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During cytokinesis in brown algal cells, Golgi-derived vesicles (GVs) and flat cisternae (FCs) are involved in building the new cell partition membrane. In this study, we followed the membrane fusion process in Silvetia babingtonii zygotes using electron microscopy together with rapid freezing and freeze substitution. After mitosis, many FCs were formed around endoplasmic reticulum clusters and these then spread toward the future cytokinetic plane. Actin depolymerization using latrunculin B prevented the appearance of the FCs. Fusion of GVs to FCs resulted in structures that were thicker and more elongated (EFCs; expanded flat cisternae). Some complicated membranous structures (MN; membranous network) were formed by interconnection of EFCs and following the arrival of additional GVs. The MN grew into membranous sacs (MSs) as gaps between the MNs disappeared. The MSs were observed in patches along the cytokinetic plane. Neighboring MSs were united to form the new cell partition membrane. An immunocytochemical analysis indicated that fucoidan was synthesized in Golgi bodies and transported by vesicles to the future cytokinetic plane, where the vesicles fused with the FCs. Alginate was not detected until the MS phase. Incubation of sections with cellulase-gold showed that the cellulose content of the new cross wall was not comparable to that of the parent cell wall.  相似文献   

Morphological changes and chromatin condensation of sperm nuclei were observed during spermatogenesis in the fucalean brown alga Cystoseira hakodatensis (Yendo) Fensholt. Ultrastructural studies have shown that the mature spermatozoid has an elongated and concave nucleus with condensed chromatin. The morphological changes and the chromatin condensation process during spermatogenesis was observed. Nuclear size decreased in two stages during spermatogenesis. During the first stage, spherical nuclei decreased in size as they were undergoing meiotic divisions and the subsequent mitoses within the antheridium. During the second stage, the morphological transformation from a spherical into an elongated nucleus occurred. Afterwards, chromatin condensed at the periphery in each nucleus, and chromatin‐free regions were observed in the center of the nucleus. These chromatin‐free regions in the center of nucleus were compressed by the peripheral chromatin‐condensed region. As the result, the elongated and concave nucleus of the mature sperm consisted of uniformly well‐condensed chromatin.  相似文献   

The influence of centrioles, derived from the sperm flagellar basal bodies, and the centrosomal material (MTOCs) on spindle formation in the brown alga Fucus distichus (oogamous) was studied by immunofluorescence microscopy using anti-centrin and anti-beta-tubulin antibodies. In contrast to a bipolar spindle, which is formed after normal fertilization, a multipolar spindle was formed in polyspermic zygote. The number of mitotic poles in polyspermic zygotes was double the number of sperm involved in fertilization. As an anti-centrin staining spot (centrioles) was located at these poles, the multipolar spindles in polyspermic zygotes were produced by the supplementary centrioles. When anucleate egg fragments were fertilized, chromosome condensation and mitosis did not occur in the sperm nucleus. Two anti-centrin staining spots could be detected, microtubules (MTs) radiated from nearby, but the mitotic spindle was never produced. When a single sperm fertilized multinucleate eggs (polygyny), abnormal spindles were also observed. In addition to two mitotic poles containing anti-centrin staining spots, extra mitotic poles without anti-centrin staining spots were also formed, and as a result multipolar spindles were formed. When karyogamy was blocked with colchicine, it became clear that the egg nucleus proceeded independently into mitosis accompanying chromosome condensation. A monoastral spindle could be frequently observed, and in rare cases a barrel-shaped spindle was formed. However, when a sperm nucleus was located near an egg nucleus, the two anti-centrin staining spots shifted to the egg nucleus from the sperm nucleus. In this case, a normal spindle was formed, the egg chromosomes arranged at the equator, and the associated MTs elongated from one pole of the egg spindle toward the sperm chromosomes which were scattered. From these results, it became clear that paternal centrioles derived from the sperm have a crucial role in spindle formation in the brown algae, such as they do during animal fertilization. However, paternal centrioles were not adequate for the functional centrosome during spindle formation. We speculated that centrosomal materials from the egg cytoplasm aggregate around the sperm centrioles and are needed for centrosomal activation.  相似文献   

Habitat-forming macroalgae play a central role in the ecology of temperate reefs worldwide but there exists a critical lack of knowledge about important processes such as dispersal and gene flow. Understanding dispersal and gene flow of habitat-forming seaweeds is particularly pertinent given that loss of habitat-forming algae is an increasingly prevalent problem worldwide. Here, we develop 10 microsatellite markers for the monotypic Phyllospora comosa, an important habitat-forming macroalga that has undergone massive declines on urbanised coastlines of Sydney, Australia. We characterise population genetic diversity and structure and estimate levels of dispersal and gene flow between the geographically isolated northern and southern populations in this subtidal macroalga.  相似文献   

Motomura  T. 《Protoplasma》1994,178(3-4):97-110
Summary Processes of fertilization and zygote development inFucus distichus were studied by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using anti- tubulin antibody and electron microscopy. Just after plasmogamy, sperm aster formation occurs during migration of a sperm nucleus toward an egg nucleus at the center of cytoplasm. Only sparse microtubules (MTs) exist around the egg nucleus. The sperm aster can be observed till karyogamy, but afterwards vanishes. Accompanying sperm aster formation, cortical MTs which are reticulately arranged develop further in the zygotes. In 4 h-old zygotes, characteristic structures which are composed of fine granular masses and consist of intermixed dense and lighter staining areas appear around the nucleus. These structures cannot be detected with anti- tubulin immunofluorescence microscopy. The two centrioles derived from the sperm separate and migrate to both poles. In 4 h-and 8 h-old zygotes, there are no defined MT foci around the zygote nucleus and MTs radiate from the circumference of it. In 12 h-old zygotes, each centriole has migrated to the poles and derivative centrioles are generated. The fine granular masses also migrate to both poles and finally disappear accompanying the appearance of numerous MTs radiating from the poles. Therefore, two distinct MT foci appear from 12 h onwards. Progressive stages of nuclear division were also examined with electron and immunofluorescence microscopy in 16 h-old zygotes. The sperm chloroplast with an eyespot and the sperm mitochondria with an intercristal tubular structure, which are distinctive from those of egg, can be detected after plasmogamy and karyogamy. The sperm chloroplast is still present in 16 h-old zygotes.  相似文献   

Plasmodesmata are intercellular bridges that directly connect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells and play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication and cell development in multicellular plants. Although brown algae (Phaeophyceae, Heterokontophyta) are phylogenetically distant to land plants, they nevertheless possess a complex multicellular organization that includes plasmodesmata. In this study, the ultrastructure and formation of plasmodesmata in the brown alga Dictyota dichotoma were studied using transmission electron microscopy and electron tomography with rapid freezing and freeze substitution. D. dichotoma possesses plasma membrane-lined, simple plasmodesmata without internal endoplasmic reticulum (desmotubule). This structure differs from those in land plants. Plasmodesmata were clustered in regions with thin cell walls and formed pit fields. Fine proteinaceous "internal bridges" were observed in the cavity. Ultrastructural observations of cytokinesis in D. dichotoma showed that plasmodesmata formation began at an early stage of cell division with the formation of tubular pre-plasmodesmata within membranous sacs of the cytokinetic diaphragm. Clusters of pre-plasmodesmata formed the future pit field. As cytokinesis proceeded, electron-dense material extended from the outer surface of the mid region of the pre-plasmodesmata and finally formed the nascent cell wall. From these results, we suggest that pre-plasmodesmata are associated with cell wall development during cytokinesis in D. dichotoma.  相似文献   

Pearson GA  Serrão EA  Dring M  Schmid R 《Oecologia》2004,138(2):193-201
The intertidal brown alga Silvetia compressa releases gametes from receptacles (the reproductive tissue) rapidly upon a dark transfer (following a photosynthesis-dependent period in the light, termed potentiation). In this study, the wavelength-dependence of this process was investigated. During the potentiation period in white light (WL), gametes are not released. However, gametes were released during potentiation in blue light (BL), or in low red light/blue light (RL/BL) ratios, but not in RL alone, high RL/BL ratios, or in broadband blue-green light (B-GL) (presence of BL, but absence of RL). RL was as effective as WL for potentiation, i.e., both lead to gamete release following transfer to darkness. Rates of linear photosynthetic electron transport were similar in RL and BL. Gamete release in BL was inhibited by equal amounts of additional narrow-waveband light between the green and red regions of the spectrum, with light-induced gamete release restricted between <491 nm and 509 nm. Very little light-induced gamete release occurred between 530 nm and 650 nm. It is proposed that a BL-responsive photoreceptor is responsible for light-induced gamete release. Transfer of WL-potentiated receptacles to GL near 530 nm resulted in significant de-potentiation and reduced gamete release during a subsequent dark transfer. This effect was not seen at 509 nm or 560 nm and revealed the presence of a second photoreceptor system repressing or counteracting potentiation in the light. We propose that the restriction of gamete release to periods when irradiance is blue-shifted may constitute a depth-sensing mechanism for this intertidal alga, allowing controlled release of gametes at high tide and/or less turbid periods, thus minimizing gamete dilution, and promoting fertilization success.  相似文献   

The present distribution of the invasive brown alga Sargassum muticum in the southwest Netherlands is updated. Populations of the alga were found to remain at their 1985 level in Lake Grevelingen, with a small eastward expansion into the Eastern Scheldt estuary. A new population for the brackish, non-tidal Lake Veere is reported. Within Lake Grevelingen S. muticum forms a persistent, extensive canopy of 100% cover (4,442.5 ± 525.6 g fresh wt m–2, 640.3 ± 75.8 g dry wt m–2) that has a marked effect upon the penetration of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (reduced by 97% at 0.1 m). Surface sea water temperatures can be elevated by 2.7 °C above water not associated with a Sargassum canopy; furthermore, the dense canopy shades and hence reduces water temperatures below 0.1 m depth. Productivity studies indicate that assimilation occurs in the upper levels of the canopy (57.09 µg C mg dry wt–1 m–2 at a mean PAR rate of 106.7 J cm–2 h–1). Self-shading and a resultant decrease in the rate of assimilation was evident below the canopy.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis, the development of female gametes without fertilization, is relatively common in brown algae, although limited quantitative information on the phenomenon is available. Its occurrence is reported for the first time in Lessonia nigrescens Bory, a member of the Laminariales and a key ecological component of the benthic algal communities along the Chilean coast. Isolated female gametophytes developed into parthenosporophytes throughout the year, with a maximum in spring to early summer. Isolated male gametophytes, on the other hand, never developed fronds. Parthenosporophytes obtained in the laboratory developed normally when cultivated under greenhouse conditions, and the resulting individuals were indistinguishable in size, shape, texture, and color from heterozygous sporophytes. Quantification of DNA of various tissues demonstrated that early during their development, parthenosporophytes duplicated their DNA content, displaying levels similar to heterozygous sporophytes and almost twice the level found in gametophytes. One out of 45 individuals from a field population yielded only female gametophytes, strongly suggesting that parthenogenesis does occur in wild stands of L. nigrescens.  相似文献   

Four species of brown seaweeds, namely Sargassum baccularia, Sargassum binderi, Sargassum siliquosum and Turbinaria conoides, harvested from Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia were analysed for ash content, alginate yield and alginate properties. Seaweeds calcined at 450°C were found to have low amount of non-combustible residue as these were not contaminated by calcareous animals. Alginate was extracted from these seaweeds by two methods: hot and cold. In the hot method, the storing time was 3 h and the processing temperature was 50°C, whilst in the cold method, the sample was stored overnight at room temperature. Higher yield of alginate was obtained by the hot method compared to the cold method, but alginate extracted by the cold method gave higher molecular weight. In the hot method, 49.9% of alginate was extracted from S. siliquosum, followed by T. conoides (41.4%), S. binderi (38.9%) and S. baccularia (26.7%). Alginate extracted from T. conoides has an average molecular weight, M w, of 8.06 × 105 g mol−1, whereas alginate from S. siliquosum was the lowest in M w (4.81 × 105 g mol−1) when the extraction was done at room temperature. Alginate extracted from S. baccularia was found to be very heat-sensitive. Its M w has dropped more than 83%, from 7.52 × 105 to 1.23 × 105 g mol−1, when the extraction temperature was raised. The effect of heat on the extent of depolymerisation of the alginate molecule of the other three brown seaweed species was less significant, with decrease in molecular weight ranging between 13% and 16%.  相似文献   

In brown algal fertilization, a pair of centrioles is derived from the male gamete, irrespective of the sexual reproduction pattern, i.e., isogamy, anisogamy, or oogamy. In this study, the manner in which the maternal centriole structure is destroyed in early zygotes of the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria was examined by electron microscopy. At fertilization, the zygote had two pairs of centrioles (flagellar basal bodies) derived from motile male and female gametes, and there was no morphological difference between the two pairs. The flagellar basal plate and the axonemal microtubules were still connected with the distal end of centrioles. Ultrastructural observations showed that the integrity of maternal-derived centrioles began to degenerate even in the 1-h-old zygote. At that time, the cylinder of triplet microtubules of the maternal centrioles became shorter from the distal end, and a section passing through the centrioles indicated that a part of the nine triplets of microtubules changed into doublet or singlet microtubules by degeneration of B and/or C tubules. In 2-h-old zygote, there was no trace of maternal centrioles ultrastructurally, and only the paternal centrioles remained. Further, reduction of centrin accompanying destruction of the maternal centrioles was examined in immunofluorescence microscopy. Centrin localized at the paternal and the maternal centrioles had the same fluorescence intensity in the early zygotes. At 4-6 h after fertilization, two spots indicating centrin localization showed different fluorescence intensity. Later, the weaker spot disappeared completely. These results showed that there is a difference in time between the destruction of the centriolar cylinders and the reduction of centrin molecules around them.  相似文献   

Caudoxirene (cis-3-(1,2-trans-epoxy-but-3-enyl)-4-vinyl-cyclopentene) is a new gamete releasing factor from Perithalia caudata (Sporochnales). Its threshold concentration is found at 30 pmol for gamete release. Multifidene, viridiene and a Z-isomer of caudoxirene were identified as by-products or trace constituents.  相似文献   

Shen  Yuan  Iwao  Toyoki  Motomura  Taizo  Nagasato  Chikako 《Protoplasma》2021,258(1):19-32

Based on the morphology of gametes, sexual reproduction in brown algae is usually classified into three types: isogamy, anisogamy, and oogamy. In isogamy, chloroplasts and chloroplast DNA (chlDNA) in the sporophyte cells are inherited biparentally, while mitochondria (or mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA) is inherited maternally. In oogamy, chloroplasts and mitochondria are inherited maternally. However, the patterns of mitochondrial and chloroplast inheritance in anisogamy have not been clarified. Here, we examined derivation of mtDNA and chlDNA in the zygotes through strain-specific PCR analysis using primers based on single nucleotide polymorphism in the anisogamous brown alga Mutimo cylindricus. In 20-day-old sporophytes after fertilization, mtDNA and chlDNA derived from female gametes were detected, thus confirming the maternal inheritance of both organelles. Additionally, the behavior of mitochondria and chloroplasts in the zygotes was analyzed by examining the consecutive serial sections using transmission electron microscopy. Male mitochondria were isolated or compartmentalized by a double-membrane and then completely digested into a multivesicular structure 2 h after fertilization. Meanwhile, male chloroplasts with eyespots were observed even in 4-day-old, seven-celled sporophytes. The final fate of male chloroplasts could not be traced. Organelle DNA copy number was also examined in female and male gametes. The DNA copy number per chloroplast and mitochondria in male gametes was lower compared with female organelles. The degree of difference is bigger in mtDNA. Thus, changes in different morphology and DNA amount indicate that maternal inheritance of mitochondria and chloroplasts in this species may be based on different processes and timing after fertilization.


Patterns of inheritance of chloroplasts and mitochondria were examined by fluorescence microscopy and haplotype genome markers in the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link. Germination of the zygote in this species was unilateral, the growing thallus developed entirely from the germ tube, and the original zygote cell did not develop except for the formation of a hair. Inheritance of chloroplasts was biparental, and partitioning of the two parental chloroplasts into the first sporophytic cells was accidental: either the maternal or the paternal chloroplast was migrated from the zygote into the germ tube cell, whereas the other chloroplast remained in the original cell. In contrast, the mitochondrial genome in all cells of the sporophyte came only from the female gamete (maternal inheritance). These inheritance patterns are similar to those of the isogamous brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye. Maternal inheritance of mitochondria might be universal in brown algae.  相似文献   

The mature female conceptacle of Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh has an ostiole filled with a gelatinous plug. The oogonium in the conceptacle has cell walls that can be differentiated into a dense outer and a less dense inner microfibrillar layer. Just prior to egg release, stalk material is produced inside the outer layer and the inner layer disappears. At this stage the gelatinous plug is extruded and mucilage is released through the ostiole. The released eggs are retained on the receptacle by the stalk and are surrounded by a large amount of the mucilage. Three-celled germlings form a primary wall with a polylamellated structure of microfibril layers. In multicellular germlings that have differentiated into thallus and rhizoids, the peripheral thallus cells have an outer cell wall consisting of a microfibril layer under the primary wall, while the cell wall of the rhizoid tip has an amorphous structure. The germlings are released from the stalk and become attached to the substratum by an adhesive substance secreted from rhizoidal cells.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Petalonia fascia is a widespread brown alga with economic potential due to its use as raw or dried powder, and in the biomedical field. Protoplasts...  相似文献   

Ongoing changes in natural diversity due to anthropogenic activities can alter ecosystem functioning. Particular attention has been given to research on biodiversity loss and how those changes can affect the functioning of ecosystems, and, by extension, human welfare. Few studies, however, have addressed how increased diversity due to establishment of nonindigenous species (NIS) may affect ecosystem function in the recipient communities. Marine algae have a highly important role in sustaining nearshore marine ecosystems and are considered a significant component of marine bioinvasions. Here, we examined the patterns of respiration and light‐use efficiency across macroalgal assemblages with different levels of species richness and evenness. Additionally, we compared our results between native and invaded macroalgal assemblages, using the invasive brown macroalga Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt as a model species. Results showed that the presence of the invader increased the rates of respiration and production, most likely as a result of the high biomass of the invader. This effect disappeared when S. muticum lost most of its biomass after senescence. Moreover, predictability–diversity relationships of macroalgal assemblages varied between native and invaded assemblages. Hence, the introduction of high‐impact invasive species may trigger major changes in ecosystem functioning. The impact of S. muticum may be related to its greater biomass in the invaded assemblages, although species interactions and seasonality influenced the magnitude of the impact.  相似文献   

Colpomenia sinuosa is an annual brown algal species that occurs in temperate to tropical waters of the world. In order to examine the genetic diversity among populations of the species and to discuss its current distribution, we analyzed the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region from 18 specimens of C. sinuosa , and, for comparison, plastid rbc L from the same specimens. The C. sinuosa ITS region (2141–2534 base pairs) is approximately 2.2 times the length of most other brown algae. We found a long repeated sequence of approximately 190 base pairs in the first half of the ITS1 region; five repeats in Northern Hemisphere collections and three in those from the Southern Hemisphere, which result in ITS length variation. The unequal occurrence of tandem repeats of C. sinuosa corresponds to the geographical distribution of the species. The rbc L sequences from all the specimens of C. sinuosa , except the Canary Island samples, were identical, indicating that they indeed belong to the same species.  相似文献   

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