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We studied the localization of α-amylase with indirect fluorescence microscopy in transversely sectioned cotyledons of Vigna mungo seedlings. Tissue sections were fixed in periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde and treated with anti-α-amylase immunoglobulin G followed by fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G. α-Amylase appeared in the cells farthest from vascular bundles on the second day of growth and appeared gradually closer to the vascular bundles as growth progressed. The pattern of α-amylase appearance was similar in detached cotyledons, indicating that attachment of the embryonic axis has no effect on this pattern. However, in attached cotyledons, α-amylase disappeared from the regions where starch grains had been digested, but in detached cotyledons there was no disappearance of α-amylase, and digestion was slower than in intact cotyledons.  相似文献   

α-Amylase activity increased in attached cotyledons of germinated Vigna mungo seeds until the 5th day after imbibition and decreased thereafter, whereas in detached and incubated cotyledons the activity continuously increased and, at the 6th day, reached the value more than three times that of the maximum activity of attached cotyledons. Zymograms of the activities and Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion test on the activities of attached and detached cotyledons showed that the increase of activity in detached cotyledons was due to the identical enzyme as in attached tissues. α-Amylase contents, determined by single radial immunodiffusion method, changed in parallel with enzyme activity in both attached and detached cotyledons, which also suggested the de novo synthesis of α-amylase in V. mungo cotyledons.

The rate of incorporation of the label from [3H]leucine into α-amylase and the ratios of dpm in α-amylase/dpm in trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction did not show significant difference between attached and detached cotyledons. The results indicated that in attached cotyledons fluctuation of α-amylase activity was regulated by both synthesis and degradation of the enzyme, whereas in detached cotyledons α-amylase was synthesized and accumulated, because of low degrading activity during incubation.


Callus cultures were initiated from immature cotyledons of Vignaaconitifolia, V. mungo and V. radiata on MS medium supplementedwith NAA, picloram or 2, 4-D. On transfer to L-6 liquid mediumsupplemented with low concentrations of picloram, GA3 and cytokinins,large number of somatic embryos differentiated from the callus.The cells destined to become somatic embryos divided to formspherical or filamentous proembryos. From the filamentous proembryo,the embryo proper developed either at single or multiple sites.Development of somatic embryos from multiple sites resultedin several embryos connected by a common suspensor at the radicleend. Continued divisions of the proembryos led to globular,heart shaped and dicotyledonary stages of somatic embryogenesis.The somatic embryos of V. mungo and V. aconitifolia differentiatedinto tiny plantlets at low frequency (1%) in liquid suspensioncultures supplemented with zeatin, picloram and GA3. Vigna aconitifolia Jacq, Marechal, mothbean, Vigna mungo L. Hepper, urdbean, Vigna radiata L. Wilczk, mungbean, somatic embryo  相似文献   

alpha-Amylase is expressed in cotyledons of germinated Vigna mungo seeds and is responsible for the degradation of starch that is stored in the starch granule (SG). Immunocytochemical analysis of the cotyledon cells with anti-alpha-amylase antibody showed that alpha-amylase is transported to protein storage vacuole (PSV) and lytic vacuole (LV), which is converted from PSV by hydrolysis of storage proteins. To observe the insertion/degradation processes of SG into/in the inside of vacuoles, ultrastructural analyses of the cotyledon cells were conducted. The results revealed that SG is inserted into LV through autophagic function of LV and subsequently degraded by vacuolar alpha-amylase. The autophagy for SG was structurally similar to micropexophagy detected in yeast cells. In addition to the autophagic process for SG, autophagosome-mediated autophagy for cytoplasm and mitochondria was detected in the cotyledon cells. When the embryo axes were removed from seeds and the detached cotyledons were incubated, the autophagosome-mediated autophagy was observed, but the autophagic process for the degradation of SG was not detected, suggesting that these two autophagic processes were mediated by different cellular mechanisms. The two distinct autophagic processes were thought to be involved in the breakdown of SG and cell components in the cells of germinated cotyledon.  相似文献   

A marked increase in acid phosphatase activity took place incotyledons of germinating Vigna mungo seeds. The attachmentof axis organs was not required for this development of enzymeactivity in cotyledons. DEAE-cellulose column chromatographyrevealed that the phosphatase is composed of at least threeforms. (Received August 19, 1981; Accepted October 30, 1981)  相似文献   

The morphogenetic responses of cotyledonary nodal explants of Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper cv. VBN1 cultured on the same Murashige and Skoog's medium, B5 vitamins, and 13.31 µM N6-benzylaminopurine showed variations in the pattern of multiple shooting and morphology of leaves in dependence on initial explants (presence/absence of cotyledons). The regenerated shoots elongated in the initial medium and most of them rooted in the presence of 2.41 µM indole-3-butyric acid, and flowered in vitro. Rooted plants could be transferred to the field after hardening.  相似文献   

A single copy of the a-amylase gene, composed of three intronsand four exons, was found in Vigna mungo. Examination of levelsof a-amylase and its mRNA in detached cotyledons indicated thatattachment of the embryonic axis is not required for expressionof the gene in cotyledons of germinating seeds. (Received December 21, 1993; Accepted March 14, 1994)  相似文献   

Levels of starch and soluble sugar in pods of Phaseolus vulgarisand Vigna mungo plants were analyzed during the course of maturationof fruits. The results suggest that the immature pods of P.vulgaris function to some extent as temporary reservoirs ofcarbohydrates for growth of seeds. A less clear pattern of accumulationof starch was observed in pods of maturing fruits of Vigna mungo.Measurements of a-amylase activites in pods of maturing fruitsand immunoblotting with an antiserum against  相似文献   

The enzyme nitrite reductase (EC is generally assayed in terms of disappearance of nitrite from the assay medium. We describe a technique which allowed estimation of the enzyme level in leaf tissues of Vigna mungo (L). Hepper in terms of the release of the product (NH3) of the enzyme reaction. The technique is offered as an alternative, possibly more convenient method for assay of nitrite reductase in plant tissue in vivo.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative changes of mRNA in Vigna mungocotyledons during seed germination have been investigated. TotalRNA is higher in dry cotyledons and declines during germination.Poly(A)+ RNA also is present at a relatively high level in drycotyledons, increases slightly during the first day of germination,and then decreases. Polysomal RNA is very low in dry cotyledonsbut increases rapidly during the first day of germination, andthen declines. The translational activity of the mRNA in a wheatgerm cell-free system is low on day 0 but increases rapidlyon day 1 of germination. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresisof in vitro translation products reveals that many new peptidesare synthesized on day 1 of germination. Synthesis of most ofthese polypeptides continue throughout 5 days of germination. Change in the mRNA population during germination has been investigatedusing cDNA against poly(A)+ RNA from 3-day-old cotyledons. Withtotal RNA of day 3 and 5, the cDNA strongly hybridized withRNA similar in size to 25 S ribosomal RNA, but no specific bandsare detected with samples of day 0 or 1. With poly(A)+ RNA ofday 5 or 1, the cDNA tends to hybridize with RNAs of relativelysmall molecular size. Cordycepin and -amanitin prevent the increasein poly (A)+ RNA content and the appearance of new mRNAs duringthe first day of germination. 1Present address: Division of Regulation of Macromolecular Function,Institute for Protein Research, Suita City, Osaka 565, Japan. (Received January 13, 1986; Accepted June 10, 1986)  相似文献   

Black gram (Vigna mungo) seeds are shown to contain a lectin with certain unusual features. The lectin agglutinates only trypsinized red cells, and its sugar specificity is complex as none of the common sugars, oligosaccharides or complex polysaccharides exhibit any affinity for the lectin. The purified lectin has a molecular weight of 58 kDa and is a monomer. Unlike other plant lectins, antibodies to the P. mungo lectin do not exhibit any immunological cross reactivity. The clot forming ability of the lectin is unusual in that the clot once formed is rapidly disaggregated indicated that it induces, as yet undefined, certain membrane alterations.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase from cotyledons of dark-grown Vigna mungo seedlingswas separated into four forms (la, Ib, Ha and lib) by ion-exchangercolumn chromatographies. Each form of the acid phosphatase wascharacterized for its pH dependency, substrate specificity,thermal stability, activation energy, approximate molecularweight, and the effect of metal ions and other substances onits activity. Each form of the enzyme exhibited high activitytowards ATP and ADP relative to their activity towards p-nitrophenylphosphate,but showed very low activity towards phytate, a major organicphosphate reserve in cotyledons. Among the four forms, lib wasmost distinguishable by its low molecular weight and the thermalenhancement of activity.  相似文献   

Vigna mungo seeds. SEP activity was separated into two isoforms by CM-cellulose column chromatography. These forms, termed SEP-1 and SEP-II, showed endopeptidase activities even at acidic pH, suggesting that SEPs are unique serine endopeptidases, since most serine proteases are optimum at neutral pH. Received 14 December 1998/ Accepted in revised form 22 February 1999  相似文献   

Isolation and structural analysis of ajugose from Vigna mungo L   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hexasaccharide ajugose, alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->6)-alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->6)-O-alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->6)-alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->6)-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1<-->2)-beta-D-fructofuranoside, generally uncommon in legumes, was detected in the seeds of Vigna mungo L. by TLC and paper chromatography. Ajugose was then isolated by silica gel chromatography and its structure was established by acid and enzymatic hydrolysis, fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and both one- and two-dimensional 1H and 13C NMR techniques.  相似文献   

Transformed Vigna mungo (blackgram) calli were obtained by cocultivating segments of primary leaves with Agrobacterium tumefaciens vir helper strains harbouring the binary vector pGA472 having kanamycin resistance gene as plant transformation marker. Transformed calli were selected on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 50 mg/l kanamycin and 500 mg/l carbenicillin. Transformed calli were found to be resistant to kanamycin up to 900 mg/l concentration. Expression of kanamycin resistance gene in transformed calli was demonstrated by neomycin phosphotransferase assay. Stable integration of transferred DNA into V. mungo genome was confirmed by Southern blot analysis.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2iP 6-(,-dimethylallylamino)purine - Kn kinetin - nptII neomycin phosphotransferaseII - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium  相似文献   

Dynamics of the nitrogen relationships of Vigna mungo in pureand in mixed stands with Celosia argentea, a common weed ofleguminous crops in certain regions of India, were investigated.The weed significantly depressed nodulation and reduced thedry matter and nitrogen yield of the legume which was lowestat the highest density of the weed. A significant amount ofnitrogen transfer occurred from the legume in the weed mixtureswhich appeared to be taken up by the weed plants. Therefore,weed plants benefited from their association with the legumeby accumulating more dry matter and nitrogen in the legume mixtures.The possible competitive or biochemical interference of theweed with nitrogen relationships of the legume in mixtures isdiscussed. Vigna mungo, Celosia argentea, pure stands, mixed stands, total nitrogen, interference  相似文献   

A sulfhydryl-endopeptidase was purified as a 33 kilodalton (kD) mass polypeptide from cotyledons of Vigna mungo seedlings. Immunoblot analysis with antiserum made against the purified enzyme showed that the sulfhydryl-endopeptidase was synthesized only in the cotyledons during germination and that the amount of the enzyme increased until 4 days after imbibition and decreased thereafter. Next, an RNA fraction was prepared from cotyledons of 3 day old seedlings and translated in a wheat germ system. The synthesis of a 45 kD polypeptide was shown by the analysis of its translation products by immunoprecipitation with the antiserum to the endopeptidase and gel electrophoresis. When the RNA fraction was translated in the presence of canine microsomal membranes, a smaller polypeptide, having a 43 kD molecular mass, was detected as the translation product. When membrane-bound polysomes, but not free polysomes, prepared from cotyledons were used for translation in the wheat germ system, both the 43 and 45 kD polypeptides were synthesized. By incubation of a crude enzyme extract from cotyledons at 5 ± 1°C at neutral pH, the 43 kD polypeptide was sequentially cleaved to the 33 kD polypeptide via 39 and 36 kD intermediate polypeptides. The endopeptidase was activated simultaneously with the processing. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the 33 kD polypeptide was the fully activated form of the enzyme, whereas little or no activity was detected in other forms. From the present results, we postulate that the sulfhydryl-endopeptidase is first synthesized as the 45 kD precursor with a 2 kD signal peptide being cleaved, and that the 43 kD polypeptide is further cleaved to give the 33kD mature enzyme.  相似文献   

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