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Ethanolamine kinase (ATP:ethanolamine O-phosphotransferase, EC 2.7.1. 82) catalyzes the committed step of phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis via the CDP-ethanolamine pathway. The gene encoding ethanolamine kinase (EKI1) was identified from the Saccharomyces Genome Data Base (locus YDR147W) based on its homology to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CKI1-encoded choline kinase, which also exhibits ethanolamine kinase activity. The EKI1 gene was isolated and used to construct eki1Delta and eki1Delta cki1Delta mutants. A multicopy plasmid containing the EKI1 gene directed the overexpression of ethanolamine kinase activity in wild-type, eki1Delta mutant, cki1Delta mutant, and eki1Delta cki1Delta double mutant cells. The heterologous expression of the S. cerevisiae EKI1 gene in Sf-9 insect cells resulted in a 165,500-fold overexpression of ethanolamine kinase activity relative to control insect cells. The EKI1 gene product also exhibited choline kinase activity. Biochemical analyses of the enzyme expressed in insect cells, in eki1Delta mutants, and in cki1Delta mutants indicated that ethanolamine was the preferred substrate. The eki1Delta mutant did not exhibit a growth phenotype. Biochemical analyses of eki1Delta, cki1Delta, and eki1Delta cki1Delta mutants showed that the EKI1 and CKI1 gene products encoded all of the ethanolamine kinase and choline kinase activities in S. cerevisiae. In vivo labeling experiments showed that the EKI1 and CKI1 gene products had overlapping functions with respect to phospholipid synthesis. Whereas the EKI1 gene product was primarily responsible for phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis via the CDP-ethanolamine pathway, the CKI1 gene product was primarily responsible for phosphatidylcholine synthesis via the CDP-choline pathway. Unlike cki1Delta mutants, eki1Delta mutants did not suppress the essential function of Sec14p.  相似文献   

The DNA segments containing the ADR1 gene and a mutant allele, ADR1-5c, have been isolated by complementation of function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The ADR1 gene is required for synthesis of the glucose-repressible alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHII) when S. cerevisiae cells are grown on a nonfermentable carbon source, whereas the ADR1-5c allele allows ADHII synthesis even during glucose repression. A plasmid pool consisting of yeast DNA fragments isolated from a strain carrying the ADR1-5c allele was used to transform a strain containing the adr1-1 allele, which prevents ADHII depression. Transformants were isolated which expressed ADHII during glucose repression. A plasmid isolated from one of these transformants was shown to carry the ADR1-5c allele by its ability to integrate at the chromosomal adr1-1 locus. The wild-type ADR1 gene was isolated by colony hybridization, using the cloned ADR1-5c gene as a probe. The ADR1-5c and ADR1 DNA segments were indistinguishable by restriction site mapping. A partial ADR1 phenotype could be conferred by a 1.9-kilobase region, but DNA outside of this region appeared to be necessary for normal activation of ADHII by the ADR1 gene.  相似文献   

The ARO1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes the arom multifunctional enzyme. Specific inhibitors of amino acid biosynthesis have been used to obtain evidence that expression of a cloned ARO1 gene is regulated in response to amino acid limitation. Northern blot analysis and sequence studies indicate that ARO1 is regulated by the well characterised S. cerevisiae 'general control' mechanism. This provides a very economical means of simultaneously tailoring the synthesis of five shikimate pathway enzymes to the needs of the cell.  相似文献   

This report describes the isolation of the genes encoding allantoicase (DAL2) and ureidoglycolate hydrolase (DAL3), which are components of the large DAL gene cluster on the right arm of chromosome IX of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. During this work a new gene (DAL7) was identified and found to be regulated in the manner expected for an allantoin pathway gene. Its expression was (i) induced by allophanate, (ii) sensitive to nitrogen catabolite repression, and (iii) responsive to mutation of the DAL80 and DAL81 loci, which have previously been shown to regulate the allantoin degradation system. Hybridization probes generated from these cloned genes were used to analyze expression of the allantoin pathway genes in wild-type and mutant cells grown under a variety of physiological conditions. When comparison was possible, the patterns of mRNA and enzyme levels observed in various strains and physiological conditions were very similar, suggesting that the system is predominantly regulated at the level of gene expression. Although all of the genes seem to be controlled by a common mechanism, their detailed patterns of expression were, at the same time, highly individual and diverse.  相似文献   

We have isolated a gene from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that encodes a 2.0-kilobase heat-inducible mRNA. This gene, which we have designated STI1, for stress inducible, was also induced by the amino acid analog canavanine and showed a slight increase in expression as cells moved into stationary phase. The STI1 gene encodes a 66-kilodalton protein, as determined from the sequence of the longest open reading frame. The putative STI1 protein, as identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, migrated in the region of 73 to 75 kilodaltons as a series of four isoforms with different isoelectric points. STI1 is not homologous to the other conserved HSP70 family members in yeasts, despite similarities in size and regulation. Cells carrying a disruption mutation of the STI1 gene grew normally at 30 degrees C but showed impaired growth at higher and lower temperatures. Overexpression of the STI1 gene resulted in substantial trans-activation of SSA4 promoter-reporter gene fusions, indicating that STI1 may play a role in mediating the heat shock response of some HSP70 genes.  相似文献   

The structural gene (TMP1) for yeast thymidylate synthetase (thymidylate synthase; EC was isolated from a chimeric plasmid bank by genetic complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Retransformation of the dTMP auxotroph GY712 and a temperature-sensitive mutant (cdc21) with purified plasmid (pTL1) yielded Tmp+ transformants at high frequency. In addition, the plasmid was tested for the ability to complement a bacterial thyA mutant that lacks functional thymidylate synthetase. Although it was not possible to select Thy+ transformants directly, it was found that all pTL1 transformants were phenotypically Thy+ after several generations of growth in nonselective conditions. Thus, yeast thymidylate synthetase is biologically active in Escherichia coli. Thymidylate synthetase was assayed in yeast cell lysates by high-pressure liquid chromatography to monitor the conversion of [6-3H]dUMP to [6-3H]dTMP. In protein extracts from the thymidylate auxotroph (tmp1-6) enzymatic conversion of dUMP to dTMP was barely detectable. Lysates of pTL1 transformants of this strain, however, had thymidylate synthetase activity that was comparable to that of the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

The glyoxylate cycle is essential for the utilization of C2 compounds by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Within this cycle, isocitrate lyase catalyzes one of the key reactions. We obtained mutants lacking detectable isocitrate lyase activity, screening for their inability to grow on ethanol. Genetic and biochemical analysis suggested that they carried a defect in the structural gene, ICL1. The mutants were used for the isolation of this gene and it was located on a 3.1-kb BglII-SphI DNA fragment. We then constructed a deletion-substitution mutant in the haploid yeast genome. It did not have any isocitrate lyase activity and lacked the ability to grow on ethanol as the sole carbon source. Both strands of a DNA fragment carrying the gene and its flanking regions were sequenced. An open reading frame of 1671 bp was detected, encoding a protein of 557 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 62515 Da. The deduced amino acid sequence shows extensive similarities to genes encoding isocitrate lyases from various organisms. Two putative cAMP-dependent protein-kinase phosphorylation sites may explain the susceptibility of the enzyme to carbon catabolite inactivation.  相似文献   

We isolated the CAR1 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on a recombinant plasmid and localized it to a 1.58-kilobase DNA fragment. The cloned gene was used as a probe to analyze polyadenylated RNA derived from wild-type and mutant cells grown in the presence and absence of an inducer. Wild-type cells grown without the inducer contained very little polyadenylated RNA capable of hybridizing to the isolated CAR1 gene. A 1.25-kilobase CAR1-specific RNA species was markedly increased, however, in wild-type cells grown in the presence of inducer and in constitutive, regulatory mutants grown without it. No CAR1-specific RNA was observed when one class of constitutive mutant was grown in medium containing a good nitrogen source, such as asparagine. Two other mutants previously shown to be resistant to nitrogen repression contained large quantities of CAR1 RNA regardless of the nitrogen source in the medium. These data point to a qualitative correlation between the steady-state levels of CAR1-specific, polyadenylated RNA and the degree of arginase induction and repression observed in the wild type and in strains believed to carry regulatory mutations. Therefore, they remain consistent with our earlier suggestion that arginase production is probably controlled at the level of gene expression.  相似文献   

The chromosomal organization of the ribosomal RNA gene cluster from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated. 18 S rRNA R-loops were formed with unfractionated high molecular weight DNA crosslinked once per 2.7 × 103 bases with trioxsalen and observed in the electron microscope. Almost all the R-loops were found in very long continuous 9.34 ± 0.18 × 103 base repeating units. In addition, molecules were found at a frequency of one to two per genome equivalent of rDNA where several rRNA genes were linked to long stretches of non-rDNA. These results suggest that rDNA is arranged in a single tandem repetitive cluster of 100 to 140 genes flanked on one or both sides by non-rDNA.  相似文献   

A new Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, XPT1, was isolated as a multicopy suppressor of a hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) defect. Disruption of XPT1 affects xanthine utilization in vivo and results in a severe reduction of xanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (XPRT) activity while HPRT is unaffected. We conclude that XPT1 encodes XPRT in yeast.  相似文献   

Isolation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae TRP3.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Several plasmids, isolated from two plasmid pools, complemented a Saccharomyces cerevisiae trp3 mutant with defective indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase activity. Restriction mapping indicated that a 1.2-kilobase StuI segment was common to all complementing plasmids. Southern blot hybridization established that a cloned 5.2-kilobase BamHI fragment was derived intact from chromosomal DNA. A yeast trp3 mutant transformed with trp3-complementing plasmids contained approximately 40-fold elevated indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase activity. These plasmids also complemented an Escherichia coli trpC mutant, and transformants exhibited enzyme activity. Yeast trp3 is therefore associated with a 1.2-kilobase StuI DNA segment.  相似文献   

C1-Tetrahydrofolate synthase is a trifunctional polypeptide found in eukaryotic organisms that catalyzes 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (EC, 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase (EC, and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (EC activities. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase is found in both the cytoplasm and the mitochondria. The gene encoding yeast mitochondrial C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase was isolated using synthetic oligonucleotide probes based on the amino-terminal sequence of the purified protein. Hybridization analysis shows that the gene (designated MIS1) has a single copy in the yeast genome. The predicted amino acid sequence of mitochondrial C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase shares 71% identity with yeast C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase and shares 39% identity with clostridial 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase. Chromosomal deletions of the mitochondrial C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase gene were generated using the cloned MIS1 gene. Mutant strains which lack a functional MIS1 gene are viable and can grow in medium containing a nonfermentable carbon source. In fact, deletion of the MIS1 locus has no detectable effect on cell growth.  相似文献   

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