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红花为菊科植物红花(Carthamus tinctorius L.)的干燥花,具有活血通经,散瘀止痛等功能。为研究其降糖活性成分及谱效关系,本文确定了红花降糖活性部位;建立了HPLC指纹图谱,通过对照品指认其中7个主要成分后,用灰色关联度法和正交偏最小二乘法分析,揭示了这7个共有峰协同发挥蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酯酶1B抑制作用,其中羟基红花黄色素A(HSYA,6号峰)和6-羟基山柰酚-3,6-二-O-葡萄糖基-7-O-葡萄糖苷(3号峰)是贡献最大的成分。含量测定显示10批红花中羟基红花黄色素A及山柰素的含量均在1.67%~1.94%和0.09%~0.12%之间,该研究为红花在糖尿病药物开发领域的应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

Pre-matured florets of Benibana, a cultivar of saffron thistle (Carthamus tinctorius L.) was irradiated with UV-B (280–320 nm) or UV-C (254 nm) light for 48 h at 23±1 °C and the influence of UV-light on carthamin accumulation and floret elongation was investigated. UV-C light enhances carthamin accumulation most prominently, showing a specific value of 52.3 nmol carthamin·dm−3·h−1·25μm−2 (13.9 times of control), while it restricts floret elongation by a light-suppression manner (net elongation: 0.058 mm·h−1, one ninth of control). UV-B light is also promotive for the red colour appearance (25.0 nmol carthamin·dm−3·h−1·25 μm−2, 6.7 times of control) with suppressing floret elongation (net elongation: 0.17 mm·h−1, one third of control). Heterogeneous productivity of carthamin was seen in floret tissues after continuous treating under UV-C light. Carthamin accumulation, heterogeneous carthamin productivity and decrease of floret elongation restraint under UV-lights are discussed.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine labelled by14C was administered to the cultured cells and the intact flowers ofCarthamus tinctorius, and the biosynthetic activity of carthamin in these two materials was compared. The cultured cells took up positively the fed substrate, but they could not incorporate the label into carthamin, while incorporation of the radioactivity from phenylalanine into the red pigment occurred in the intact flowers. The activities of polyphenol-oxidizing enzymes were screened in the cell cultures and the intact tissues from the herbal plant. Polyphenol-oxidizing enzymes were operative normally in the mother explant, whereas their activity patterns changed altogether in the cultured cells, where kurenamin, a new reddish pigment, is produced actively. The data are discussed in terms of the phenotypic changes in the polyphenol metabolism of the cultured cells propagated under restricted culture conditions.  相似文献   

Summary A physical map of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) chloroplast DNA has been generated using Sall, Pstl, Kpnl and HindIII restriction endonucleases. Southern blots to single and double digests by these enzymes were hybridized with 32P-dCTP nick-translated Kpnl probes, which were individually isolated from agarose gels. The plastid genome was found to be circular (151 kbp), to contain a repeated sequence of about 25 kbp, and to have small and large single copy regions of approximately 20 and 81 kbp, respectively. Heterologous probes from spinach and Euglena containing psbA, rbcL, atpA or rrnA structural genes were also hybridized with such single and double restriction enzyme digests and mapped on this circular chlorpolast genome. The genetic map was found to be co-linear with that of spinach and many other higher plants.  相似文献   

Summary Adaptation reactions of 33 genotypes of safflower Carthamus tinctorius L. were studied under 7 different climatic conditions. The genotpyes were divided into two sets. Set I consisted of 15 genotpyes selected from the local populations. Set II had 15 introduced and local varieties. Three control genotpyes, Ute, Ferio, and Local Arak, were common to both sets.Genotpye-environment interaction was not significant for Set I but it was highly significant for Set II. Three environmental indices were obtained and used in the adaptation analyses of the genotpyes in Set II. One of the environmental indices, designated EI, was dependent on the genotypes of Set II. The other two indices, designated EI-1 and EI-2, were independent of the genotpyes of Set II. The methods of Eberhart and Russell (1966) were used in analyses of adaptation by Index EI and the methods of Freeman and Perkins (1971) for Indices EI-1 and EI-2.The mean square associated with genotype-environment interaction was partitioned into two components, heterogeneity of regression and its residual, under EI-1 and EI-2. Both components were highly significant for both cases. However, the mean square of heterogeneity of regression was equal to its residual under EI-1 and even smaller than its residual under EI-2. These observations indicate that a major part of genotpye-environment interaction can not be accounted for by differences in the regressions of the individual genotypes. As well as this overall test, individual regression analyses for single genotypes were also considered. None of the genotypes had significant regression mean square under EI-1. Only two introduced genotypes had significant regression mean squares when EI-2 was used. The overall test of equality of the slopes of the regression for the genotypes of Set II was rejected at the 1% level under EI. This test indicated that genotypes of Set II were significantly different in their association with the EI. The significant differences among the genotypes of Set II were also shown by an F test of the pooled deviation mean square divided by the pooled error mean square. Individual regression analyses for single genotpyes of Set II were considered under EI. Mixed adaptation reactions were observed for different genotypes. Among 18 genotypes of Set II, regression mean squares were significant for only 10 genotpyes. Therefore, it appeared that the dependent environmental indices are more useful than the independent environmental indices when statistical theory of regression is used in the analysis of adaptation. Observations in the present study were not in agreement with the hypothesis that the relation between the performance of different genotypes in the various environments and some measure of these environments is linear or nearly so.Among the 12 introduced genotypes, only one, Ute, was identified as stable and high-yielding. Among the 15 selected from the locally adapted populations, eleven did not differ significantly from Ute in mean yield but four exceeded Ute significantly in mean productivity. The present study thus indicates that the Iranian safflower breeding project has been successful in identifying genotpyes which give high and stable yields under diverse environmental conditions. It does not indicate that introduced and exotic germplasms are unimportant in the breeding projects; it is quite possible that still more desirable genotypes can be developed by incorporating introduced genetic variability into the local germplasm.Associate Professors and Plant Breeder  相似文献   

The endosperms of Carthamus tinctorius cv. HUS-305, excised at globular to heart-shaped stages of zygotic embryo development, were cultured on Murashige and Skoog’s medium (MS) supplemented with different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), kinetin, thidiazuron (TDZ), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) or α-naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA). The highest incidence of callusing was on 2,4-D supplemented media. However, embryos differentiated only from the calli developed on media supplemented with BAP, kinetin or TDZ with the last eliciting maximum embryogenic response. The addition of a reduced nitrogen source, casein hydrolysate to MS medium supplemented with BAP and/or NAA, did not stimulate the response. However, adenine sulphate (100 mg dm−3) promoted the induction of somatic embryos. Upon transfer to MS basal medium or the same supplemented with 0.61 μM gibberellic acid (GA3), plumular poles of few embryos elongated resulting in the development of shoots.  相似文献   

Studies of the delta 12 desaturase of Carthamus tinctorius L   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The delta 12 desaturase of developing safflower seeds responsible for the conversion of an oleoyl moiety to the linoleoyl moiety of phospholipids was further characterized. The protein concentration of the microsomal preparation, the oleoyl-CoA concentration (the primary substrate), short incubation periods, and the addition of lysophospholipids must be controlled to obtain optimal desaturation. No evidence could be obtained to implicate cytochrome b5 as the intermediate electron carrier. Attempts to solubilize the desaturase with a variety of detergents and chaotropic reagents were not successful. Brief exposure of the microsomal preparation to trypsin resulted in rapid loss of activity. The overall evidence would suggest that the delta 12 desaturase requires a reductant (NADPH), a NADPH:electron carrier reductase, an electron carrier, a specific desaturase, and an acyltransferase with oleoyl-CoA as the substrate to acylate lysophospholipid to the active oleoyl phospholipids (presumably phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine). The complexity of this system suggests that purification of the components and a reassembling of the purified components will be difficult.  相似文献   

Two nematicidal polyacetylenes, 3-cis,11-trans- and 3-trans,11-trans-trideca-1,3,11-triene-5,7,9-triyne, were isolated from flowers of Carthamus tinctorius L., by column chromatography and high speed liquid chromatography under the dark condition.

The nematicidal activities of 3-cis,11-trans- and 3-trans,11-trans-isomer to Aphelenchoides besseyi were 80% at 10 ppm and 95% at 1 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

Seeds of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) were subjected to three treatment durations (3h, 5h and 7h) of 0.5 % Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS). Microsporogenesis was carried out in the control as well as in the treated materials. EMS treated plants showed interesting feature of partial inter-meiocyte chromatin migration through channel formation, beak formation or direct cell fusion. Another interesting feature noticed during the study was the fusion among tetrads due to wall dissolution. The phenomenon of cytomixis was recorded at nearly all the stages of microsporogenesis connecting from a few to several meiocytes. Other abnormalities such as laggards, precocious movement, bridge and non-disjunction of chromosomes were also recorded but in very low frequencies. The phenomenon of cytomixis increased along with the increase in treatment duration of EMS. Cells with these types of cytomictic disturbances may probably result in uneven formation of gametes or zygote, heterogenous sized pollen grains or even loss of fertility in future.  相似文献   

Floret elongation and levels of precarthamin were investigatedin freshly collected flowers of Carthamus tinctorius. Accumulationof precarthamin was found to be induced at the early stagesof floret elongation. [U-14C]Acetate and [U-14C]phenylalaninewere incorporated into precarthamin in the detached floretsfrom the flower bud. The results suggest that precarthamin issynthesized via the acetate-shikimate pathway. Carthamus tinctorius L, floret elongation, pigment synthesis, precarthamin  相似文献   

A continuing obstacle for regenerating safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) plants from cultured explants or callus has been a reliable method for rooting shoots. For shoots directly regenerated from primary explants, 76% of shoots rooted after a 7-d exposure to 10 mg/1 indole-3-butyric acid. Auxin source, concentration or exposure time did not greatly affect root formation or morphology, but strongly affected callus production. Shoots infected with Agrobacterium rhizogenes produced massive numbers of fibrous roots, but shoots did not elongate or survive transfer to soil. Shoot hyperhydricity symptoms were reduced by including 1 g/1 activated charcoal in rooting media. The optimal protocol for inducing root formation consisted of a 7-d exposure to 10 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid in root induction media, followed by incubation in media containing 15 g/l sucrose and 1 g/1 activated charcoal for 21 d.Abbreviations IBA indole-3-butyric acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium - NAA anaphthalene acetic acid - POP 2,3,5-trichloro--phenoxypropionic acid  相似文献   

红花黄色素提取工艺研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对红花黄色素提取条件进行了系统研究.结果表明,红花黄色素在pH值为2.0的95%乙醇溶液,以红花和提取剂为1g:10mL的比例加料,在提取温度为60℃时,浸提2h为最佳提取条件.  相似文献   

Six polyacetylenes have been isolated from immature seeds of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) by thin-layer chromatography. They were identified as 1,11-tridecadiene-3,5,7,9-tetrayne, 1,3,11-tridecatriene-5,7,9-triyne, 1,3,5,11-tridecatetraene-7,9-diyne, 1-tridecene-3,5,7,9,11-pentayne, 1,3-tridecadiene-5,7,9,11-tetrayne and 1,3,5-tridecatriene-7,9,11-triyne from the results of their spectroscopic and chemical analyses. Three of these polyacetylenes had not been isolated from Carthamus tinctorius L.

Changes in the polyacetylene content during maturation were followed by the measurement of ultraviolet absorbance. While 1,3,11-tridecatriene-5,7,9-triyne and 1,3,5,11-tridecatetraene-7,9-diyne had already occurred abundantly at the day of flowering, the amounts of the other polyacetylenes reached the maximum values at the fourth to sixth days after flowering. Although the total amounts of the six polyacetylenes were about 0.8 mmole/g lipid at the fourth day after flowering, no polyacetylene was detected in the mature seeds.  相似文献   

Carthamus tinctorius L. (CT) is traditionally used to reduce ailments from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue and diseases of blood circulation and the cardiovascular system. Flower extracts from CT are known to have antibacterial activity, anti-inflammatory activity, and to inhibit tumor promotion in mouse skin carcinogenesis. In order to discover new antiviral agents from CT extracts, we tested whether CT extracts contain antiviral activity against gammaherpesvirus infection. This study demonstrated that treatment with CT extracts disrupted KSHV latency in the viral-infected host cells, iSLK-BAC16. n-Hexane and EtOH fractions of CT extracts critically affected at least two stages of the KHSV life-cycle by abnormally inducing KSHV lytic reactivation and by severely preventing KSHV virion release from the viral host cells. In addition to the effects on KSHV itself, CT extract treatments induced cellular modifications by dysregulating cell-cycle and producing strong cytotoxicity. This study demonstrated for the first time that CT extracts have antiviral activities that could be applied to development of new anti-gammaherpesviral agents.  相似文献   

应用RAMP分子标记研究红花资源遗传多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用RAMP(Random amplified microsatellite polymorphism)对原产于42个国家的84份红花材料进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,被测材料间RAMP标记多态性较高。16个引物组合所产生的122条DNA扩增片段中,有118条具有多态性,PPB为96.7%。PIC的变化范围为0.580~0.978,平均值0.874。每个引物可扩增出4~11个DNA片段,平均获得7.6个DNA片断,其中7.4个具有多态性,遗传相似系数(GS)的变化范围0.338~0.907,平均值为0.665。基于GS的聚类结果可以将所有84份材料完全分开,并划分为6类,聚类结果与材料的地理分布有一定关系,来源于亚洲和美洲的材料多样性相对比较丰富,所有来自中国的材料被聚为一大类。据此认为,红花种质资源在分子水平上确实存在较大遗传差异,RAMP分子标记是评价红花资源遗传多样性的有效方法。  相似文献   

It has been shown that penconazole (PEN) acts as an endogenous signal molecule responsible for inducing stress tolerance in plants. The effect of PEN (15?mg?l–1) and sodium chloride (0, 100, and 200 mM NaCl) on some biochemical and molecular responses of safflower was studied. Results revealed that chlorophylls and total soluble protein contents decreased under salinity, however total carotenoid, anthocyanin, flavonoid, and carbohydrate contents increased as well as SOS1 and NHX1 genes expression. The exogenous PEN had a positive effect on chlorophylls, carotenoid, anthocyanin, flavonoid, soluble protein and carbohydrate contents. In addition, RT-qPCR analysis showed that the exogenous PEN induced expression of SOS1 and NHX1 genes in both salt-treated and untreated plants. Our data indicate that PEN helps safflower plants to better cope with salt stress. The results can provide new insights to better realizing the responsible mechanisms to regulate salinity resistance in safflower. PEN can be considered in order to ameliorate salinity effects, due to the low price and their availability.  相似文献   

In safflower, the anther wall at maturity consists of a single epidermis, an endothecium, a middle layer and the tapetum. The tapetum consists mainly of a single layer of cells. However, this single-layer appearance is punctuated by loci having ‘two-celled’ groupings due to additional periclinal divisions in some tapetal cells. Meiotic division in microsporocytes gives rise to tetrads of microspores. The primexine is formed around the protoplasts of microspores while they are still enveloped within the callose wall. Just prior to microgametogenesis, the microspores enlarge through the process of vacuolation, and the exine wall pattern becomes established. Microgametogenesis results in the formation of 3-celled pollen grains. The two elongated sperm cells appear to be connected. The exine wall is highly sculptured with a distinct tectum, columellae, a foot layer, an endexine and a thin intine. Similar to other members of the Asteraceae family, the tapetum is of the invasive type. The most novel finding of this study is that in addition to the presence of invasive tapetal cells, a small population of ‘non-invasive’ tapetal cells is also present. The tapetal cells next to the anther locules in direct contact with the microspores become invasive and start to grow into the space between developing microspores. These tapetal cells synthesize tryphine and eventually degenerate at the time of gametogenesis releasing their content into the anther locules. A smaller population of non-invasive tapetal cells is formed as a result of periclinal divisions at the time of tapetum differentiation. These cells are not exposed to the anther locules until the degeneration of the invasive tapetal cells. The non-invasive tapetal cells have a different cell fate as they synthesize pollenkitt. This material is responsible for allowing some pollen grains to adhere to each other and to the anther wall after anther dehiscence. This observation explains the out-crossing ability of Carthamus species and varieties in nature.  相似文献   

The flavonoid constituents in fresh florets of the three distinctive cultivars of Carthamus tinctorius L. were purified and identified to investigate flavonoid biosynthesis in the petals. From the orange flower of cv. Kenba (K.), four new compounds, anhydrosafflor yellow B (1), two kaempferols, 9 and 13, and a quercetin, 17, were isolated, as well as the twelve known compounds, and their structures were determined by spectral data, chemical reactions, and molecular mechanics calculations. From the yellow flower of cv. Ogon-hanagasa (O.), two flavonols and two quinochalcones, and from the white flower of cv. Shiro-bana (S.), three flavonois were isolated. These compounds were the same as those contained in cv. K. To compare the flavonoid constituents among the three cultivars, crude extracts were analyzed by a LC/PDA/MS system. In cv. K., six quinochalcones and eleven flavonols were identified. In cv. O., three quinochalcones and nine flavonols were identified, but the red pigment, carthamin (4), and its precursor, precarthamin (3), were not detected. In cv. S., four flavonols without a 6-hydroxyl group were identified. On the basis of a comparative study on the constituents among these three cultivars, a possible biosynthetic pathway to form quinochalcones via the intermediate, pentahydroxychalcone (19), is proposed.  相似文献   

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