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A method is described for obtaining thin (1 μm) sections for light microscopy from large area thick (100 μm) sections of low viscosity nitrocellulose embedded specimens of human spinal osteoligamentous material.  相似文献   


First incisor teeth from known‐age domestic sheep were examined to determine whether annual lines developed, and to test 3 processing techniques. Fluorescing lines in undecalcified, unstained transverse sections indicated completed years in 44 % of teeth. Dark lines in decalcified, stained transverse sections indicated completed years in 8 % of teeth. Dark lines seen by reflected light in undecalcified roots ground transversely by hand indicated completed years in 62 % of teeth. Grinding by hand was the simplest, quickest, and most dependable method.  相似文献   

Differential Staining of Tannin in Sections of Epoxy-Embedded Plant Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A staining procedure is described for the light microscopic localization of ergastic tannins in epoxy sections of plant cells embedded for study by transmission electron microscopy. Callus and cell suspensions of Pseudotsuga menziesii and Pinus taeda fixed in glutaraldehyde:acrolein and then OsO4, followed by epoxy embedding, were sectioned 0.5 μn thick, stained on a glass slide with ethanolic Sudan black B at 60 C as described by Bronner, and then mounted in Karo syrup. Tannin deposits stained brownish-orange and were easily distinguished from lipid bodies of similar size, which stained dark blue to black, and from starch grains, which were unstained. The significance of this differential polychromasia was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. This staining proadure should prove valuable in the cytoplasmic evaluation of the plant cell ergastics (especially tannins) via light microscopy whether or not electron microscopic examination is intended.  相似文献   

This method consists of: (1) cutting formalin-fixed frozen sections 160μ thick of the brain of experimental animals, (2) mounting the unstained sections in glycerol under a cover slip, and (3) photographing their enlarged images on Kodak Direct Positive paper. The results resemble photographs of myelin sheath preparations. Direct positive photography eliminates the time needed for tediously tracing projected images, usually done on stained sections. With this method it is possible to obtain a histological analysis of a neurophysiological experiment on the following day.  相似文献   

Representative pieces of human brain were fixed in 10% formalin, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 5 μ. Paired sections were used, one of which was oxidized in equal parts of 0.5% potassium permanganate and 0.5% sulfuric acid for 1-2 min, while the other was left unoxidized. Both the oxidized and unoxidized sections were impregnated with silver diamine. The lipofuscin granules in the nerve cells appeared as small intensely stained black dots, surrounded by a clear unstained zone, in the unoxidized sections, while in the oxidized sections there was an outer ring of intensely blackened material surrounding a central unstained dot.  相似文献   

An improved method for preparing and staining ground tissue-implant sections for light microscopy is presented. Undecalcified tissue blocks with titanium implants were dehydrated in an ascending series of ethanol and stained in toto with basic fuchsin. Specimens were infiltrated and embedded in methyl methacrylate and sections were prepared using a cutting-grinding-system. The polished surface was counterstained with light green or anilin blue. Light polymerizing resin was used as slide mounting medium and for mounting the coverglass. The sections obtained were 10-15 μm thick with tissue architecture which clearly differentiated structures at the tissue-implant interface. The method was very useful for computer assisted morphometric analysis.  相似文献   

A simple method for the demonstration of juxtaglomerular granules in Epon embedded semithin (0.5-1 μm) sections has been developed as follows: sections are prepared as for routine electron microscopy except that before dehydration, the tissues are immersed in 0.5% uranyl acetate in Veronal acetate buffer (pH 5.0) overnight at room temperature. After sectioning on an ultramicro-tome, the semithin sections are briefly stained with toluidine blue-pyronin Y. After staining, the section is rinsed in running tap water and then air dried. Under a light microscope with a 40 × or a 100 × objective, the juxtaglomerular granules appear as deep purple particles and are thus easily separated from the bluish cytoplasm of the juxtaglomerular cells. Cellular organelles in other cells of the kidney were also clearly stained and their fine structure distinguishable.  相似文献   

A method, based on the periodic acid-leucofuchsin reaction, is described, by which dentine particles may be selectively stained with neutral solutions. The method is suitable for pulverized teeth, containing particles with dimensions greater than 1-2μ. It can be applied also to sections. The dentine is stained red by treatment with a buffered neutral solution of periodic acid followed by a dilute solution of unreduced fuchsin; the excess fuchsin being removed by washing with water. The enamel is either unstained or stained a light pink. The loss of material caused by the usual acidic solutions is reduced to negligible proportions.  相似文献   

Apposition of cementum occurs in phases resulting in two types of layers with different optical and staining properties that can be observed by light microscopy. Narrow, dark staining incremental lines are separated by wider bands of pale staining cementum. The distance from one line to the next represents a yearly increment deposit of cementum in many mammals, and counting these lines has been used routinely to estimate the age of the animals. Incremental lines in cementum have also been observed in sections of human teeth, and the object of the present investigation was to examine a number of methods for preparing and staining them for counting. Longitudinal and transverse sections, either ground or decalcified, were cut from formalin fixed human dental roots, paraffin embedded or frozen, and stained using several techniques. The cementum was investigated using conventional light, fluorescence, polarized light, confocal laser scanning, interference contrast, phase contrast, and scanning electron microscopy. Incremental lines in the cementum could be observed in ground sections and, following decalcification, in both frozen and paraffin embedded sections. Toluidine blue, cresyl violet, hematoxylin, or periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stained incremental lines allowing differentiation by conventional light microscopy. Contrast was best using fluorescence microscopy and excitation by green light since the stained cemental bands, but not the incremental lines, fluoresced after staining with cresyl violet, PAS or hematoxylin and eosin. The results with other microscopic techniques were unsatisfactory. Since incremental lines are not destroyed by acids and stain differently than the remaining cementum, it is likely that they possess an organic structure which differs from the cementum. Incremental lines in human dental cementum could be observed best using decalcified sections stained with cresyl violet excited by green light.  相似文献   

The use of different tooth-preparation techniques resulted in widely different estimates of age in a sample of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. Teeth from 30 animals were prepared using the two most prevalent techniques reported in the literature for this species, unstained sections and decalcified and stained thin sections, and the resulting paired counts of growth layers were compared. Estimates from the two methods were identical or at least placed the specimen in the same age class in only five cases, ranging in age from 2 to 22 yr. Otherwise, the results fell into one of two categories: when the estimates were close (± 3-yr difference, n= 15), counts from unstained sections generally were higher (13 cases, age from unstained sections 2-20 yr); when the counts were more disparate, estimates from stained sections always were higher (6-31 yr difference, n= 10, age from unstained sections 12-27 yr and corresponding ages from stained sections of 27-47). Previous studies of age estimation in known-age bottlenose dolphins indicate that stained sections allow accurate estimates of age and demonstrate that maximum lifespan approaches or exceeds 50 yr. In contrast, the results herein suggest that using unstained sections for age estimation may result in imprecise or biased age-structure data.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of counting incremental lines of dental root cementum for biological age determination, and to compare it with alternative methods. Two samples were taken: 51 teeth from 49 individuals of known age obtained at the Stomatological Clinic, Vilnius University, as well as the canine teeth from the remains of 48 individuals from the mass graves of Tuskulenai in Vilnius (inhumed 1944-47). In the latter sample, the chronological age of 43 individuals was known through personal identification. Undecalcified teeth were sectioned with the Leica SP 1600 microtome diamond saw, and incremental line count as a blind test was made on sections of 35 to 100 microns thickness. Incremental line count was possible in 82-86 percent of cases. The results of three independent counts showed that intra-observer bias has no significant impact. Biological age was estimated by adding incremental line number to the average age of tooth eruption. It was found that mean absolute error was 6.46 years for the 1st sample, 6.27 years for the 2nd sample, and in some cases exceeded 10 years. For the 2nd sample, the results were compared to those of other methods such as endocranial suture ossification, pubic symphysis morphology and the "combined" method of Nemeskéri. All four methods yield a similar correlation in regard to an individual's chronological age. The highest correlation was found for the combined method, and the lowest one for public symphysis morphology. All correlations had a similar standard error. Thus our assessment is less enthusiastic than in some past studies; it is suggested that the incremental lines rather have a similar use as other methods.  相似文献   

Precise sampling from whole lobes of mouse lungs fixed in the inflated state and embedded in epoxy resin can be not only feasible but also efficient. A 1 μm section is cut from an embedded lobe with a rotary microtome and a steel knife. This section is stained and photographed, and from it a 35 × enlarged print is prepared. A grid of transparent plastic scored with 35 mm squares, lettered vertically and numbered horizontally, is superimposed over the photograph. The area chosen for electron microscopy thus becomes identifiable by a letter-number designation obtained from the grid. This area is then located by light microscopy on a 2 mm slice taken from the block from which the 1 μm section was cut, by use of oblique illumination and the calibrated mechanical stage of the light microscope. A block of 1.3 mm diameter is removed for electron microscopy from the tissue by a rotatable circular spring-loaded punch screwed into the objective turret of the microscope. The removed cylinder is mounted on a metal stub and ultrathin sections cut from the faced tissue. The method is as equally suitable for the examination of other tissues, particularly when large areas and multiple sampling may be required.  相似文献   

An improved and time reducing method is presented for the histological evaluation of bone containing polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) bone cement. The undecalcified bone was embedded in epoxy resin and sections of 50-100 μm thickness were produced using a commercially available cutting grinding system. The sections were stained with Stevenel's blue and van Gieson picrofuchsin or a modified hematoxylin-eosin. PMMA bone cement was not dissolved and remained enabling examination in situ of an intact cement bone interface and tissue reaction without decalcification.  相似文献   

The classic Mallory-Cason staining procedure has been modified for application to sections “on tape” obtained from large deep frozen tissue specimens. These 20 μm cryosections are collected on tape from a large heavy duty cryomicrotome. The stained sections provide anatomical details that are not revealed by other techniques. The merit of this procedure is found in the support of modern medical modalities, both for research and educational purposes.  相似文献   

A method is presented for histological examination of undecalcified ground sections of tooth roots affected with periodontal disease. The roots were placed in Karnovsky's fixative overnight, postfixed in 2% buffered osmic acid, and dehydrated in an ascending series of ethanol. The specimens were then infiltrated with propylene-oxide and Epon-Araldite resin, embedded in Epon-Araldite, and sections were prepared using a cutting and grinding system. The resulting ground sections were 8-12 μm thick. The sections were allowed to air dry at room temperature. When thoroughly dried, a coverglass was applied using resinous mounting medium DPX. The specimens were examined by phase-contrast microscopy. The method is useful for simultaneous examination of mineralized dental tissue and bacterial morphotypes covering the root surface of teeth involved with periodontal disease.  相似文献   

For a detailed study of the developing chick retina a technique has been developed using glycol methacrylate embedding and a hematoxylin toluidine blue-phloxinate stain. After removal of the vitreous body, one half-segment of the eye is dehydrated through graded ethyl alcohols to 95%, infiltrated and embedded in glycol methacrylate, and sectioned at 2 μm. The sections are stained in alum hematoxylin and then in a mixture containing toluidine blue-phloxinate from a stock solution of the dye that has matured for 2-3 weeks. Differentiation is not required and there is only slight staining of the plastic matrix. The quality and clarity of the sections contrasts markedly with that of similarly stained 5 μm paraffin wax sections of the retina. This technique has also been applied to skin, spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, pancreas and small intestine. The stained sections from these tissues have proved very useful in revealing structural components.  相似文献   

The silver impregnation method of Grimelius has been applied to 100-150 μ thick sections of tissues fixed 2 hr to 1 mo in mixtures containing formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde or picric acid. After silvering, the sections (partly postfixed in 1% OsO4, for 0.5 hr) were processed for electron microscopy. Endocrine granules of pancreatic A cells, enter-ochromaffin and some nonenterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa, thyroid C cells and adrenal medullary cells were found to be selectively stained by silver grains 10-30 nm in diameter, either as a peripheral “halo” or covering the entire granule. At least in some cells, the reactive material should not be identified with the hormonal products known to be stored in the granules.  相似文献   

Golgi's light microscopic method of selective silver impregnation for nervous tissue combined with electron microscopy appears to offer a promising method for working out the detailed anatomy of individual neurons and their connections. Insect nervous tissue is fixed in a mixture of 2% paraformaldehyde and 21/2% glutaraldehyde in Millonig's buffer (pH 7.2) before postfixation for 12 hours in a solution brought to pH 7.2 with KOH containing 2% potassium dichromate, 1% osmium tetroxide and 2% D-glucose. The tissue is then transferred to a solution of 4% potassium dichromate for 1 day; and for 1-2 days to a 0.75% silver nitrate solution. After dehydration and embedding in Araldite, 50μm sections am made. Areas of interest are cut from these sections and re-embedded in silicone molds. Ultrathin sections are then cut and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The Golgi method described here gives good results at the level of both light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

This study compares microwave fixation of whole fetal specimens with conventional techniques performed at room temperature. All fetuses were obtained from the same pregnant rat; half of them were placed in neutral formalin for 15 min at room temperature, then irradiated for 2.5 min in a domestic microwave oven. The remaining fetuses were placed in neutral formalin at room temperature for 48 hr as a control. Both experimental and control groups were exposed to routine tissue processing for light microscopy and embedded in paraffin wax. Sections 5 μm thick were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Our results showed that the microwave technique reduced the fixation time while providing thin sections that were equal to or better in quality than those in the control group.  相似文献   

A modification of Bodian's protargol-S technique is done on 7 μm sections of decalcified bone. Light microscopic results are greatly improved when compared to either ground bone sections or decalcified bone stained routinely with hematoxylin and eosin.  相似文献   

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