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AIMS: Lactobacilli, the predominant micro-organisms of the vaginal microbiota, play a major role in the maintenance of a healthy urogenital tract by preventing the colonization of pathogenic bacteria. The aim of the present study was to assess the ability of four vaginal Lactobacillus strains, previously selected for their probiotic features, to block in vitro the adherence of three human urogenital pathogens to vaginal epithelial cells (VEC). METHODS AND RESULTS: Three types of assays were performed in order to determine the inhibitory effect of lactobacilli on adhesion of urogenital pathogens to VEC: blockage by exclusion (lactobacilli and VEC followed by pathogens), competition (lactobacilli, VEC and pathogens together) and displacement (pathogens and VEC followed by the addition of lactobacilli). Bacterial adhesion to VEC was quantified by microscopy (x1000) after Gram's stain. All the strains were able to inhibit by exclusion and competition the adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus to VEC but none was able to decrease the attachment of Escherichia coli by neither of the mechanisms assayed. Only Lactobacillus acidophillus CRL 1259 and Lactobacillus paracasei CRL 1289 inhibited the attachment of Group B streptococci (GBS) to VEC by exclusion and competition respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Lactobacillus of vaginal origin were able to inhibit the attachment of genitouropathogenic Staph. aureus and GBS to the vaginal epithelium. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results support the probiotic potential of these Lactobacillus strains as anti-infective agents in the vagina and encourage further studies about their capacity to prevent and manage urogenital tract infections in females.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the adhesion of lactobacilli and their subsequent competitive exclusion ability against pathogens. Methods and Results: Four species of putative probiotic lactobacilli were studied for their adhesion abilities. First, the adhesion to Caco‐2 cells was examined by light and electron microscopy. The four species were then labelled by [methyl‐3H] thymidine and their adhesion to porcine intestinal mucus was determined by radioactivity. The tested lactobacilli showed best adhesion on ileal mucus compared with duodenal and jujenal mucus. Oxidative compound pre‐treatment (NaIO3 and NaIO4) dramatically decreased the adhesion of the lactobacilli to mucus. Pre‐treating mucus with proteolytic enzymes (proteinase K and trypsin) resulted in the increase of adhesion in Lactobacillus serotype Reuteri I2021, but the results in the other species were variable. Lactobacillus serotype Fermentum I5007 showed greatest adhesion potential and exerted the best competitive exclusion against Salmonella and Escherichia. Conclusions: Adhesion ability in lactobacilli is species‐specific. Lactobacilli with higher adhesion index have better competitive exclusion ability. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study suggests that there is a positive correlation between adhesion and competitive exclusion ability of lactobacilli. Additionally, the in vitro adhesion assay is a feasible way to screen unknown lactobacilli, potentially for future industrial applications.  相似文献   

对弯曲乳杆菌Lactobacillus crispatus T79-3和T90-1、詹氏乳杆菌Lactobacillus jensenii T118-3和T231-1四株乳杆菌对金黄色葡萄球菌生长的抑制效果以及抑菌成分进行了分析,比较乳杆菌排除、竞争、置换3种不同作用方式对金黄色葡萄球菌粘附HeLa细胞的抑制作用。结果表明4株乳杆菌皆能抑制金黄色葡萄球菌的生长及其粘附HeLa细胞的能力,分析发现4株乳杆菌发挥抑制作用的主要成分是有机酸,同时比较分析乳杆菌3种不同作用方式发现它们对金黄色葡萄球菌粘附HeLa细胞的抑制效果不同,其中,排除作用方式效果最好。另外,乳杆菌对金黄色葡萄球菌粘附HeLa细胞的抑制作用具有浓度依赖性,随着乳杆菌浓度增大,抑制作用增强并逐渐达到饱和。4株乳杆菌中,T79-3粘附能力最强,对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用最强,排除作用方式抑制金黄色葡萄球菌粘附HeLa细胞作用效果较好,提示乳杆菌T79-3有可能作为益生菌防治妇女泌尿生殖道感染。  相似文献   

Using an in vitro method, some factors affecting the attachment of a strain of lactobacillus to chicken crop epithelial cells have been studied. Time of contact beyond 10 min, pH value, age or growth temperature of the bacterial culture, or nature of the energy source in the growth medium had little or no effect on attachment. Heating to 100 degrees C for 10 min, or treatment with EDTA or surface active compounds was also without effect. Treatment with sodium periodate markedly decreased adhesion, proteolytic enzymes had a smaller effect but wheat germ lipase was completely inactive. The pronounced inhibition of adhesion by periodate suggested the invovement of carbohydrate. However, enzymes known to attack carbohydrate substrates were inactive in reducing adhesion. Concanavalin A, which binds specifically to certain sugar residues, reduced attachment. It is suggested that these concanavalin A receptors on the lactobacillus are responsible for its attachment to crop epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Thymocyte adhesion to thymic epithelial cells is a relevant issue during intrathymic T-cell differentiation, and directly intervenes in the generation and expansion of the T-cell repertoire. In view of these data, it was apparent the usefulness of an automated strategy to evaluate the degree of thymic epithelial cell-thymocyte adhesion. This prompted us to develop an ELISA procedure (using an anti-Thy1 reagent) to determine the degree of thymocyte adhesion onto cultured thymic epithelial cells. The procedure described herein is simple, non-radioactive and reproducible. Additionally, it can potentially be applied to quantitate the degree of thymocyte adhesion to any cellular or non-cellular substrate (for example, extracellular matrix). Moreover, it detected fluctuations of thymocyte adhesion secondary to glucocorticoid treatment of epithelial cells. Thus, it can be regarded as a further tool to analyze intrathymic interactions.  相似文献   

Adhesion of four isolates of Candida albicans to buccal epithelial cells was determined after growth of the yeasts in defined medium containing 50 mM glucose or 500 mM galactose as the carbon source. With each isolate, adhesion of galactose-grown yeasts was significantly higher than that of glucose-grown organisms. Yeast cell-surface hydrophobicity was assessed by two methods, a modified hydrocarbon adhesion assay and a more sensitive polystyrene microsphere assay. All four isolates were significantly more hydrophobic after growth on 500 mM galactose than after growth on 50 mM glucose. Overall, a strong positive correlation between adhesion and surface hydrophobicity was observed (r = 0.965). These results are discussed in relation to the role of yeast-surface hydrophobicity in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a major etiological agent in gastroduodenal disorders. The adhesion of H. pylori to gastric epithelial cells is the initial step of H. pylori infection. Inhibition of H. pylori adhesion is thus a therapeutic target in the prevention of H. pylori infection. We have reported that rebamipide and ecabet sodium, mucoprotective antiulcer agents, independently inhibit H. pylori adhesion. However, the antiadhesion activity of each antiulcer agent was incomplete. Experiments were performed to evaluate the combined effect of rebamipide and ecabet sodium on H. pylori adhesion to gastric epithelial cells. MKN-28 and MKN-45 cells, derived from human gastric carcinomas, were used as target cells. Twelve clinical isolates of H. pylori were used in this study. We evaluated the effects of rebamipide and ecabet sodium, individually and in combination, on H. pylori adhesion to target cells quantitatively using our previously established enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Rebamipide and ecabet sodium each partially inhibited H. pylori adhesion. In contrast, adhesion was almost completely inhibited by pretreating target cells and H. pylori with the combination of rebamipide and ecabet sodium. Our studies suggest that the synergistic antiadhesion activity of rebamipide and ecabet sodium is greater than that of each antiulcer agent alone.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aims of this study present were to assess and to evaluate in vitro the abilities of commercial probiotic strains derived from fermented milk products and related sources currently marketed in European countries, to inhibit, compete and displace the adhesion of selected potential pathogens to immobilized human mucus. METHODS AND RESULTS: The adhesion was assessed by measuring the radioactivity of bacteria adhered to the human mucus. We tested 12 probiotic strains against eight selected pathogens. All strains tested were able to adhere to mucus. All probiotic strains tested were able to inhibit and displace (P<0.05) the adhesion of Bacteroides, Clostridium, Staphylococcus and Enterobacter. In addition, the abilities to inhibit and to displace adhered pathogens depended on both the probiotic and the pathogen strains tested suggesting that several complementary mechanisms are implied in the processes. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate the need for a case-by-case assessment in order to select strains with the ability to inhibit or displace a specific pathogen. Probiotics could be useful to correct deviations observed in intestinal microbiota associated with specific diseases and also, to prevent pathogen infections. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The competitive exclusion properties of probiotics as well as their ability to displace and inhibit pathogens are the most importance for therapeutic manipulation of the enteric microbiota. The application of such strategies could contribute to expand the beneficial properties on human health against pathogen infection.  相似文献   

To facilitate the study of interactions between equine spermatozoa and homologous oviduct epithelial cells, we developed an assay to count labelled spermatozoa bound to oviduct epithelial cell (OEC) monolayers and used the assay to compare the binding ability of spermatozoa from different stallions. Washed spermatozoa from three stallions were incubated with the fluorochrome Hoechst 33342 (5 μg/ml) for 1 min. Spermatozoa were then layered over confluent monolayers of oviduct epithelial cells in 2 cm2 culture wells. Coculture treatments comprised five concentrations of spermatozoa (105, 5 × 105, 106, 2.5 × 106, and 5 × 106 per well). Cocultures were incubated for 30 min before unattached spermatozoa were aspirated in coculture supernatant. Fluorescent videoimages of attached spermatozoa were digitized, and attached spermatozoa were counted by image processing and analysis. Four wells (replicates) of each concentration were allocated within each ejaculate, and ejaculates were blocked by stallion for ANOVA. The total number of spermatozoa bound was not different between replicate wells (P > 0.1). Stallion, ejaculate, concentration, and all higher level interactions influenced total spermatozoa bound (P < 0.00001). Coefficients of variation between replicates were lowest for inseminate concentrations between 106 and 5 × 106 spermatozoa per well. Within the ejaculate, a log linear relationship exists between the number of bound spermatozoa and a spermatozoal concentration of the inseminate between 5 × 105 and 5 × 106 spermatozoa per well. This assay provides a reliable method of determining numbers of spermatozoa bound to somatic cells in vitro. Furthermore, differences exist in the ability of spermatozoa from different stallions to bind OEC monolayers. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

AIMS: The antifungal activity of amyrin pentacyclic triterpene and 15 synthetic derivatives was evaluated against Candida species. Additionally, inhibition of adhesion of Candida albicans to human epithelial cells in vitro was determined. METHODS AND RESULTS: Esterification of alpha- and beta-amyrin with a variety of acyl chlorides produced a series of analogue derivatives. These substances were synthesized to evaluate the antifungal properties against Candida species. Among the 15 derivatives, alpha- and beta-amyrin formiate (2) and alpha- and beta-amyrin acetate (3) were the most active, inhibiting all the Candida species tested in concentrations that ranged from 30 to 250 microg ml(-1). alpha- and beta-amyrin formiate inhibited the adhesion ability of C. albicans to buccal epithelial cells (BEC) in 65.3%. CONCLUSIONS: alpha- and beta-amyrin formiate and alpha- and beta-amyrin acetate derivatives exhibited potential antifungal activity against Candida spp. and amyrin formiate showed inhibition of the adhesion ability of C. albicans to buccal epithelial cells. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrated that two derivatives of amyrin pentacyclic triterpene exhibited significant antifungal activity against Candida species. Additionally, alpha- and beta-amyrin formiate was as effective as fluconazole in inhibiting the adhesion of C. albicans to buccal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Rabbit intestinal epithelial cells, obtained after a limited hyaluronidase digestion, were incubated in medium with or without calf serum, on bacteriological plastic dishes. The dishes, either plain or coated with an air-dried type I collagen film, were pretreated with medium alone or with medium containing purified laminin or purified fibronectin. Cells did not attach in significant numbers to untreated bacteriological plastic, even in the presence of serum. Cells did attach to collagen-coated dishes, and were judged viable on the basis of their incorporation of radiolabeled leucine into cell protein. Cell adhesion to the collagen substrate increased in proportion to the concentration of serum in the medium, with maximal attachment at 5% serum or greater. Pretreatment of plain or collagen-coated dishes with increasing amounts of fibronectin enhanced cell adhesion in a concentration-dependent manner. Either serum, or fibronectin-free serum in the medium enhanced cell attachment to substrates pretreated with cither fibronectin or laminin. Thus, intestinal epithelial cells appear to possess surface receptors for both laminin and fibronectin. The evidence further suggests that calf serum may contain factors, other than fibronectin, capable of enhancing intestinal epithelial cell attachment to collagen substrates.  相似文献   

The influence of fibronectin (Fn) coated surfaces patterned with poly(ethylene glycol) microgels having inter-gel spacings between 0.5 and 3.0 μm on the adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus strains with and without Fn-binding proteins and cellular adhesion/spreading was investigated. Quantitative force measurements between a S. aureus cell and a patterned surface showed that the adhesion force between the bacterium and the patterned surface increased substantially after Fn adsorption, regardless of the strain used, but decreased with decreasing inter-gel spacing. In flow-chamber experiments, the Fn-binding strain adhered at a higher rate after Fn adsorption than the strain lacking Fn-binding proteins. In both cases, the adhesion rates decreased with decreasing inter-gel spacing. Osteoblast-like cells could bind to patterned surfaces despite the microgels, and adsorbed Fn substantially amplified this effect. Even under highly non-adhesive conditions associated with closely spaced microgels, adsorbed Fn preserves a window of inter-gel spacing around 1 μm where the adhesion of staphylococcal cells is hindered while cells can still adhere and spread.  相似文献   

Liang X  Ji Y 《Cellular microbiology》2006,8(10):1656-1668
Staphylococcus aureus is an important human and animal pathogen. During infection, this bacterium is able to attach to and enter host cells by using its cell surface-associated factors to bind to the host's extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. In this study, we determined that a protein exported by S. aureus, alpha-toxin, can interfere with the integrin-mediated adhesion and internalization of S. aureus by human lung epithelial cells (A549). The downregulation of alpha-toxin production significantly increased bacterial adhesion and invasion into the epithelial cells. In contrast, bacterial adhesion and invasion was inhibited by both overproduction of alpha-toxin and the addition of alpha-toxin to the culture medium. Moreover, our results showed that the quantitative effects on invasion closely parallel those of adherence. This suggests that the effect on invasion is probably secondary to, and a consequence of, the reduced adherence caused by alpha-toxin exposure. Specifically, we demonstrated that alpha-toxin interacts with the hosts' ECM protein's receptor, beta1-integrin, which indicates that beta1-integrin may be a potential receptor of alpha-toxin on epithelial cells. Taken together, our results indicate that exported alpha-toxin inhibits the adhesion and internalization of S. aureus by interfering with integrin-mediated pathogen-host cell interactions.  相似文献   

Interactions of cell adhesions, Rho GTPases and actin in the endothelial cells' response to external forces are complex and not fully understood, but a qualitative understanding of the mechanosensory response begins to emerge. Here, we formulate a mathematical model of the coupled dynamics of cell adhesions, small GTPases Rac and Rho and actin stress fibers guiding a directional reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. The model is based on the assumptions that the interconnected cytoskeleton transfers the shear force to the adhesion sites, which in turn transduce the force into a chemical signal that activates integrins at the basal surface of the cell. Subsequently, activated and ligated integrins signal and transiently de-activate Rho, causing the disassembly of actin stress fibers and inhibiting the maturation of focal complexes into focal contacts. Focal complexes and ligated integrins activate Rac, which in turn enhances focal complex assembly. When Rho activity recovers, stress fibers re-assemble and promote the maturation of focal complexes into focal contacts. Merging stress fibers self-align, while the elevated level of Rac activity at the downstream edge of the cell is translated into an alignment of the cells and the newly forming stress fibers in the flow direction. Numerical solutions of the model equations predict transient changes in Rac and Rho that compare well with published experimental results. We report quantitative data on early alignment of the stress fibers and its dependence on cell shape that agrees with the model.  相似文献   

The effect of physiological conditions on autolysis and autolytic activity in various strains ofStaphylococcus aureus was determined. The rate of whole cell autolysis ofS. aureus was growth phase dependent and a maximum rate was observed in early stationary phase cultures. However, the autolysins extracted by the freeze-thaw method (cell-wall bound autolytic activity) did not show any significant increase in activity. The addition of NaCl to the growth medium enhanced the rate of autolysis with the highest rate being displayed by cultures grown in 1.5 M NaCl. However, lower autolytic activity was found in the freeze-thaw extracts of cultures grown at higher concentrations of NaCl. The rate of autolysis of cultures grown at 30°C was higher than cultures grown at 37 or 43°C. Thus, the rate of autolysis seems to be independent of the bacterial growth rate. Cultures grown in slightly acidic conditions showed a faster rate of autolysis compared to cultures grown under alkaline conditions. SDS-polyacrylamide gel containing 0.2% crude cell-wall ofS. aureus did not show any obvious correlation with the appearance of any particular lytic band in the zymogram to autolytic activity or rate of autolysis of cultures grown under various environmental conditions. A nonhemolytic phenotype, mutations in the accessory gene regulator, and lysogeny (phages ø11, ø12, ø13) had no obvious effect either on the rate of autolysis or on the pattern of lytic bands in the zymograms.  相似文献   

细胞粘附与树突状细胞迁移机制   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
刘巍  周同  史浩  孙桂芝  张冬青  陈楠 《生命科学》2002,14(6):379-382,372
树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC)是迄今已知功能最强的抗原递呈细胞,DC体内迁移机制与其分化成熟。表型转换及生物学功能发挥密切相关。粘附分子及其介导的细胞粘附参与了DC的迁移机制。深入研究DC迁移的分子基础。有助于进一步阐明DC的生物学特性和功能。也可以通过DC进行免疫调控用于临床疾病防治提供重要理论基础。  相似文献   

Coronins, WD-repeat actin-binding proteins, are known to regulate cell motility by coordinating actin filament turnover in lamellipodia of migrating cell. Here we report a novel mechanism of Coronin 1C-mediated cell motility that involves regulation of cell-matrix adhesion. RNAi silencing of Coronin 1C in intestinal epithelial cells enhanced cell migration and modulated lamellipodia dynamics by increasing the persistence of lamellipodial protrusion. Coronin 1C-depleted cells showed increased cell-matrix adhesions and enhanced cell spreading compared to control cells, while over-expression of Coronin 1C antagonized cell adhesion and spreading. Enhanced cell-matrix adhesion of coronin-deficient cells correlated with hyperphosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and paxillin, and an increase in number of focal adhesions and their redistribution at the cell periphery. siRNA depletion of FAK in coronin-deficient cells rescued the effects of Coronin 1C depletion on motility, cell-matrix adhesion, and spreading. Thus, our findings provide the first evidence that Coronin 1C negatively regulates epithelial cell migration via FAK-mediated inhibition of cell-matrix adhesion.  相似文献   

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