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温度对麦长管蚜体色变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了温度对麦长管蚜体色变化的影响及不同温度下麦长管蚜种群数量变动的规律.结果表明:在21(CK)、23、26、29、31℃5个温度处理下,随着温度的升高,红色型麦长管蚜在实验种群中所占比例逐渐升高;绿色型麦长管蚜的种群增长的高峰先缩短后延长,而红色型麦长管蚜的种群增长的高峰逐渐延长;绿色型蚜虫的平均世代时间呈先缩短再延长的趋势,红色型蚜虫的平均世代时间仅仅呈延长的趋势.结论:麦长管蚜体色变化受温度影响,红色型蚜虫为高温诱导所产生的生物型.当温度为25.91℃时(T50 =25.91℃),麦长管蚜的后代中有50%的个体是红色型蚜虫.该结论为蚜虫生态遗传与进化提供理论依据.  相似文献   

麦长管蚜发育起点温度及有效积温的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
刘绍友  李定旭 《昆虫知识》1990,27(3):132-134
<正> 麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae(Fab.)是我国小麦上的重要害虫之一,它不仅直接吸食小麦植株,还能传播大麦黄矮病毒,(BYDV),引起小麦黄矮病的流行,其损失更大。因此,已引起人们的高度重视。不少人对该种蚜虫的发生规律、危害损失及防治都进行了研究,但对麦长管蚜的发育起点温度及有效积温的研究尚未见到正式报道。为此,我们于1987年冬季在西  相似文献   

温度对麦长管蚜的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
温度对麦长管蚜的影响汪世泽,郝树广(西北农业大学陕西杨陵712100)EffectsofTemperatureonEnglishGrainAphid¥.WangShize;HaoShuguang(NorthwesternAgriculturalUniversity,Yangling,ShaanxiProvince712100).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(3):53-56.InanexperimentalpopulationofEnglishgrainaphid,thedevelopmentrateV(t)ofalataeislowerthanthatofapterae,andtheV(t)of4thinstarofalataeistheIowest.Thealataeappearstobeabletotoler-ateawiderrangeoftemperature,butthesurvivalcurveisaffectedevidentlybyit.Atlowtemperature,thecurvedeclinesslowly,butathightemperature  相似文献   

温度对麦长管蚜种群存活率的特征参数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在测定麦长管蚜种群存活率基础上,本提出反S型曲线模型来描述种群存活率,探讨了麦长管蚜种群存活率过程变化的特征参数,并得到不同的特征值.  相似文献   

温度对表长管蚜种群增长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李定旭  刘绍友 《昆虫知识》1992,24(4):196-198

温度和湿度对麦长管蚜飞行能力的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用计算机控制的微小昆虫飞行磨系统测定了温度、湿度对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae飞行能力的影响。结果表明,适于飞行的温度为12~22℃,湿度为60%~80%。在温度8℃以下或25℃以上,其飞行能力明显降低。在温度18℃时,麦长管蚜的平均飞行时间、飞行距离最大分别为3.101 h、3.676 km。在相对湿度40%、60%和80%时,飞行时间分别为1.573 h、2.272 h和3.032 h,飞行距离与湿度的关系与飞行时间相似。飞行速度随温度的增高而加快,在相对湿度60%左右时,麦长管蚜的平均飞行速度较快。在20℃,相对湿度80%条件下,单个个体的最大飞行时间、最大飞行距离和最大飞行速度可达14.32 h、22.51 km和1.57 km/ h,表现出麦长管蚜具有较强的飞行能力。  相似文献   

麦长管蚜为害小麦经济阈值研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文报道了麦长管蚜为害小麦的田间实验结果。分析表明:麦长管蚜为害小麦的关键时间是小麦灌浆期;对于郾师9号其经济阈限在灌浆前期是480头/百株或2402日头/百株的累积蚜量,在灌浆中期是185头/百株或922日头/百株的累积蚜量;对于冀麦19号,其经济阈限在灌浆前期为222头/百株或1110日头/百株的累积蚜量,在灌浆中期为369头/百株或1845日头/百株的累积蚜量。  相似文献   

王洪誉 《昆虫知识》1998,35(4):197-200
麦长管蚜Macrosiphumavenae(Fabr-icius)是我地小麦穗期的主要害虫,每年都有不同程度的发生。受虫源、气候等因素的影响,其发生期(穗蚜量达500头的日期)不同年份间差异很大。为了及时准确作出预报,指导防治,笔者应用模糊因素加权综合评判法对麦长管蚜发生期预测进行了研究,现将结果报告如下。1研究方法1.1选取预报因子麦长管蚜的发生期主要受温度、降雨量等气候因素的影响。笔者对本站1982~1994年13年的系统观测资料进行整理分析,筛选出与发生期相关性较好的预报因子2个:X1,3月下旬~4月上旬平均气温(℃),相关系数r1y=…  相似文献   

麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜对吡虫啉敏感性的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用麦穗浸渍法在室内测定了麦长管蚜Macrosiphumavenae(Fabricius)和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphumpadi(L .)对吡虫啉可湿性粉剂和乳油的敏感度。结果表明 ,禾谷缢管蚜对吡虫啉的敏感度是麦长管蚜的 3~ 4倍 (基于LC50 的比较 )。在北京、河南、江苏、湖北、四川等地同浓度的吡虫啉对禾谷缢管蚜的防治效果要好于麦长管蚜 (特别是在低浓度时尤为明显 )。依据我国不同省份小麦穗蚜的优势种不同 ,建议用吡虫啉防治小麦穗蚜时 ,在南方麦区 ,禾谷缢管蚜为优势种的麦田 ,吡虫啉用药量为 15~ 3 0g(a.i) hm2 ;北方麦区 ,以麦长管蚜为优势种的麦田 ,吡虫啉的用药量应大于 3 0g(a.i) hm2 。  相似文献   

宁夏地区麦长管蚜远距离迁飞的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
通过1992—1978年的调查试验, 初步明确了以下事实:本地越冬的麦长管蚜尚未羽化, 田间已出现有翘成蚜;小麦苗期发现了穗期才能产生的穗型蚜;在冰冻期的高山上多次捕到有翅麦蚜;有翅成蚜大范围的“同期突发”现象;外来麦蚜占春季田间有翅蚜的98.8%以上.首次提出, 在有本地蚜源的情况下, 存在外来蚜源, 且外来蚜源可以成为春季田间麦长管蚜群的主体.本文分析讨论了迁入蚜源的可能基地和须进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   

邱高辉  韩召军 《昆虫学报》2007,50(8):762-768
昆虫烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, nAChR)是杀虫剂的重要作用靶标之一。本研究利用简并引物PCR和半巢式PCR技术从麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)中克隆nAChR基因,成功地获得了5个α型nAChR亚基的cDNA片段。根据5个α亚基片段设计特异引物,结合快速扩增cDNA末端(RACE)技术,成功克隆了5个α型亚基的全长,并发现α5亚基有两种存在形式,它们仅在胞外区有一段175 bp的片段有差异。序列分析发现,这些基因均具有nAChR基因家族的典型特征,并与已报道的其他昆虫的烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体的相应亚基具有很高的同源性。该研究为进一步利用基因表达技术研究昆虫nAChR的天然亚基组成,以及分析麦长管蚜对新烟碱类杀虫剂的靶标抗性,奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The effect of wheat resistance in lines of Triticum monococcum L., on the reproductive performances of the cereal aphid (Sitobion avenae F.) was investigated. Aphids were reared from birth to adult moult either on resistant or susceptible wheat lines, and transferred as apterae to both host genotypes. The influence of these transfers on the subsequent adult weight, gonad status and reproductive performances was evaluated. Aphids transferred from resistant to susceptible plants proved able to compensate for their poor nymphal growth, mainly through additional embryo growth and an increase in the number of matured embryos within the first 10 days of their adult life. Most aphids transferred from susceptible to resistant plants died within the first week following the transfer. Their most advanced embryos matured and were born, but subsequent embryo growth was quickly reduced. The reproductive strategies adopted by S. avenae when facing plant resistance, and the hypothesis of a resistant mechanism based on a poor nutritional state of the resistant plants are discussed.  相似文献   

我国小麦抗麦长管蚜(Sitobion avenae)研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
麦长管蚜是我国小麦的重要害虫之一。选育和种植抗虫品种是防治麦长管蚜的理想方法。本文就我国小麦抗麦长管蚜种质资源筛选、抗性机制和小麦品种对麦蚜种群动态影响等方面的研究进展进行了概括,同时指出今后应加强小麦抗麦长管蚜基因的研究。  相似文献   

为了明确杀虫剂毒力受温度的影响及其程度,本文测定了4大类8种药剂在10~25℃下对麦长管蚜的毒力;并测定了麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae(Fabricius)在不同温度下2个解毒酶和1个靶标酶的活性差异。结果表明,高效氯氰菊酯对麦长管蚜表现不规则负温度系数,啶虫脒表现不规则正温度系数,高效氟氯氰菊酯对麦长管蚜的毒力不受温度影响,其他药剂(辛硫磷、毒死蜱、灭多威、丁硫克百威、吡虫啉)均表现为明显的正温度系数效应,以有机磷类杀虫剂表现最为明显,毒死蜱温度系数高达57.70。酶活性实验表明:麦长管蚜在高温下GST活性增强,羧酸酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶活性降低。它们的变化规律表明:GST活性与负温度系数密切相关,正温度系数与羧酸酯酶活性和靶标酶乙酰胆碱酯酶活性有关。  相似文献   

麦长管蚜虫龄鉴别特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为明确麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)虫龄鉴别特征, 达到快速鉴别的目的。【方法】在成像观察的基础上, 测定无翅型和有翅型个体不同虫龄的体长、 体宽、 头壳宽、 触角长、 腹管长和后足胫节长6项指标。【结果】麦长管蚜不同翅型个体的体长、 体宽、 头壳宽、 触角长、 腹管长和后足胫节长在虫龄间均存在显著差异, 其中体长、 体宽、 头壳宽和触角长在相邻虫龄之间重叠程度大, 后足胫节长的重叠百分比极小或无重叠; 除有翅型个体4龄若蚜和成蚜之间存在13.93%的重叠外, 腹管长在不同翅型的其他相邻虫龄之间重叠百分比均极小或无重叠, 说明后足胫节长和腹管长可作为虫龄鉴定的主要特征。翅、 触角和尾片的其他外部形态特征在虫龄间也存在一定差异: 3-4龄有翅型若蚜和成蚜虫个体前胸的膨大程度及其翅的长度明显大于同一龄期的无翅型个体, 可用于蚜虫翅型的分辨以及3-4龄有翅若蚜和成蚜的鉴别; 麦长管蚜1和2龄若蚜触角均为5节, 3-4龄若蚜和成蚜的触角均为6节; 同时, 除了成蚜具有完整的尾片外, 1-4龄若蚜尾片均不发达, 说明触角的节数和尾片的发达程度可作为麦长管蚜不同龄期形态鉴别的辅助特征。【结论】以腹管和后足胫节作为麦长管蚜虫龄鉴别的主要特征, 配合其他辅助特征, 如翅的大小、 触角的节数以及尾片的发达程度等, 可达到快速鉴别不同翅型不同龄期蚜虫的目的。  相似文献   

1 The effect of reducing the growth of winter wheat on population size and development of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae was studied. 2 Automatic, mobile, crop shading devices, which reduced radiation comparable to levels found on a cloudy day, whilst minimizing other climatic changes, were used to reduce crop growth. Shading was applied between either GS 31 and 39 (1st node detectable → flag leaf ligule just visible) or GS 39 and 55 (flag leaf just visible → 50% of inflorescence emerged). 3 Sitobion avenae populations were initiated at GS 55 and highest populations were subsequently observed on plants shaded between GS 31 and 39. 4 Individual aphids confined within clip cages were observed to measure development from birth to adult moult, adult lifespan and fecundity. Results indicated that adult lifespan was shortest on plants shaded between GS31 and 39, whilst there were no differences in development time or fecundity. 5 Possible explanations for these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

UV-B胁迫小麦上麦长管蚜的生命表参数和取食行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为明确UV-B胁迫小麦对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)种群生命表参数和取食行为的影响。【方法】采用特定年龄生命表方法和刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术, 研究了不同强度UV-B胁迫处理小麦对麦长管蚜生命表参数和取食行为的影响。【结果】生命表结果表明, 取食高强度(0.75 mW/cm2) UV-B辐射小麦后, 麦长管蚜种群内禀增长率rm、 净增殖率R0、 繁殖力F下降, 平均世代周期T缩短, 且差异显著(P<0.05); 取食低强度(0.2 mW/cm2)UV-B辐射小麦后, 麦长管蚜种群生命表参数与对照组(正常光照处理小麦饲喂的蚜虫种群)无显著差异(P>0.05)。刺探电位图谱结果显示, 高强度UV-B处理组np波(即非取食)数量显著增加, pd波(刺探波)首次出现的时间延迟, 表明紫外处理小麦干扰了蚜虫的在叶表面的正常刺探活动, 延长了搜索和刺探时间; C波持续时间显著延长, 反映取食难度加大, 有效取食时间缩短, 从而影响种群生命表参数; 而低强度UV-B处理组小麦对蚜虫取食行为影响与对照组差异不显著, 但pd波首次出现时间显著延长。【结论】高强度UV-B胁迫小麦会严重影响麦长管蚜的生长发育、 繁殖与取食行为。  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Patterns of male production and life-cycle variation were investigated in the aphid Sitobion avenae . Seventy-seven field-collected clones were subjected to a 14 °C short day-length regime to assess their reproductive modes, and three clones were used to study life-cycle inheritance. A further analysis assessed the cost of male production.
2. In comparison with those from East Anglia, there were more holocyclic and intermediate clones found in Scottish populations, and they produced significantly more mating females. In total, 44% of clones were androcyclic.
3. The inheritance of life cycle showed a greater level of complexity than could be achieved by previously suggested monohybrid inheritance mechanisms.
4. Holocyclic and intermediate clones produced a higher proportion of males than did androcyclic clones. Inter-clonal differences were reflected in the pattern of male production in the reproductive sequence.
5. A significant cost was associated with male production in terms of a reduction in both fecundity and total offspring biomass.
6. Winged females rarely gave birth to males but the pattern of mating female production differed between holocyclic and intermediate clones.
7. Patterns of male and mating female production by the different types of clone may be related to different advantages and disadvantages of dispersal and inbreeding.
8. Recent models of aphid overwintering could be enhanced by consideration of issues raised in this study, such as the cost of male production, the inheritance of life cycle, and the patterns of sexual morph production.  相似文献   

Cold hardiness and overwintering of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
  • 1 Cold hardiness as measured by supercooling ability in the active stages of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) decreased progressively with maturation.
  • 2 Aphids showed no acclimation response when maintained at low temperatures.
  • 3 Starvation did not improve supercooling ability.
  • 4 In a single exposure, surface moisture caused inoculation above the inherent supercooling point in a small proportion of a population.
  • 5 Field populations show a seasonal change in supercooling ability, which is at a maximum in summer and a minimum in late winter.
  • 6 It is concluded that the act of feeding on healthy plant tissue may confer extensive supercooling ability.

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