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Summary Continuous exposure of young rats to the almond-like odor of acetophenone or cyclohexanone for up to 4 months, resulted in distinct but similar patterns of degenerating mitral cells in their olfactory bulbs. Rats favored their exposure odor in olfactory preference tests (Fig. 2) and their acuity for it was not altered (Fig. 3). However, they appeared to exhibit a deficit in detecting a similar but novel odor. The results suggest that the remaining normal mitral cells in the bulbs of these animals are those stimulated by the exposure odor. Cells which show signs of degeneration (Fig. 4) may receive little or no input from the periphery. Controls exposed to a similar but non-odorous environment showed evidence of non-selective mitral cell degeneration. In addition they had a lower acuity for acetophenone and cyclohexanone than animals reared in a normal rat colony (Fig. 3). Anatomical and behavioral data from odor exposed and control groups, suggest that partial regeneration of altered mitral cells may have occurred during a 5 month period following exposure. Overall the results provide further evidence for a topographical projection of the olfactory receptor epithelium onto the olfactory bulb and spatial coding of different odors in the bulb.  相似文献   

During the 1970s, the multiunit reactivity of the olfactory bulb to food odor was extensively shown to increase before their usual meal in rats habituated to having a single 2 h daily meal compared to the same rats recorded after their usual meal. More recently, we reported dramatic modifications of mitral cell single-unit reactivity in adult rats following a simple a manipulation of the olfactory environment--exposure to an odor. The present study aimed at testing the hypothesis that a simple behavioral change such as habituation to chronic food restriction may induce profound changes in olfactory bulb responsiveness compared to occasional fasting. We compared mitral cell reactivity in non-fasted rats, in rats fasted during 22 h for the very first time, and in rats habituated during 15 days to a chronic 22 h food restriction. Mitral cell single-unit reactivity was found to increase less in rats habituated to fasting than in newly fasted rats. Indeed, the proportion of mitral cell responses to food and non-food odors was significantly higher in rats habituated to fasting than in non-fasted rats, but lower than in newly fasted rats. The proportion of simple unsynchronized and synchronized responses of 1b and 2b types was also lower in habituated rats whereas the proportion of complex synchronized responses of 4b type increased. This decreased responsiveness in habituated rats, similar to that observed in rats repeatedly exposed for 20 min per day to an odor during six consecutive days in our previous studies, is discussed with respect to olfactory bulb plasticity.  相似文献   

In adult rats, repeated exposure to an odorant, in absence of any experimentally delivered reinforcement, leads to a drastic decrease in mitral/tufted (M/T) cell responsiveness, not only for the familiar odor but also for other novel odors. In the present study, using two different and complementary in situ hybridization methods, we analyzed the effect of familiarization with an odorant on c-fos and arg 3.1 mRNA expression levels, and we examined the odor specificity of this effect. Odor exposure induces a specific increase in c-fos and arg 3.1 expression in some particular olfactory bulb quadrants. Previous familiarization with the test odor results in a decreased expression of both IEGs in these quadrants, leading to the alteration of the odor-specific pattern of c-fos and arg 3.1 expression. In contrast, this odor-specific pattern is not affected when different odors are used for familiarization and test. Similarly, an odor-specific familiarization effect leading to a reduced c-fos and arg 3.1 expression was also detected in the cingulate cortex and in the anterior piriform cortex. These results support our hypothesis that the decrease in M/T cell responsiveness following a preceding familiarization with an odorant may be related to a particular form of synaptic plasticity involving changes at the genomic level, and reveals further insight in olfactory information processing and the cellular mechanisms underlying familiarization in the olfactory system.  相似文献   

The distribution of c-Fos-immunopositive neurons was examined in the mitral/tufted and granular cell layers in the medium part of the main olfactory bulbs of 18-day-old rats after they had been trained for propionic acid vapour-guided search for dam in the Y-maze. On the next day these pups exhibited a strong preference for the propionic acid odor as compared to the control pups trained for this task without the odor cue and odor-familiarized pups exposed to propionic acid as a novel neutral stimulus. Exposure to propionic acid produced a moderate activation of c-Fos expression, mainly in the granular layer of the dorsomedial part of the bulb. Training in the Y-maze devoid of odor cues resulted in diffuse increase in the number of c-Fos-positive neurons both in the mitral and granular cell layers in all parts of the olfactory bulb. Maze training with the odor cue produced activation of c-Fos expression (which significantly exceeded the non-odor Y-maze group) in the dorsomedial olfactory bulb. These data suggest that associative olfactory conditioning results in activation of c-Fos expression that combines the effect of diffuse motivational excitation and specific olfactory input to the neurons which process odor cues.  相似文献   

In the olfactory bulb, lateral inhibition mediated by granule cells has been suggested to modulate the timing of mitral cell firing, thereby shaping the representation of input odorants. Current experimental techniques, however, do not enable a clear study of how the mitral-granule cell network sculpts odor inputs to represent odor information spatially and temporally. To address this critical step in the neural basis of odor recognition, we built a biophysical network model of mitral and granule cells, corresponding to 1/100th of the real system in the rat, and used direct experimental imaging data of glomeruli activated by various odors. The model allows the systematic investigation and generation of testable hypotheses of the functional mechanisms underlying odor representation in the olfactory bulb circuit. Specifically, we demonstrate that lateral inhibition emerges within the olfactory bulb network through recurrent dendrodendritic synapses when constrained by a range of balanced excitatory and inhibitory conductances. We find that the spatio-temporal dynamics of lateral inhibition plays a critical role in building the glomerular-related cell clusters observed in experiments, through the modulation of synaptic weights during odor training. Lateral inhibition also mediates the development of sparse and synchronized spiking patterns of mitral cells related to odor inputs within the network, with the frequency of these synchronized spiking patterns also modulated by the sniff cycle.  相似文献   

Lateral inhibition of cells surrounding an excited area is a key property of sensory systems, sharpening the preferential tuning of individual cells in the presence of closely related input signals. In the olfactory pathway, a dendrodendritic synaptic microcircuit between mitral and granule cells in the olfactory bulb has been proposed to mediate this type of interaction through granule cell inhibition of surrounding mitral cells. However, it is becoming evident that odor inputs result in broad activation of the olfactory bulb with interactions that go beyond neighboring cells. Using a realistic modeling approach we show how backpropagating action potentials in the long lateral dendrites of mitral cells, together with granule cell actions on mitral cells within narrow columns forming glomerular units, can provide a mechanism to activate strong local inhibition between arbitrarily distant mitral cells. The simulations predict a new role for the dendrodendritic synapses in the multicolumnar organization of the granule cells. This new paradigm gives insight into the functional significance of the patterns of connectivity revealed by recent viral tracing studies. Together they suggest a functional wiring of the olfactory bulb that could greatly expand the computational roles of the mitral-granule cell network.  相似文献   

In adult rats, repeated exposure to an odorant, in absence of any experimentally delivered reinforcement, leads to a drastic decrease in mitral/tufted (M/T) cell responsiveness, not only for the familiar odor but also for other novel odors. In the present study, using two different and complementary in situ hybridization methods, we analyzed the effect of familiarization with an odorant on c‐fos and arg 3.1 mRNA expression levels, and we examined the odor specificity of this effect. Odor exposure induces a specific increase in c‐fos and arg 3.1 expression in some particular olfactory bulb quadrants. Previous familiarization with the test odor results in a decreased expression of both IEGs in these quadrants, leading to the alteration of the odor‐specific pattern of c‐fos and arg 3.1 expression. In contrast, this odor‐specific pattern is not affected when different odors are used for familiarization and test. Similarly, an odor‐specific familiarization effect leading to a reduced c‐fos and arg 3.1 expression was also detected in the cingulate cortex and in the anterior piriform cortex. These results support our hypothesis that the decrease in M/T cell responsiveness following a preceding familiarization with an odorant may be related to a particular form of synaptic plasticity involving changes at the genomic level, and reveals further insight in olfactory information processing and the cellular mechanisms underlying familiarization in the olfactory system. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 52: 61–72, 2002  相似文献   

Fantana AL  Soucy ER  Meister M 《Neuron》2008,59(5):802-814
Center-surround receptive fields are a fundamental unit of brain organization. It has been proposed that olfactory bulb mitral cells exhibit this functional circuitry, with excitation from one glomerulus and inhibition from a broad field of glomeruli within reach of the lateral dendrites. We investigated this hypothesis using a combination of in vivo intrinsic imaging, single-unit recording, and a large panel of odors. Assuming a broad inhibitory field, a mitral cell would be influenced by >100 contiguous glomeruli and should respond to many odors. Instead, the observed response rate was an order of magnitude lower. A quantitative model indicates that mitral cell responses can be explained by just a handful of glomeruli. These glomeruli are spatially dispersed on the bulb and represent a broad range of odor sensitivities. We conclude that mitral cells do not have center-surround receptive fields. Instead, each mitral cell performs a specific computation combining a small and diverse set of glomerular inputs.  相似文献   



The impact of respiratory dynamics on odor response has been poorly studied at the olfactory bulb level. However, it has been shown that sniffing in the behaving rodent is highly dynamic and varies both in frequency and flow rate. Bulbar odor response could vary with these sniffing parameter variations. Consequently, it is necessary to understand how nasal airflow can modify and shape odor response at the olfactory bulb level.

Methodology and Principal Findings

To assess this question, we used a double cannulation and simulated nasal airflow protocol on anesthetized rats to uncouple nasal airflow from animal respiration. Both mitral/tufted cell extracellular unit activity and local field potentials (LFPs) were recorded. We found that airflow changes in the normal range were sufficient to substantially reorganize the response of the olfactory bulb. In particular, cellular odor-evoked activities, LFP oscillations and spike phase-locking to LFPs were strongly modified by nasal flow rate.


Our results indicate the importance of reconsidering the notion of odor coding as odor response at the bulbar level is ceaselessly modified by respiratory dynamics.  相似文献   

N E Schoppa  G L Westbrook 《Neuron》2001,31(4):639-651
Odor elicits a well-organized pattern of glomerular activation in the olfactory bulb. However, the mechanisms by which this spatial map is transformed into an odor code remain unclear. We examined this question in rat olfactory bulb slices in recordings from output mitral cells. Electrical stimulation of incoming afferents elicited slow ( approximately 2 Hz) oscillations that originated in glomeruli and were highly synchronized for mitral cells projecting to the same glomerulus. Cyclical depolarizations were generated by glutamate activation of dendritic autoreceptors, while the slow frequency was determined primarily by the duration of regenerative glutamate release. Patterned stimuli elicited stimulus-entrained oscillations that amplified weak and variable inputs. We suggest that these oscillations maintain the fidelity of the spatial map by ensuring that all mitral cells within a glomerulus-specific network respond to odor as a functional unit.  相似文献   

The activity of odor-evoked olfactory mitral cell response of the gecko was recorded extracellularly by glass microelectrodes. The activities of the mitral cell observed during the presentation of the odor (n-amyl acetate) could be described as excitation, suppression or zero. The present experiments were undertaken to study the neural activities of the mitral cell in the olfactory bulb by perfusion application of some drugs (cobalt chloride, carnosine, norepinephrine, GABA and D-L-homocysteate) on the olfactory bulb surface or iontophoretic application of some drugs (carnosine, norepinephrine, GABA and D-L-homocysteate) to the glomerulus and the external plexiform layer to change the physiological environment. The effect of the drugs suggested that the synaptic neurons on the mitral cell have different chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Dendrodendritic interactions between excitatory mitral cells and inhibitory granule cells in the olfactory bulb create a dense interaction network, reorganizing sensory representations of odors and, consequently, perception. Large-scale computational models are needed for revealing how the collective behavior of this network emerges from its global architecture. We propose an approach where we summarize anatomical information through dendritic geometry and density distributions which we use to calculate the connection probability between mitral and granule cells, while capturing activity patterns of each cell type in the neural dynamical systems theory of Izhikevich. In this way, we generate an efficient, anatomically and physiologically realistic large-scale model of the olfactory bulb network. Our model reproduces known connectivity between sister vs. non-sister mitral cells; measured patterns of lateral inhibition; and theta, beta, and gamma oscillations. The model in turn predicts testable relationships between network structure and several functional properties, including lateral inhibition, odor pattern decorrelation, and LFP oscillation frequency. We use the model to explore the influence of cortex on the olfactory bulb, demonstrating possible mechanisms by which cortical feedback to mitral cells or granule cells can influence bulbar activity, as well as how neurogenesis can improve bulbar decorrelation without requiring cell death. Our methodology provides a tractable tool for other researchers.  相似文献   

Glutamic acid decarboxylase activity in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs throughout the sexual cycle of the rat was studied. The effect of male pheromonal secretion on enzyme activity during proestrus and estrus day was also tested. The enzyme activity showed circadian rhythm during the estrous cycle. This rhythm was disrupted during diestrus-2 afternoon in the main bulb and came back during proestrus afternoon. A different pattern of enzyme activity was present in the accessory bulb, since the circadian rhythm was altered during proestrus morning, returning during estrus afternoon. Male odor exposition did not change enzyme profile activity during proestrus day and during estrus morning in the main bulb. In contrast, in the accessory bulb the olfactory stimuli induced opposite changes to that found in rats from the vivarium during proestrus. Comparison of enzyme activity in olfactory stimuli-deprived rats with that of pheromone-stimulated rats during proestrus showed that male odor exposure specifically affects accessory bulb enzyme activity. It is concluded that the changes of the olfactory bulb GABAergic system during proestrus and estrus day, or that evoked by odor stimuli, demonstrate the discriminative response of this system between the accessory olfactory bulb and the main olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Khan AG  Thattai M  Bhalla US 《Neuron》2008,57(4):571-585
Many species of mammals are very good at categorizing odors. One model for how this is achieved involves the formation of "attractor" states in the olfactory processing pathway, which converge to stable representations for the odor. We analyzed the responses of rat olfactory bulb mitral/tufted (M/T) cells using stimuli "morphing" from one odor to another through intermediate mixtures. We then developed a phenomenological model for the representation of odors and mixtures by M/T cells and show that >80% of odorant responses to different concentrations and mixtures can be expressed in terms of smoothly summing responses to air and the two pure odorants. Furthermore, the model successfully predicts M/T cell responses to odor mixtures when respiration dependence is eliminated. Thus, odor mixtures are represented in the bulb through summation of components, rather than distinct attractor states. We suggest that our olfactory coding model captures many aspects of single and mixed odor representation in M/T cells.  相似文献   

Fletcher ML 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29360
Odors are rarely composed of a single compound, but rather contain a large and complex variety of chemical components. Often, these mixtures are perceived as having unique qualities that can be quite different than the combination of their components. In many cases, a majority of the components of a mixture cannot be individually identified. This synthetic processing of odor information suggests that individual component representations of the mixture must interact somewhere along the olfactory pathway. The anatomical nature of sensory neuron input into segregated glomeruli with the bulb suggests that initial input of odor information into the bulb is analytic. However, a large network of interneurons within the olfactory bulb could allow for mixture interactions via mechanisms such as lateral inhibition. Currently in mammals, it is unclear if postsynaptic mitral/tufted cell glomerular mixture responses reflect the analytical mixture input, or provide the initial basis for synthetic processing with the olfactory system. To address this, olfactory bulb glomerular binary mixture representations were compared to representations of each component using transgenic mice expressing the calcium indicator G-CaMP2 in olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells. Overall, dorsal surface mixture representations showed little mixture interaction and often appeared as a simple combination of the component representations. Based on this, it is concluded that dorsal surface glomerular mixture representations remain largely analytical with nearly all component information preserved.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which the individual odor signals are translated into the perception of smell in the brain is unknown. The signal processing occurs in the olfactory system which has three major components: olfactory neuroepithelium, olfactory bulb, and olfactory cortex. The neuroepithelial layer is composed of ciliated sensory neurons interspersed among supportive cells. The sensory neurons are the sites of odor transduction, a process that converts the odor signal into an electrical signal. The electrical signal is subsequently received by the neurons of the olfactory bulb, which process the signal and then relay it to the olfactory cortex in the brain. Apart from information about certain biochemical steps of odor transduction, there is almost no knowledge about the means by which the olfactory bulb and cortical neurons process this information. Through biochemical, functional, and immunohistochemical approaches, this study shows the presence of a Ca(2+)-modulated membrane guanylate cyclase (mGC) transduction system in the bulb portion of the olfactory system. The mGC is ROS-GC1. This is coexpressed with its specific modulator, guanylate cyclase activating protein type 1 (GCAP1), in the mitral cells. Thus, a new facet of the Ca(2+)-modulated GCAP1--ROS-GC1 signaling system, which, until now, was believed to be unique to phototransduction, has been revealed. The findings suggest a novel role for this system in the polarization and depolarization phenomena of mitral cells and also contradict the existing belief that no mGC besides GC-D exists in the olfactory neurons.  相似文献   

Tabor R  Friedrich RW 《PloS one》2008,3(1):e1416
Although synaptic functions of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the olfactory bulb have been studied in vitro, their roles in pattern processing in the intact system remain controversial. We therefore examined the functions of ionotropic glutamate receptors during odor processing in the intact olfactory bulb of zebrafish using pharmacological manipulations. Odor responses of mitral cells and interneurons were recorded by electrophysiology and 2-photon Ca(2+) imaging. The combined blockade of AMPA/kainate and NMDA receptors abolished odor-evoked excitation of mitral cells. The blockade of AMPA/kainate receptors alone, in contrast, increased the mean response of mitral cells and decreased the mean response of interneurons. The blockade of NMDA receptors caused little or no change in the mean responses of mitral cells and interneurons. However, antagonists of both receptor types had diverse effects on the magnitude and time course of individual mitral cell and interneuron responses and, thus, changed spatio-temporal activity patterns across neuronal populations. Oscillatory synchronization was abolished or reduced by AMPA/kainate and NMDA receptor antagonists, respectively. These results indicate that (1) interneuron responses depend mainly on AMPA/kainate receptor input during an odor response, (2) interactions among mitral cells and interneurons regulate the total olfactory bulb output activity, (3) AMPA/kainate receptors participate in the synchronization of odor-dependent neuronal ensembles, and (4) ionotropic glutamate receptor-containing synaptic circuits shape odor-specific patterns of olfactory bulb output activity. These mechanisms are likely to be important for the processing of odor-encoding activity patterns in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the dendritic signal processing by mitral cells in the olfactory bulb and its meaning for olfactory coding. The output signals of olfactory receptor neurones are sent to the olfactory bulb where they converge onto the secondary neurones, the mitral cells. On a short time scale, the connectivity between receptor and mitral cells can be assumed to be constant, whereas on a longer time scale, when considering the ongoing de- and regeneration, it is necessary to model the synaptical weights between receptor and mitral cells as variables. In a first approach we used Hebb's rule to this end and presumed that a mitral cell can be represented by one compartment only. In this case, and with a sequence of realistically modeled receptor activity signals, the synaptical weights of all mitral cells converged to the same point though every mitral cell had initial weights different from those of any other mitral cell. This means that a mitral cell, when modeled as one compartment, does not become sensitive to any particular odor quality. A similar lack of quality tuning turned out to occur when one-compartment mitral cells were connected among each other by laterally inhibiting interneurones. We therefore took into account the glomerular fine structure of mitral cell dendrites, assuming electrotonically decoupled dendritic subbranches. This feature together with local inhibitory circuitry at the subbranches led to a fundamentally different type of synaptical convergence pattern. In this case, mitral cells developed differential sensitivities for different odors. Mitral cells have thus to be regarded as multicompartment cells, and local, non-Hebbian learning rules for their afferent synapses are necessary to achieve a reasonable map of odors upon mitral cell activities.  相似文献   

The axons of many olfactory receptor cells converge on an individual glomerulus in the olfactory bulb, where they make contacts with the distal dendrites of mitral and tufted cells. Each glomerulus is targeted by olfactory receptor neurons expressing a single type of olfactory receptor protein. The glomerulus provides a unique model in which the function of a cortical module can be unambiguously established. Here we review the increasing evidence that a key functional operation of the glomerulus is to act as a signal-to-noise enhancing device in the processing of sensory input and that this function is critical across vertebrate and invertebrate species for the ability to detect specific odor stimuli within “noisy” odor environments and to carry out discriminations between odor molecules that are structurally closely related.  相似文献   

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