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In tropical lakes, the characteristics and dimension of the coastal wetlands can have a strong influence on the quality of the inshore waters. The interaction between littoral wetlands and the open water environment is complex and requires an understanding of the material and energy exchanges between these compartments. In the present analysis, we examine the impact of wetlands on the optical properties (underwater light environment) of two adjacent bays on the Ugandan side of Lake Victoria. We use both irradiance profiles within the water column as well as measurements of the dissolved and particulate fractions of the water column. By introducing a new term to identify that part of the solar spectrum most affected by wetland released dissolved organic matter, it is possible to determine the area of each bay that is influenced by the wetland. Depending on the period of analysis, wetland released chromophoric dissolved organic matter can play a dominating role in the attenuation of UV and visible radiation in the underwater environment.  相似文献   

Papyrus wetlands around Lake Victoria, East Africa play an important role in the nutrient flows from the catchment to the lake. A dynamic model for nitrogen cycling was constructed to understand the processes contributing to nitrogen retention in the wetland and to evaluate the effects of papyrus harvesting on the nitrogen absorption capacity of the wetlands. The model had four layers: papyrus mat, water, sludge and sediment. Papyrus growth was modelled as the difference between nitrogen uptake and loss. Nitrogen uptake was modelled with a logistic equation combined with a Monod-type nitrogen limitation. Nitrogen compartments were papyrus plants, organic material in the floating mat; and total ammonia, nitrate and organic nitrogen in the water, sludge and sediment. Apart from the uptake and decay rates of the papyrus, the model included sloughing and settling of mat material into the water, mineralization of organic matter, and nitrification and diffusion of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Literature data and field measurements were used for parameterization. The model was calibrated with data from Kirinya wetland in Jinja, Uganda which receives effluent from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The model simulated realistic concentrations of dissolved nitrogen with a stable biomass density of papyrus and predicted accumulation of organic sludge in the wetland. Assuming that this sludge is not washed out of the wetland, the overall nitrogen retention of the wetland over a three-year period was 21.5 g N m−2 year−1 or about 25% of input. Harvesting 10, 20 and 30% of the papyrus biomass per year increased nitrogen retention capacity of the wetland to 32.3, 36.8 and 38.1 g m−2 year−1, respectively. Although the nutrient flows estimated by the model are within the ranges found in other papyrus wetlands, the model could be improved with regard to the dynamics of detrital nitrogen. Actual net retention of nitrogen in the sludge is likely to be lower than 21.5 g N m−2 year−1 because of flushing out of the sludge to the lake during the rainy season.  相似文献   

Lake Victoria, the world's largest tropical freshwater lake, is an important resource, ecologically and economically. THg distribution in the northern parts of the lake are not well known, so to answer this gap, patterns in total mercury (THg) in water, soil and two dated sediment cores from northern Lake Victoria were determined. Water THg concentrations ranged from 0.7 to 5.8 ng/L, and there were no apparent differences observed between Napoleon and Winam Gulfs. Two precipitation samples had Hg concentrations of 7 and 31 ng/L. Surface soil samples collected from various agricultural sites around Jinja, Napoleon Gulf, have THg concentrations between 12.7 and 48.4 ng/g dry weight; they were correlated with organic carbon, total phosphorus and % clay. A near-shore core taken in Itome Bay in Napoleon Gulf, and an offshore core collected from the deepest part of the lake had similar THg concentrations and profiles (78 to 458 ng/g dry weight). The increase in THg concentration in the profiles of both cores began around 1960 and peaked around 1980. The similar sedimentary THg profiles and fluxes in the cores suggest that the THg sources to L. Victoria are primarily atmospheric, with some erosion inputs, and that equatorial African ecosystems are not exempt from the global increase in baseline THg concentrations.  相似文献   

The aquatic macrophytic vegetation constituting the wetlands situated along the coast of Lake Victoria provides valuable services to both local and regional communities as well as an important ecological function through the transition between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The wetland vegetation is typically rooted in the substrate on the landward side of the lake, but forms a floating mat towards the middle of the wetland and at the wetland/lake interface. Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum vegetation typically dominate the permanently inundated wetland areas along most of the shores of Lake Victoria. Due to the prevailing climatic and hydrological catchment conditions, these macrophytic plants (papyrus in particular) tend to exhibit high net productivity and nutrient uptake which strongly influences both wetland status and lake water quality. In addition, these wetlands provide important economic livelihoods for the local populations. The integrity and physical structure of these wetlands strongly influences their associated mass transport mechanisms (water, nutrients and carbon) and ecosystem processes. Wetland degradation in Africa is an increasing problem, as these ecosystems are relied upon to attenuate industrial, urban and agricultural pollution and supply numerous services and resources. In an integrated project focused on the wetlands of Lake Victoria, the ecological and economic aspects of littoral wetlands were examined and new instruments developed for their sustainable management.  相似文献   

Gichuki  J.  Triest  L.  Dehairs  F. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,458(1-3):91-97
Aquatic macrophytes and sediments from two contrasting wetland ecosystems of Lake Victoria, Kenya (Lower Sondu Miriu and Kibos systems) were analyzed for their stable carbon isotopic composition in order to observe patterns in system functioning in these two ecosystems. The aquatic macrophytes had carbon isotope ratios ranging from –8.92 to –29.18 per mil (parts per thousand difference from the reference). For the dominant macrophytes, we observed most 13C enriched values for Cyperus papyrus and most 13C depleted values for Eichhornia crassipes. On transects from the river to the lake, Kibos sediments maintained lower carbon isotope signatures compared to the Lower Sondu Miriu sediments. The possible causes of the observed variation in the 13C signatures from sediments and aquatic macrophytes in the two-wetland ecosystems are outlined.  相似文献   

Marbled lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus in Lake Victoria and two nearby smaller lakes were found to have high levels of DNA sequence variation in their mitochondrial control regions (35 haplotypes in 61 fish) but no population genetic structure (ΦST= 0·00). In contrast, marbled lungfish in Lake Baringo, Kenya, appeared to be fixed for a single control region haplotype, which occurred at low frequency in the other lakes. Using FLUCTUATE software, the female effective population size in Lake Victoria during the late Pleistocene was estimated to be c. 500 000, similar to the value estimated for the present-day population. These observations suggest that, during the late Pleistocene dry period, a large marbled lungfish population survived either in wet refugial areas within the lake basin or in surrounding areas. Marbled lungfish were reported to have been introduced into Lake Baringo 30 years ago with a founding population of only three individuals. The lack of control region variation in the Lake Baringo population is consistent with that situation.  相似文献   

  • 1 Phytoplankton species composition, numerical abundance, spatial distribution and total biomass measured as chlorophyll a concentration were studied in relation to environmental factors in September 1994 (dry season) and March 1995 (rainy season), respectively, in the Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria; 103 species were recorded.
  • 2 Blue‐green algae (Cyanophyceae) were most diverse, followed by diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), green algae (Chlorophyceae) and dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae).
  • 3 Twinspan separated the phytoplankton communities in the Nyanza Gulf and those in the open lake during both seasons. During the dry season, the Nyanza Gulf was strongly dominated by blue‐greens, while diatoms dominated in the open lake. During the rainy season, blue‐greens remained dominant in the Nyanza Gulf although the number of species found was lower than during the dry season; in the open lake, blue‐greens replaced diatoms as the dominant group and there were more species than in the dry season.
  • 4 Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the phytoplankton species distribution was significantly correlated with turbidity during the dry season and with SiO2 during the rainy season. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranging from 2.0 to 71.5 mg m‐3 in the dry season and 2.0–17.2 mg m‐3 in the rainy season confirm earlier reports of increasing phytoplankton biomass in Lake Victoria since the 1960s.

To offer an increased understanding of the spatial patterns, temporal, social and physical predictors of the conversion and transformations of land use in Lake Victoria basin, an assessment of proximate and underlying forces is presented. This study discusses key theoretical underpinnings for the manifold linkages existing between selected drivers of land-use changes around the basin and their consequences on human well-being. Using a meta-analytical research design, the paper analyses ecosystems level cases of the causes of land use and cover changes in the basin, to determine any spatio-temporal or institutional patterns and dynamics. A suite of recurrent core variables has been identified to influence land use and cover changes in the basin. The most prominent of these at the underlying category are climatic factors, economic factors, institutions, national and regional policies, population growth and other remote influences. At the proximate level, these factors drive cropland expansion, overgrazing, infrastructure extension and rates of land degradation. These are supported by empirical evidence from the basin. This assessment is crucial for appropriate local and transboundary policy interventions, which have to be fine-tuned to the locale-specific dynamic patterns associated with the inherent ecosystems changes.  相似文献   

Twelve short tandem repeat markers were successfully isolated from a cichlid, Haplochromis chilotes, in Lake Victoria, and characterized in Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus. The microsatellite regions of these markers were found to have between two and 48 alleles with heterozygosity ranging from 0.07 to 0.97. No loci showed significant departures from the Hardy–Weinberg or linkage equilibrium after the Bonferroni correction (P > 0.05). Cross‐species amplification in other cichlids of Lake Victoria, Haplochromis laparogramma, Lithochromis rubripinnis, L. rufus and Haplochromis sp. ‘rockkribensis’, was successful.  相似文献   

艾里克湖湿地植物群落特征指数与土壤因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用双向指示种分类法(TWINSPAN)和典范对应分析法(CCA),对干旱区艾里克湖湿地植物群落特征指数与土壤环境因子的关系进行研究.结果表明,研究区的29种主要植物,隶属12科27属,分为4个种类组,大多数物种丰富度较低,其中胡杨、毛柽柳、芦苇和西伯利亚泡泡刺是最常见的种类.TWINSPAN分析表明,该区25个样地分为3个主要类型组,组1包括6个样地,组2包括18个样地,组3包括1个样地,分别代表不同土壤有机质、全氮、全磷含量的3种生境.CCA排序结果同TWINSPAN分类结果基本一致,反映出植物群落分布格局随土壤因子变化的趋势,确定了影响该区植物群落盖度的土壤因子为有机质、全氮、全磷.  相似文献   

The Lake Victoria Region (LVR) encompasses the large lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Edward, George and Kivu, as well as scores of small satellite lakes within the parent catchments. Taken as a whole, the LVR originally harbored a unique fish fauna that included in excess of 600 endemic species of cichlid fishes. As a result of human influence, including a commercial fishery and the introduction of several exotic species, nearly 200 cichlid species and several endemic genera have become extinct from lakes Victoria and Kyoga. Recently, we have discovered that some of the apparently extinct taxa survive as extant representatives in the satellite lakes. Here, we summarize the findings of our ecological survey of the fish species of the satellite lakes. We also discuss the results of some preliminary genetic analyses, and highlight major genetic and ecological changes in the fish fauna that have taken place in the regional fishery. Minor lakes now play a crucial role in conserving the endangered species of the entire region, and also as living museums of East African ecological history. Our findings allude to the historical importance of minor satellite lakes as natural refugia for the fishes of the Lake Victoria Region, a region characterized by a history of geological and climatic instability.  相似文献   

Lagoon-treated wastewater was discharged to a natural peatland to remove nutrients. For thirty consecutive years, an average of 600,000 m3 of treated water was discharged to the Porter Ranch peatland near the community of Houghton Lake, Michigan. This discharge was seasonal, commencing no sooner than May 1 and ending no later than October 31. During the winter half-year, treated wastewater was stored at the lagoon site. This water contained 3.5 mg/L of total phosphorus, and 7 mg/L of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Other wastewater quality parameters were CBOD5 = 15 mg/L, TSS = 34 mg/L, and fecal coliforms at 66 cfu/100 ml. The peatland was large, about 700 ha, but the zone that provided wastewater polishing was approximately 100 ha. Outflows from the larger peatland showed no effects of the discharge, and maintained concentrations of 40 μg/L of phosphorus, and 85 μg/L of ammonia nitrogen. Nutrients were stored in the 100-ha irrigation area, which removed 94% of the phosphorus (53 metric tons) and 95% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen. All other constituents were also removed in the irrigation area, except for pass-through substances such as chloride. Phosphorus was stored in new biomass, increased soil sorption, and accretion of new soils and sediments, the last being dominant. A simple growth and uptake model described the removal of phosphorus, with an uptake rate coefficient that did not change over time. Thus, rates in this system were stable over time, and the P-removal capacity did not diminish. The irrigation area underwent large changes in ecosystem structure. There was an initial fertilizer response, characterized by much larger standing crops of vegetation. There was also a plant community shift, from the initial sedge-willow cover type to a cattail-dominant cover type. This new cattail patch became a floating mat.  相似文献   

I addressed the question how lake and catchment morphometry influences water chemistry and water quality over a large scale of European lakes, and developed the regression equations between most closely related morphometric and water quality indices. I analysed the data of 1,337 lakes included in the European Environment Agency (EEA) database, carrying out separate analyses for three basic lake types: large lakes (area ≥100 km2, 138 lakes), shallow lakes (mean depth ≤3 m, 153 lakes) and large and shallow lakes (area ≥100 km2 and mean depth ≤8 m, 35 lakes). The study revealed that in Europe, the lakes towards North are larger but shallower and have smaller catchment areas than the southern lakes; lakes at higher altitudes are deeper and smaller and have smaller catchment areas than the lowland lakes. Larger lakes have generally larger catchment areas and bigger volumes, and they are deeper than smaller lakes, but the relative depth decreases with increasing surface area. The lakes at higher latitudes have lower alkalinity, pH and conductivity, and also lower concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus while the concentration of organic matter is higher. In the lakes at higher altitudes, the concentration of organic matter and nutrient contents are lower and water is more transparent than in lowland lakes. In larger lakes with larger catchment area, the alkalinity, pH, conductivity and the concentrations of nutrients and organic matter are generally higher than in smaller lakes with smaller catchments. If the lake is deep and/or its residence time is long, the water is more transparent and the concentrations of chlorophyll a, organic matter and nutrients are lower than in shallower lakes with shorter residence times. The larger the catchment area is with respect to lake depth, area and volume, the lower is the water transparency and the higher are the concentrations of the nutrients, organic matter and chlorophyll as well as pH, alkalinity and conductivity. The links between lake water quality and morphometry become stronger towards large and shallow lakes. Along the decreasing gradients of latitude, altitude and relative depth, the present phosphorus concentration and its deviation from the reference concentration increases.  相似文献   

Lake Timsah is considered as the biggest water body at Ismailia City with a surface area of 14?km2. It is a saline shallow water basin lies approximately mid-way between the south city of Suez and the north city of Port Said at 30o35′46.55“N and 32o19′30.54″E. Because it receives water with high and low salinities, salinity stratification is producing in the Lake Timsah, with values of 14–40‰ for the surface water and over 40‰ for the bottom water. The temperature of the lake water decreased to below 19 °C in the winter and rose to above 29?°C in the summer; the concentration of dissolved oxygen ranged between 6.5 and 12.2?l?1 and the pH fluctuated between 7.9 in its lower value and 8.2 in its higher value. Water transparency was very low as indicated by Secchi disc readings recorded during this study and varied between 0.3 and 2.7?m. The main chemical nutrient (phosphorus) reached its highest levels of 96?µg?l?1 in winter and their lowest values of 24?µg?l?1 during summer. This nutrient concentration is high especially by comparing with those of unpolluted marine waters, but is typical of the more eutrophic coastal waters worldwide. The composition and abundance of phytoplankton with dominancy of diatoms and increased population density (20,986 cell l?1) reflect the eutrophic condition of the lake. The intensive growth of phytoplankton was enriched by high concentration of chlorophyll a with annual values ranged between 6.5 and 56?µg?l?1. The objective of the present work was quantitative assessment of the quality of the water of the Lake Timsah using different approaches. During the present study, three different approaches were applied for the quantitative assessment of Lake Timsah water quality: the trophic state index (TST); trophic level index (TLI) and water quality index (WQI). Application of the trophic state and trophic level indices (TSI & TLI) revealed that the Lake Timsah has trophic indices of 60 and 5.2 for TSI and TLI, respectively. Both indices reflected the eutrophic condition of the lake waters and confirmed that the eutrophication is a major threat in the Lake Timsah. On the other hand, the WQI calculated for the Lake Timsah during the present study with an average of 49 demonstrated that the water of the Lake Timsah is bad and unsuitable for main and/or several uses. Moreover, WQI allows accounting for several water resource uses and can serve a more robust than TSI and/or TLI and can be used effectively as a comprehensive tool for water quality quantification. In conclusion, the three subjective indices used for the assessment process for the lake water are more suitable and effective for needs of the sustainable water resources protection and management of the Lake Timsah.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in the salinity and physicochemical characteristics of water quality were surveyed in brackish Lake Obuchi on the Shimokita Peninsula in Aomori, Japan. The mean salinity in the surface layer in all regions of Lake Obuchi was about 10 psu, whereas in the basin region at depths of greater than 3 m it was 20 psu. Furthermore, all the year round the halocline was formed at depths of 1–4 m. The maximum density gradient along a vertical axis in the center of the lake was observed at depths of 1–2 m in summer and 2–4 m in spring and fall. The depth of the maximum density gradient fluctuated with the seasons. In summer the water in the bottom layer was anoxic, and Fe, Mn, PO4 3−-P, and NH4 +-N supplied from the bottom sediment accumulated at high concentrations below the halocline. Thus, it was observed that the transfer of substances between the layers above and below the barrier formed by the halocline is suppressed. Although Lake Obuchi is small and shallow, the inflowing seawater easily resides, and a stable halocline readily forms because of the shape of its basin, which suddenly deepens on the Pacific Ocean side. Received: May 24, 1999 / Accepted: September 25, 1999  相似文献   

Perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctane sulfonate were determined in the sediments from Winam Gulf, which is in the Kenyan side of Lake Victoria and in its source rivers. The sources of perfluorinated compounds within the Gulf of Lake Victoria have been identified and their levels determined for the first time, in this study, using SPE and HPLC-MS-MS analytical methodology. Variability in the concentrations of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctane sulfonate ranged from 1.4–99.1 and <1–57.5 ng/g in river sediments, respectively, which was higher than concentrations obtained from lake sediments (range perfluorooctanoic acid <1–24.1 ng/g and perfluorooctane sulfonate <1–4.0 ng/g). The results obtained suggested generalized point sources such as domestic and industrial waste indicated by significant correlation and regression of r2 = 0.857. Sampling sites within and near sewage and water treatment facilities gave the highest concentrations of both analytes, and were observed to be the main source of perfluorinated compounds pollution. The lowest limit of quantification was 1 ng/g for both analytes and limits of detection were 0.1 and 0.2 ng/g for perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctane sulfonate, respectively. Typical values for recovery obtained were higher than 78% from spiked amounts ranging from 1 to 150 ng. Quantifying perfluoro alkylated compounds in sediments have provided insights into their source, distribution, and mobility in the Lake Victoria Basin.  相似文献   

The maintenance of colour polymorphisms within populations has been a long-standing interest in evolutionary ecology. African cichlid fish contain some of the most striking known cases of this phenomenon. Intrasexual selection can be negative frequency dependent when males bias aggression towards phenotypically similar rivals, stabilizing male colour polymorphisms. We propose that where females are territorial and competitive, aggression biases in females may also promote coexistence of female morphs. We studied a polymorphic population of the cichlid fish Neochromis omnicaeruleus from Lake Victoria, in which three distinct female colour morphs coexist: one plain brown and two blotched morphs. Using simulated intruder choice tests in the laboratory, we show that wild-caught females of each morph bias aggression towards females of their own morph, suggesting that females of all three morphs may have an advantage when their morph is locally the least abundant. This mechanism may contribute to the establishment and stabilization of colour polymorphisms. Next, by crossing the morphs, we generated sisters belonging to different colour morphs. We find no sign of aggression bias in these sisters, making pleiotropy unlikely to explain the association between colour and aggression bias in wild fish, which is maintained in the face of gene flow. We conclude that female-female aggression may be one important force for stabilizing colour polymorphism in cichlid fish.  相似文献   

The fish stocks of Lakes Kyoga and Victoria have changed since Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.), was introduced, and this is reflected in the prey ingested by the predator. Initially, haplochromine cichlids constituted the main prey of most sizes of Nile perch. As the stocks of these have declined, Caridina nilotica (Roux) and Anisopteran nymphs have become the dominant food of the juveniles, while Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin), juvenile Nile perch and Oreochromis niloticus (L.) have become the main food of larger Nile perch. Apart from R. argentea , most of the native fish species of these lakes have disappeared. The stocks of Nile perch in Lake Kyoga, to which it was introduced earlier than to Lake Victoria, have declined after dominating the fishery since 1965. and have been superseded by O. niloricus . an introduced herbivore. Similar changes are now occurring in Lake Victoria. The Nile perch might not maintain the high yield realized in the two lakes when haplochromines were abundant. It is therefore necessary to exercise caution with high and long-term investments aimed specifically at developing the Nile perch fishery.  相似文献   

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