormal integuments characteristic of the Bel1- mutant phenotype was found to be dependent on AG function. Finally, BEL1 appears to be required for embryo sac development independent of both other aspects of ovule morphogenesis and AG function. This study therefore suggests that both BEL1 and AG are required for several distinct aspects of ovule morphogenesis.  相似文献   

《Plant science》2001,161(4):685-693
A transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana line, generated using a T-DNA vector carrying a promoterless gus reporter gene, showed intense GUS expression in young leaves and rapidly growing stem tissues. The gus fusion has tagged the 3′ region of the gene encoding the A. thaliana eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF-4A1. Comparison of the genomic and cDNA sequence shows that the eIF-4A1 gene contains four introns. Three introns interrupt the translated region, whereas the largest intron splits the 5′-untranslated region. In plants homozygous for the T-DNA markers, the eIF-4A1 and gus genes are expressed as different mature mRNAs. The gus gene is possibly expressed from a cryptic promoter downstream the eIF-4A1 gene.  相似文献   

The initiation of starch granule formation and the mechanism controlling the number of granules per plastid have been some of the most elusive aspects of starch metabolism. This review covers the advances made in the study of these processes. The analyses presented herein depict a scenario in which starch synthase isoform 4 (SS4) provides the elongating activity necessary for the initiation of starch granule formation. However, this protein does not act alone; other polypeptides are required for the initiation of an appropriate number of starch granules per chloroplast. The functions of this group of polypeptides include providing suitable substrates (maltooligosaccharides) to SS4, the localization of the starch initiation machinery to the thylakoid membranes, and facilitating the correct folding of SS4. The number of starch granules per chloroplast is tightly regulated and depends on the developmental stage of the leaves and their metabolic status. Plastidial phosphorylase (PHS1) and other enzymes play an essential role in this process since they are necessary for the synthesis of the substrates used by the initiation machinery. The mechanism of starch granule formation initiation in Arabidopsis seems to be generalizable to other plants and also to the synthesis of long-term storage starch. The latter, however, shows specific features due to the presence of more isoforms, the absence of constantly recurring starch synthesis and degradation, and the metabolic characteristics of the storage sink organs.  相似文献   

The AGAMOUS gene of Arabidopsis thaliana is a homeotic gene involved in the development of stamens and carpels. This gene encodes a putative DNA-binding protein sharing a homologous region with the DNA-binding domains, MADS boxes, of yeast MCM1 and mammalian SRF. To examine the DNA-binding activity of the AGAMOUS protein, double-stranded oligonucleotides with random sequences of 40 bp in the central region were synthesized and mixed with the AGAMOUS MADS domain overproduced in Escherichia coli . Oligonucleotides which bound to the MADS domain were recovered by repeated immunoprecipitation with an antibody which recognizes the overproduced protein. From a comparison of the recovered DNA sequences, the consensus sequence of the high-affinity binding-sites for the AGAMOUS MADS domain was determined to be 5'-TT(A/T/G) CC(A/T)6GG(A/T/C)AA-3'. DNase I footprinting and methylation interference experiments showed that the MADS domain binds to this motif. Comparisons with the binding-site sequences of other MADS-box proteins revealed that the MCM1 binding-sites in a-mating type-specific promoters of Saccharomyces cerevisiae show similarities with the binding-site sequence of the AGAMOUS MADS domain. A synthetic MCM1 binding-site in the upstream region of the STE2 gene is recognized by the AGAMOUS MADS domain.  相似文献   

为研究mRNA翻译起始区结构与基因表达的关系,利用密码子的简并性,在不改变表达产物氨基酸序列的前提下定点突变α8干扰素及αA干扰素衍生物基因的5′端若干位点,使其与表达载体重组后转录形成的mRNA翻译起始区结构发生改变。SDS-PAGE及活性测定证实这些改变提高了外源基因的表达水平。RNA斑点印迹表明突变前后基因转录水平差别不大,表达水平的提高主要由于翻译效率的提高。mRNA翻译起始区二级结构预测提示其生成自由能(ΔG)的变化可能与表达水平的提高有关。  相似文献   

The efficiency of translation initiation at codons differing at one or two nucleotides from AUG was tested as initiation codons for the phosphinotricin-acetyltransferase gene in T-DNA plant transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana. With the exception of UUA codon that differs from AUG at two nucleotides and does not permit any detectable activity, all the other codons (AUC, GUG, ACG, and CUG) present a phosphinotrycin acetyltransferase activity that varies between 5 and 10% of the AUG activity. This low activity is sufficient to confer glufosinate resistance to some of the plants. These results indicate that, in plants as is the case in animals, non-AUG initiating codons may be used for translation initiation, namely when a low expression rate is needed.  相似文献   

The first morphogenetic events of lateral root primordium (LRP) formation in the Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. pericycle occur soon after cells of the primary root complete elongation. Pericycle cells in direct contact with underlying protoxylem cells participate in LRP formation. Two types of LRP initiation were found, longitudinal uni- and bi-cellular. These occur when a single or two pericycle cells within a file, respectively, become founder cells for the entire longitudinal extent of the LRP. Histochemical and cytological analysis suggests that three is the minimum number of cells required to initiate an LRP. In young primordia comprising less than 32 cells, the average cell-doubling time was 3.7 h, indicating a drastic acceleration of cell cycle progression after lateral root initiation. Early in LRP development, cell growth is limited and therefore cytokinesis leads to a reduction of cell volume, similar to cleavage division cycles during animal and plant embryogenesis. The striking coordination of proliferation between pericycle cells in adjacent files in direct contact with the underlying protoxylem implies that intercellular signaling mechanisms act in the root apical meristem or later in development.  相似文献   

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