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描述原哈格鸣螽科化石3新属,3新种:Fleaboilus retinervius gen.et sp. Nov.,Angustaboilus fangianus gen.et sp. Nov.,Novaboilus multifurcatus gen.et sp. Nov..所有化石标本均采自于内蒙古宁城道虎沟中侏罗世九龙山组地层,现保存于首都师范大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

描述原哈格鸣螽科化石1新属:糙哈格鸣螽属Trachohagla gen.nov.,4新种:热河糙哈格鸣螽Trachohagla jeholia sp.nov.,阔翼赤峰鸣螽Chifengia lata sp.nov.,渐狭赤峰鸣螽Chifengia angustata sp.nov.,阔基线哈格鸣螽Grammohagla fatibasis sp.nov..所有化石标本均采于辽宁西部晚侏罗世义县组地层,现存于首都师范大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

描述原哈格鸣螽科化石2新属:线哈格鸣螽属Grammohagla gen.nov.和奇哈格鸣螽属Aethehagla gen.nov.,3新种:条纹线哈格鸣螽Grammohagla striata sp.nov.,洪氏奇哈格鸣螽Aethehagla hongi sp.nov.及可爱赤峰鸣螽Chifengia amans sp.nov..所有化石标本均采于辽宁西部晚侏罗世义县组地层,现存于首都师范大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

鸣螽科化石在西北地区的首次发现(直翅目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据产自新疆克拉玛依吐孢沟下侏罗统八道湾组的两块代表同一前翅的标本建立一新属新种Mesohagla xinjiangensis,gen.et sp.nov.。这是首次在我国西北地区发现的鸣螽科化石。  相似文献   

描述哈格鸣螽科化石2新属7新种:Circulaboilu aureus gen.et sp.nov.,Circulaboilus amoenus gen.et sp.nov.,Furcaboilus excelsus gen.et sp.nov.,Aboilus stratosus sp.nov.,Aboilus cornutus sp.nov.,Pseudohagala shihi sp.nov.,Bacharaboilus jurassicus sp.nov..标本采自于内蒙古宁城道虎沟中侏罗世九龙山组地层和辽宁西部晚侏罗世义县组地层,现保存于首都师范大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

描述原哈格鸣螽科化石1新属5新种:奇异阿波鸣螽属Allaboilus gen.nov.,二叉奇异阿波鸣螽Allaboilus dicrus sp.nov.,巨大奇异阿波鸣螽Allaboilus gigantus sp.nov.,林氏原阿波鸣螽Protaboilus lini sp.nov.,野生原阿波鸣螽Protaboilus rudis sp.nov.及模糊原阿波鸣螽Protaboilus amblus sp.nov..化石标本采于内蒙古宁城中侏罗世九龙山组及河北丰宁晚侏罗世义县组.  相似文献   

本文记述露螽科Phaneropteidae1新种:红点奇螽Mirolliarufonotatasp.nov.,采湖北利川。新种模式标均保存于山东大学生物系  相似文献   

报道中国蛩螽科Meconematidae3新种:双带饰尾螽Cosmetura bivittata sp.nov.,叉尾剑螽Xiphidiopsis furcicauda sp.nov.和宽板剑螽Xiphidiopsis latilamella sp.nov.。标本采自浙江、福建。模式标本保存在山东大学生物系。  相似文献   

 记述中国露螽科Phaneropteridae二新种:长裂掩耳螽Elima ea longifissa sp. Nov.,采自江西;短板掩耳螽E.brevilamina sp. Nov., 采自 福建。模式标本保存于山东大学生物系。  相似文献   

本文对中国奇螽属的种类进行了研究,并记述2新种, 即双刺奇螽Mirollia bispina sp. nov.和多齿奇螽Mirollia multidentus sp.nov.。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(4):205-209
The Middle Jurassic Ashangopsis daohugouensis, gen. et sp. n., of the prophalangopsid subfamily Chifengiinae is described based on two well-preserved specimens collected from the fossil locality near Daohugou at Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China. The new genus is characterized by the particular shape of its pronotum, its hind leg, and stridulatory veins that only concern the cubital area but not the anal area, unlike in other Chifengiinae.  相似文献   

In continuation of previous work on Eugaster guyoni (Nielsen 1971) stridulation and locomotor activity has been investigated under various conditions of temperature and illumination.The theory of continuously increasing sensitization was further corroborated, and it is attempted to determine the relative thresholds of release and cessation of stridulation.The subspecies E.g. fernandezi from the Sahara is in its daily stridulation activity adapted to a higher temperature than E.g. berlandi from the Sous valley; however, at the same temperature the number of chirps per minute is the same in the two subspecies.
Résumé Les deux sous-espèces d'Eugaster guyoni, fernandezi du Sahara et berlandi d'Agadir, diffèrent par leur activité stridulatoire. La sous-espèce du désert semble être adaptée à une température plus élevée de 5° que celle d'Agadir (E. berlandi).Les très jeunes adultes ont une très grande activité locomotrice pendant que la stridulation se développe graduellement pendant une période d'une semaine. Il semble y avoir un certain degré d'inhibition réciproque entre les deux activités locomotrice ou stridulatoire.Dans des conditions semi-naturelles l'activité du matin et du soir dépend de la température maximum atteinte durant la période de repos vers la fin de matinée.En condition d'éclairage permanent, les périodes de stridulation alternent irrégulièrement avec celles de repos. La quantité d'activité dépend de la température.Avec une alternance de 12 heures de lumiére et 12 heures d'obscurité l'activité stridulatoire dépend de la température comme en codition d'éclairage permanent. Cependant cette activité se répartit de façon caractéristique en deux périodes précédant et suivant le changement d'éclairement.Avec 12 heures de pleine lumière et 12 heures de lumière atténuée il n'y a normalement qu'une seule période de stridulation qui se manifeste surtout pendant la phase de lumière atténuée. Pour une température donnée l'activité est plus grande en lumière faible qu'en pleine lumière ou en obscurité.Une tentative est faite, dans la discussion, pour établir les valeurs relatives de la sensibilisation aux différents seuils de déclenchement et d'arrêt de la stridulation.

ABSTRACT Eight species of the Stenopelmatoidea (Orthoptera: Ensifera) including two newly recorded Nippancistroger testaceus (Matsumura et Shiraki) and Anoplophilus acuticercus Karny are recognized in Korean fauna. Paratachycines (Hemitachycines) uenoi (Yamasaki) is proposed for junior synonym of Paratachycines (Hemitachycines) baldyrevi (Uvarov). The keys to species, characteristic figures and diagnoses for the newly recorded species are presented.  相似文献   

Variability in the chirp rate of the male song of the ephippigerine speciesEphippigerida taeniata during intraspecific communication was investigated in the laboratory. Conspecific chirps were used as auditory stimuli. The stimulus rate was controlled by computer. Experiments were carried out at 19, 27, and 35°C. Acoustically isolated males ofE. taeniata sang with a relatively constant chirp rate, which depended on the ambient temperature. Chirp rate significantly increased with rising temperature from 19 to 27°C, whereas at 35°C the chirp rate did not differ significantly from that at 27°C. Male chirp rates were affected by stimulus rates. Males significantly increased their chirp rate in response to increasing stimulus rates at temperatures of 19 and 27°C. At 35°C the increase in the chirp rate was not significant. At 27 and 35°C males sang with a higher chirp rate than the stimulus rate within a certain range. Evaluating stimulus and response chirp pattern when the males increased their chirp rate in response to the stimulus rate showed that an alternation pattern was established. More than 50% of the male chirps occurred at a characteristic time range at around 40% of the interstimulus interval, which was slightly affected by temperature.  相似文献   

New Zealand taxa from the Orthopteran family Anostostomatidae have been shown to consist of three broad groups, Hemiandrus (ground weta), Anisoura/Motuweta (tusked weta) and Hemideina-Deinacrida (tree-giant weta). The family is also present in Australia and New Caledonia, the nearest large land masses to New Zealand. All genera are endemic to their respective countries except Hemiandrus that occurs in New Zealand and Australia. We used nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data to study within genera and among species-level genetic diversity within New Zealand and to examine phylogenetic relationships of taxa in Australasia. We found the Anostostomatidae to be monophyletic within Ensifera, and justifiably distinguished from the Stenopelmatidae among which they were formerly placed. However, the New Zealand Anostostomatidae are not monophyletic with respect to Australian and New Caledonian species in our analyses. Two of the New Zealand groups have closer allies in Australia and one in New Caledonia. We carried out maximum-likelihood and Bayesian analyses to reveal several well supported subgroupings. Our analysis included the most extensive sampling to date of Hemiandrus species and indicate that Australian and New Zealand Hemiandrus are not monophyletic. We used molecular dating approaches to test the plausibility of alternative biogeographic hypotheses for the origin of the New Zealand anostostomatid fauna and found support for divergence of the main clades at, or shortly after, Gondwanan break-up, and dispersal across the Tasman much more recently.  相似文献   

蝗虫分子系统学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从遗传多样性、近缘种鉴别以及分子进化和系统发育重建 3个方面综述了蝗虫分子系统学的研究进展。  相似文献   

Ensifera present an appropriate and interesting model for the study of acoustic communication, because of their diverse signal and communication modalities, and due to their accessibility for field and laboratory studies. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the acoustic evolution of Ensifera, but they were elaborated without any reference to a falsifiable phylogeny, and were consequently highly speculative. Similarly, phylogenetic relationships between ensiferan clades have not hitherto been studied using modern standard methodology, and the sole cladistic analysis by Gwynne in 1995 was methodologically flawed. No sound hypothesis therefore currently exists for ensiferan phylogeny, which precludes historical analysis of their communication modalities. In the present paper, the phylogeny is established on the basis of morpho‐anatomical characters and used to analyse the evolution of acoustic communication in this clade by mapping the characters related to auditory and stridulatory structures onto the resultant trees. Cladistic analyses resulted in two equi‐parsimonious cladograms (length 154, C 64, CI 58, RI 61) with the following topologies: (1) [(Grylloidea–Gryllotalpidae) (Rhaphidophoridae (Schizodactylidae (Gryllacrididae ((Stenopelmatidae–Cooloola) (Anostostomatidae (Prophalangopsis (Cyphoderris (Tettigoniidae–Lezina))))))))] (2) [(Grylloidea–Gryllotalpidae)(Rhaphidophoridae (Schizodactylidae (Gryllacrididae–Cooloola–(Stenopelmatidae (Anostostomatidae (Prophalangopsis (Cyphoderris (Tettigoniidae–Lezina))))))))]. According to these topologies, Ensifera were ancestrally devoid of acoustic and hearing systems. An acoustic (tegminal or femoro‐abdominal) apparatus appeared a number of times independently with convergent structures. Similarly, tibial tympana developed several times independently. Moreover, four hypotheses (each according to a definite pattern of character transformation) can be proposed to explain the evolution of acoustic communication in the different ensiferan clades and relate it to a definite communicatory context. These hypotheses do not apply equally to ensiferan subclades. Grylloidea and Gryllotalpoidea could have experienced convergently a direct development of an intraspecific acoustic communication. Acoustic communication in Tettigoniidea has evolved more ambiguously, and may either have resulted from a direct evolution analogous to that having occurred in Gryllidea, or have developed in a completely different behavioural context. Future studies of acoustic communication in the different ensiferan clades will have to take into account the fact that the involved structures most often are not homologous and that their evolution may not have taken place in similar conditions. Different hypotheses of acoustic communication evolution may apply to different clades, and there may be no single explanation for acoustic communication in Ensifera.  相似文献   

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