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The data from the expedition of the program RUSALCA conducted in 2004 showed unexpectedly high quantitative indices of macrobenthos in the southeastern Chukchi Sea. Extensive areas of the bottom northwest of the Bering Strait were dominated by the bivalve Macoma calcarea. The greatest biomass of benthos in Macoma-dominated areas was 4232 g/m2 with an average of 1382 g/m2 for the investigated region. Such a high biomass of soft-bottom communities, which is extremely uncommon even in the temperature regions of the oceans, is reported for the Arctic for the first time. The long-term existence (more than 70 years) of highly productive benthic communities dominated by Macoma calcarea in one and the same area of the Chukchi Sea can most likely be attributed to gyres, which constantly arise in the region northwest of the Bering Strait. These cyclonic gyres carry nutrient-rich bottom water to the surface and hinder larval transport away from mother populations. They also keep and concentrate major food sources of benthos (live and dead phyto-and zooplankton and fecal pellets) over the benthic community locations. Most likely, a significant proportion of the primary production in the southeastern Chukchi Sea is used by benthos within the investigated Macoma community. Findings of three relatively large warm-water Pacific species near Point Hope in the Chukchi Sea are probably indicative of the progressive climate warming during the last century.  相似文献   

Fish eggs and larvae were collected monthly between September 1987 and April 1989 from sites throughout the main basin and within the saline regions of the two main tributary rivers of Wilson Inlet, a seasonally closed estuary in south-western Australia. Of the eggs, 43.7% belonged to Engraulis australis (Shaw) and the rest to unidentified teleosts. The larval fish assemblage comprised 17 families represented by 25 species. The Gobiidae contained the highest number of species (four) and contributed approximately 57% of all larvae caught. Pseudogobius olorum (Sauvage) and E. australis were the most abundant species, contributing 43.9 and 27.9% to the total larval catch, respectively. The larvae of species which breed within Wilson Inlet dominated the assemblage, both in terms of number of species (64%) and contribution to total catch (99.9%). The numbers of the eight marine species and one freshwater species represented in the ichthyoplankton were very low. Classification and multi-dimensional scaling ordination showed that the composition of the larval fish fauna at the various sites during a period when the estuary remained open to the sea (December 1988-April 1989) was similar to that of the corresponding sites during the same period in the previous year when the estuary had become closed (December 1987-April 1988). This can be attributed to the spatial distribution, time of occurrence and abundance of estuarine-spawned larvae being similar in the two periods and to the rarity of marine-spawned larvae, even in the spring and summer of 1988/1989 when the estuary was open for the whole time when most marine teleosts spawn in south-western Australia. The low occurrence of marine-spawned larvae in Wilson Inlet reflects the fact that tidal water movement within the basin of the system is so small that it is unable to facilitate the transport and dispersion of larvae. The ichthyoplankton of Wilson Inlet resembles that of other poorly-flushed estuaries in that it is low in species richness and dominated by estuarine-spawned larvae.  相似文献   

We examined vertical migration and colonisation patterns of stream macroinvertebrates within the substratum of an Apennine creek in NW Italy. Macrobenthos was sampled at three depths in the streambed (0–5, 5–10, 10–15 cm) by means of artificial baskets filled with natural substratum. We placed 42 traps (5×5×15 cm), i.e. 21 top-opened (T-traps) and 21 bottom-opened (B-traps), each composed of three overlapping baskets (high-H, medium-M and low-L), to evaluate differences in the vertical movements. We also collected Surber samples to compare interstitial assemblages with streambed communities. The multilevel traps yielded 42 taxa, compared with 60 taxa in the natural riverbed. Interstitial traps were rapidly colonised; both taxa richness and organism number increased during the 42-day study period. We found active migration in both vertical directions, but there were more invertebrates in the top-opened traps than in the bottom-opened traps. In the T-traps the most colonised baskets were those placed at the H level, while in the B-traps the L level baskets were more rapidly colonised. The interstitial assemblages differed markedly from the streambed communities in both composition and functional organisation, with more collector-gatherers and predators in the interstitial zone and more filterers and scrapers in the natural riverbed. In Apennine lotic systems, the interstitial zone is an important habitat for stream macrobenthos, although it may not be used by all species.  相似文献   

Cochin estuary, one of the largest tropical estuaries of India, supports high levels of human pressure throughout the year and natural stress during monsoon season. Six stations were monitored between 2002 and 2004 covering the pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon seasons. Ecological status of macrobenthos was assessed using the AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and the multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI). The overall ‘moderate’ disturbance classification (according to AMBI) and ‘moderate-poor’ ecological status (according to M-AMBI) indicate that the macrobenthos in the estuary experiences stress. There was a gradient of increasing quality from the most degraded northern site to the main estuary, downstream. Monsoon caused further reductions in quality of macrobenthos in the main estuary, while the degraded northern station showed improvement in 2003, when the monsoon was strong. The assessment of the Cochin Estuary using AMBI and M-AMBI indicates where this water body stands in comparison to European and other water bodies, which may be useful for developing required protective measures in tropical systems and to design monitoring strategies.  相似文献   

It is postulated that early succession is influenced by environmental conditions directly after a disturbance event and the temporal scale of succeeding disturbances. For example, Rincon Bayou, Texas, U.S.A. is an estuary stressed by large fluctuations in salinity ranging from oligohaline to hypersaline conditions; leading to the question: are benthic succession dynamics interrupted or affected by the temporal scale of salinity fluctuations? To answer this question, succession dynamics were investigated by manipulation of 1) initial environmental conditions, and 2) time between severe disturbances. The influence of environmental conditions and time course of succession were investigated by comparing two experiments. A synoptic-deployment experiment where samples were deployed at the same environmental conditions and a synoptic-retrieval experiment where samples were collected from deployments under different environmental conditions. Both experiments were conducted at varying time courses of 2-, 4- and 8-week durations between severe disturbances. Severe disturbances were simulated with defaunated sediment. Ambient conditions were simultaneously sampled as a reference. Environmental conditions directly affected succession. In the ambient study, succession occurred in conjunction with changes in environmental conditions. In the synoptic-deployment and synoptic-retrieval studies, environmental conditions at the time of retrieval were more important in determining community structure than deployment duration or initial environmental conditions at time of deployment. Initial environmental conditions were not the primary mechanism in regulation of succession because succession is likely interrupted by frequent salinity disturbances. The salinity-stressed estuary of Rincon Bayou appears to be in a constant state of early and intermediate succession because of frequent salinity-related disturbances.  相似文献   

Climate change is a major threat to biodiversity and distributions shifts are one of the most significant threats to global warming, but the extent to which these shifts keep pace with a changing climate is yet uncertain. Understanding the factors governing range shifts is crucial for conservation management to anticipate patterns of biodiversity distribution under future anthropogenic climate change. Soft‐sediment invertebrates are a key faunal group because of their role in marine biogeochemistry and as a food source for commercial fish species. However, little information exists on their response to climate change. Here, we evaluate changes in the distribution of 65 North Sea benthic invertebrate species between 1986 and 2000 by examining their geographic, bathymetric and thermal niche shifts and test whether species are tracking their thermal niche as defined by minimum, mean or maximum sea bottom (SBT) and surface (SST) temperatures. Temperatures increased in the whole North Sea with many benthic invertebrates showing north‐westerly range shifts (leading/trailing edges as well as distribution centroids) and deepening. Nevertheless, distribution shifts for most species (3.8–7.3 km yr?1 interquantile range) lagged behind shifts in both SBT and SST (mean 8.1 km yr?1), resulting in many species experiencing increasing temperatures. The velocity of climate change (VoCC) of mean SST accurately predicted both the direction and magnitude of distribution centroid shifts, while maximum SST did the same for contraction of the trailing edge. The VoCC of SBT was not a good predictor of range shifts. No good predictor of expansions of the leading edge was found. Our results show that invertebrates need to shift at different rates and directions to track the climate velocities of different temperature measures, and are therefore lagging behind most temperature measures. If these species cannot withstand a change in thermal habitat, this could ultimately lead to a drop in benthic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Sea turtles are one of the largest vertebrates in the shallow water ecosystems of Remote Oceania, occurring in both sea grass pastures and on coral reefs. Their functional roles, however, over ecological and evolutionary times scales are not well known, in part because their numbers have been so drastically reduced. Ethnographic and archaeological data is analysed to assess long-term patterns of human–sea turtle interactions (mainly green and hawksbill) prior to western contact and the magnitude of turtle losses in this region. From the ethnographic data two large-scale patterns emerge, societies where turtle capture and consumption was controlled by chiefs and priests versus those where control over turtle was more flexible and consumption more egalitarian. Broadly the distinction is between societies on high (volcanic and raised coral) islands versus atolls, but the critical variables are the ratio of land to shallow marine environments, combined with the availability of refugia. Archaeological evidence further highlights differences in the rate and magnitude of turtle losses across these two island types, with high islands suffering both large and rapid declines while those on atolls are less marked. These long-term historical patterns help explain the ethnographic endpoints, with areas that experienced greater losses apparently developing more restrictive social controls over time. Finally, if current turtle migration patterns held in the past, with annual movements between western foraging grounds and eastern nesting beaches, then intensive harvesting from 2,800 Before Present in West Polynesia probably affected turtle abundance and coral reef ecology in East Polynesia well before the actual arrival of human settlers, the latter a process that most likely began 1,400 years later.  相似文献   

Long-term studies at a benthic station off the coast of Northumberland   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Biannual sampling (March and September) has been carried out over the period 1972 to 1985 at a muddy sand station, 55 m depth, with fauna belonging to the deeper offshore edge of Petersen's Amphiura filiformis community.During the period 1974 to 1980 the community exhibited a high degree of persistence stability. This stability was lost between 1980 and 1983, with rising total numbers and biomass and changes in species ranking. There is some evidence of a downward reversal between 1984–85.Evidence suggests that the principal stabilising process is density dependent mortality mediated by competition in a food limited environment. The principal destabilising process appears to be periodic fluctuations in the organic flux to the bottom. A secondary destabilising process is clearly concerned with fluctuating winter temperature. In competitive terms, cold winters favour increased survival in the dominant species at the expense of the lesser ranked species. This process is, however, more ephemeral and subject to adjustment within the time scale of a year.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variability of the Abra alba–Pectinaria koreni and Macoma balthica communities was examined in the northern part of the Seine estuary (North Channel) over different space and time scales in order to assess the role that the hydrologic regime and/or anthropogenic influences play in defining benthic communities over time. Sediment in the North Channel displayed strong spatial and temporal variability, sustained by intense sediment transport episodes. Total macrobenthic abundances ranged widely on the course of the year and there was no evidence of a seasonal signal for the density fluctuations, whatever the spatial scale considered. The bio-sedimentary dynamics can be divided into two periods: the first corresponds to the high flow rate period (January–May) during which fauna is influenced by fine silt/clay deposition, and the second to the low flow rate period (June–December) during which sandy deposits prevail. Despite the absence of significant correlations between sediment composition and abundance, episodes of sediment transport seem to be an important structuring mechanism in the Seine estuary. As a consequence, the faunal composition varied throughout the year. The winter and spring fauna, characterised by species living on muddy fine-sands or muds, were enriched during the summer and autumn by species living in clean fine sand, such as Donax vittatus, Nephtys cirrosa or Spio decoratus, mainly represented by adult individuals. Secondary settlement of drifters may explain the rapid structuration of assemblages a few days after the sandy deposits. Our results suggest the importance of the bentho-pelagic coupling, primarily induced by the sedimentary instability, on the macrobenthic fauna dynamics. The intra-annual variability of assemblages at the mouth of the Seine river and the silted situation of the North Channel might simply be the result of the silting up and alteration of the inner estuary, generated by several decades of man-made modifications and natural processes.  相似文献   

Little is known about the life history and environmental factors that regulate the growth rate of hyperdominant trees in flooded Amazonian forests. Pentaclethra macroloba is a hyperdominant tree, and it is widely explored in the Amazon, because its seed oil is a powerful herbal medicine. We evaluated the demographic structure and growth patterns of P. macroloba and tested the effect of the Amazon River flood pulse on its growth. We modeled the growth and determined the age of P. macroloba by analyzing the growth rings of 30 monitored trees in relation to hydroclimatic variables. We also inventoried 240 juvenile and 2072 adult trees arranged in a clustered pattern. The diametric distribution pattern of the juvenile and adult trees was exponential and log-normal, respectively. The trees were found to be up to 102 years old, and 47% of them grew freely toward the canopy. Peak growth in height and diameter occurred at 24 (61.7 cm year-1) and 46 (9.38 mm year-1) years, respectively. Pentaclethra macroloba showed cambial dormancy during the seasonal peak of rainfall (R2 = 0.41; t = −2.62; p < 0.01) and flooding of the Amazon River (R2 = 0.47; t = −3.01; p < 0.01). Increases in rainfall and flood level of the river in the rainy season control the growth rate of P. macroloba, making it a seasonal process. The demographic and growth patterns of P. macroloba respond to the environmental heterogeneity of the estuarine floodplain forest and also reflect its life history over time.  相似文献   

Macro-invertebrate drift was measured entering and leaving two pools on the Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River, a third order California stream. Drift rates for Baetis spp., Chironomidae, Simulium spp., Capniidae and total drift were calculated. Significant differences in the numbers of organisms entering the two pools were found for Baetis, Chironomidae, and Capniidae. Comparisons of drift rates at the upstream and downstream ends of each pool showed that the abundance of Chironomidae, Simulium, Capniidae and total drift changed in different directions across the pools. The numbers of organisms leaving the two pools, however, were not significantly different for Baetis, Simulium, Capniidae and total drift. These findings lead us to hypothesize that long pools act as barriers, not filters, to stream macro-invertebrate drift. The composition of drift leaving the pools in this experiment appeared to be controlled by the composition of the benthic habitat at the tail of the pool and not by the composition of upstream drift entering the pools.  相似文献   

Quantifying the broad-scale distribution and abundance of non-indigenous species (NIS) is necessary to provide accurate estimations on impacts of invasions, to prioritize research, and to guide national management. Sediment grab-sampling is a standardized method for monitoring marine benthos. In Denmark, ~45,000 grab-samples were collected from 1970 to 2005. Using these samples, we compared densities of NIS and native species among 27 broad spatio-temporal groupings. Eight known NIS and one ‘cryptogenic species’ (the polychaete Neanthes succinea) were found in the samples. Most were present in low abundance, but the bivalve Mya arenaria, likely introduced by the vikings from North America, was particularly abundant. M. arenaria was found in ca. 20% of all samples and was among the 10 most common species in all of Denmark. M. arenaria’s high abundance, high filtration capacity and importance in food-web interactions, suggest that this species has dramatically impacted shallow coastal ecosystems in Denmark. The polychaete Marenzelleria viridis, the gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum and N. succinea were also widespread and abundant, and they too are likely to have had broad-scale impacts. In conclusion, 28% of grab-samples collected in Denmark over 35 years were affected by some degree of NIS or cryptogenic species, suggesting that centuries of human-mediated transfer of organisms has had a profound impact on the ecology of soft-bottom systems in Denmark.  相似文献   

1. The objective was to determine the major factors affecting the downstream dispersal (drift) of freshwater shrimps, Gammarus pulex. Sample replication and frequency are major problems in the quantification of drift. For the first time, these problems were avoided by sampling the whole stream continuously so that all the shrimps drifting downstream at the sampling point were caught in a net emptied at dusk and dawn in 1966, and every 3 days in 1967. 2. There was no consistent seasonal pattern in drift rates, but a high proportion of annual drift was taken in only a few samples. There was a nocturnal diel pattern of drift with peaks soon after dusk and just before dawn. A power function described the significant (P < 0.001) relationship between drift and flow, and was used to neutralise the dominant effects of flow by standardising total drift over 24 h, nocturnal drift and diurnal drift (drift per 50 m3). These were all significantly (P < 0.001) related to benthos density, but not to date, temperature, or length of the night or day. 3. The relationship between drift values and the independent variables, flow and benthos density, was well described (P < 0.001) by a multiple‐regression model. Adding temperature, date, and/or the length of the night or day did not improve model fit. Variations in flow and benthos density explained 94% of the variation in total drift over 24 h, 97% of the variation in nocturnal drift, but only 44% of the variation in diurnal drift. A power function described (P < 0.001) the relationship between total drift and the volume of water sampled over 3‐day periods in 1967. Flow explained 95% of this drift variation; it was unnecessary to add another variable such as benthos density. 4. The significance of this study is that it avoided the problems associated with the quantification of drift samples. Therefore, the conclusions are more robust than those of many previous studies. A high proportion of the annual drift losses would have been undetected by intermittent sampling. Temperature, season, night or day length had no significant effect on drift densities, and the relationship between drift and benthos densities was proportional, not density dependent. The nocturnal increase in drift could not be interpreted as an antipredator behaviour. The dominance of flow and benthos density was apparent but the quantitative relationships posed further questions, especially those related to drift distances at different velocities.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the fish communities inhabiting shallow non‐vegetated habitats in two divergent bays in a subtropical World Heritage Site estuarine system differed according to wet (spring–summer) and dry (autumn–winter) seasons or polyhaline and mesohaline zones, within the broader objective of facilitating spatio‐temporal management. Species richness (total of 74 taxa; total length, LT = 11–552 mm) and abundance (51 109 individuals) were mostly greater in the wet than dry season and in polyhaline than mesohaline areas. There was a major effect of rainfall on recruitment, particularly among transient fishes, which could be the result of enhanced survival of young via greater productivity (food resources) and protection from predators (via turbidity reducing visual cues). Salinity had strong interactive effects with rainfall and temperature in one bay, with greater species richness and overall abundances as well as large abundances of four key species [Anchoa januaria and Atherinella brasiliensis (pelagic residents), Cetengraulis edentulus (pelagic transient) and Diapterus rhombeus (demersal transient)] during the wet season in polyhaline areas; possibly reflecting a biodiversity hotspot that might be affected by distance to the estuary mouth and convergence hydrology. Regionally, the results support enforcing spatio‐temporal restrictions to minimize anthropogenic activities within statutory (but not always enforced) protected areas. Globally, the data reiterate the need to identify and understand biotic and abiotic effects on estuarine ichthyofaunal distributions and abundances as a precursor to their management.  相似文献   

Simultaneous collections of drift and organisms moving either upstream or downstream in association with the substrate were made using a specially designed sampler. Samples were taken in a diel series along a transect across the study riffle of a Colorado foothills stream on six dates over an annual cycle. In addition to longitudinal movements, taxonomic composition and diel periodicity were evaluated. The insect-dominated fauna showed a net downstream displacement. Only the caddisflies Helicopsyche borealis and Hesperophylax occidentalis exhibited net upstream movement, primarily a result of low drift frequencies. The taxonomic composition of moving invertebrates differed from that of the benthos. Drift resembled downstream moving substrate-associated invertebrates in composition, but differed from that of the upstream directed fauna. Taxa collectively exhibited four types of diel patterns: 1) similar downstream (drift and substrate-associated movements) patterns, which generally differed from the upstream pattern; 2) similar benthic (upstream and downstream) patterns, which differed from that of drift; 3) aperiodic patterns; and 4) independent patterns for each type of directional movement. Analysis of size classes based on head capsule width for the mayfly Baetis tricaudatus showed significantly smaller size in stationary individuals compared with moving individuals in the population and revealed that nymphs moving during the day were smaller than those moving at night.  相似文献   

García-Arberas  L.  Rallo  A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):457-468
Feeding types of the infaunal macrobenthos of the intertidal soft-bottom communities from the estuaries of La Arena, Plentzia and Gernika, along the Basque coast (Gulf of Biscay) were studied in relation to habitat conditions, characteristics of each estuary and seasonal variation. General feeding structure observed in La Arena estuary was different from the other estuaries: omnivores were dominant, both in number of species and individuals, while surface deposit-feeders were the main feeding group in Plentzia and Gernika both in the finest sediment communities and in the sandy ones. Subsurface deposit-feeders were abundant in Plentzia and Gernika but scarce in La Arena estuary. Feeding types were related to the environmental variables. Sandy sediment communities presented a more balanced proportion among different feeding types and showed higher values of feeding diversity; suspension-feeders and predators were abundant only in that communities. By estuaries, feeding diversity was higher in Gernika and lower in La Arena. Seasonal variation in feeding diversity was observed, explained by changes in density of certain feeding groups; a common pattern of variation was found in Gernika communities, with an increase in June and a decrease in September. Oscillation of this index in Plentzia and La Arena depended on the estuary and the different communities; nevertheless a decrease of feeding diversity in September was commonly observed. Finally, feeding structure observed in our estuaries was compared to those described in coastal areas with organic enriched sediments, in order to assess the degree of perturbation of the environment based on the relative dominance of a certain feeding type in the macrobenthos.  相似文献   

1. The objectives were (i) to determine experimentally and to model the relationship between mean water velocity and both the mean distance travelled, and the mean time spent, in the drift by freshwater shrimps, Gammarus pulex; (ii) to develop a drift distance–water velocity model from the experimental study, and validate it with field data; (iii) to examine the relationship between drift rate, water velocity and benthic density with the latter expressed as a mean value for the whole stream and a mean value corrected for the distance travelled in the drift. 2. In field experiments at 10 water velocities (0.032–0.962 m s?1), the significant relationship between the mean drift distance and mean water velocity was described both by a power function (power, 0.96) and a linear relationship. The mean drift time was fairly constant at 8.3 s (95% CL ± 0.4). A simple model estimated the drift distance and time spent in the drift by different percentages of the drifting invertebrates. This model predicted correctly the positive relationship between drift rate and water velocity for field data over a year. 3. The relationship between drift rate per hour and the independent variables, water velocity and benthic density, was well described by a multiple‐regression model. Adding temperature and date did not improve model fit. Variations in water velocity and benthic density explained 96% of the variation in nocturnal drift rate (65% to velocity, 31% to benthic density), but only 40% of the variation in diurnal drift rate (29% to velocity, 11% to benthic density). Correcting benthic density for the drift distances did not improve model fit. 4. The significance of this study is that it developed models to predict drift distances and time, values being similar to those obtained in another, larger stream. It also illustrated the importance of spatial scale in the interpretation of drift by showing that when drift distances were taken into account, the impact of drift on the population was higher (4–10% lost day?1) than when drift distances were ignored (usually < 3% lost day?1), especially at a local level.  相似文献   

莱州湾小清河口近岸海域底栖生境健康评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2019年7月、8月和9月对莱州湾小清河口近岸海域的大型底栖动物进行调查,对该海域大型底栖动物群落的种类组成和群落结构等进行研究,利用丰度/生物量比较曲线法、AMBI指数法和M-AMBI指数法对研究海域大型底栖动物群落健康和底栖生境健康状况进行评价。研究结果表明,2019年7月、8月和9月共采集到大型底栖动物64种,其中多毛类24种,甲壳类19种,软体动物17种,其他类群4种。该海域的优势种为光滑河蓝蛤(Potamocorbula laevis)、彩虹明樱蛤(Moerella iridescens)、半褶织纹螺(Nassarius semiplicatus)、四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis),寡鳃齿吻沙蚕(Nephthys oligobranchia)、中蚓虫(Mediomastus californiensis)、东方长眼虾(Ogyrides orientalis)、尖齿拳蟹(Philyra acutidens)和短角双眼钩虾(Ampelisca brevicornis),其中彩虹明樱蛤和寡鳃齿吻沙蚕在三次调查中均为优势物种,优势度明显。群落结构聚类分析和多维尺度分析表明,7月研究海域的大型底栖动物群落以10%的相似性可以分为3组,8月以18%相似性可以分为4组,9月以19%的相似性可以分为3组,三次调查的群落结构相似度均较低。丰度/生物量比较曲线法研究结果显示,底栖动物群落生物量优势显著,群落处于未干扰状态。AMBI指数及M-AMBI指数分析结果表明,莱州湾小清河口近岸海域底栖生境处于未干扰或者轻度干扰的状态,健康状况处于高等或者优良的状态。  相似文献   

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