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Previous investigations of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata , in Trinidad have demonstrated rapid population differentiation at small geographic scales. However, most studies to date have focused on localities in Trinidad's Northern Range where barrier water falls mark sharp discontinuities in the selection regime and limit scope for gene flow. There is little information on the ecology of the guppy in the rest of the island even though its distribution amongst fish communities and habitats has important evolutionary implications. To determine how large-scale distribution patterns might affect the evolutionary potential of the guppy we surveyed 80 sites representative of a broad range of freshwater environments. We found guppies, which occurred in 80% of our samples, to be the most widely distributed freshwater fish in Trinidad. Guppies are common in predator-rich and turbid habitats, precisely those localities where female preferences are likely to be undermined. Moreover, the widespread distribution of this adaptable species, combined with its promiscuous mating system, may promote gene flow across geographical scales that transcend local selection regimes. These factors are likely to impede the evolution of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that communities and their ecosystems are structured at several, nested spatial scales. But identifying the appropriate scale(s) to collect, analyse and interpret data to answer specific questions about ecosystems has been a vexing problem for ecologists. We collected observations of the benthic invertebrate community and its environment in 10 primarily agricultural tributary streams of the Thames River in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Within each stream we sampled two reaches, in each reach we sampled three riffles, and in each riffle we took three kick samples of invertebrates and characterized the substrate environment. We also characterized the habitat at each of the 20 reaches (10 streams × 2 reaches/stream). Most of the variability in the stream invertebrate community structure (as described with taxonomic richness and the biotic index of tolerance, as well as by the Bray-Curtis distance of the community composition from the mean at a spatial scale) was at larger spatial scales of among streams and between riffles. Much of the substrate and habitat variation was also at the larger spatial scales, as were correlations between the biota and the environment of the benthic invertebrate community. We concluded that for the purposes of bioassessment, characterization of one reach per stream is sufficient, at least in this context, for describing a stream and evaluating its health. Handling editor: R. Norris  相似文献   

The effects of asymmetric interactions on population dynamics has been widely investigated, but there has been little work aimed at understanding how life history parameters like generation time, life expectancy and the variance in lifetime reproductive success are impacted by different types of competition. We develop a new framework for incorporating trait‐mediated density‐dependence into size‐structured models and use Trinidadian guppies to show how different types of competitive interactions impact life history parameters. Our results show the degree of symmetry in competitive interactions can have dramatic effects on the speed of the life history. For some vital rates, shifting the competitive superiority from small to large individuals resulted in a doubling of the generation time. Such large influences of competitive symmetry on the timescale of demographic processes, and hence evolution, highlights the interwoven nature of ecological and evolutionary processes and the importance of density‐dependence in understanding eco‐evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

1.?Environmental conditions in the present, more recent past and during the juvenile stage can have significant effects on adult performance and population dynamics, but their relative importance and potential interactions remain unexplored. 2.?We examined the influence of food availability at the time of sampling, 2?months prior and during the juvenile stage on adult somatic growth rates in wild Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata). 3.?We found that food availability during both the early and later parts of an individual's ontogeny had important consequences for adult growth strategies, but the direction of these effects differed among life stages and their magnitude, in some cases, depended on food levels experienced during other life stages. Current food levels and those 2?months prior to growth measurements had positive effects on adult growth rate; though, food levels 2?months prior had a greater effect on growth than current food levels. In contrast, the effects of food availability during the juvenile stage were higher in magnitude but opposite in direction to current food levels and those 2?months prior to growth rate measurements. Individuals recruiting under low food levels grew faster as adults than individuals recruiting during periods of high food availability. There was also a positive interaction between food levels experienced during the juvenile stage and 2?months prior such that the effects of juvenile food level diminished as the food level experienced 2?months prior increased. 4.?These results suggest that the similar conditions occurring at different life stages can have different effects on short- and long-term growth strategies of individuals within a population. They also demonstrate that, while juvenile conditions can have lasting effects on adult performance, the strength of that effect can be dampened by environmental conditions experienced as an adult. 5.?A simultaneous consideration of past events in both the adult and juvenile stage may therefore improve predictions for individual- and population-level responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships of the eutherian order Insectivora (Lipotyphla sensu stricto) are the subject of considerable debate. The difficulties in establishing insectivore phylogeny stem from their lack of many shared derived characteristics. The grouping is therefore something of a 'wastebasket' taxon. Most of the older estimates of phylogeny, based on morphological evidence, assumed insectivore monophyly. More recently, molecular phylogenies argue strongly against monophyly, although they differ in the extent of polyphyly inferred for the order. I review the history of insectivore phylogenetics and systematics, focussing on the relationships between the six extant families (Erinaceidae--hedgehogs and moonrats, Talpidae - moles and desmans, Soricidae - shrews, Solenodontidae--solenodons, Tenrecidae--tenrecs and otter-shrews and Chrysochloridae--golden moles). I then examine how these various phylogenetic hypotheses influence the results of comparative analyses and our interpretation of insectivore life-history evolution. I assess which particular controversies have the greatest effect on results, and discuss the implications for comparative analyses where the phylogeny is controversial. I also explore and suggest explanations for certain insectivore life-history trends: increased gestation length and litter size in tenrecs, increased encephalization in moles, and the mixed fast and slow life-history strategies in solenodons. Finally, I consider the implications for comparative analyses of the recent strongly supported phylogenetic hypothesis of an endemic African clade of mammals that includes the insectivore families of tenrecs and golden moles.  相似文献   

A common evolutionary response to predation pressure is increased investment in reproduction, ultimately resulting in a fast life history. Theory and comparative studies suggest that short-lived organisms invest less in defence against parasites than those that are longer lived (the pace of life hypothesis). Combining these tenets of evolutionary theory leads to the specific, untested prediction that within species, populations experiencing higher predation pressure invest less in defence against parasites. The Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, presents an excellent opportunity to test this prediction: guppy populations in lower courses of rivers experience higher predation pressure, and as a consequence have evolved faster life histories, than those in upper courses. Data from a large-scale field survey showed that fish infected with Gyrodactylus parasites were of a lower body condition (quantified using the scaled mass index) than uninfected fish, but only in lower course populations. Although the evidence we present is correlational, it suggests that upper course guppies sustain lower fitness costs of infection, i.e. are more tolerant, than lower course guppies. The data are therefore consistent with the pace of life hypothesis of parasite defence allocation, and suggest that life-history traits mediate the indirect effect of predators on the parasites of their prey.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Several dozen summer meltwater streams are located in the McMurdo Sound region (c. 78°S 165°E) of southern Victoria Land. They are characterized by a highly variable flow regime at diel, seasonal and annual times caleis; wide fluctuations in temperature and nutrient content; and a very simple epilithic community of cyanophytes ( Nostoc spp., Oscillatoriaceae), bacteria, fungi and microherbivores.
2. The epilithon survives the dark Antarctic winter as dry, frozen mats which provide a large inoculum for growth the following summer. This overwintering assemblage retains a high metabolic capacity and responds rapidly to rehydration.
3. In a series of artificial substrate experiments, biomass accumulation rates were generally less than 0.1 In units d−1. Colonization and growth on the substrates was inversely related to the suspended sediment load of the stream. There was also a visual correspondence between per cent algal cover of the natural streambed and the clarity of the streamwater. Sloughing losses may limit community biomass, particularly in the turbid flowing waters.
4. During running water conditions the mature communities had very low gross photosynthetic rates per unit chlorophyll (<0,1 μg C (μg chl a .h)−1 and per unit carbon (<0,2 μg C (mg biomass C.h)−1). Respiration was generally a high percentage (up to 92%) of gross photosynthesis, which probably reflected the high population densities of microheterotrophs in the community.
5. The floristically simple epilithic mats slowly accumulate to extreme biomass levels (>20 μg chl a cm −2, <20 mg C cm−2). Production rates per unit biomass are low, probably in response to the cold temperatures of the Antarctic stream environment, and the accumulated biomass represents several seasons of growth.  相似文献   

In semelparous populations, dormant germ banks (e.g. seeds) have been proposed as important in maintaining genotypes that are adaptive at different times in fluctuating environments. Such hidden storage of genetic diversity need not be exclusive to dormant banks. Genotype diversity may be preserved in many iteroparous animals through sperm-storage mechanisms in females. This allows males to reproduce posthumously and increase the effective sizes of seemingly female-biased populations. Although long-term sperm storage has been demonstrated in many organisms, the understanding of its importance in the wild is very poor. We here show the prevalence of male posthumous reproduction in wild Trinidadian guppies, through the combination of mark–recapture and pedigree analyses of a multigenerational individual-based dataset. A significant proportion of the reproductive population consisted of dead males, who could conceive up to 10 months after death (the maximum allowed by the length of the dataset), which is more than twice the estimated generation time. Demographic analysis shows that the fecundity of dead males can play an important role in population growth and selection.  相似文献   

Populations of the guppy, Poecilia reficulata , in N. Trinidad exhibit marked population differentiation in allozyme frequencies. Here we investigate six further populations electrophoretically at 25 enzyme-coding loci to examine patterns in geographical structuring, genotypic distributions and genetic diversity. With one exception, possibly related to an experimental introduction, populations divided broadly (dendrogram of Nei's mean genetic identity, Ī) in accordance with proposed ancestral colonization. Most populations were in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, though some significant deficits in heterozygotes were detected. Incorporating information from published data, markedly hjgher levels of genetic diversity (mean observed heterozygosity, o) were recorded in lowland [o= 0.0382 ± k0406 ( s.e .), n = 9] compared with upstream populations [o= 0.0112 ± 00034 (S.E.), n = 9]. Patterns are discussed in relation to historical and present-day evolutionary forces.  相似文献   

We describe two field experiments with wild guppies, Poecilia reticulata, in Trinidad that demonstrated that guppies can acquire foraging and predator escape-response information from conspecifics. In the foraging experiment, subjects were presented with two distinctly marked feeders in their home rivers. One feeder contained a conspecific shoal in a transparent container. Guppies preferred to enter the feeder containing this artificial shoal over the other feeder. In a test phase, the artificial shoal was removed and the feeders replaced at the testing site after a 5-min delay. More guppies entered the feeder that had contained the artificial shoal over the other feeder, a difference that can be explained only by the fish learning the characteristics or location of the feeder during the training phase. We suggest that subjects acquired a foraging patch preference through a propensity to approach feeding conspecifics, a local enhancement process. In the predator escape-response experiment, na?ve ‘observer’ guppies could avoid an approaching trawl net by escaping through either a hole to which ‘demonstrator’ guppies had been trained or through an alternative hole. When the demonstrators were present, the na?ve observers escaped more often and more rapidly by the demonstrated route than the alternative route. When the demonstrators were removed, observers maintained a route preference according to the training of their demonstrators, which suggests that the observers had learned an escape route through following or observing their more knowledgeable conspecifics. Thus, both experiments reveal that guppies can socially learn in the wild. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Low food availability during early growth and development can have long-term negative consequences for reproductive success. Phenotypic plasticity in adult life-history decisions may help to mitigate these potential costs, yet adult life-history responses to juvenile food conditions remain largely unexplored. I used a food-manipulation experiment with female Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to examine age-related changes in adult life-history responses to early food conditions, whether these responses varied across different adult food conditions, and how these responses affected overall reproductive success. Guppy females reared on low food as juveniles matured at a later age, at a smaller size, and with less energy reserves than females reared on high food as juveniles. In response to this setback, they changed their investment in growth, reproduction, and fat storage throughout the adult stage such that they were able to catch up in body size, increase their reproductive output, and restore their energy reserves to levels comparable to those of females reared on high food as juveniles. The net effect was that adult female guppies did not merely mitigate but surprisingly were able to fully compensate for the potential long-term negative effects of poor juvenile food conditions on reproductive success.  相似文献   

Knowledge of Antarctic biotas and environments has increased dramatically in recent years. There has also been a rapid increase in the use of novel technologies. Despite this, some fundamental aspects of environmental control that structure physiological, ecological and life-history traits in Antarctic organisms have received little attention. Possibly the most important of these is the timing and availability of resources, and the way in which this dictates the tempo or pace of life. The clearest view of this effect comes from comparisons of species living in different habitats. Here, we (i) show that the timing and extent of resource availability, from nutrients to colonisable space, differ across Antarctic marine, intertidal and terrestrial habitats, and (ii) illustrate that these differences affect the rate at which organisms function. Consequently, there are many dramatic biological differences between organisms that live as little as 10 m apart, but have gaping voids between them ecologically.Identifying the effects of environmental timing and predictability requires detailed analysis in a wide context, where Antarctic terrestrial and marine ecosystems are at one extreme of the continuum of available environments for many characteristics including temperature, ice cover and seasonality. Anthropocentrically, Antarctica is harsh and as might be expected terrestrial animal and plant diversity and biomass are restricted. By contrast, Antarctic marine biotas are rich and diverse, and several phyla are represented at levels greater than global averages. There has been much debate on the relative importance of various physical factors that structure the characteristics of Antarctic biotas. This is especially so for temperature and seasonality, and their effects on physiology, life history and biodiversity. More recently, habitat age and persistence through previous ice maxima have been identified as key factors dictating biodiversity and endemism. Modern molecular methods have also recently been incorporated into many traditional areas of polar biology. Environmental predictability dictates many of the biological characters seen in all of these areas of Antarctic research.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is thought to be opposed by natural selection such that ornamental traits express a balance between these two antagonistic influences. Phenotypic variation among populations may indicate local shifts in this balance, or that different stable ‘solutions’ are possible, but testing these alternatives presents a major challenge. In the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a small freshwater fish with male-limited ornamental coloration, these issues can be addressed by transplanting fish among sites of varying predation pressure, thus effectively manipulating the strength and nature of natural selection. Here, we contrast the evolutionary outcome of two such introductions conducted in the Trinidadian El Cedro and Aripo Rivers. We use sophisticated colour appraisal methods that account for full spectrum colour variation and which incorporate the very latest visual sensitivity data for guppies and their predators. Our data indicate that ornamentation evolved along different trajectories: whereas Aripo males evolved more numerous and/or larger orange, black and iridescent markings, El Cedro males only evolved more extensive and brighter iridescence. Examination of the El Cedro experiment also revealed little or no ornamental evolution at the control site over 29 years, which contrasts markedly with the rapid (approx. 2–3 years) changes reported for introduction populations. Finally, whole colour-pattern analysis suggested that the greatest visual difference between El Cedro introduction and control fish would be perceived by the two most salient viewers: guppies and the putatively dangerous predator Crenicichla alta. We discuss whether and how these evolutionary trajectories may result from founder effects, population-specific mate preferences and/or sensory drive.  相似文献   

Male genitalia present an extraordinary pattern of rapid divergence in animals with internal fertilization, which is usually attributed to sexual selection. However, the effect of ecological factors on genitalia divergence could also be important, especially so in animals with nonretractable genitalia because of their stronger interaction with the surrounding environment in comparison with animals with retractable genitalia. Here, we examine the potential of a pervasive ecological factor (predation) to influence the length and allometry of the male genitalia in guppies. We sampled guppies from pairs of low‐predation (LP) and high‐predation (HP) populations in seven rivers in Trinidad, and measured their body and gonopodium length. A key finding was that HP adult males do not have consistently longer gonopodia than do LP adult males, as had been described in previous work. However, we did find such divergence for juvenile males: HP juveniles have longer gonopodia than do LP juveniles. We therefore suggest that an evolutionary trend toward the development of longer gonopodia in HP males (as seen in the juveniles) is erased after maturity owing to the higher mortality of mature males with longer gonopodia. Beyond these generalities, gonopodium length and gonopodium allometry were remarkably variable among populations even within a predation regime, thus indicating strong context dependence to their development/evolution. Our findings highlight the complex dynamics of genitalia evolution in Trinidadian guppies.  相似文献   

Parental care is expected to evolve according to a trade-offbetween the benefits of increased survival of offspring andcosts of reduced survival and future reproduction of adults.Here we investigate the components of this life-history trade-offin shorebirds (Charadriides, excluding Laroidea), an avian infraorderdisplaying an unusual diversity in extent of care by each sex.We show that evolutionary increases in the duration of carein one sex are associated with decreased care by the other.We found no evidence that various hypothesised benefits of careprovide a general explanation for the duration of care by eitheror both sexes, although parental feeding of the young was tooconservative for comparisons. Sexual dimorphism in body sizehad a similar relationship to parental care in both sexes: reductionsin duration of care by either sex were matched by increasesin the size of that sex relative to the other. Whereas thispattern could be explained by sexual selection in males, itwas retained within socially monogamous females. Reduced carein males (but not in females) appears to have facilitated theevolution of greater migration distances. These results suggestthat parental care has had different causes and consequencesin each sex. Benefits of desertion due to sexual selection aremore clearly demonstrable for males, whereas correlates of careare less clear for females  相似文献   

Ecological coupling by material exchanges or dispersal between spatially distinct communities has important impacts on ecological processes, such as diversity–stability relationships, ecosystem function, and food web dynamics. One important mode of coupling between ecosystems occurs via organisms with complex life histories, which often switch between distinct ecosystems during their life cycle, and so can be channels of material exchanges between these ecosystems. Some organisms with complex life histories (e.g. frogs, dragonflies) can be abundant and effective predators during one or more life stages, and so provide conduits for strong direct and indirect interactions across ecosystem boundaries, linking the dynamics of discrete and often quite dissimilar community types. We present simple models and a case study (tailored to pond ecosystems), to explore how interactions within larval habitats can indirectly impact ecological interactions in adult habitats. Using our case study as a springboard, we propose that cohorts of predators emerging from natal habitats (e.g. ponds) cast 'predation shadows' on the surrounding adult (e.g. terrestrial) landscape. Trophic interactions within ponds, and the distribution of ponds on the landscape, can thus affect the spatial pattern in the strength of these predation shadows, creating strong spatial patterning in terrestrial trophic cascades. Our findings emphasize the importance of organisms with complex life histories as generators of strong links across ecosystem boundaries, and as potential sources of spatial variation in the strength and indirect impacts of interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

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