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We have studied the sound and vibration sensitivity of 164 amphibian papilla fibers in the VIIIth nerve of the grassfrog, Rana temporaria. The VIIIth nerve was exposed using a dorsal approach. The frogs were placed in a natural sitting posture and stimulated by free-field sound. Furthermore, the animals were stimulated with dorso-ventral vibrations, and the sound-induced vertical vibrations in the setup could be canceled by emitting vibrations in antiphase from the vibration exciter. All low-frequency fibers responded to both sound and vibration with sound thresholds from 23 dB SPL and vibration thresholds from 0.02 cm/s2. The sound and vibration sensitivity was compared for each fiber using the offset between the rate-level curves for sound and vibration stimulation as a measure of relative vibration sensitivity. When measured in this way relative vibration sensitivity decreases with frequency from 42 dB at 100 Hz to 25 dB at 400 Hz. Since sound thresholds decrease from 72 dB SPL at 100 Hz to 50 dB SPL at 400 Hz the decrease in relative vibration sensitivity reflects an increase in sound sensitivity with frequency, probably due to enhanced tympanic sensitivity at higher frequencies. In contrast, absolute vibration sensitivity is constant in most of the frequency range studied. Only small effects result from the cancellation of sound-induced vibrations. The reason for this probably is that the maximal induced vibrations in the present setup are 6–10 dB below the fibers' vibration threshold at the threshold for sound. However, these results are only valid for the present physical configuration of the setup and the high vibration-sensitivities of the fibers warrant caution whenever the auditory fibers are stimulated with free-field sound. Thus, the experiments suggest that the low-frequency sound sensitivity is not caused by sound-induced vertical vibrations. Instead, the low-frequency sound sensitivity is either tympanic or mediated through bone conduction or sound-induced pulsations of the lungs.Abbreviations AP amphibian papilla - BF best frequency - PST peristimulus time  相似文献   

Summary A dorsal approach to the eighth nerve and free-field stimulation were used to investigate the effect of sound direction and intensity on phase locking in auditory nerve fibers of the leopard frog Rana pipiens pipiens.Tuning curves of 75 auditory neurons were analyzed (Fig. 2). Amphibian papillar neurons, but not basilar papillar neurons, exhibit significant phase locking to short tone bursts at the characteristic frequency (CF), the degree of phase locking (vector strength) decreasing with the neuron's CF (Figs. 3, 4 and 10E). Vector strength increases with sound pressure level to saturate about 20 dB above threshold, while the preferred firing phase is only slightly affected (Figs. 5 and 6).In contrast, sound direction hardly affects vector strength (Figs. 7, 8, 9A and 10A and C), but has a strong influence on the preferred firing phase (Figs. 7, 8, 9B and C, 10B and D): With respect to anterior tone presentation there are phase lags for ipsilateral and phase leads for posterior and contralateral presentation. Phase differences between both ears show a sinusoidal or cardioid/ovoidal directional characteristic; maximum differences are found with antero-lateral tone presentation (Fig. 11). The directionality of phase locking decreases with the neuron's CF (Fig. 10F) and only slightly changes with sound pressure level (Fig. 12). Thus, phase locking of amphibian papilla neurons can potentially provide intensity-independent information for sound localization.Abbreviations SPL sound pressure level - FTC frequency threshold curve - CF characteristic frequency - TF test frequency - VS vector strength - AP amphibian papilla - BP basilar papilla  相似文献   

Summary In early diplotene frog oocytes incubated to illustrate thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) activity, reaction product is uniformly distributed within the compartments of the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope as well as within the saccules and small vesicles comprising the dictyosomes. With continued oocyte development the reaction product becomes concentrated in localized regions of the dictyosome saccules. Eventually, the enzyme is no longer apparent within the endoplasmic reticulum, but is concentrated in the cisternae of the inner dictyosome saccules. The variations noted suggest that the enzyme is synthesized early in diplotene by the endoplasmic reticulum and is subsequently transported to the Golgi apparatus where it is consistently observed at later developmental stages. TPPase activity is also present in the Golgi apparatus of follicle and theca cells as well as in ovarian epithelial cells. The enzyme is also detected in micropinocytotic vesicles contained within the cells comprising the follicle envelope and in intercellular spaces of the follicle. Horseradish peroxidase injected into the coelomic cavity is transported via micropinocytotic vesicles into and through the cells comprising the follicle envelope and in intercellular spaces. The exogenous protein is not found even after a prolonged time period in early diplotene oocytes. The protein is, however, present in large spherical and tubular vesicles in the cortex of vitellogenic oocytes approximately 500 microns in diameter. The possible functional role of the enzyme TPPase during oogenesis is discussed.This investigation was supported by a research grant from the National Science Foundation (GB-8736).  相似文献   

Summary The seventh cranial nerve in Rana pipiens is a slender nerve with limited peripheral distribution. We investigated the afferent and efferent components of this nerve by labeling its major branch, the hyomandibular, with horseradish peroxidase. The efferent portion of the seventh nerve originates from a small cell group in the upper medulla which contains two subdivisions. Afferent fibers carried in nerve VII travel in the solitary tract and the dorsolateral funiculus. The solitary component consists of a small number of ascending fibers that reach the level of the trigeminal nucleus and a large descending component that terminates slightly caudal to the obex in the commissural nuclei of the solitary complex. Afferent fibers also descend in the dorsolateral funiculus; many of these fibers cross dorsal to the central canal in the lower medulla. Most of the fibers in the dorsolateral funiculus terminate in the ipsilateral and contralateral dorsal horns and in nuclei of the dorsal column. A few ipsilateral fibers reach lower thoracic levels of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

High molecular weight, multicatalytic proteinases (named proteasomes) have been for the first time found, on the basis of different protein patterns, in the cytoplasmic soluble fractions of both non-hormone-treated (premature) and progesterone-treated (mature) oocytes of a frog (Rana pipiens).These enzymes, pooled separately as two fractions sedimenting between around 19S and the bottom (over 27S) on glycerol density gradient centrifugation, were composed of several molecular forms with apparent high molecular weights ranging from over 700 kDa, as judged on Sepharose 6B gel filtration. In addition, both the fractions hydrolyzed distinctly a Tyr-containing substrate in the presence of SDS as an activator, and exhibited higher activities toward Arg-containing substrates in the absence of SDS, and activity toward a Glu-containing substrate in the presence and absence of SDS. Immunological experiments using antibodies against proteasomes purified from ovaries of Xenopus laevis clearly revealed characteristic cross-reactivity with both the fractions found in Rana.These data suggest that these enzymes in the two fractions from the respective oocytes in Rana are very similar or identical to the proteasomes of Xenopus. The enzymes in premature oocytes eluted at 0.15–0.18M NaCl on a DEAE-cellulose column disappeared on treatment with TPCK, a well-known chymotrypsin inhibitor, suggesting that the 0.15–0.18M NaCl-eluate contained chymotrypsin-like proteinases probably latent in ovo. The enzymes in mature oocytes had not similar chromatographical patterns to those in premature oocytes.These results suggest that the enzymes already present in premature oocytes may be involved through conformational alterations as to the protein pattern in oocyte maturation following induction by progesterone.Abbreviations AMC 7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin - Boc t-Butyloxycarbonyl - Cbz Carbobenzoxy - GVBD Germinal Vesicle Breakdown - MCA 4-Methylcoumaryl-7-Amide - MPF Maturation Promoting Factor - NA 2-Naphthylamide - SDS Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate - Suc Succinyl - TPCK N-Tosyl-L-Phenylalanine Chloromethyl Ketone  相似文献   

Summary The central projections of the frontal organ of Rana pipiens are more widespread, and more similar to those of the epiphysis, than previously realized. Fibers labeled with horseradish peroxidase were traced to the amygdala, the epiphysis, the pretectal region, and several nuclear areas of the mesencephalic and diencephalic central gray. When peroxidase reaction product was carefully distinguished from neuromelanin by means of polarization microscopy, no unequivocally labeled cell bodies of centrifugal fibers could be found.Supported by NIH grants GM-09181, EY-02083, and by BRSG RR-05357 awarded by the Biomedical Research Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, N.I.H.  相似文献   

Summary Solutions of fluorescein-labelled dextran or Evans blue-albumin were infused into the lateral cerebral ventricle of Rana pipiens. The subsequent distribution in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was investigated between 2 and 24 h after infusion by freezing and examination of the cut blocks of the head and vertebral column of the stage of a freezing microtome. These marker substances move out of the ventricles into the subarachnoid space at the caudal end of the fourth ventricle and spread rapidly along the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord. The spreading of marker substances is slower into the brain subarachnoid space. When the marker is infused into the subarachnoid space of the forebrain, it becomes distributed throughout the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord but not in the ventricles.Partial clearance of markers from the ventricles takes place within 5 h and total clearance within 8 h. Clearance from the brain and cord subarachnoid space is somewhat slower and can only be detected in experiments lasting 10 h or more. Absorption of the markers from the CSF occurs via the intervertebral foramina of the spinal cord. Fluorescence microscopy of sections of the cord show that the fluorescence leaves the subarachnoid space at the point where the spinal nerves traverse the arachnoid membrane.  相似文献   

Individuals from natural populations of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, were analyzed for electrophoretic differences in blood proteins and enzymes from an amputated digit. The proteins examined represent products of 72 loci. Presumptive heterozygotes at multiple loci were selected for experimental crosses. Mendelian inheritance of 18 protein variations were demonstrated in the offspring. Tests for linkage or independent assortment were performed for 75 locus pairs. Three linkage groups were established. Linkage group 1 contains two loci, aconitase-1 (Acon1) and serum albumin (Alb), with a 19% recombination frequency between them. Linkage group 2 contains four loci, glyoxalase (Gly), acid phosphatase-1 (Ap1), acid phosphatase-2 (AP2), and esterase-5 (Est5). The data show the relationships Gly-21.1%-AP1-0%-AP2-6.3%-Est5, and Gly-25.6%-Est5. Linkage group 3 consists of four closely linked esterase loci. The data, Est1-5.1%-Est6, Est6-1.8%-Est10-1.9%-Est4 and Est6-3.0%-Est4, do not establish a complete order but suggest that Est10 is between Est4 and Est6. These results, with data demonstrating apparent independent assortment of 67 other locus pairs, provide a foundation for establishing the frog genetic map.The project was supported by Grant No. RR-00572 from the Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health. This paper is contribution No. C-87 from the Amphibian Facility, George W. Nace, Director.  相似文献   

Summary Several types of neurosecretory fibers were observed in the normal infundibulum of the frog. After transection of the median eminence, these neurosecretory fibers of the proximal stump reacted asynchronously, but followed approximately the same pattern: a passive accumulation of granules observed early after the transection was followed by an active axonal reaction with the appearance of numerous tubular formations which are thought to be related to the Golgi apparatus. They filled the axon almost completely, and then became dilated and filled with an electron dense material. Subsequently these dilatations pinched off and gave origin to new neurosecretory granules. These locally packed granules plus others which were probably formed in more proximal parts of the axon, and the perikaryon and then transported distally, accumulated in the proximal axonal stumps and started to fill the fibers retrogradely.There was a parallelism between the increase of tubular formations and neurosecretory granules larger then 1,500 Å in diameter, on one side, and the vasopressor activity of the proximal stump, on the other. The latter increased at an approximate rate of 1 mU/stump/day.The regeneration of the fibers of the hypothalamo-median eminence system is suggested by the presence in the proximal stump of fibers filled with granules smaller than 1,000 Å in diameter (normally seen in the median eminence) and the fact that 40% of the vasopressor activity of the extracts was not abolished by the thioglycollate treatment, which could be due to the presence of vasopressor amines other than adrenaline. The appearance towards the end of the observation period of a few nerve endings of several types contacting the perivascular basement membrane of vessels of the proximal stump would indicate that the neural lobe and median eminence functions were being reestablished, at least partially.This investigation was supported by grants 5RO1 NB 06641 NEUA and 5RO1 NB 07492 NEUA from the National Institute of Health and by the Space Sciences Research Center of the University of Missouri. The authors wish to thank Mrs. G. Clark, Mr. G. Ribas and Mr. R. Faup for their valuable technical help.Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina.  相似文献   

Summary Previous physiological results have indicated the existence of two releasable pools of gonadotropins in amphibian pituitaries: an acute releasable pool that appears independent of protein synthesis, and a storage pool involved in chronic release that depends on protein synthesis. To elucidate the ultrastructural localization of these pools and the morphological changes induced in gonadotrope cells after treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone, we carried out a morphometric study of immuno-identified gonadotrope cells using an in vitro superfusion system. Treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone induced a degranulation of small (110–255 nm) and medium (236–360 nm) secretory granules as well as hypertrophy of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. Simultaneous incubation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone and cycloheximide inhibited the release of secretory granules although the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex were hypertrophied. These morphological results strongly suggest: (1) that gonadotropin-releasing hormone induces degranulation and hypertrophy of the biosynthetic machinery in gonadotrope cells; and (2) that the activation of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex by stimulation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone is independent of protein synthesis, while the release of secretory granules is protein synthesis-dependent. In addition, the second or storage pool of gonadotropin is associated mainly with the small and medium secretory granules.  相似文献   

We investigated the restoration of peripheral nerve function and simple neurobehavioral reflexes in the freeze-tolerant wood frog (Rana sylvatica). Thirty-two specimens, allowed to freeze for 39 h and ultimately cooled to-2.2°C, were sampled at various time intervals up to 60 h after thawing at 5°C was initiated. The sciatic nerves of treated frogs were initially unresponsive to stimulation, but usually regained excitability within 5 h. Except for a slight reduction in nerve excitability characteristics of the compound action potentials of treated frogs were indistinguishable from those of control frogs. Recovery times for the hindlimb retraction and righting reflexes were 8 h and 14 h, respectively. Concentrations of the cryoprotectant glucose increased 8.2-fold in the sciatic nerve and 10.5-fold in the underlying semimembranosis muscle of treated frogs, and remained elevated for at least 60 h after thawing was initiated. These organs lost 47.2% and 15.9%, respectively, of their water during freezing, but were rehydrated within 2 h of the onset of thawing. The accumulation of glucose and the withdrawal of tissue water apparently are cryoprotective responses which enable this species to survive freezing.  相似文献   

Summary Continuity between the ventricular and subarachnoid cerebrospinal fluid has been investigated in Rana pipiens. The structure of the posterior tela, a deficient membrane situated at the extreme caudal end of the roof of the fourth ventricle, has been studied using whole membrane mounts and by light microscopy of resin embedded tissue. The ependymal component consists of columnar and rounded cells which form a regular syncytium enclosing round and oval fenestrations. Small fenestrations are covered on the subarachnoid side by elongated pial cells and thus do not give total continuity between the fourth ventricle and the subarachnoid space. Large fenestrations, on the other hand, are accompanied by equivalent pial fenestrations giving direct access between the fluid compartments. Towards the caudal end the fenestrations break up and the numbers of ependymal and pial cells decrease, the caudal end itself being characterised by a small remaining clump of ependyma and pia or of pia alone.Flow through the tela has been studied using fluorescein-labelled dextran placed in the intraventricular space. Infusion into the lateral ventricle and subsequent localisation by fluorescence microscopy shows the marker to be in the fourth ventricle, in the fenestrations of the posterior tela and in the subarachnoid space overlying the tela. Infusion of the marker followed by freezing and examination of the cut heads on a freezing microtome, shows fluorescence throughout the ventricular system, in the subarachnoid space adjacent to the posterior tela and also along the dorsal subarachnoid space of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The genetics of two esterase loci active in autogenous adults of the mosquito Culex pipiens pipiens L. has been studied by means of starch gel electrophoresis. Three alleles at the Est-1 locus and eight at the Est-2 locus are described. Both loci have a null allele. Active alleles are codominant and there is no hybrid enzyme in heterozygotes. The Est-1 locus codes esterases preferentially hydrolyzing -naphthylacetate and the Est-2 locus esterases preferentially hydrolyzing -naphthylacetate. Strains homozygous for both loci were selected. Linkage studies of the two loci have shown that they are not sex linked but are linked to each other, the crossover frequency being 8.6%. The polymorphism of two laboratory and two natural populations is described for both loci. Phenotypic distributions are in good agreement with Hardy-Weinberg expectations.This work was conducted at the Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc (Laboratoire de Génétique Expérimentale des Populations), Montpellier, France, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Docteur de spécialité.  相似文献   

Summary The ventricular surface of the subfornical organ of the frog is made up of ependymal cells with numerous apical microvilli, occasional cytoplasmic protrusions and many vacuoles projecting into the lumen of the third ventricle. Between these cells dendrites of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons reach the ventricle to terminate in bulbous enlargements. In addition, flask-shaped encephalo-chromaffin cells, containing granulated vesicles and aggregates of filaments in their cytoplasm, project into the cerebrospinal fluid. Surrounding the centrally located capillaries are enlarged dendrites and axons of heterogeneous morphology, some of which appear to originate within the subfornical organ, intermingled with dendrites and axons of normal structure. The glial cells in this region, especially the microglial cells, often contain large lipofuscin inclusions, suggestive of degeneration and subsequent phagocytosis of some of the enlarged dendrites and axons. The normally scarce neurosecretory peptidergic axons become more evident and form typical Herring bodies in stalk-transected animals. Neuronal perikarya of varying morphology are predominantly located peripheral to the region of enlarged dendrites and axons. Supraependymal macrophages are particularly numerous on the subfornical organ.Abbreviations used CSF cerebrospinal fluid - SEM scanning electron microscope, scanning electron microscopy - SFO subfornical organ - TEM transmission electron microscope, transmission electron microscopy Supported, in part, by NIH grant NB 07492The skillful technical assistance of J.G. Linner and the secretarial assistance of Ann Gerdom are gratefully acknowledged. The SEM studies were made possible through a grant from the Graduate College of Iowa State University and the use of the SEM facility in the Department of Botany  相似文献   

Summary The angioarchitecture of the superficial vascular hyaloid system (membrana vasculosa retinae) of the frog eye was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. The terminal vessels form a single-layered sheath intimately adjacent to the vitreal side of the avascular retina. The hyaloid system is subdivided by the ventral venous trunk into three central areas: the dorsal, the temporo-ventral, and the naso-ventral area. Toward the ora serrata, the hyaloid system is bordered by an arterial ring, and by nasal and temporal venous branches forming more or less complete hemicircles. A vascular zone composed of several tongue-like sectors establishes an inter-connection between the peripheral vascular rings and the central areas of the fundus. The arterial blood is supplied from the arterial ring. The drainage of the hyaloid system is provided via two routes: (1) the Y-shaped ventral trunk collects blood from the central areas, (2) the two peripheral venous branches drain the tongue-like sectors. The vessels within the dorsal area follow preferentially a dorso-ventral meridional direction. This densely capillarized territory corresponds in localization to the area centralis retinae. The ultrastructure of microvessels of the hyaloid system is characterized by features typical for capillaries of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The leopard frog (Rana pipiens) is an excellent jumper that can reach high take-off velocities and accelerations. It is diurnal, using long, explosive jumps to capture prey and escape predators. The marine toad (Bufo marinus) is a cryptic, nocturnal toad, typically using short, slow hops, or sometimes walking, to patrol its feeding area. Typical of frogs with these different locomotor styles, Rana has relatively long hindlimbs and large (by mass) hindlimb extensor muscles compared to Bufo. We studied the isometric contractile properties of their extensor muscles and found differences that correlate with their different hopping performances. At the hip (semimembranosus, SM), knee (peroneus, Per) and ankle (plantaris longus, PL), we found that Rana's muscles tended to produce greater maximum isometric force relative to body mass, although the difference was significant only for PL. This suggests that differences in force capability at the ankle may be more important than at other joints to produce divergent hopping performances. Maximum isometric force scaled with body mass so that the smaller Rana has relatively larger muscles and force differences between species may reflect size differences only. In addition, Rana's muscles exhibited greater passive resistance to elongation, implying more elastic tissue is present, which may amplify force at take-off due to elastic recoil. Rana's muscles also achieved a higher percentage of maximum force at lower stimulus inputs (frequencies and durations) than in Bufo, perhaps amplifying the differences in force available for limb extension during natural stimulation. Twitch contraction and relaxation times tended to be faster in Rana, although variation was great, so that differences were significant only for Per. Fatigability also tended to be greater in Rana muscles, although, again, values reached significance in only one muscle (PL). Thus, in addition to biomechanical effects, differences in hopping performance may also be determined by diverse physiological properties of the muscles.  相似文献   

Summary Parvalbumins were isolated from skeletal muscles of a tropical amphibian, Leptodactylus insularis, and three new isotypes were identified. The total concentration of parvalbumins in L. insularis was the same as the total amounts found in an amphibian from the temperate or variable zone (Rana temporaria). Muscles of the thigh and foreleg had the maximum parvalbumin concentration (0.35 mmol · kg wet weight-1). Samples from pectoralis and rectus abdominis muscles had significantly less (0.29 mmol · kg-1). Three previously unknown parvalbumin isotypes (IV, IIIa, and IIIb) were isolated from the tropical amphibian. They were different from the isotypes (IVa and IVb) predominant in R. temporaria skeletal muscle. Parvalbumins are thought to have a role in the short-term removal of myoplasmic Ca2+ during muscle relaxation. Hence, the unique isotypes in L. insularis may reflect optimal molecular adaptations retained during the animal's evolution in a constantly warm environment.Abbreviations DEAE diethylaminoethyl - ELISA enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay - SPDP N-succininydyl-3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

Summary The colloidal gold immunocytochemical technique was used to determine the ultrastructural features of the glandular cells in the pituitaries of male frogs, Rana pipiens, both in vivo and after superfusion in vitro. Specific reactions to antisera against bullfrog gonadotropins, human prolactin, and synthetic 1–39 corticotropin allowed identification of the 3 corresponding types of glandular cells. No immunoreaction was obtained with antisera against human or ovine-growth hormone, human -thyrotropin hormone, and bovine S-100 protein. General morphological features of these immunocytochemically identified glandular cells were similar to those of equivalent cells previously described in other amphibian species. Non-glandular folliculo-stellate cells were distinctive. In freshly removed pituitaries, these folliculo-stellate cells contained lysosome-like structures, but did not show phagocytic vacuoles in the cytoplasm; they contained many mitochondria, and the Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum were relatively undeveloped. After 4 or 18 h of superfusion, some immunoreactive gonadotropic, prolactin, and corticotropic cells showed degeneration and destruction. In the same gland, folliculo-stellate cells retained a viable appearance, but showed phagocytic vacuoles containing secretory granule-like structures which were immunoreactive to gonadotropic, prolactin, and corticotropic antibodies. Some folliculo-stellate cells showed phagocytic vacuoles containing complete glandular cells. These results suggest that superfusion causes a destruction of some of the glandular cells, and that folliculo-stellate cells act as phagocytes when cellular debris or moribund cells are present in the intercellular space in the pituitary parenchyma.Supported by grant DCB 8710462 from the National Science Foundation, grant 2148-83 from the CAICYT (Spain) and the Junta de Andalucia (Spain)  相似文献   

Summary A characteristic structure in the apical junctional belt of the olfactory epithelium in Rana temporaria is visible in freeze-fracture preparations. This structure is described as a funnel with channel across the junctional belt. It is supposed to represent a possible way for discarding used molecules after stimulation, and to allow the stimulation of free nerve endings in the depth of olfactory epithelia.I wish to thank Prof. C.F. Bardele and Mr. H. Schoppmann for their kind support and technical help  相似文献   

Many amphibian species are threatened with extinction by the emerging infectious disease, chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. This unprecedented global crisis threatens to reduce the biodiversity of the entire amphibian class. The fungus invades the skin and impairs the uptake and retention of essential ions leading to cardiac arrest. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) secreted into the mucus of some amphibians are thought to be an important defense against chytridiomycosis. However, little is known about the quantities of AMPs secreted under natural conditions, whether they are sufficient to protect against this pathogen, and how they interact with commensal microbes. To understand how defensive peptides and skin microbes may interact, it is essential to know the precise quantities of AMPs present under natural conditions. Using matrix‐assisted laser desorption time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry and growth inhibition assays, we show that northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) at rest constitutively release low amounts of AMPs that inhibit B. dendrobatidis in vitro, and AMP defenses are elevated following a simulated predator attack. Using a synthetic peptide analogue of brevinin‐1Pb as an external control, we quantified the amounts of four previously described AMPs (brevinin 1Pa, brevinin‐1Pb, brevinin‐1Pd, and ranatuerin‐2P) at several time points after secretion. Once secreted onto the skin, the peptides are most active for 15 min, and small quantities persist for at least 2 h. Taken together, our data suggest that small amounts of AMPs are rapidly available and quite stable on the skin of R. pipiens. They are effective inhibitors of B. dendrobatidis at these low constitutive concentrations but degrade within 2 h, protecting the integrity of the skin and commensal bacteria.  相似文献   

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