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转录因子及启动子是基因回路的基础。相较于原核启动子,真核启动子作用机制复杂,增加了全新设计与改造的难度。目前有限数量的真核转录因子及启动子成为在哺乳动物细胞中设计并实现复杂基因回路以满足各类临床或工业应用需求的瓶颈。文中介绍了基于能够结合特定DNA序列的DNA结合结构域,通过柔性连接肽连接到转录抑制模块KRAB,构建抑制型转录因子以及通过在SV40启动子下游插入结合序列构建对应启动子的方法。而后,在哺乳动物细胞系中通过流式细胞术对其抑制转录的强度、不同转录因子及启动子对之间的正交性进行了测定。文中提供了一套标准化的、可调节的转录因子及启动子的全新设计与构建方案。基于该方案所构建的5对抑制型转录因子及启动子对能够在哺乳动物细胞中起到不同程度的抑制效果且相互正交。文中构建的哺乳动物转录因子及启动子对扩充了哺乳动物生物元件库,为构建复杂真核基因回路打下了基础;运用该设计方法能够根据需求构建更多正交的人工转录因子及启动子对。  相似文献   

The specialized protein synthesis functions of the cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum compartments are conferred by the signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway, which directs the cotranslational trafficking of signal sequence-encoding mRNAs from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Although subcellular mRNA distributions largely mirror the binary pattern predicted by the SRP pathway model, studies in mammalian cells, yeast, and Drosophila have also demonstrated that cytosolic protein-encoding mRNAs are broadly represented on ER-bound ribosomes. A mechanism for such noncanonical mRNA localization remains, however, to be identified. Here, we examine the hypothesis that de novo translation initiation on ER-bound ribosomes serves as a mechanism for localizing cytosolic protein-encoding mRNAs to the ER. As a test of this hypothesis, we performed single molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization studies of subcellular mRNA distributions and report that a substantial fraction of mRNAs encoding the cytosolic protein GAPDH resides in close proximity to the ER. Consistent with these data, analyses of subcellular mRNA and ribosome distributions in multiple cell lines demonstrated that cytosolic protein mRNA-ribosome distributions were strongly correlated, whereas signal sequence-encoding mRNA-ribosome distributions were divergent. Ribosome footprinting studies of ER-bound polysomes revealed a substantial initiation codon read density enrichment for cytosolic protein-encoding mRNAs. We also demonstrate that eukaryotic initiation factor 2α is bound to the ER via a salt-sensitive, ribosome-independent mechanism. Combined, these data support ER-localized translation initiation as a mechanism for mRNA recruitment to the ER.  相似文献   

Two osteoblastic cell populations, calvarial and marrow stromal cells, were exposed to estrogen derivatives in vitro. The hormonal effect was monitored by following intracellular Ca+2 levels [Ca+2]i and gap-junction communication. We measured fast changes in intracellular Ca+2 levels in response, of these cells, to the steroid hormones. The changes were dose dependent revealing maximal activity at 100 pM by 17-β-Estradiol and 1 nM by estradiol-CMO. Additionally, the effect of estrogen, on functional coupling of the cells, was measured using fluorescence dye migration and counting the number of neighboring cells coupled by gap junctions. An uncoupling effect was demonstrated in response of these cells to estrogen treatment. The quick stereospecific effect was achieved in the presence of 17-β-estradiol but not in the presence of 17-α-estradiol. These results suggest the involvement of plasma membrane receptors in addition to the already known nuclear receptors in transducing the hormone effects in the osteoblastic cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 69:282–290, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Silk fibroin, collagen, freezing point depressing glycoproteins, keratin and protamines have periodic amino acid sequences which are unlikely to have arisen by amino acid replacements and internal duplications of non-periodic DNA. Evidence here discussed suggests that such proteins arise by a single evolutionary event, an iterativede novo synthesis of DNA.Abbreviations used a ala - r arg - n asn - d asp - c cys - q gln - e glu - h his - i ile - l leu - k lys - m met - f phe - p pro - s ser - t thr - w trp - y tyr - v val - z gln or glu (Dayhoff, 1969) Where appropriate, the now accepted one letter notation will be used for amino acidsWhen attention is drawn to some residue it is capitalized.* signifies the amino or carboxy terminus of a sequence.When attention is drawn to some residue it is capitalized.* signifies the amino or carboxy terminus of a sequence.  相似文献   

Although the regulation of the cell cycle has been extensively studied, much less is known about its coordination with the cellular metabolism. Using mass spectrometry we found that lysophospholipid levels decreased drastically from G2/M to G1 phase, while de novo phosphatidylcholine synthesis, the main phospholipid in mammalian cells, increased, suggesting that enhanced membrane production was concomitant to a decrease in its turnover. In addition, fatty acid synthesis and incorporation into membranes was increased upon cell division. The rate-limiting reaction for de novo fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase. As expected, its inhibiting phosphorylation decreased prior to cytokinesis initiation. Importantly, the inhibition of fatty acid synthesis arrested the cells at G2/M despite the presence of abundant fatty acids in the media. Our results suggest that de novo lipogenesis is essential for cell cycle completion. This “lipogenic checkpoint” at G2/M may be therapeutically exploited for hyperproliferative diseases such as cancer.  相似文献   

Gastrodin, a phenolic glycoside, is the key ingredient of Gastrodia elata, a notable herbal plant that has been used to treat various conditions in oriental countries for centuries. Gastrodin is extensively used clinically for its sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsive and neuroprotective properties in China. Gastrodin is usually produced by plant extraction or chemical synthesis, which has many disadvantages. Herein, we report unprecedented microbial synthesis of gastrodin via an artificial pathway. A Nocardia carboxylic acid reductase, endogenous alcohol dehydrogenases and a Rhodiola glycosyltransferase UGT73B6 transformed 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, an intermediate of ubiquinone biosynthesis, into gastrodin in Escherichia coli. Pathway genes were overexpressed to enhance metabolic flux toward precursor 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol. Furthermore, the catalytic properties of the UGT73B6 toward phenolic alcohols were improved through directed evolution. The finally engineered strain produced 545 mg l−1 gastrodin in 48 h. This work creates a new route to produce gastrodin, instead of plant extractions and chemical synthesis.  相似文献   

De novo folding simulations of the major pVIII coat protein from filamentous fd bacteriophage, using a newly developed implicit membrane generalized Born model and replica-exchange molecular dynamics, are presented and discussed. The quality of the predicted structures, judged by comparison of the root-mean-square deviations of a room temperature ensemble of conformations from the replica-exchange simulations and experimental structures from both solid-state NMR in lipid bilayers and solution-phase NMR on the protein in micelles, was quite good, reinforcing the general quality of the folding simulations. The transmembrane helical segment of the protein was well defined in comparison with experiment and the amphipathic helical fragment remained at the membrane/aqueous phase boundary while undergoing significant conformational flexibility due to the loop connecting the two helical segments of the protein. Additional comparisons of computed solid-state NMR properties, the 15N chemical shift and 15N-1H dipolar coupling constants, showed semi-quantitative agreement with the corresponding measurements. These findings suggest an emerging potential for the de novo investigation of integral membrane peptides and proteins and a mechanism to assist experimental approaches to the characterization and structure determination of these important systems.  相似文献   

Bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate (BMP) is a unique lipid enriched in the late endosomes participating in the trafficking of lipids and proteins through this organelle. The de novo biosynthesis of BMP has not been clearly demonstrated. We investigated whether phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and cardiolipin (CL) could serve as precursors of de novo BMP synthesis using two different cellular models: CHO cells deficient in phosphatidylglycerophosphate (PGP) synthase, the enzyme responsible for the first step of PG synthesis; and human lymphoblasts from patients with Barth syndrome (BTHS), characterized by mutations in tafazzin, an enzyme implicated in the deacylation-reacylation cycle of CL. The biosynthesis of both PG and BMP was reduced significantly in the PGP synthase-deficient CHO mutants. Furthermore, overexpression of PGP synthase in the deficient mutants induced an increase of BMP biosynthesis. In contrast to CHO mutants, BMP biosynthesis and its fatty acid composition were not altered in BTHS lymphoblasts. Our results thus suggest that in mammalian cells, PG, but not CL, is a precursor of the de novo biosynthesis of BMP. Despite the decrease of de novo synthesis, the cellular content of BMP remained unchanged in CHO mutants, suggesting that other pathway(s) than de novo biosynthesis are also used for BMP synthesis.  相似文献   

Here we describe the NMR conformational study of a 20-residue linear peptide designed to fold into a monomeric three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet in aqueous solution. Experimental and statistical data on amino acid beta-turn and beta-sheet propensities, cross-strand side-chain interactions, solubility criteria, and our previous experience with beta-hairpins were considered for a rational selection of the peptide sequence. Sedimentation equilibrium measurements and NMR dilution experiments provide evidence that the peptide is monomeric. Analysis of 1H and 13C-NMR parameters of the peptide, in particular NOEs and chemical shifts, and comparison with data obtained for two 12-residue peptides encompassing the N- and C-segments of the designed sequence indicates that the 20-residue peptide folds into the expected conformation. Assuming a two-state model, the exchange kinetics between the beta-sheet and the unfolded peptide molecules is in a suitable range to estimate the folding rate on the basis of the NMR linewidths of several resonances. The time constant for the coil-beta-sheet transition is of the order of several microseconds in the designed peptide. Future designs based on this peptide system are expected to contribute greatly to our knowledge of the many factors involved in beta-sheet formation and stability.  相似文献   

pH-dependent antibodies are engineered to release their target at a slightly acidic pH, a property making them suitable for clinical as well as biotechnological applications. Such antibodies were previously obtained by histidine scanning of pre-existing antibodies, a labor-intensive strategy resulting in antibodies that displayed residual binding to their target at pH 6.0. We report here the de novo isolation of pH-dependent antibodies selected by phage display from libraries enriched in histidines. Strongly pH-dependent clones with various affinity profiles against CXCL10 were isolated by this method. Our best candidate has nanomolar affinity for CXCL10 at pH 7.2, but no residual binding was detected at pH 6.0. We therefore propose that this new process is an efficient strategy to generate pH-dependent antibodies.  相似文献   

pH-dependent antibodies are engineered to release their target at a slightly acidic pH, a property making them suitable for clinical as well as biotechnological applications. Such antibodies were previously obtained by histidine scanning of pre-existing antibodies, a labor-intensive strategy resulting in antibodies that displayed residual binding to their target at pH 6.0. We report here the de novo isolation of pH-dependent antibodies selected by phage display from libraries enriched in histidines. Strongly pH-dependent clones with various affinity profiles against CXCL10 were isolated by this method. Our best candidate has nanomolar affinity for CXCL10 at pH 7.2, but no residual binding was detected at pH 6.0. We therefore propose that this new process is an efficient strategy to generate pH-dependent antibodies.  相似文献   

To determine how voltage-gated ion channels segregate between sibling cells at cytokinesis, we used a whole-cell patch clamp to measure the electrophysiological phenotypes of siblings within 45 min of division. Recently born siblings in an immortalized line of embryonic retinal cells were identified as pairs of spherical cells adhering to one another. All siblings were electrically coupled when cells were simultaneously voltage clamped, whereas nonsiblings were not coupled. Twelve paris of siblings were electrically isolated by mechanical separation so that their phenotypes could be measured independently. Cells expressed two principal membrane conductances, delayed rectifier-like (IK) and inward rectifier (IK(IR)) potassium currents. Despite qualitative and quantitative variability in IK and IK(IR) expression within the population, each cell of a given pair expressed similar steady-state current densities between –110 and +50 mV. We estimated IK(IR) slope conductance by blocking the current specifically with 5 mM Cs and calculated IK(IR) ratios in siblings and nonsiblings. Three pairs of siblings expressed IK(IR) ratios of approximately 1.2, while ratios in three pairs of adhered nonsiblings varied between 1.6 and 5.4. When currents were sampled continuously through cytokinesis by using the perforated-patch recording mode, current amplitude showed no net change within 30 min of division. Because channel number did not appear to change in siblings during this interval, parental channels were inherited by each daughter in proportion to the area of membrane received. Heterogeneity therefore arises after siblings reenter interphase and is not due to the asymmetrical segregation of channels at cytokinesis. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

De novo design of the hydrophobic core of ubiquitin.   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have previously reported the development and evaluation of a computational program to assist in the design of hydrophobic cores of proteins. In an effort to investigate the role of core packing in protein structure, we have used this program, referred to as Repacking of Cores (ROC), to design several variants of the protein ubiquitin. Nine ubiquitin variants containing from three to eight hydrophobic core mutations were constructed, purified, and characterized in terms of their stability and their ability to adopt a uniquely folded native-like conformation. In general, designed ubiquitin variants are more stable than control variants in which the hydrophobic core was chosen randomly. However, in contrast to previous results with 434 cro, all designs are destabilized relative to the wild-type (WT) protein. This raises the possibility that beta-sheet structures have more stringent packing requirements than alpha-helical proteins. A more striking observation is that all variants, including random controls, adopt fairly well-defined conformations, regardless of their stability. This result supports conclusions from the cro studies that non-core residues contribute significantly to the conformational uniqueness of these proteins while core packing largely affects protein stability and has less impact on the nature or uniqueness of the fold. Concurrent with the above work, we used stability data on the nine ubiquitin variants to evaluate and improve the predictive ability of our core packing algorithm. Additional versions of the program were generated that differ in potential function parameters and sampling of side chain conformers. Reasonable correlations between experimental and predicted stabilities suggest the program will be useful in future studies to design variants with stabilities closer to that of the native protein. Taken together, the present study provides further clarification of the role of specific packing interactions in protein structure and stability, and demonstrates the benefit of using systematic computational methods to predict core packing arrangements for the design of proteins.  相似文献   

De novo design of the hydrophobic cores of proteins.   总被引:22,自引:17,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed and experimentally tested a novel computational approach for the de novo design of hydrophobic cores. A pair of computer programs has been written, the first of which creates a "custom" rotamer library for potential hydrophobic residues, based on the backbone structure of the protein of interest. The second program uses a genetic algorithm to globally optimize for a low energy core sequence and structure, using the custom rotamer library as input. Success of the programs in predicting the sequences of native proteins indicates that they should be effective tools for protein design. Using these programs, we have designed and engineered several variants of the phage 434 cro protein, containing five, seven, or eight sequence changes in the hydrophobic core. As controls, we have produced a variant consisting of a randomly generated core with six sequence changes but equal volume relative to the native core and a variant with a "minimalist" core containing predominantly leucine residues. Two of the designs, including one with eight core sequence changes, have thermal stabilities comparable to the native protein, whereas the third design and the minimalist protein are significantly destabilized. The randomly designed control is completely unfolded under equivalent conditions. These results suggest that rational de novo design of hydrophobic cores is feasible, and stress the importance of specific packing interactions for the stability of proteins. A surprising aspect of the results is that all of the variants display highly cooperative thermal denaturation curves and reasonably dispersed NMR spectra. This suggests that the non-core residues of a protein play a significant role in determining the uniqueness of the folded structure.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that estrogen receptor mRNA and protein co-localize with neurotrophin receptor systems in the developing basal forebrain. In the present study we examined the potential for reciprocal regulation of estrogen and neurotrophin receptor systems by their ligands in a prototypical neurotrophin target, the PC12 cell. using in situ hybridization histochemistry, RT-PCR and a modified nuclear exchange assay, we found both estrogen receptor mRNA and estrogen binding in PC12 cells. Moreover, while estrogen binding was relatively low in naive PC12 cells, long-term exposure to NGF enhanced estrogen binding in these cells by sixfold. Furthermore, concurrent exposure to estrogen and NGF receptor mRNAs deifferentially regulated the expression of the two NGF receptor mRNAs. The expression of trkA mRNA was up-regulated, while p75NGFR mRNA was down-regulated transiently. The present data indicate that NGF may increase neuronal sensitivity to estrogen, and that estrogen, by differentially regulating p75NGFR and trkA mRNA, may alter the ratio fo the two NGF receptors, and, conseuqnetly, neurotrophin responsivity. In view of the widespread co-localization of estrogen and neurotrophin receptor systems in the developing CNS, the reciprocal regulation of these receptor systems by NGF and estrogen may have important implications for processes governing neural maturation and the maintenance of neural funciton. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The de novo formation of organochlorines was observed in a municipalsewage treatment plant. Due to this formation, the amount of organically boundhalogens (AOX) increased 15-fold inside the sewage treatment plant. Per day,more than 6 kg of organically-bound chlorine were produced. Thisformation is not based on a metabolism of present organochlorines, it is a denovo formation out of inorganic chloride and organic substrates. The AOXtriggerconcentration in sewage sludge in Germany is 500 mgkg–1 and was sometimes exceeded by a factor of 10. Noknown anthropogenic organohalogens were found which could explain the elevatedAOX concentrations. Instead many chlorinated compounds could be identifiedwhichwere not known to be of anthropogenic origin. The compound with the highestconcentration was the 3,4-dichlorophenylacetic acid (3,4-CPAc). In one case,more than 1 g kg–1 of this compound was detected.A slaughterhouse that emits phenylacetic acid is probably the origin of thatformation. In model experiments phenylacetic acid was chlorinated with HOCl butchlorinated phenylacetic acids other than 3,4-CPAc were found. Therefore it canbe excluded that the chlorination in the sewage treatment plant takes place byan abiotic reaction with hypochlorite that might have been introduced there. Weassume that the occurring microorganisms are responsible for the de novoformation in the sewage treatment plant. The obtained knowledge could also beuseful to understand natural chlorination processes.  相似文献   

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