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The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence data base and have been assigned the accesion number M74842. The name DQB1*0304 has been officially assigned by the WHO Nomenclature Committee in November 1991. This follows the agreed policy that, subject to the conditions stated in the most recent Nomenclature Report (WHO Nomenclature Committee for factors of the HLA system, 1991), names will be assigned to new sequences as they are identified. List of such new names will be published in the following WHO Nomenclature Report.  相似文献   

Sequence and PCR-RFLP analysis of 14 novel BoLA-DRB3 alleles   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The genetic diversity of the bovine class IIDRB3 locus was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and DNA sequencing of the first domain exon. Studying 34 animals of various cattle breeds, 14 previously unrecognized DRB3 alleles were identified. In three alleles, amino acid substitutions were observed that had not been previously found in bovine DRB3, but occurred at the same position in bovine DQB and in the DRB alleles of other mammals. For all newly identified alleles, the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns of PCR products obtained with the enzymes Rsa I, Bst YI, and Hae III were compared with patterns of 38 previously described alleles. Altogether, eleven novel PCR-RFLP types were defined. Twelve out of the 42 PCR-RFLP types identified so far were not found to be fully informative because they corresponded to more than one allelic sequence. PCR-RFLP may therefore be a rapid and useful method for DRB3 typing in cattle families, but for studies on outbred populations, sequencing and hybridization techniques are required.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M74030 for HLA DRB1*14.7, M74031 for HLA DRB1*14.8, and M74032 for HLA DRB1*14.6.  相似文献   

Sequence diversity at a coding-region microsatellite locus of two diploid Candida species was surveyed. Twenty-one alleles from fourteen strains of Candida albicans and three alleles from two strains of the closely related Candida dubliniensis were sequenced. Results show independent length variation in two contiguous hexanucleotide repeats, one non-contiguous hexanucleotide repeat, and two non-contiguous trinucleotide repeats within a 120 bp coding region. A neighboring, non-repetitive 120 bp region showed no variation. The information density of sequence polymorphisms in this region provides a powerful tool for genotyping microorganisms in epidemiological studies, yielding detailed resolution of closely related strains, and clearly distinguishing the two species studied here. The individual length-variable repeat regions are very short (2–8 repeats), demonstrating that even very short microsatellites can show high levels of length variability when surrounded by similarly repetitive DNA. Extensive homoplasy was discovered among the C. albicans alleles, with the majority of overall length categories consisting of alleles with more than one sequence. Our results show that microsatellite length alone should not be used to assume either sequence identity or identity by descent. Microsatellite length mutations appear to have generated the high degree of both inter- and intraspecific polymorphism seen at the ERK1 locus, and form an island of variability in an otherwise well-conserved gene.  相似文献   

The self-restriction of Ag-specific T cell responses is interpreted as the result of a positive selection of the individual's T cell specificities for their compatibility with self-MHC molecules. If the T cell receptor (TCR) specificities in any given individual have an affinity for syngeneic MHC molecules, it is unclear how they interact with allogeneic MHC structures. To approach this question, we analyzed 123 alloreactive HLA-DR4 Dw4 or Dw14 specific T cell clones that were generated from responder/stimulator combinations with defined disparities in the HLA-DR beta 1-chain. Sets of T cell clones were established from three different HLA-Dw4+ responders and compared for their fine specificities. The majority of HLA-DR4 Dw14 specific T cell clones co-recognized HLA-DR1 Dw1+ (33 to 36% of all T cell clones) or HLA-DRw14 Dw16+ (26 to 33%) stimulators, both of which share very similar sequences in the third hypervariable region of the HLA-DR beta 1-chain with the HLA-DR4 alleles Dw4 and Dw14. These data suggest that sequence and structural similarities in the alpha-helical portions of the HLA-DR molecule impose a strong bias on the recognition of allotargets. The second haplotype of the responder did not appear to affect the typical fingerprint of T cell recognition except for the deletion of self-reactive TCR specificities. Nonrandom usage of TCR specificities in anti-HLA-DR responses was also found for HLA-DRw11/DRw13+ and HLA-DRw11/DR7+ T cell donors who did not share any obvious polymorphic sequence stretches with the allostimulators HLA-DR4 Dw4 or Dw14. T cell clones from an HLA-DRw11/DRw13+ responder functionally resembled the TCR specificities derived from the HLA-DR4 Dw4+ donors. T cell clones derived from an HLA-DRw11/DR7+ individual were characterized by a distinct cross-reactivity pattern preferring HLA-DRw13 Dw19+ (50 to 60%) and HLA-DR3+ (43 to 57%) stimulator cells. These findings suggest that the responder HLA-DR alleles influence the structural constraints in the recognition of allo-HLA-DR molecules in closely related and in completely disparate responder/stimulator combinations.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflict permeates biological systems. In sexually reproducing organisms, sex-specific optima mean that the same allele can have sexually antagonistic expression, i.e. beneficial in one sex and detrimental in the other, a phenomenon known as intralocus sexual conflict. Intralocus sexual conflict is emerging as a potentially fundamental factor for the genetic architecture of fitness, with important consequences for evolutionary processes. However, no study to date has directly experimentally tested the evolutionary fate of a sexually antagonistic allele. Using genetic constructs to manipulate female fecundity and male mating success, we engineered a novel sexually antagonistic allele (SAA) in Drosophila melanogaster. The SAA is nearly twice as costly to females as it is beneficial to males, but the harmful effects to females are recessive and X-linked, and thus are rarely expressed when SAA occurs at low frequency. We experimentally show how the evolutionary dynamics of the novel SAA are qualitatively consistent with the predictions of population genetic models: SAA frequency decreases when common, but increases when rare, converging toward an equilibrium frequency of ~8%. Furthermore, we show that persistence of the SAA requires the mating advantage it provides to males: the SAA frequency declines towards extinction when the male advantage is experimentally abolished. Our results empirically demonstrate the dynamics underlying the evolutionary fate of a sexually antagonistic allele, validating a central assumption of intralocus sexual conflict theory: that variation in fitness-related traits within populations can be maintained via sex-linked sexually antagonistic loci.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the HLA-DRB1 alleles and -308 TNF-alpha gene polymorphism in 78 sarcoidosis patients and 50 controls. The sarcoidosis group as a whole did not show any significant correlation with the TNF-A or the HLA-DR alleles compared to the control group. However, the patient subgroups of L?fgren and non-L?fgren sarcoidosis exhibited significant allele associations. In the L?fgren patient group, the TNF-A2 and the HLA-DR3 alleles were represented significantly higher, with a highly significant relative risk resulting from the presence of the TNF-A2 or the HLA-DR3 allele or both. In the non-L?fgren patient group, the phenotype expressing HLA-DR2 and lacking TNF-A2 was significantly higher than in the L?fgren patient group. Due to these significant genetic differences in the subgroups of L?fgren and non-L?fgren sarcoidosis patients, we conclude that the genotyping of these two loci (-308 TNF-alpha promoter polymorphism and HLA-DR) may be of prognostic value for the course of disease in sarcoidosis.  相似文献   

The clone TA10 is a T3+ T4+ T8- proliferative and cytolytic human T cell clone. This clone has been shown to be specific for the hemagglutinin of influenza A Texas virus and restricted by an HLA class II molecule associated with the DRw8-Dw8.1 phenotype. Here we show that TA10 and all of its subclones can also react with eight HLA-DRw8 negative, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed cell lines or phytohemagglutinin blasts in the absence of influenza antigens. All of these cell lines are HLA-DR2/DR4 with a classic DR2 long haplotype. The only nonreactive HLA-DR2/DR4 cell line observed bears a DR2 short haplotype. Only heterozygous HLA-DR2/DR4 but not parental DR2 or DR4 EBV-transformed cell lines can be recognized by TA10, indicating that the cross-reacting determinant is a transcomplementation product between HLA-DR2 and HLA-DR4 haplotypes. DR-specific, but not DQ- or DP-specific monoclonal antibodies, inhibit in the proliferation assay and in the chromium release test both the DRw8-Dw8.1-restricted and the anti-DR2/DR4 reactions. These results show that HLA-DR-restricted, anti-viral human T cell clone can evidence cross-reactivity for allospecific class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex, and human CTL can recognize transcomplementation products of class II HLA genes. In addition, the results suggest that a beta-chain coded for by an HLA-DR gene and associated with an alpha-chain coded for by a still unidentified but possibly HLA-DQ gene constitute this functional transcomplementation product.  相似文献   

The major determinant of prion disease incubation time in mice is thought to be the amino acid sequence of the prion protein. Two alleles of the mouse prion gene (Prnp) have been described, where Prnpa (Leu-108, Thr-189) and Prnpb (Phe-108, Val-189) are associated with short and long incubation times, to defined prion strains, respectively. As part of a survey of inbred mouse lines, the prion gene open reading frame was sequenced and revealed a new allele, Prnpc (Phe-108, Thr-189), in the strain MAI/Pas. To study the influence of Prnpc independently of the MAI/Pas genetic background, we generated a congenic line in which Prnpc was bred onto the C57BL/6JOlaHsd background. Following intracerebral inoculation with Chandler/RML scrapie prions, the congenic mice showed an increased mean incubation time relative to C57BL/6JOlaHsd, of over 100 days. However, no differences were observed in the intensity and pattern of PrP immunoreactivity deposition or spongiosis. We conclude that the new allele, Prnpc, modulates incubation time but not neuropathology and that the previous classification of mice into two distinct groups based on incubation time and Prnp genotype should now be revised.  相似文献   

The molecules of the MHC are highly polymorphic and involve in Ag presentation; their striking genetic polymorphism allows probable interactions with a large variety of antigenic fragments when these are presented to the TCR. It is therefore of interest to explore the extent of this polymorphism and the mechanisms of its generation. We have studied the class II HLA-DR blank allele DR-BON that has been previously defined by MLR, restriction fragment length polymorphism, and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A cDNA library was constructed from a DR-BON homozygous typing cell and cDNA corresponding to DR alpha- and DR beta-chains were sequenced. By comparison with other known alpha- and beta-chain sequences it is shown that the alpha-chain is invariant and the beta-chain differs from DR1 by only six nucleotides, clustered in the third variable region with three amino acid changes at position 67, 70, and 71. The short DNA stretch of sequence encoding the 67-71 region is also present in other DR alleles: DR4/Dw10, DRw13, and some DRw11 specificities. Therefore we propose that a gene conversion-like event has occurred between the DRB1 *0101 (DR1/Dw1) gene and one of these three DRB1 genes. Extensive typing has been performed with a DR-BON-specific 17-mer oligonucleotide. Cross-hybridization with other genes than the ones expected from DNA sequence comparison was not observed. A selected panel of DR-BON reactive T cell clones shows three patterns of reactivity. Some clones are strictly DR-BON specific; some cross-reacted with DRw13 and a few cross-reacted with other haplotypes. The role of different epitopes of the third variable region of HLA-DR beta chain in allo-reaction is discussed.  相似文献   

This study employed the post-real-time PCR application, high resolution melting (HRM) analysis, in order to differentiate between characterised clinical and reference Cryptosporidium parvum samples obtained from Cork University Hospital (Cork, Ireland) and the Cryptosporidium Reference Unit (Swansea, Wales). A sample set composed of 18 distinct C. parvum gp60-subtypes of the IIa gp60-subtype family (an allele family accounting for over 80% of all cryptosporidiosis cases in Ireland) was employed. HRM analysis-based interrogation of the gp60, MM5 and MS9-Mallon tandem repeat loci was found to completely differentiate between 10 of the 18 studied gp60-subtypes. The remaining eight gp60-subtypes were differentiated into three distinct groupings, with the designations within these groupings resolved to two to three potential gp60-subtypes.The current study aimed to develop a novel, reproducible, real-time PCR based multi-locus genotyping method to distinguish between C. parvum gp60-subtypes. These preliminary results support the further expansion of the multi-locus panel in order to increase the discriminatory capabilities of this novel method.  相似文献   

A specific light program consisting of multiple treatments with alternating red and far-red light pulses was used to isolate mutants in phytochrome A-dependent signal transduction in Arabidopsis seedlings. Because of their phenotype, the mutants were called eid (empfindlicher im dunkelroten Licht, which means hypersensitive in far-red light). One of the isolated mutants, eid6, is a novel recessive allele of the COP1 gene (constitutive photomorphogenic 1) that carries an amino acid transition in a conserved histidine residue of the RING finger domain. Mutant seedlings exhibited an extreme hypersensitivity towards all tested light qualities, but in contrast to known cop1 alleles, no constitutive photomorphogenic phenotype was detectable in darkness. Thus, the novel cop1eid6 allele seems to encode for a protein whose remaining activity is sufficient for the suppression of photomorphogenesis in dark-grown plants. In adult cop1eid6 plants, the development of the Cop1 phenotype is dominated by phytochrome B. Comparison of the phenotype of the novel cop1eid6 and the weak cop1-4 allele under continuous far-red light indicates that the RING finger and coiled-coil domains of COP1 are sufficient for some specific regulatory function in phytochrome A-dependent high irradiance responses.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis in which allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization is followed by non-gel capillary electrophoresis (ASOH-NGCE) in conjunction with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). This allows rapid multiplex allelotyping and allele frequency estimation. This method, based on site separation of the hybridization duplexes, retains the simplicity and specificity of ASOH and the homogeneous feature of NGCE with poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide) (PDMA) as a sieving medium. ASOH-NGCE can be applied to multiplex SNP loci genotyping with excellent separation of hybridization mixtures. Average relative standard deviations (RSDs) were low for within-day (1.10%) and between-day (2.41%) reproducibility. Moreover, the allele frequencies in pooled DNAs were accurately determined from peak areas and equilibrium dissociation constants. Our method was highly sensitive in detecting alleles with frequency as low as 1% and in distinguishing allele frequencies differing by 1% between pools. The average value of differences between real and estimated frequencies (accuracy) was only 0.004.  相似文献   

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