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A microwave technique for digesting foliage samples was developed and evaluated for quantifying low levels of Hg by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy, CVAFS. The method meets three criteria: (1) to digest all sample material completely and consistently, (2) to reduce sample digestion time to less than one hour, and (3) to maintain a low analytical blank. Mean recovery of NIST standards was 90±6%. Samples that were analyzed by this technique and by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis compared within 15%. This method also compared within 15% of hot acid digestion methods on samples prepared and analyzed by CVAFS at different laboratories in the First International Mercury in Foliage Intercomparison of Methods (FIM)2. The largest source of variability in all of the interlaboratory comparisons was sample inhomogeneity rather than analytical error.  相似文献   

Atomic absorption spectroscopy was used for measuring the zinc content, in ppb (μg/1), of brain tissue. A new method for determining the correction factor of atomic absorption interference is described. Measurements of the zinc content of twenty-four regions of adult human brains showed the maximum zinc content in resistent sector and endplate of the Amnion's horn, corroborating the histochemical data. The distribution of zinc in other regions was relatively uniform, but white matter showed lower values than gray matter. The zinc content of seventeen regions of human newborn brains was below that in adult brains, for all regions. The blood content of brain tissue contributed only insignificantly to its zinc content.  相似文献   

Summary It was shown that iron could be determined by atomic absorption by direct aspiration (without preliminary treatment except dilution where necessary) of the filtrates of dry or waterlogged soils extracted with the following reagents:N ammonium acetate pH 7.0,N ammonium acetate pH 3.0, and Morgan's reagent.  相似文献   

The quantification of target analytes in complex matrices requires special calibration approaches to compensate for additional capacity or activity in the matrix samples. The standard addition is one of the most important calibration procedures for quantification of analytes in such matrices. However, this technique requires a great number of reagents and material, and it consumes a considerable amount of time throughout the analysis. In this work, a new calibration procedure to analyze biological samples is proposed. The proposed calibration, called the addition calibration technique, was used for the determination of zinc (Zn) in blood serum and erythrocyte samples. The results obtained were compared with those obtained using conventional calibration techniques (standard addition and standard calibration). The proposed addition calibration was validated by recovery tests using blood samples spiked with Zn. The range of recovery for blood serum and erythrocyte samples were 90-132% and 76-112%, respectively. Statistical studies among results obtained by the addition technique and conventional techniques, using a paired two-tailed Student's t-test and linear regression, demonstrated good agreement among them.  相似文献   

目的:建立直接测定中成药汞含量的无损分析方法.方法:采用一种新型冷原子吸收测仪,样品经添加辅助剂后直接测定.结果:本法检出限可达0.004 ng,检测范围为0.5~10 ng,加标回收率为98.7~104.3%,方法精密度为0.5%(n=6).结论:本法直接进样测定,极其简便、省时,用于两类中成药中汞含量测定,效果显著优于现行方法.  相似文献   

The flameless atomic absorption procedure for determination of minute amount of mercury has been adapted for measuring thiol-groups in native and denatured proteins. The excess ofp-hydroxymercuribenzoate is removed by gel filtration after its reaction with the protein. The protein-p-hydroxymercuribenzoate complex is digested and the mercury is determined in an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The sensitivity of the method allows measurement of 0.05 μg protein-bound mercury with the equipment used, but can be further increased. Results are presented for five different proteins.  相似文献   

The flameless atomic absorption method described here is a simple, rapid, accurate microtechnique for determining zinc in aqueous solutions, serum, or urine. It requires no sample pretreatment, only 1.0 μl of sample per determination, no correction for viscosity differences between sample and standard solutions, and is not subject to ionic or organic interference. The average recovery of added zinc in serum is 97.5% and in urine is 97.6%. The values obtained for serum (mean ± SD: 94.6 ± 11.0 μAg/100 ml; N = 25) and urine (range: sol600–1000 μg24 hr; N = 4) are comparable to the values reported in the literature. The coefficient of variation was less than 5.0% in all cases. The qualitative concentration limit was 0.009 μg100 ml. The techniques and instrumentation described are also applicable to a number of trace minerals of common interest.  相似文献   

A procedure using open digestion followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry is described for measuring the total selenium content of Se-enriched yeast. The limits of detection and quantitation were 2.5 mg/L and 5 mg/L Se, respectively. The signal response was linear over the range of 5–50 mg/L Se, and the average recovery from spiked samples was 98.9%. The validated method was used to measure the Se content of Se-enriched yeast reference material and produced a result of 2145±38 mg/kg (n=3), which is in good agreement with the certified level of 2125 ±65 mg/kg.  相似文献   

Human plasma, digested in a screw-capped Teflon vial for 1 h at 130 degrees C in concentrated nitric acid, is assayed for zinc by atomic absorption spectrophotometry using a single-slot, 10-cm burner and air/acetylene flame. The assay is linear to 10.00 mg Zn/liter, recovery averages 100.9%, and inter- and intraassay coefficients of variation are 5.9 and 1.9%. With this method, there is no burner clogging or adjustment necessary for sample viscosity. Sodium chloride does not interfere with the assay. The linear regression data of the standard curve for milligrams of Zn per liter (x) and milliabsorbance units (y) is y = 40x + 0.001.  相似文献   

A new analytical approach has been applied to the determination and characterization of mercury-accessible -SH groups in pure native protein samples (ovalbumin, hemoglobin, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, aldolase, pyruvate kinase, hexokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase, lysozyme, and cytochrome c). The method is based on the selective reduction of Hg(II) in the presence of Hg(II)-thiol complexes with alkaline sodium tetrahydroborate, to give Hg(0) in a continuous flow reaction system coupled with atomic fluorescence spectrometric (AFS) detection. The method is fast and specific and allows one to work with nanomole amounts of a single protein without any preliminary incubation and without any separation of Hg(II) from thiol-complexed mercury. The meaning of the results obtained in the determination of the accessible -SH groups in native proteins by using chemical probes is discussed.  相似文献   

Methods for the complete characterization of liposomes prepared by ether-injection are described in detail. The validity of atomic absorption spectrophotometry Ior measuring markers of trapped volume was checked by comparative determinations of markers with established optical spectrophotometrical methods. The favorable results usingl atomic absorption spectrophotometry to quantitate the marker Mn2+ are of particular relevance as manganese ion is also the paramagnetic probe in n.m.r, measurements of water permeability of lipo-somes; our results indicate that in such measurements no other marker need be incorporated.  相似文献   

The influence of 8 mineralisation (dry and wet ashings) procedures on the determination of the mineral content of the brown seaweed Undaria pinnatifida by atomic absorption spectrophotometry was studied. Two procedures are proposed for routine analysis: dry ashing using sample calcination at 450 °C, followed by ash treatment with hydrochloric acid and silica elimination by hydrofluoric acid, and wet digestion using hot nitric acid.  相似文献   

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