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Payne KM  Hatfull GF 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e34052
The mycobacterial cell wall presents significant challenges to mycobacteriophages--viruses that infect mycobacterial hosts--because of its unusual structure containing a mycolic acid-rich mycobacterial outer membrane attached to an arabinogalactan layer that is in turn linked to the peptidoglycan. Although little is known about how mycobacteriophages circumvent these barriers during the process of infection, destroying it for lysis at the end of their lytic cycles requires an unusual set of functions. These include Lysin B proteins that cleave the linkage of mycolic acids to the arabinogalactan layer, chaperones required for endolysin delivery to peptidoglycan, holins that regulate lysis timing, and the endolysins (Lysin As) that hydrolyze peptidoglycan. Because mycobacterial peptidoglycan contains atypical features including 3→3 interpeptide linkages, it is not surprising that the mycobacteriophage endolysins also have non-canonical features. We present here a bioinformatic dissection of these lysins and show that they are highly diverse and extensively modular, with an impressive number of domain organizations. Most contain three domains with a novel N-terminal predicted peptidase, a centrally located amidase, muramidase, or transglycosylase, and a C-terminal putative cell wall binding domain.  相似文献   

Pseudoknots: RNA structures with diverse functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Two new and important features of introns have emerged from analysis of the Euglena gracilis chloroplast genome. One is a new class of introns, designated group III, that may be the closest contemporaries to nuclear pre-mRNA introns. The second is introns that are interrupted by other introns termed twintrons.  相似文献   

Zinc-finger nucleases and TALE nucleases are produced by combining a specific DNA-binding module and a non-specific DNA-cleavage module, resulting in nucleases able to cleave DNA at a unique sequence. Here a new approach for creating highly specific nucleases was pursued by fusing a catalytically inactive variant of the homing endonuclease I-SceI, as DNA binding-module, to the type IIP restriction enzyme PvuII, as cleavage module. The fusion enzymes were designed to recognize a composite site comprising the recognition site of PvuII flanked by the recognition site of I-SceI. In order to reduce activity on PvuII sites lacking the flanking I-SceI sites, the enzymes were optimized so that the binding of I-SceI to its sites positions PvuII for cleavage of the composite site. This was achieved by optimization of the linker and by introducing amino acid substitutions in PvuII which decrease its activity or disturb its dimer interface. The most specific variant showed a more than 1000-fold preference for the addressed composite site over an unaddressed PvuII site. These results indicate that using a specific restriction enzyme, such as PvuII, as cleavage module, offers an alternative to the otherwise often used catalytic domain of FokI, which by itself does not contribute to the specificity of the engineered nuclease.  相似文献   

Group II introns: structure, folding and splicing mechanism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Group II introns are large autocatalytic RNAs found in organellar genomes of plants and lower eukaryotes, as well as in some bacterial genomes. Interestingly, these ribozymes share characteristic traits with both spliceosomal introns and non-LTR retrotransposons and may have a common evolutionary ancestor. Furthermore, group II intron features such as structure, folding and catalytic mechanism differ considerably from those of other large ribozymes, making group II introns an attractive model system to gain novel insights into RNA biology and biochemistry. This review explores recent advances in the structural and mechanistic characterization of group II intron architecture and self-splicing.  相似文献   

Protein O-glycosylation in fungi: diverse structures and multiple functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein glycosylation is essential for eukaryotic cells from yeasts to humans. When compared to N-glycosylation, O-glycosylation is variable in sugar components and the mode of linkages connecting the sugars. In fungi, secretory proteins are commonly mannosylated by protein O-mannosyltransferase (PMT) in the endoplasmic reticulum, and subsequently glycosylated by several glycosyltransferases in the Golgi apparatus to form glycoproteins with diverse O-glycan structures. Protein O-glycosylation has roles in modulating the function of secretory proteins by enhancing the stability and solubility of the proteins, by affording protection from protease degradation, and by acting as a sorting determinant in yeasts. In filamentous fungi, protein O-glycosylation contributes to proper maintenance of fungal morphology, hyphal development, and differentiation. This review describes recent studies of the structure and function of protein O-glycosylation in industrially and medically important fungi.  相似文献   

The view of extracellular matrix (ECM) has evolved from a merely scaffolding and space filling tissue element to an interface actively controlling cellular activities and tissue functions. A highly specialized form of ECM is the basement membrane (BM), an ubiquitous sheet-like polymeric structure composed of a set of distinct glycoproteins and proteoglycans. In this review we are largely focusing on function and assembly of BM in skin (1) at the dermo-epidermal interface and (2) in the resident micro-vasculature. The role of the non-polymeric components perlecan and particularly nidogen is exemplified by reviewing experiments based on genetic approaches and adequate experimental skin models in vivo and in vitro. While in mice total deficiency of one of these components is eventually developmentally lethal, the severity of the defects varies drastically between tissues and also the skin models recapitulating BM formation in vitro. There is accumulating evidence that this relies on the mechanical properties, the molecular composition of the BM, the adjacent ECM or connective tissue, the dynamics of molecular assembly, and ‘minor’ tissue-specific modifier or adapter components. Though the role of nidogen or perlecan is still remaining a controversial issue, the statements ‘being essential for BM/or not’ should be consequently referred to the developmental, tissue, and functional (e.g., repair) context.  相似文献   

核内小体是定位于细胞核内的无膜结构,为多蛋白-RNA复合体,通过招募相关蛋白参与基因转录、RNA剪切、表观遗传调控、肿瘤发生与抑制及抗病毒防御等多种细胞活动.明确核内小体蛋白的形成过程、功能和调控机制对研究相关疾病与病毒-宿主作用机制均具有重要意义.以下以几种核内小体蛋白为例,对核内小体的形成方式、结构与功能进行综述,...  相似文献   

The crystal structures of three proteins of diverse function and low sequence similarity were analyzed to evaluate structural and evolutionary relationships. The proteins include a bacterial bleomycin resistance protein, a bacterial extradiol dioxygenase, and human glyoxalase I. Structural comparisons, as well as phylogenetic analyses, strongly indicate that the modern family of proteins represented by these structures arose through a rich evolutionary history that includes multiple gene duplication and fusion events. These events appear to be historically shared in some cases, but parallel and historically independent in others. A significant early event is proposed to be the establishment of metal-binding in an oligomeric ancestor prior to the first gene fusion. Variations in the spatial arrangements of homologous modules are observed that are consistent with the structural principles of three-dimensional domain swapping, but in the unusual context of the formation of larger monomers from smaller dimers or tetramers. The comparisons support a general mechanism for metalloprotein evolution that exploits the symmetry of a homooligomeric protein to originate a metal binding site and relies upon the relaxation of symmetry, as enabled by gene duplication, to establish and refine specific functions.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis antibiotics: structures, syntheses and specific functions   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
The endospore-forming rhizobacterium Bacillus subtilis- the model system for Gram-positive organisms, is able to produce more than two dozen antibiotics with an amazing variety of structures. The produced anti-microbial active compounds include predominantly peptides that are either ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified (lantibiotics and lantibiotic-like peptides) or non-ribosomally generated, as well as a couple of non-peptidic compounds such as polyketides, an aminosugar, and a phospholipid. Here I summarize the structures of all known B. subtilis antibiotics, their biochemistry and genetic analysis of their biosyntheses. An updated summary of well-studied antibiotic regulation pathways is given. Furthermore, current findings are resumed that show roles for distinct B. subtilis antibiotics beyond the "pure" anti-microbial action: Non-ribosomally produced lipopeptides are involved in biofilm and swarming development, lantibiotics function as pheromones in quorum-sensing, and a "killing factor" effectuates programmed cell death in sister cells. A discussion of how these antibiotics may contribute to the survival of B. subtilis in its natural environment is given.  相似文献   

Self-splicing group II introns are present in the organelles of lower eukaryotes, plants and Bacteria and have been found recently in Archaea. It is generally accepted that group II introns originated in bacteria before spreading to mitochondria and chloroplasts. These introns are thought to be related to the progenitors of spliceosomal introns. Group II introns are also mobile genetic elements. In bacteria, they appear to spread using either other mobile genetic elements or low-expression regions as target sites. Bacteria and Archaea genome sequence annotations have revealed the diversity of group II intron classes and that they are involved in vertical and horizontal inheritance.  相似文献   

Group II introns comprise the majority of noncoding DNA in many plant chloroplast genomes and include the commonly sequenced regions trnK/matK, the rps16 intron, and the rpl16 intron. As demand increases for nucleotide characters at lower taxonomic levels, chloroplast introns may come to provide the bulk of plastome sequence data for assessment of evolutionary relationships in infrageneric, intergeneric, and interfamilial studies. Group II introns have many attractive properties for the molecular systematist: they are confined to organellar genomes in eukaryotes and the majority are single-copy; they share a well-defined and empirically tested secondary and tertiary structure; and many are easily amplified due to highly conserved sequence in flanking exons. However, structure-linked mutation patterns in group II intron sequences are more complex than generally supposed and have important implications for aligning nucleotides, assessing mutational biases in the data, and selecting appropriate models of character evolution for phylogenetic analysis. This paper presents a summary of group II intron function and structure, reviews the link between that structure and specific mutational constraints in group II intron sequences, and discusses strategies for accommodating the resulting complex mutational patterns in subsequent phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

A new family of protein domains consisting of 50-80 amino acid residues is described. It is composed of nearly 40 members, including domains encoded by plastid and phage group I introns; mitochondrial, plastid, and bacterial group II introns; eubacterial genomes and plasmids; and phages. The name "EX1HH-HX3H" was coined for both domain and family. It is based on 2 most prominent amino acid sequence motifs, each encompassing a pair of highly conserved histidine residues in a specific arrangement: EX1HH and HX3H. The "His" motifs often alternate with amino- and carboxy-terminal motifs of a new type of Zn-finger-like structure CX2,4CX29-54[CH]X2,3[CH]. The EX1HH-HX3H domain in eubacterial E2-type bacteriocins and in phage RB3 (wild variant of phage T4) product of the nrdB group I intron was reported to be essential for DNA endonuclease activity of these proteins. In other proteins, the EX1HH-HX3H domain is hypothesized to possess DNase activity as well. Presumably, this activity promotes movement (rearrangement) of group I and group II introns encoding the EX1HH-HX3H domain and other gene targets. In the case of Escherichia coli restrictase McrA and possibly several related proteins, it appears to mediate the restriction of alien DNA molecules.  相似文献   

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