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We investigate some discrete structural properties of evolutionary trees generated under simple null models of speciation, such as the Yule model. These models have been used as priors in Bayesian approaches to phylogenetic analysis, and also to test hypotheses concerning the speciation process. In this paper we describe new results for three properties of trees generated under such models. Firstly, for a rooted tree generated by the Yule model we describe the probability distribution on the depth (number of edges from the root) of the most recent common ancestor of a random subset of k species. Next we show that, for trees generated under the Yule model, the approximate position of the root can be estimated from the associated unrooted tree, even for trees with a large number of leaves. Finally, we analyse a biologically motivated extension of the Yule model and describe its distribution on tree shapes when speciation occurs in rapid bursts.  相似文献   

Null models for generating binary phylogenetic trees are useful for testing evolutionary hypotheses and reconstructing phylogenies. We consider two such null models - the Yule and uniform models - and in particular the induced distribution they generate on the number C(n) of cherries in the tree, where a cherry is a pair of leaves each of which is adjacent to a common ancestor. By realizing the process of cherry formation in these two models by extended Polya urn models we show that C(n) is asymptotically normal. We also give exact formulas for the mean and standard deviation of the C(n) in these two models. This allows simple statistical tests for the Yule and uniform null hypotheses.  相似文献   

Bayesian methods have become among the most popular methods in phylogenetics, but theoretical opposition to this methodology remains. After providing an introduction to Bayesian theory in this context, I attempt to tackle the problem mentioned most often in the literature: the “problem of the priors”—how to assign prior probabilities to tree hypotheses. I first argue that a recent objection—that an appropriate assignment of priors is impossible—is based on a misunderstanding of what ignorance and bias are. I then consider different methods of assigning prior probabilities to trees. I argue that priors need to be derived from an understanding of how distinct taxa have evolved and that the appropriate evolutionary model is captured by the Yule birth–death process. This process leads to a well-known statistical distribution over trees. Though further modifications may be necessary to model more complex aspects of the branching process, they must be modifications to parameters in an underlying Yule model. Ignoring these Yule priors commits a fallacy leading to mistaken inferences both about the trees themselves and about macroevolutionary processes more generally.  相似文献   

The Yule model is a widely used speciation model in evolutionary biology. Despite its simplicity many aspects of the Yule model have not been explored mathematically. In this paper, we formalise two analytic approaches for obtaining probability densities of individual branch lengths of phylogenetic trees generated by the Yule model. These methods are flexible and permit various aspects of the trees produced by Yule models to be investigated. One of our methods is applicable to a broader class of evolutionary processes, namely the Bellman-Harris models. Our methods have many practical applications including biodiversity and conservation related problems. In this setting the methods can be used to characterise the expected rate of biodiversity loss for Yule trees, as well as the expected gain of including the phylogeny in conservation management. We briefly explore these applications.  相似文献   

A Yule tree is the result of a branching process with constant birth and death rates. Such a process serves as an instructive null model of many empirical systems, for instance, the evolution of species leading to a phylogenetic tree. However, often in phylogeny the only available information is the pairwise distances between a small fraction of extant species representing the leaves of the tree. In this article we study statistical properties of the pairwise distances in a Yule tree. Using a method based on a recursion, we derive an exact, analytic and compact formula for the expected number of pairs separated by a certain time distance. This number turns out to follow a increasing exponential function. This property of a Yule tree can serve as a simple test for empirical data to be well described by a Yule process. We further use this recursive method to calculate the expected number of the n-most closely related pairs of leaves and the number of cherries separated by a certain time distance. To make our results more useful for realistic scenarios, we explicitly take into account that the leaves of a tree may be incompletely sampled and derive a criterion for poorly sampled phylogenies. We show that our result can account for empirical data, using two families of birds species.  相似文献   

The Yule   process generates a class of binary trees which is fundamental to population genetic models and other applications in evolutionary biology. In this paper, we introduce a family of sub-classes of ranked trees, called Ω-trees, which are characterized by imbalance of internal nodes. The degree of imbalance is defined by an integer 0≤ω0ω. For caterpillars  , the extreme case of unbalanced trees, ω=0ω=0. Under models of neutral evolution, for instance the Yule model, trees with small ω are unlikely to occur by chance. Indeed, imbalance can be a signature of permanent selection pressure, such as observable in the genealogies of certain pathogens. From a mathematical point of view it is interesting to observe that the space of Ω-trees maintains several statistical invariants although it is drastically reduced in size compared to the space of unconstrained Yule trees. Using generating functions, we study here some basic combinatorial properties of Ω-trees. We focus on the distribution of the number of subtrees with two leaves. We show that expectation and variance of this distribution match those for unconstrained trees already for very small values of ω.  相似文献   

The stationary birth-only, or Yule-Furry, process for rooted binary trees has been analysed with a view to developing explicit expressions for two fundamental statistical distributions: the probability that a randomly selected leaf is preceded by N nodes, or “ancestors”, and the probability that two randomly selected leaves are separated by N nodes. For continuous-time Yule processes, the first of these distributions is presented in closed analytical form as a function of time, with time being measured with respect to the moment of “birth” of the common ancestor (which is essentially inaccessible to phylogenetic analysis), or with respect to the instant at which the first bifurcation occurred.The second distribution is shown to follow in an iterative manner from a hierarchy of second-order ordinary differential equations.For Yule trees of a given number n of tips, expressions have been derived for the mean and variance for each of these distributions as functions of n, as well as for the distributions themselves.In addition, it is shown how the methods developed to obtain these distributions can be employed to find, with minor effort, expressions for the expectation values of two statistics on Yule trees, the Sackin index (sum over all root-to-leaf distances), and the sum over all leaf-to-leaf distances.  相似文献   

The use of fossil evidence to calibrate divergence time estimation has a long history. More recently, Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo has become the dominant method of divergence time estimation, and fossil evidence has been reinterpreted as the specification of prior distributions on the divergence times of calibration nodes. These so-called "soft calibrations" have become widely used but the statistical properties of calibrated tree priors in a Bayesian setting hashave not been carefully investigated. Here, we clarify that calibration densities, such as those defined in BEAST 1.5, do not represent the marginal prior distribution of the calibration node. We illustrate this with a number of analytical results on small trees. We also describe an alternative construction for a calibrated Yule prior on trees that allows direct specification of the marginal prior distribution of the calibrated divergence time, with or without the restriction of monophyly. This method requires the computation of the Yule prior conditional on the height of the divergence being calibrated. Unfortunately, a practical solution for multiple calibrations remains elusive. Our results suggest that direct estimation of the prior induced by specifying multiple calibration densities should be a prerequisite of any divergence time dating analysis.  相似文献   

The question of antibody specificity is discussed in the framework of the inverted protein-folding problem (i.e. the characterization of protein sequences with a common fold). A stochastic model of the immune response, patterned after a model for the distribution of words in natural languages is proposed. It is shown that the steady-state probability distribution of immunoglobulin variable-region frequencies is the Yule distribution.  相似文献   

The Yule model and the coalescent model are two neutral stochastic models for generating trees in phylogenetics and population genetics, respectively. Although these models are quite different, they lead to identical distributions concerning the probability that pre-specified groups of taxa form monophyletic groups (clades) in the tree. We extend earlier work to derive exact formulae for the probability of finding one or more groups of taxa as clades in a rooted tree, or as ‘clans’ in an unrooted tree. Our findings are relevant for calculating the statistical significance of observed monophyly and reciprocal monophyly in phylogenetics.  相似文献   

Neutral macroevolutionary models, such as the Yule model, give rise to a probability distribution on the set of discrete rooted binary trees over a given leaf set. Such models can provide a signal as to the approximate location of the root when only the unrooted phylogenetic tree is known, and this signal becomes relatively more significant as the number of leaves grows. In this short note, we show that among models that treat all taxa equally, and are sampling consistent (i.e. the distribution on trees is not affected by taxa yet to be included), all such models, except one (the so-called PDA model), convey some information as to the location of the ancestral root in an unrooted tree.  相似文献   

This article proposes a stochastic growth model that starts as a Yule process and is subsequently joined with a Prendiville process when the population attains certain prescribed critical size. In other words, the model assumes exponential growth in an early stage and logistic growth later on to reflect growth retardation caused by overcrowding. In the case that the population starts with a single unit, closed form expressions are given for the distribution of the population size and for the mean and variance functions of the process. Numerical solutions are briefly discussed for the process that starts with more than one unit.  相似文献   

Species trees were produced for the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) gastropod genus Lunella using MrBayes, BEAST, and *BEAST with sequence data from four genes. Three fossil records were used to calibrate a molecular clock. Eight cryptic species were recognized using statistical methods for species delimitation in combination with morphological differences. However, our results suggest caution in interpreting ESUs defined solely by the general mixed Yule Coalescent model in genera like Lunella, with lower dispersal abilities. Four almost entirely allopatric species groups were recovered that differ in ecology and distribution. Three groups occur predominantly along continental coastlines and one occurs on island arrays. Sympatric species occur only in the torquata and coronata groups along coastlines, whereas species in the cinerea group, distributed in two-dimensional island arrays, occur in complete allopatry. Dispersal along island arcs has been important in the maintenance of species distributions and gene flow among populations in the cinerea group. The emergence of new islands and their eventual subsidence over geological time has had important consequences for the isolation of populations and the eventual rise of new species in Lunella.  相似文献   

Recent research into the properties of human sexual-contact networks has suggested that the degree distribution of the contact graph exhibits power-law scaling. One notable property of this power-law scaling is that the epidemic threshold for the population disappears when the scaling exponent rho is in the range 2 < rho < or = 3. This property is of fundamental significance for the control of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV/AIDS since it implies that an STD can persist regardless of its transmissibility. A stochastic process, known as preferential attachment, that yields one form of power-law scaling has been suggested to underlie the scaling of sexual degree distributions. The limiting distribution of this preferential attachment process is the Yule distribution, which we fit using maximum likelihood to local network data from samples of three populations: (i) the Rakai district, Uganda; (ii) Sweden; and (iii) the USA. For all local networks but one, our interval estimates of the scaling parameters are in the range where epidemic thresholds exist. The estimate of the exponent for male networks in the USA is close to 3, but the preferential attachment model is a very poor fit to these data. We conclude that the epidemic thresholds implied by this model exist in both single-sex and two-sex epidemic model formulations. A strong conclusion that we derive from these results is that public health interventions aimed at reducing the transmissibility of STD pathogens, such as implementing condom use or high-activity anti-retroviral therapy, have the potential to bring a population below the epidemic transition, even in populations exhibiting large degrees of behavioural heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Diversification is nested, and early models suggested this could lead to a great deal of evolutionary redundancy in the Tree of Life. This result is based on a particular set of branch lengths produced by the common coalescent, where pendant branches leading to tips can be very short compared with branches deeper in the tree. Here, we analyze alternative and more realistic Yule and birth-death models. We show how censoring at the present both makes average branches one half what we might expect and makes pendant and interior branches roughly equal in length. Although dependent on whether we condition on the size of the tree, its age, or both, these results hold both for the Yule model and for birth-death models with moderate extinction. Importantly, the rough equivalency in interior and exterior branch lengths means that the loss of evolutionary history with loss of species can be roughly linear. Under these models, the Tree of Life may offer limited redundancy in the face of ongoing species loss.  相似文献   

Sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) constitute a major public health concern. Mathematical models for the transmission dynamics of STDs indicate that heterogeneity in sexual activity level allow them to persist even when the typical behavior of the population would not support endemicity. This insight focuses attention on the distribution of sexual activity level in a population. In this paper, we develop several stochastic process models for the formation of sexual partnership networks. Using likelihood-based model selection procedures, we assess the fit of the different models to three large distributions of sexual partner counts: (1) Rakai, Uganda, (2) Sweden, and (3) the USA. Five of the six single-sex networks were fit best by the negative binomial model. The American women's network was best fit by a power-law model, the Yule. For most networks, several competing models fit approximately equally well. These results suggest three conclusions: (1) no single unitary process clearly underlies the formation of these sexual networks, (2) behavioral heterogeneity plays an essential role in network structure, (3) substantial model uncertainty exists for sexual network degree distributions. Behavioral research focused on the mechanisms of partnership formation will play an essential role in specifying the best model for empirical degree distributions. We discuss the limitations of inferences from such data, and the utility of degree-based epidemiological models more generally.  相似文献   

在文[1]Yule模型的基础上加上环境允许的极限人口数N_m,用偏微分方程的特征理论进行数学研究.  相似文献   

Faunistic survey using a DNA taxonomy approach may provide different results from morphological methods, especially for small and understudied animals. In this study, we report the results from morphometric analyses (linear measurements of the lorica) and DNA taxonomy (generalized mixed Yule coalescent model on the barcoding mtDNA locus cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) performed on 15 clonal lineages of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis species complex from six Iranian inland saltwaters. The DNA taxonomy approach found more units of diversity (four) than the morphometric approach (two) in the studied rotifers. Three of the taxa identified in this study are already known as described valid species or as‐yet unnamed lineages, but a new, additional lineage is also identified from Iran. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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