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基于人工神经网络的区域水环境承载力评价模型及其应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
在分析水环境承载力概念及人工神经网络技术基础之上,从阈值角度出发,建立了基于人工神经网络的区域水环境承载力评价模型,并将其应用于辽宁省水环境承载力评价,通过模型计算得到该省水环境承载能力指数。结果表明,2000—2004年,辽宁省水环境承载能力指数分别为0·29、0·36、0·32、0·37和0·43,整体上呈上升趋势,但承载力依然较弱。本文提出的水环境承载力评价模型具有结构简单、建模方便的特点,评价结果可以直观地反映区域水环境承载状态。  相似文献   

河南周口至省界段高速公路建设对生态环境的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
1 周口至省界段高速公路简介河南省周口至省界段高速公路西起周口 ,向东经商水、项城、淮阳、沈丘 ,止于河南省与安徽省两省交界处 ,接界 (首 )阜 (阳 )蚌 (埠 )高速公路 ,建设里程74 70km。本段高速公路经周口市 3 35 9km ,经商水县 2 0 891km ,项城市 4 4 4 6km ,淮阳县13 2 0 0km ,沈丘县 32 80 4km ,是河南省干线公路网规划的中南两横高等级公路主骨架的重要组成部分 ,其建设将对带动区域经济发展有重要作用。周界高速公路属非污染生态建设项目 ,其建设将占用大量的耕地 ,全线将有 4 2 0 3ha耕地形成永久性占地 ,因…  相似文献   

湿地生态系统水环境质量时空演化及其影响因素分析,是湿地理论和应用研究的热点领域.本文在总结国内外研究工作现状的基础上,探讨并构建了湿地水环境质量时空分异的影响因子分类体系,并对不同因子的湿地水环境效应研究特征进行了初步的归纳和总结.结果显示,自然因子是湿地水环境演化的背景约束因子,人为活动主导下的生产和消费过程是湿地水环境劣化的主导因子.采用工程和管理措施,遏制湿地水环境劣化趋势,是湿地管理的核心任务,但其衍生的负面效应应当引起关注.现阶段湿地生态系统水环境时空演化特征及成因研究工作缺乏整体性和集成性,综合影响因子构建和景观生态特征的湿地水环境效应研究是该领域研究工作逐步走向综合和集成的重要环节.  相似文献   

汉江上游金水河流域森林植被对水环境的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卜红梅  党海山  张全发 《生态学报》2010,30(5):1341-1348
以汉江上游金水河流域为研究区域,分析了流域森林植被对水环境的影响。利用年降水量、林冠截留率和不同森林类型面积的数据,计算了金水河流域森林生态系统的水源涵养量,分析了流域森林植被对水量的影响;采用监测的方法,分别对金水河流域阔叶林森林生态系统的大气降水、枯落物层、土壤层和出口河水的水质进行了比较分析,探讨流域森林植被对水质的影响。结果表明,(1)金水河流域森林生态系统的水源年涵养总量为466.79×106m3,(2)流域阔叶林森林生态系统能够调节pH值,缓解大气降水的酸性环境;降低了大气降水中TDS、CODMn、HCO3、SO4、Cl、NO3、NH4-N、NO3-N、PO4-P、TDP、As、Ba、Cr、Na、Pb、Fe、K、Mn、V和Zn的含量,净化了水质。(3)根据各贮水层的水质分析,推断了河水中各物质的不同来源。研究为南水北调中线工程水源地的管理和建设提供了参考。  相似文献   

微囊藻毒素对水环境的影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微囊藻毒素是富营养化淡水水体中最常见的藻类毒素,是湖泊蓝藻产生的一类肽类毒素,它的产生受到藻类的遗传和环境因素的共同影响。由于其毒性大,分布广,结构稳定,从而成为水环境中的潜在危害物质。有关微囊藻毒素性质、毒理毒性、在环境中的迁移、转化以及控制预防已成为关注热点。在总结国内外研究的基础上,综述了微囊藻毒素的性质、产生机理以及其与水环境、水生生物(水生植物、鱼类、无脊椎动物)间的相互作用,讨论了微囊藻毒素对水生生物的影响以及水生生物对微囊藻毒素的降解作用,为水体中微囊藻毒素的防治提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

水环境压力对鱼体比重和鱼鳔的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水环境压力对鱼体比重和鱼鳔的影响廖晓东(湖南省郴州教育学院423000)鱼类是高度适应水生的脊椎动物。能精巧地调节身体比重,让身体在水中处于一种悬浮失重状态,减少能耗,运动灵活自如,是鱼类对水中游泳生活的一种重要的适应。在鱼类躯体的组织结构中,肌肉、...  相似文献   

水环境生态安全与一个区域生态系统的良性循环息息相关。为了对陕西省水环境生态安全水平进行合理评价,结合陕西省水生态现状,基于DPSBR概念模型构建水生态安全水平评价体系,采用SPA-MC(集对分析—马尔科夫链)耦合模型对陕西省2000—2017年水环境安全状况进行了动态评价,并提出适应性建议。结果表明:陕西省2000—2017年水环境生态安全水平整体上呈现先升高后降低的趋势,2001—2010年明显升高,2011—2017年降低;2010—2012年安全水平最高,为“较安全”水平, 2001、2002年安全水平最低,为“较不安全”水平;层级水平上,“生态压力”和“生态基础”对陕西省水环境生态安全水平的影响最大,指标水平上“水资源开发利用率”与“水土保持面积”的影响最大;预测陕西省2018—2025年水环境生态安全水平将长期处于“临界安全”状态,且逐步向“较安全”水平转变。重视水土保持工作和水污染防治工作,是持续改善陕西省水环境生态安全状况的重要举措。研究成果对陕西省水环境的有效保护以及生态建设政策的制定具有指导意义。  相似文献   

纵向岭谷区高速公路建设对沿线植物生物量的影响   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
选定西南纵向岭谷区大保(大理-保山)和思小(思茅-小勐养)两段高速公路,按照地貌条件的不同(山顶和山腰),在垂直公路方向上对沿线各样点(距离公路分别为5m、20m、40m、80m、120m和200m)及其参照点处的各类植被(乔木、灌木和草本)的生物量进行了测定;对比分析了高速公路建设对沿线各样点处各类植物生物量的影响特征和强度;拟合了公路建设干扰下其沿线各类植物的生物量随距离公路远近而变化的回归方程,确定了公路建设的影响范围;对不同地貌条件下两条公路对沿线各类植物生物量的影响范围和强度进行了比较分析。结果表明:(1)高速公路建设通过影响绿色植物的数量和光合作用等生理过程对沿线植物生物量产生了影响,其影响类别有正负两种,乔木主要受负面影响,灌木和草本主要受正面影响;(2)高速公路沿线乔木层的生物量随距离公路远近变化的曲线呈“J”形。最大值出现在距离公路最远样点处,最小值出现在距离公路最近样点处;灌木和草本层生物量的变化曲线呈“单峰”形,最大值在距离公路20—50m范围,紧邻和远离公路的样点处均较小;(3)两条公路对沿线植物生物量的影响范围和强度因路段、地貌条件和植被类型而不同,大保高速公路对沿线各类植物生物量的影响范围、对乔木层生物量的影响强度大于思小公路,对灌木和草本层生物量的影响强度小于思小公路;高速公路建设在不同地貌条件下的影响范围和强度满足:山腰〉山顶,对各类植物的影响范围满足:草本〉灌木〉乔木,影响强度满足:乔木〉草本〉灌木。  相似文献   

高速公路对野生动物生存环境的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对长沙市绕城高速公路、长永高速公路、永浏高等级公路和岳麓山风景区周边高等级公路的考察,并以岳麓山风景区周边公路网作为研究模型,概述高速公路网络对自然区域野生动物的生存空间及活动通道的分割,而影响野生动物的觅食、迁徙和基因交流,导致生物物种衰退或消亡的趋势.  相似文献   

基于系统动力学的辽宁省水环境承载力模拟与预测   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
应用系统动力学方法建立了水环境承载力模型,并结合层次分析法和向量模法,模拟了辽宁省水环境系统的动态变化,预测了2000-2050年辽宁省水环境在不同发展方案下的承载能力.结果表明:若保持现行发展方案不变,2000-2050年,辽宁省水环境承载力将呈逐年下降趋势;仅增加水资源供给、不进行科学合理的水环境保护与治理,将无法提高该区域水环境承载能力;只有将开源、节流、治污、减排等多种手段相结合,才能有效提高辽宁省水环境承载能力,促进该地区经济、社会和环境的协调发展.  相似文献   

南江工业园地处珠江支流北江江边,内设有电镀、五金加工企业,为查明工业园所在区域的环境状况,确定工业园噪声对周边环境产生的影响,对南江工业园的环境噪声进行了调查,结果表明:工业园噪声已对其周边环境造成一定的影响,施工期施工噪声均已超过标准值,已对附近自然村和学校产生较大的影响,而且尤以夜间的影响最大。运行期对3个敏感自然村,1所小学的环境噪声水平普遍升高,全天分别超过2类和1类标准,昼间超出标准值7.5%~17.2%,夜间超出标准值19.2%~33.3%。  相似文献   

Transformation techniques are making it possible to produce novel and unusual plant phenotypes. When considering the environmental impact of these, it is important to do so in the context of what is known about conventional plant breeding and the thousands of varieties that have been produced during this century and earlier. There has now been over ten years of experience of environmental impact assessment with transgenic plants, and research has enabled that assessment process to be better informed scientifically. There are, however, important challenges for the future. Fundamental changes in plant biology, including enhanced tolerance to stressful environments, may create a class of plants that are different from those that have been produced so far, and there may be lessons to be learnt from the experience worldwide of the release of exotic species into different countries. Scale-dependent effects of transgenic plants in agriculture can only effectively be measured by large scale production and monitoring. The monitoring process presents a number of challenges to provide oversight that is meaningful and helpful in assessing environmental impact. The international transboundary movement of transgenic plants is already a reality, and it is important that our environmental impact assessments take this possibility into account. This includes both intentional transboundary movement, through trade of commodity crops, but also unintentional transboundary movement, including the possibility of seeds being moved by animals, by transportation and by humans across the world. There are some major challenges in devising agricultural strategies for the transgenic crops that will become available in the future. The responsibility for developing agricultural strategy rests at a number of levels. To achieve this, it will be necessary to have effective dialogue between the regulatory authorities, the plant breeding and agrochemical industries, and the farming industry. There are already encouraging moves in this direction and hopefully this will continue.  相似文献   

As the density of development increases, there is a growing need to address the cumulative effects of project developments on the environment. In Canada this need has been recognized in legislation whereby new project developments that require an environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act are required to address the cumulative effects of proposed project activities relative to the existing environmental condition. Unfortunately, existing stressor-based and effects-based approaches to environmental assessment do not adequately address cumulative effects as defined under the Act when used in isolation. However, elements from each approach can be conceptually incorporated into a holistic cumulative effects assessment framework. Key framework components include: (1) an effects-based assessment to determine existing accumulated environmental state, (2) a stressor-based assessment to predict potential impacts of new development relative to the existing environmental state, (3) post-development monitoring to assess the accuracy of impact predictions and to provide an avenue for adaptive management, and (4) decision-making frameworks to link scientific information to public opinion and managerial action. The key advantage of this framework is that it provides a more holistic, systematic approach for incorporation of ecological information into a scientific and management framework for cumulative effects assessment.  相似文献   

Renewable energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets are driving an acceleration in the use of bioenergy resources. The environmental impact of national and regional development plans must be assessed in compliance with the EU Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/EC). Here, we quantify the environmental impact of an Irish Government bioenergy plan to replace 30% of peat used in three peat‐burning power stations, located within the midlands region, with biomass. Four plan alternatives for supplying biomass to the power plant were considered in this study: (1) importation of palm kernel shell from south‐east Asia, (2) importation of olive cake pellets from Spain and (3) growing either willow or (4) Miscanthus in the vicinity of the power stations. The impact of each alternative on each of the environmental receptors proposed in the SEA Directive was first quantified before the data were normalized on either an Irish, regional or global scale. Positive environmental impacts were very small compared to the negative environmental impacts for each of the plan alternatives considered. Comparison of normalized indicator values confirmed that the adverse environmental consequences of each plan alternative are concentrated at the location where the biomass is produced. The analysis showed that the adverse environmental consequences of biomass importation are substantially greater than those associated with the use of willow and Miscanthus grown on former grassland. The use of olive cake pellets had a greater adverse environmental effect compared to the use of peat whereas replacement of peat with either willow or Miscanthus feedstocks led to a substantial reduction in environmental pressure. The proposed assessment framework combines the scope of SEA with the quantitative benefits of life cycle assessment and can be used to evaluate the environmental consequences of bioenergy plans.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of protected areas, evidence of their impacts on people is weak and remains hotly contested in conservation policy. A key question in this debate is whether socioeconomic impacts vary according to social subgroup. Given that social inequity can create conflict and impede poverty reduction, understanding how protected areas differentially affect people is critical to designing them to achieve social and biological goals. Understanding heterogeneous responses to protected areas can improve targeting of management activities and help elucidate the pathways through which impacts of protected areas occur. Here, we assessed whether the socioeconomic impacts of marine protected areas (MPAs)—designed to achieve goals for both conservation and poverty alleviation—differed according to age, gender or religion in associated villages in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Using data from pre-, mid- and post-implementation of the MPAs for control and project villages, we found little empirical evidence that impacts on five key socioeconomic indicators related to poverty differed according to social subgroup. We found suggestive empirical evidence that the effect of the MPAs on environmental knowledge differed by age and religion; over the medium and long terms, younger people and Muslims showed greater improvements compared with older people and Christians, respectively.  相似文献   

It is commonly understood that the cumulative impact of increased habitat destruction on biological systems does not scale linearly. Despite this, current environmental decision-making strategies often fail to incorporate these non-linearities because impact assessments are regularly performed independently without considering contributions to future cumulative impacts, which are, instead, externalised to the environment. Here we used a stochastic modelling framework to examine the effect of three decision-making strategies – externalised, individually-borne and shared cumulative costs – on the number of species driven to extinction by the development of a region. We also tested how different levels of vulnerability (quantified as the correlation between development benefits and species richness) and irreplaceability (expressed as the average area of occupancy of an assemblage) influence the outcomes of development. Overall, the inclusion of cumulative impacts in our simulations resulted in the destruction of fewer patches and, as a consequence, more modest benefits obtained from developments. Moreover, these patterns were strongest when cumulative costs were shared by all developers. The most striking finding was that the distinction between decision-making strategies was highest in landscapes of high vulnerability and irreplaceability. Environmental decision-makers are recommended to commit to a strategy for incorporating the cumulative costs of development because, as this study suggests, this affects the endpoints of conservation and development considerably; especially in the most vulnerable and irreplaceable landscapes.  相似文献   

The site specific impact on the benthic fauna was assessed within a 4.64 km2 area of intensive aquaculture situated on the eastern side of Hios island (Aegean Sea, Greece) at 11 stations seasonally between November 2000 and October 2001. The benthic fauna showed marked changes in species numbers, diversity and faunal abundance between farm and control sites. The polychaetes Nereis diversicolor, Scolelepis fuliginosa and Capitella capitata were the most dominant species at the farm sites (35% of the total abundance), whilst the most dominant species at the control sites were the polychaete Hyalinoecia brementi and the sipunculid Aspidosiphon muelleri (23% of the total abundance). Species richness, diversity and evenness were higher at the control sites whereas numerical abundance was higher at the farm sites. K-dominance curves suggest a minor impact on the benthic community at the farm sites and temporal changes on macrobenthic assemblages.  相似文献   

以在植被分布中起重要作用的温度指标(生长度·日,GDD)和水分指标(可能蒸散率,PER)为基础提出温度·水分影响函数f(GDD,PER),评价丁东北阔叶红松林分布区生态气候环境质量即生态气候适宜性.将f(PER,GDD)≥0.70划为阔叶红松林核心分布区;0.35≤f(PER,GDD)<0.70划为适宜分布区;f(PER,GDD)<0.35划为边缘分布区.东北阔叶红松林分布区面积为39.99km^2,其中核心分布区面积7.13×10^4kg^2,适宜分布区12.27km^2,边缘分布区20.59km^2。同时结合大气环流模式(GISS、OSU)的气候变化情景评价了全球气候变化对东北阔叶红松林分布区生态气候适宜性的影响.结果表明,于暖化气候条件下东北地区阔叶红松林分布区明显减小,生态适应性显著下降。  相似文献   

Aaron Wernham 《EcoHealth》2007,4(4):514-513
We report on the first Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for proposed oil and gas development in Alaska’s North Slope region. Public health is not generally analyzed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process in the U.S. We conducted an HIA for proposed oil development within the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska in response to growing concerns among North Slope Inupiat communities regarding the potential impacts of regional industrial expansion on their health and culture. We employed a qualitative HIA methodology, involving a combination of stakeholder input, literature review, and qualitative analysis, through which we identified potential health effects. The possible health outcomes identified include increases in diabetes and related metabolic conditions as a result of dietary change; rising rates of substance abuse, domestic violence, and suicide; increased injury rates; more frequent asthma exacerbations; and increased exposure to organic pollutant, including carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. There are also potential benefits, including funding for infrastructure and health care; increased employment and income; and continued funding of existing infrastructure. Based on these findings, we recommend a series of public health mitigation measures. This project represents the first formal effort to include a systematic assessment of public health within the U.S. EIS process. The inclusion of public health concerns within an EIS may offer an important and underutilized avenue through which to argue for environmental management strategies that focus on public health, and may offer communities a stronger voice in the EIS process. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

飓风和台风对沿海地区森林生态系统的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
仝川  杨玉盛 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5337-5344
飓风和台风是影响热带和温带沿海区域的主要灾害性气候之一,飓风和台风对于森林生态系统的影响是生态学关注的课题。综述了飓风和台风登陆对于森林生态系统树木和林分的危害影响形式及主要影响因素,着重举例阐述了树种和森林类型是影响台风危害程度的一个重要因素。分析了目前国际上开展的关于飓风和台风登陆对于森林生态系统碳、氮循环的影响,结果表明飓风、台风干扰导致的森林凋落物输入量、凋落物分解速率以及森林碳储存量动态变化较为复杂,与森林类型、林分空间位置以及台风过后的时间段密切相关。飓风引起的森林受损的恢复途径和机理与树冠受损严重程度直接相关,并受到光和水分条件的影响,及时的开花、结果以及充足的土壤种子库对森林植被恢复具有促进作用。在景观和区域尺度量化飓风和台风对沿海地区森林生态系统的影响也日益引起关注,在这方面,整合气象数据、遥感数据和地面调查的模型模拟方法起到重要的作用。今后应加强对于我国东南沿海地区森林生态系统遭受台风影响损失的生态监测和长期定位研究,加强关于台风对于不同森林生态系统类型和不同树种的危害形式和危害程度的研究,以及台风对于森林生态系统碳、氮循环影响的研究,弥补我国在以上领域的空白。  相似文献   

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