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《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,124(2):101-114
The Pt L3 X-ray absorption spectra of a series of Pt compounds have been recorded and their extended fine structure (EXAFS) analysed to investigate the sensitivity of EXAFS to non-first-shell PtPt distances. The Pt L3 EXAFS spectra of complexes formed between [(NH3)2Pt(OH)2Pt(NH3)2]2+ and calf thymus DNA were also recorded. PtPt vectors could not be detected in these spectra. When combined with the model compound studies, this result rules out Pt dimer structures for the PtDNA complex which involve rigidly bridged, adjacent Pt atoms. Such structures, based on dimeric bonding of a hydroxo dimer intermediate to DNA, have been proposed as models for cisplatin antitumor activity. These types of models now seem unlikely.  相似文献   

The interaction of [Ru(NH3)5Cl]2+ and [Ru(NH3)6]3+ complex ions with calf thymus DNA has been studied at various r values (r = [Mn+]/[DNA-P]). Electronic spectra of metal-DNA solutions have been recorded and compared to the spectra of metal, as well as of DNA, solutions. Melting curves have been taken for the determination of DNA melting temperature (Tm) in the presence of the above complex ions. The results showed a biphasic melting of the DNA strands for relatively high r values. The Tm for the first phase increased with increasing r values, indicating metal ion interaction with the phosphate moieties of the DNA. The appearance of a second-phase melting, in connection with electronic spectra, pH values, and conductivity measurements of metal ion solutions, is indicative of the initial complexes' transformation to [Ru(NH3)5OH]2+, which binds preferentially to double-stranded rather than single-stranded DNA, thus leading to a second melting curve at a higher temperature than the first one.  相似文献   

Reactions of cis-[Ru(en)2(OH2)2]2+ (or cis-[Ru (NH3)4(OH2)2]2+) with Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin (Az), horse heart myoglobin (Mbh), and horse heart cytochrome c (cyt c) give Ru-labelled proteins. The ruthenium binding sites in the singly modified derivatives are His-83 (Az), His-81 (Mbh), and His-33 (cyt c). Spectroscopic and electrochemical measurements indicate that the structures of the proteins are not perturbed by the surface-bound ruthenium complexes. The E°f values of the Ru(III)/(II) couple in these Ru-modified proteins fall between −0.07 and −0.13 V vs. NHE.  相似文献   

The stoichiometric reaction between d-TpGpGpCpCpA (d(T-G-G-C-C-A)) and cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)2](NO3)2 (8.4 × 10?6 to 1.3 × 10?4M in water at pH 5.5–6) gives a single complex. High pressure gel permeation chromatography and pH-dependent 1H NMR analyses of the nonexchangeable base protons, show that it is a platinum chelate with the cis-PtII(NH3)2 moiety bound to the two N7 atoms of the adjacent guanines. A 3 × 10?3M reaction gives the same platinum chelate, via the formation of intermediate complexes, together with unsoluble adducts.  相似文献   

A high melting cis-[Pt(NH3)2[d(GpG)]]adduct of a decanucleotide duplex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The [cis-Pt(NH3)2(d(GCCGGATCGC)-N7(4), N7(5))]-d(GCGATCCGGC) duplex has been prepared with Tm = 49 degrees C (vs 58 degrees C for the unplatinated form). NMR of the ten observable imino protons supports a kinked structure with intact base pairing of the duplex on the 3'-side of the d(GpG).cis-Pt chelate (relative to the platinated strand) The modification of the B-DNA type CD spectrum, due to the platinum chelate, is comparable to that observed for the platination (at a 0.05 Pt:base ratio) of the Micrococcus Lysodeikticus DNA (72% GC).  相似文献   

Various Pt(II)-glycine coordination compounds were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, some of them also by electrophoretic and chromatographic behavior. The results were applied to the analysis of the reaction mixtures of cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and glycine obtained under various conditions. Cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] reacts with glycine to give cis-diammine-(glycine-N,O)-Pt(II) and cis-diammine-bis(glycine-N-)Pt(II). Their ratio depends primarily on the pH of the reaction medium. Conformation of these compounds is discussed based on the observed Pt-C and Pt-H NMR coupling constants.  相似文献   

The three diguanosine phosphates GpG (4 X 10(-4) M), d(GpG) (10(-5) M), and d(pGpG) (10(-5) M) have been reacted with cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)2](NO3)2 (1 Pt/dinucleotide) in water at pH 5.5 and 37 degrees C. In each case a single product is formed. The three complexes have been characterized by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) analyses. They are N(7)-N(7) chelates of the metal with an anti-anti configuration of the bases. They present a conformational change upon deprotonation of guanine N(1)H whose pKa is ca. 8.7 (D2O). Their CD spectra, compared to those of the free dinucleotides, exhibit an increase of ellipticity in the 275-nm region, which can be qualitatively related to the characteristic increase reported for platinated DNA and poly(dG) . poly(dC). These results are in favor of the hypothesis of intrastrand cross-linking of adjacent guanines, by the cis-PtII(NH3)2 moiety, after a local denaturation of DNA.  相似文献   

Duplex oligonucleotides containing a single intrastrand [Pt(NH3)2]2+ cross-link or monofunctional adduct and either 15 or 22 bp in length were synthesized and chemically characterized. The platinum-modified and unmodified control DNAs were polymerized in the presence of DNA ligase and the products studied on 8% native polyacrylamide gels. The extent of DNA bending caused by the various platinum-DNA adducts was revealed by their gel mobility shifts relative to unplatinated controls. The bifunctional adducts cis-[Pt(NH3)2[d(GpG)]]+, cis-[Pt(NH3)2[d(ApG)]]+, and cis-[Pt(NH3)2[d(G*pTpG*)]], where the asterisks denote the sites of platinum binding, all bend the double helix, whereas the adduct trans-[Pt(NH3)2[d(G*pTpG*)]] imparts a degree of flexibility to the duplex. When modified by the monofunctional adduct cis-[Pt(NH3)2(N3-cytosine)(dG)]Cl the helix remains rod-like. These results reveal important structural differences in DNAs modified by the antitumor drug cisplatin and its analogs that could be important in the biological processing of the various adducts in vivo.  相似文献   

Reactions of cis- and trans-[PtCl2(NH3)2] with glutathione (GSH) inside intact red blood cells have been studied by 1H spin-echo nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Upon addition of trans-[PtCl2(NH3)2] to a suspension of red cells, there was a gradual decrease in the intensity of the resonances for free GSH, and new peaks were observed that were assignable to coordinated GSH protons in trans-[Pt(SG)Cl(NH3)2], trans-[Pt(SG)2(NH3)2], and possibly the S-bridged complex trans-[[NH3)2PtCl)2SG]+. Formation of trans-[Pt(SG)2(NH3)2] inside the cell was confirmed from the 1H NMR spectrum of hemolyzed cells, which were ultrafiltered to remove large protein molecules; the ABM multiplet of the coordinated GSH cys-beta CH2 protons was resolved using selective-decoupling experiments. Seventy percent of the total intracellular GSH was retained by the ultrafiltration membrane, suggesting that the mixed complex trans-[Pt(SG)(S-hemoglobin)(NH3)2] also is a major metabolite of trans-[PtCl2(NH3)2] inside red cells. The reaction of cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2] with intracellular GSH was slower; only 35% of the GSH had been complexed after a 4-hr incubation compared to 70% for the trans isomer. There was a gradual decrease in the intensity of the GSH 1H spin-echo NMR resonances, but no new peaks were resolved. This was interpreted as formation of high-molecular weight Pt:GSH and mixed GS-Pt-S(hemoglobin) polymers. By using a 15N-[1H] DEPT pulse sequence, we were able to study the reaction of cis-[PtCl2(15NH3)2] with red cells at concentrations as low as 1 mM. 15NH3 ligands were released, and no resonances assignable to Pt-15NH3 species were observed after a 12-hr incubation.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the binding of square planar cis- and trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] complexes and the octahedral [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ complex to tRNAphe from yeast was carried out by X-ray crystallography. Both of the carcinostatic compounds, cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ show similarities in their mode of binding to tRNA. These complexes bind specifically to the N(7) positions of guanines G15 and G18 in the dihydrouridine loop. [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ has an additional binding site at N(7) of residue G1 after extensive soaking times (58 days). A noncovalent binding site for ruthenium is also observed in the deep groove of the acceptor stem helix with shorter (25 days) soaking time. The major binding site for the inactive trans-[Pt(NH3)Cl2] complex is at the N(1) position of residue A73, with minor trans-Pt binding sites at the N(7) positions of residues Gm34, G18 and G43. The similarities in the binding modes of cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ are expected to be related to their carcinostatic properties.  相似文献   

The antitumor compound cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] (cisplatin), conserves two ammine ligands during the reaction with its cellular target DNA. Modifications of these non-leaving groups change the antineoplastic properties of this compound and its genotoxic effects. It is therefore of interest to determine the influence of non-leaving groups on the structure and stability of DNA in vitro. We have investigated platinum-DNA adducts formed by cis-[Pt(R-NH2)2(NO3)2] (where R-NH2 = NH3, methylamine, cyclobutylamine, cyclopentylamine and cyclohexylamine) as a function of DNA binding. All compounds quantitatively reacted with DNA in less than 1 h at 37 degrees C. They formed bifunctional adducts with adjacent nucleotides judging from the displacement of the intercalating molecule ethidium bromide, ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy and circular dichroism. Substitution of a H on the NH3 ligand by alkyl groups dramatically destabilized the platinum-DNA complex. Thermal stability decreased progressively with an increasing number of carbon atoms, delta tm = -4.4 degrees C for 3 cyclohexylamine-platinum-DNA adducts/1000 nucleotides, conditions where cisplatin had no effect. DNA adducts with cyclobutylamine and cyclohexylamine ligands inhibited the hydrolysis of platinum-DNA complexes by S1 nuclease. Km for the digestion of DNA containing these lesions was 2.3 times greater than for cisplatin, indicating steric inhibition of enzyme-substrate complex formation. These results show that the non-leaving groups of substituted cis-Pt(II) compounds may destabilize DNA and interfere with protein-DNA interactions. These perturbations may have consequences for the genotoxic and antitumor activities of platinum compounds.  相似文献   

The products of the reaction between [Pt(dien)Cl]Cl and salmon sperm DNA have been purified and their structures determined. [Pt(dien)Cl]Cl binds at the N7 position of guanine for levels of fixation below 0.1 platinum per DNA base. Above this level of binding, [Pt(dien)Cl]Cl also reacts at the N7 position of adenine. 1,7-[Pt(dien)]2Ade was observed when more than 0.3 platinum per base were bound to the DNA. Platination at the N7 position of guanosine, unlike alkylation, stabilized the glycosyl linkage and did not lead to fission of the imidazole ring at high pH.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of binding of [PtCl2(hpip)] (hpip=homopiperazine-1,4-diazacycloheptane) and cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2] to calf thymus DNA was measured using atomic absorption spectroscopy and it was found that [PtCl2(hpip)] bound both more rapidly and to a greater extent than did cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2]. The binding of [PtCl2(hpip)] and [PtCl2(en)] (en=ethane-1,2-diamine) to salmon sperm DNA and to synthetic, self-complementary 10-base-pair and 52-base-pair oligonucleotides was studied using enzymatic digestion and HPLC analysis of the products. [PtCl2(hpip)] forms approximately two-fold fewer GpG and ApG intrastrand adducts and concomitantly more monofunctional adducts than does [PtCl2(en)]. In the case of [PtCl2(hpip)], two GpG adducts, corresponding to the different orientations of the hpip ligand with respect to the DNA, were observed in a 1:3.3 ratio. The minor product corresponds to the orientation in which the bulkier propylene chain of the hpip ligand is adjacent to, and makes close contacts with, the floor of the major groove. When the reaction was repeated with a synthetic oligonucleotide decamer duplex, the ratio of the two forms was approximately 1:1.9 and with the 52-mer duplex it was 1:2.4, revealing an apparent systematic dependence of stereoselectivity on nucleotide size. Computer modeling of the two adducts formed by [PtCl2(hpip)] and those formed by [PtCl2(en)] and cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2] revealed that non-bonded interactions between the hpip ligand and the DNA were probably responsible for both the decreased proportion of GpG adducts formed by [PtCl2(hpip)] and the stereoselectivity exhibited in the formation of these adducts. This is the first case in which the stereoselectivity can be ascribed to steric factors alone.  相似文献   

D Payet  F Gaucheron  M Sip    M Leng 《Nucleic acids research》1993,21(25):5846-5851
Single- and double-stranded oligonucleotides containing a single monofunctional cis-[Pt(NH3)2(dG)(N7-N-methyl-2-diazapyrenium)]3+ adduct have been studied at two NaCl concentrations. In 50 mM and 1 M NaCl, the adducts within the single-stranded oligonucleotides are stable. In contrast, they are unstable within the corresponding double-stranded oligonucleotides. In 50 mM NaCl, the bonds between platinum and guanine or N-methyl-2,7-diazapyrenium residues are cleaved and subsequently, intra- or interstrand cross-links are formed as in the reaction between DNA and cis-DDP. In 1 M NaCl, the main reaction is the replacement of N-methyl-2,7-diazapyrenium residues by chloride which generates double-stranded oligonucleotides containing a single monofunctional cis-[Pt(NH3)2(dG)Cl]+ adduct. The rates of closure of these monofunctional adducts to bifunctional cross-links have been studied in 60 mM NaClO4. Within d(TG.CT/AGCA), d(CG.CT/AGCG) and d(AG.CT/AGCT) (the symbol.indicates the location of the adducts in the central sequences of oligonucleotides), the half-lifes (t1/2) of the cis-[Pt(NH3)2(dG)Cl]+ adducts are respectively 12, 6 and 2.8 hr and the cross-linking reactions occur between guanine residues on the opposite strands. Within d(AG.TC/GACT), d(CG.AT/ATCG) and d(TGTG./CACA) or d(TG.TG/CACA) t1/2 are respectively 1.6, 8 and larger than 20 hr and the intrastrand cross-links are formed at the d(AG), d(GA) and d(GTG) sites, respectively. The conclusion is that the rates of conversion of cis-platinum-DNA monofunctional adducts to minor bifunctional cross-links are dependent on base sequence. The potential use of the instability of cis-[Pt(NH3)2(dG)(N7-N-methyl-2-diazapyrenium)]3+ adducts is discussed in the context of the antisense strategy.  相似文献   

The oligonucleotides 5'-d(TTTTCTTTTG) and 5'-d(AAAAGAAAAG) were cross-linked with a trans-[Pt(NH3)2]2+ entity via the N7 positions of the 3'-end guanine bases to give parallel-stranded (ps) DNA. At pH 4.2, CD and NMR spectroscopy indicate the presence of Hoogsteen base pairing. In addition, temperature-dependent UV spectroscopy shows an increase in melting temperature for the platinated duplex (35 degrees C) as compared to the non-platinated, antiparallel-stranded duplex formed from the same oligonucleotides (21 degrees C). A monomer-dimer equilibrium for the platinated 20mer is revealed by gel electrophoresis. At pH 4.2, addition of a third strand of composition 5'-d(AGCTTTTCTTTTAG) to the ps duplex leads to the formation of a triple helix with two distinct melting points at 38 degrees C (platinum cross-linked Hoogsteen part) and 21 degrees C (Watson-Crick part), respectively.  相似文献   

In order to monitor the trans labilization of cisplatin at physiological pH we have prepared the complex cis-[PtCl2(13CH3NH2)2] and studied its interactions with excess glutathione in aqueous solution at neutral pH by two-dimensional [1H,13C] heteronuclear single-quantum correlation (HSQC) NMR spectroscopy. [1H,13C] HSQC spectroscopy is a good method for following the release of 13CH3NH2 but is not so good for characterizing the Pt species in solution. In the reaction of cisplatin with glutathione, Pt–S bonds are formed and Pt–NH3 bonds are broken. The best technique for following the formation of Pt–S bonds of cisplatin is by UV spectroscopy. [1H,13C] HSQC spectroscopy is the best method for following the breaking of the Pt–N bonds. [1H,15N] HSQC spectroscopy is the best method for characterizing the different species in solution. However, the intensity of the peaks in the 15NH3–Pt–S region, in [1H,15N] HSQC, reflects a balance between the formation of Pt–S bonds, which increases the signal intensity, and the trans labilization, which decreases the signal intensity. [1H,15N] HSQC spectroscopy and [1H,13C] HSQC spectroscopy are complementary techniques that should be used in conjunction in order to obtain the most accurate information on the interaction of platinum complexes with sulfur-containing ligands.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the cycloaddition reaction CH3M≡MCH3 (M=C, Si, Ge) with C2H4 has been studied at the CCSD(T)/6-311++G(d,p)//MP2/6-311++G(d,p) level. Vibrational analysis and intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC), calculated at the same level, have been applied to validate the connection of the stationary points. The breakage and formation of the chemical bonds of the titled reactions are discussed by the topological analysis of electron density. The calculated results show that, of the three titled reactions, the CH3Si≡SiCH3+C2H4 reaction has the highest reaction activity because it has the lowest energy barriers and the products with the lowest energy. The CH3C≡CCH3+C2H4 reaction occurs only with difficulty since it has the highest energy barriers. The reaction mechanisms of the title reactions are similar. A three-membered-ring is initially formed, and then it changed to a four-membered-ring structure. This means that these reactions involve a [2+1] cycloaddition as the initial step, instead of a direct [2+2] cycloaddition.  相似文献   

The reaction of the monofunctional [Pt(Gly-Gly-N,N′,O)I] complex, in which Gly-Gly is the dipeptide glycyl-glycine coordinated through two nitrogen and oxygen atoms, with the N-acetylated dipeptide l-methionyl-l-histidine (MeCOMet-His) studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy. All reactions were carried out in 50 mM phosphate buffer at pD 7.4 and at 25 °C. In the initial stage of the reaction, the platinum(II) complex forms the kinetically favored [Pt(Gly-Gly-N,N′,O)(MeCOMet-His-S)] complex, with unidentate coordination of the MeCOMet-His dipeptide through the sulfur atom of the methionine residue. In the second stage of the reaction, complete intramolecular migration of the [Pt(Gly-Gly-N,N′,O)] unit from the sulfur to the N3 nitrogen atom of imidazole was observed and a new platinum(II)-peptide complex, [Pt(Gly-Gly-N,N′,O)(MeCOMet-His-N3)] was formed. In comparison with previous results obtained for the reaction of [Pt(dien)Cl]+ with different methionine- and histidine-containing peptides, this migration reaction was sufficiently fast and strongly selective to the N3 atom of the imidazole ring of the histidine side chain. This study is an important step in the development of new platinum(II) complexes for selective covalent modification of peptides and proteins.  相似文献   

We examined the inhibition of DNA synthesis by cis- and trans-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cis- and trans-Pt) in leukemia cells, YAC-1 and RADA1. The degree of inhibition by trans-Pt was about the same as that by cis-Pt in vitro in the absence of serum, but the former was much lower than the latter in vivo or in the presence of serum in vitro. Atomic absorption studies showed that the amount of trans-Pt trapped by the serum in vitro is much larger than that of cis-Pt. Therefore, the amount of trans-Pt bound to DNA in vivo must be considerably smaller than that of cis-Pt, which eventually results in the antitumor-inactive nature of trans-Pt.  相似文献   

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