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Summary In the present study we have established a pure monolayer culture system of human fallopian tube epithelial cells. The cells were isolated using collagenase digestion, and were cultured in Medium 199 supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum. The epithelial cells derived from primary and secondary culture were characterized using immunocytochemical staining and electron microscopy. The cells continued to grow for 2 to 3 wk once the monolayer culture of the cells was established. It is currently possible to maintain the cultures until the third generation. Proliferation of these cells was enhanced by epidermal growth factor but not by basic-fibroblast growth factor, insulin, transferrin, estradiol-17β, or progesterone. This culture system offers a good model for determining characteristics of the tubal epithelium and would permit effective study of co-culture with embryos.  相似文献   

Summary The culture of epithelial cells lining human efferent ducts, obtained from prostatic carcinoma patients, is described. Ciliated cells were observed to beat for at least one month on plastic. On pervious filters low cuboidal cells characterized the monolayers. Cells comprising monolayers over the filter were 5 to 9 m in height whereas taller cells were found over the original fragments (14 m). Some non-ciliated cells contained dark and light vacuoles, others were found to lack them. Both non-ciliated and ciliated cells maintained tight junctional complexes restricting the paracellular movement of horseradish peroxidase. Both types of cultured cells exhibited fluid-phase and adsorptive endocytosis from both apical and basal surfaces. It is reported for the first time that the monolayers form high resistance barriers (150 cm2) that prevent the apical medium from draining to the basal compartment over 24 h.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), an oxidant present in high concentrations in the aqueous humor of the elderly eyes, is known to impart toxicity to the lens---apoptosis being one of the toxic events. Since H(2)O(2) causes lipid peroxidation leading to the formation of reactive end-products, it is important to investigate whether the end-products of lipid peroxidation are involved in the oxidation-induced apoptosis in the lens. 4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE), a major cytotoxic end product of lipid peroxidation, has been shown to mediate oxidative stress-induced cell death in many cell types. It has been shown that HNE is cataractogenic in micromolar concentrations in vitro, however, the underlying mechanism is not yet clearly understood. In the present study we have demonstrated that H(2)O(2) and the lipid derived aldehydes, HNE and 4-hydroxyhexenal (HHE), can induce dose- and time-dependent loss of cell viability and a simultaneous increase in apoptosis involving activation of caspases such as caspase-1, -2, -3, and -8 in the cultured human lens epithelial cells. Interestingly, we observed that Z-VAD, a broad range inhibitor of caspases, conferred protection against H(2)O(2)- and HNE-induced apoptosis, suggesting the involvement of caspases in this apoptotic system. Using the cationic dye JC-1, early apoptotic changes were assessed following 5 h of HNE and H(2)O(2) insult. Though HNE exposure resulted in approximately 50% cells to undergo early apoptotic changes, no such changes were observed in H(2)O(2) treated cells during this period. Furthermore, apoptosis, as determined by quantifying the DNA fragmentation, was apparent at a much earlier time period by HNE as opposed to H(2)O(2). Taken together, the results demonstrate the apoptotic potential of the lipid peroxidation end-products and suggest that H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis may be mediated by these end-products in the lens epithelium.  相似文献   



The oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis has been shown to modulate apoptosis in different cell types, but its effect on epithelial cells remains unclear.  相似文献   

The Helicobacter pylori infection of gastric mucosa is one of the most common infectious diseases and is associated with a variety of clinical outcomes, including peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. Helicobacter pylori-induced damage to gastric mucosal cells is controlled by bacterial virulence factors, which include VacA and CagA. Outer membrane vesicles are constantly shed by the bacteria and can provide an additional mechanism for pathogenicity by releasing non-secretable factors which can then interact with epithelial cells. The present report shows that external membrane vesicles are able to induce apoptosis not mediated by mitochondrial pathway in gastric (AGS) epithelial cells, as demonstrated by the lack of cytochrome c release with an activation of caspase 8 and 3. Apoptosis induced by these vesicles does not require a classic VacA+ phenotype, as a negative strain with a truncated and therefore non-secretable form of this protein can also induce cell death. These results should be taken into account in future studies of H. pylori pathogenicity in strains apparently VacA-.  相似文献   

A secreted cysteine protease (CP) fraction from Trichomonas vaginalis is shown here to induce apoptosis in human vaginal epithelial cells (HVEC) and is analyzed by mass spectrometry. The trichomonad parasite T. vaginalis causes one of the most common non-viral sexually transmitted infection in humans, trichomoniasis. The parasite as well as a secreted cysteine protease (CP) fraction, isolated by affinity chromatography followed by Bio-Gel P-60 column chromatography, are shown to induce HVEC apoptosis, as demonstrated by the Cell Death Detection ELISA(PLUS) assay and annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate flow cytometry analyses. Initiation of apoptosis is correlated with protease activity because the specific CP inhibitor E-64 inhibits both activities. SDS-PAGE analysis of the CP fraction reveals triplet bands around 30 kDa, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight MS indicates two closely associated peaks of molecular mass 23.6 and 23.8 kDa. Mass spectral peptide sequencing of the proteolytically digested CPs results in matches to previously reported cDNA clones, CP2, CP3, and CP4 (Mallinson, D. J., Lockwood, B. C., Coombs, G. H., and North, M. J. (1994) Microbiology 140, 2725-2735), as well as another sequence with high homology to CP4 (www.tigr.org). These last two species are the most abundant components of the CP fraction. The present results, suggesting that CP-induced programmed cell death may be involved in the pathogenesis of T. vaginalis infection in vivo, may have important implications for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Primary keratinocytes derived from human epidermis are widely used in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. An important aspect in clinical applications is the preservation of human skin keratinocyte stem cells. However, it is difficult to expand the number of human skin keratinocyte stem cells, which are undifferentiated and highly proliferative in culture by using standard cell culture methods. It is even more difficult to identify them, since universal specific markers for human skin keratinocyte stem cells have not been identified. In this paper, we show a method to produce a large number of primary progenitor human skin keratinocytes by using our novel culture techniques. Primary human skin keratinocyte monolayers are cultured using twice the volume of medium without serum and lacking essential fatty acids. Once the cells reach 70–80% confluence, they begin to float up into the overlying medium and are called “epithelial pop-up keratinocytes (ePUKs)” allowing the cells to be passaged without the use of trypsin. We analyzed the properties of ePUKs by cell size, cell viability, immunocytofluorescence biomarker staining, and cell cycle phase distribution by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Our results showed that these ePUKs appear to be progenitor epithelial cells, which are small in size, undifferentiated, and have a high proliferative capacity. We believe that ePUKs are suitable for use in medical applications requiring a large number of primary human progenitor skin keratinocytes.  相似文献   

High voltage electric pulses, 1000 V/cm, were found to induce cell fusion efficiently when delivered to cells growing in a monolayer culture. The maximum yield of fused cells was about 30% of cells remaining after treatment. Colonies of interspecies hybrid cells between mouse and others also appeared with a frequency of 3 X 10(-4) - 2 X 10(-5) after culturing fused cells in a selection medium that permits the growth of only hybrid cells. This method of electrofusion was applied for complementation analysis of DNA repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum cells. Efficient cell fusion was also observed with these human diploid fibroblasts and the resulting heterodikaryons showed a recovery of ultraviolet light-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis to the same extent as in normal cells.  相似文献   

The continuous exposure of the colonic epithelium to high concentrations of bile acids may exert cytotoxic effects and has been related to pathogenesis of colon cancer. A better knowledge of the mechanisms by which bile acids induce toxicity is still required and may be useful for the development of new therapeutic strategies. We have studied the effect of deoxycholic acid (DCA) and chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) treatments in BCS-TC2 human colon adenocarcinoma cells. Both bile acids promote cell death, being this effect higher for CDCA. Apoptosis is detected after 30 min–2 h of treatment, as observed by cell detachment, loss of membrane asymmetry, internucleosomal DNA degradation, appearance of mitochondrial transition permeability (MPT), and caspase and Bax activation. At longer treatment times, apoptosis is followed in vitro by secondary necrosis due to impaired mitochondrial activity and ATP depletion. Bile acid-induced apoptosis is a result of oxidative stress with increased ROS generation mainly by activation of plasma membrane enzymes, such as NAD(P)H oxidases and, to a lower extent, PLA2. These effects lead to a loss of mitochondrial potential and release of pro-apoptotic factors to the cytosol, which is confirmed by activation of caspase-9 and -3, but not caspase-8. This initial apoptotic steps promote cleavage of Bcl-2, allowing Bax activation and formation of additional pores in the mitochondrial membrane that amplify the apoptotic signal.  相似文献   

Summary Mice with targeted disruption of the cftr gene show pathophysiologic changes in the gallbladder, which correlate with hepatobiliary disease seen in cystic fibrosis patients. As gallbladder epithelium secretes mucin, and as this epithelium consists of a relatively homogenous cell type, study of CFTR function in these cells would be beneficial to delineate the complex cellular functions of this protein. The size and anatomic location of the murine gallbladder makes such studies difficult in vivo. Therefore, the need exists for in vitro models of gallbladder epithelium. We describe a method to isolate and culture murine gallbladder epithelium from wild-type and CF mice. Cells were grown in a monolayer on porous inserts over a feeder layer of fibroblasts. These nontransformed cells can be successively passaged and maintain a well-differentiated epithelial cell phenotype as shown by morphologic criteria, characterized by polarized columnar epithelial cells with prominent microvilli and intercellular junctions. Organotypic cultures showed columnar cells simulating in vivo morphology. This culture system should be valuable in delineating cellular processes relating to CFTR in gallbladder epithelium.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering in cardiovascular regenerative therapy requires the development of an efficient oxygen supply system for cell cultures. However, there are few studies which have examined human cardiomyocytes in terms of oxygen consumption and metabolism in culture. We developed an oxygen measurement system equipped with an oxygen microelectrode sensor and estimated the oxygen consumption rates (OCRs) by using the oxygen concentration profiles in culture medium. The heart is largely made up of cardiomyocytes, cardiac fibroblasts, and cardiac endothelial cells. Therefore, we measured the oxygen consumption of human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs), cardiac fibroblasts, human cardiac microvascular endothelial cell and aortic smooth muscle cells. Then we made correlations with their metabolisms. In hiPSC-CMs, the value of the OCR was 0.71 ± 0.38 pmol/h/cell, whereas the glucose consumption rate and lactate production rate were 0.77 ± 0.32 pmol/h/cell and 1.61 ± 0.70 pmol/h/cell, respectively. These values differed significantly from those of the other cells in human heart. The metabolism of the cells that constitute human heart showed the molar ratio of lactate production to glucose consumption (L/G ratio) that ranged between 1.97 and 2.2. Although the energy metabolism in adult heart in vivo is reported to be aerobic, our data demonstrated a dominance of anaerobic glycolysis in an in vitro environment. With our measuring system, we clearly showed the differences in the metabolism of cells between in vivo and in vitro monolayer culture. Our results regarding cell OCRs and metabolism may be useful for future tissue engineering of human heart.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayers of cultured epithelial cells have been prepared from fragments of guinea pig pancreatic excretory ducts isolated by a simple procedure employing collagenase digestion and manual selection, through which virtually all of the ductal system can be recovered. The isolated fragments were cultured in enriched Waymouth's medium on extracellular matrices of various composition and thickness, including: thin (<5 μm) and thick (0.5 mm) layers of rat tail collagen; thin layers of human placental collagen; thin layers of Matrigel (a reconstituted basement membrane material); uncoated tissue culture plastic; and the cellulose ester membranes of Millipore Millicells. Cells spread rapidly from duct fragments cultured on uncoated plastic or on plastic coated with thin layers of rat tail collagen or human placental collagen and formed epithelial monolayers. However, these cells were squamous and lacked the abundant basolateral membrane amplification and apical microvilli characteristic of freshly isolated duct epithelial cells. Cells did not spread from duct fragments cultured on Matrigel. In contrast, when fragments of pancreatic ducts were explanted onto either a thick layer of rat tail collagen or onto Millicell membranes, cells readily spread and formed confluent monolayers of cuboidal epithelial cells characterized by abundant mitochondria, apical microvilli, and basolateral plasma membrane elaboration. These results demonstrate that different forms of extracellular matrix modulate the growth and differentiation of pancreatic duct epithelial cells, and that culture on a permeable substrate markedly enhances the maintenance of differentiated characteristics in this cell type. The monolayers formed on Millicell membranes should provide a useful model system for physiologic analysis of the regulation of electrolyte secretion by this epithelium. This research was supported by grants DK32994 and DK35912 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infection induces apoptosis and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in gastric epithelial cells. In this study, we investigated the effects of NF-kappaB activation and iNOS expression on apoptosis in H. pylori-infected gastric epithelial cells. The suppression of NF-kappaB significantly increased caspase-3 activity and apoptosis in H. pylori-infected MKN-45 and Hs746T gastric epithelial cell lines as well as primary gastric epithelial cells. An NF-kappaB signaling pathway via NF-kappaB-inducing kinase and IkappaB kinase-beta activation was found to be involved in the inhibition of apoptosis in H. pylori-infected gastric epithelial cells. In gastric epithelial cells transfected with retrovirus containing IkappaBalpha superrepressor, iNOS mRNA and protein levels were reduced, indicating that H. pylori infection induced the expression of iNOS by activating NF-kappaB. Moreover, a NO donor, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (100 microM), decreased caspase-3 activity and apoptosis in NF-kappaB-suppressed cells infected with H. pylori. These results suggest that NF-kappaB activation may play a role in protecting gastric epithelial cells from H. pylori-induced apoptosis by upregulating endogenous iNOS.  相似文献   

Oxysterols are cytotoxic agents. The gallbladder epithelium is exposed to high concentrations of oxysterols, and so elucidating the mechanisms of cytotoxicity in this organ may enhance our understanding of the pathogenesis of biliary tract disorders. We investigated the cytotoxic effects of the oxysterol cholestan-3beta,5alpha,6beta-triol (TriolC) on dog gallbladder epithelial cells. Apoptosis was the major form of cytotoxicity, as determined by analysis of nuclear morphologic changes and by multiparameter flow cytometry. Hydrophobic bile salts are known to have cytotoxic effects, whereas hydrophilic bile salts have cytoprotective effects. We therefore examined whether the hydrophobic bile acid taurodeoxycholic acid (TDC) and the hydrophilic bile acid tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDC) had modifying effects on oxysterol-induced cytotoxicity. TriolC caused an increase in the number of apoptotic cells from 14+/-11% (control) to 48+/-12% of total cells (P<0.01). After combining TriolC with TDC, cell apoptosis increased to 63+/-16% (P<0.05), whereas after addition of TUDC, the number of apoptotic cells decreased to 31+/-12% (P<0.05) of total cells. In summary, oxysterols such as TriolC induce apoptosis. Hydrophobic bile salts enhance TriolC-induced apoptosis, whereas hydrophilic bile salts diminish TriolC-induced apoptosis. These results suggest that interactions between oxysterols and bile salts play a role in the pathophysiology of biliary tract disorders.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) activate adaptive immune responses in atherosclerotic plaques; however, the origin of DCs is in question. We attempted to determine whether cholesterol or its oxide forms, which are detected in abundance in atheromatous lesions, could induce differentiation or transition of monocytic cells to DCs. Treatment of THP-1 cells with 27-hydroxycholesterol (27OH-Chol) and 7α-hydroxycholesterol (7αOH-Chol) resulted in an increase in the numbers of adherent cells, and, in contrast to PMA, decreased uptake of FITC-conjugated dextran. In addition, treatment with 27OH-Chol and 7αOH-Chol induced expression of mDC-specific molecules, including CD40, CD80, CD83, and CD88. Of the two oxysterols, 27OH-Chol enhanced expression of MHC class I and II molecules as well as CCR7. However, treatment with an identical concentration of cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol did not influence adherence, uptake of FITC-conjugated dextran, and expression of the aforementioned molecules. This is the first study to report on change of monocytic cells by oxysterols to phenotypically atypical cells with some characteristics of mDCs detected in atherosclerotic lesions. We propose that a certain type of oxysterol would contribute to immune responses in atherosclerotic lesions by enhancing expression of multiple CD molecules as well as MHC molecules by monocytic cells.  相似文献   

Tissue culture of human epithelial cells from benign colonic tumors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Human colonic epithelial cells from three classes of benign tumors have been reproducibly cultured free of fibroblasts for 8 wk using a supplemented Medium 199 (M 199S). The cultured colonic cells were identified as epithelial by the presence of junctional complexes (tight junctions, gap junctions, and desmosomes), a brush border on the apical surface, keratin fibrils, and by both a close-packed columnar or cuboidal morphology and the capability to transport water and ions to form hemicysts. Colony formation was initiated by groups of epithelial cells, not by single cells, and was inhibited by cocultivation with either lethally irradiated 3T3 cells or human diploid fibroblasts. Enhancement of epithelial colony formation was observed following culture on nonadherent, “floating” substrates compared with substrates attached directly to the bottom of the culture dish. Replication of epithelial cells in M 199S from the class of benign colonic tumors least prone to malignancy, the tubular, was significantly enhanced by epidermal growth factor (EGF). In contrast, EGF did not stimulate the growth of cells in M 199S from the other classes of benign tumors, the villotubular and the villous, which exhibit more malignant potential. These data imply that premalignant colonic epithelial cells lose responsiveness to growth modulation by EGF as they progress toward frank carcinoma. This study was supported by NCI Contract N01-CP43366 to M. L. and NCI Grant 1-R26-CA 28822 to E. F.  相似文献   

Regenerative medicine, relying on human embryonic stem cell (hESC) technology, opens promising new avenues for therapy of many severe diseases. However, this approach is restricted by limited production of the desired cells due to the refractory properties of hESC growth in vitro. It is further hindered by insufficient control of cellular stress, growth rates, and heterogeneous cellular states under current culture conditions. In this study, we report a novel cell culture method based on a non-colony type monolayer (NCM) growth. Human ESCs under NCM remain pluripotent as determined by teratoma assays and sustain the potential to differentiate into three germ layers. This NCM culture has been shown to homogenize cellular states, precisely control growth rates, significantly increase cell production, and enhance hESC recovery from cryopreservation without compromising chromosomal integrity. This culture system is simple, robust, scalable, and suitable for high-throughput screening and drug discovery.  相似文献   

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