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Sequence analysis of a 12,400 base-pair region of the spinach chloroplast genome indicates the presence of three genes encoding subunits of the chloroplast RNA polymerase. These genes are analogous to the rpoBC operon of Escherichia coli, with some significant differences. The first gene, termed rpoB, encodes a 121,000 Mr homologue of the bacterial beta subunit. The second and third genes, termed rpoC1 and rpoC2, encode 78,000 and 154,000 Mr proteins homologous to the N and C-terminal portions, respectively, of the bacterial beta' subunit. RNA mapping analysis indicates that the three genes are cotranscribed, and that a single intron occurs in the rpoC1 gene. No splicing occurs within the rpoC2 gene or between rpoC1 and rpoC2. Furthermore, the data indicate the possibility of an alternative splice acceptor site for the rpoC1 intron that would give rise to a 71,000 Mr gene product. Thus, with the inclusion of the alpha subunit encoded by rpoA at a separate locus, the chloroplast genome is predicted to encode four subunits (respectively called alpha, beta, beta', beta") equivalent to the three subunits of the core enzyme of the E. coli RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Crystalline Fraction I protein from tobacco has been dissociated and separated into three large subunit polypeptides and two small subunit polypeptides by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels containing 8m urea. The three large subunit polypeptides, resolved by isoelectric focusing, could not be differentiated by amino acid analysis or by fingerprinting of trypsin or chymotrypsin hydrolysates of the individual polypeptides. The two small subunit polypeptides, resolved by hydroxylapatite chromatography in 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate as well as by isoelectric focusing, were shown to be distinct polypeptides. The two polypeptides were shown to have different tyrosine:tryptophan ratios, shown by ultraviolet spectra in 0.1m NaOH, and different tyrosine contents shown by amino acid analysis, and they gave different peptide fingerprints after trypsin hydrolysis. The two small subunit polypeptides are concluded to be separate gene products but the three large subunit polypeptides are believed to be the result of modification of a single gene product.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida MT53 contains a TOL plasmid, pWW53, that encodes toluene-xylene catabolism. pWW53 is nonconjugative, is about 105 to 110 kilobase pairs (kbp) in size, and differs significantly in its restriction endonuclease digestion pattern and incompatibility group from the archetypal TOL plasmid pWW0. An RP4::pWW53 cointegrate plasmid, pWW53-4, containing about 35 kbp of pWW53 DNA, including the entire catabolic pathway genes, was formed, and a restriction map for KpnI, HindIII, and BamHI was derived. The entire regulated meta pathway genes for the catabolism of m-toluate were cloned into pKT230 from pWW53 on a 17.5-kbp HindIII fragment. The recombinant plasmid supported growth on m-toluate when mobilized into plasmid-free P. putida PaW130. A restriction map of the insert for 10 restriction enzymes was derived, and the locations of xylD, xylL, xylE, xylG, and xylF were determined by subcloning and assaying for their gene products in both Escherichia coli and P. putida hosts. Good induction of the enzymes by m-toluate and m-methylbenzyl alcohol but not by m-xylene was measured in P. putida, but little or no regulation was found in E. coli. The restriction map and the gene order showed strong similarities with published maps of the DNA encoding both the entire meta pathway operon (xylDLEGFJIH) and the regulatory genes xylS and xylR on the archetype TOL plasmid pWW0, suggesting a high degree of conservation in DNA structure for the catabolic operon on the two different plasmids.  相似文献   

In various genera of plants, the small subunit of fraction 1 protein is often composed of more than one kind of polypeptide; these differ in isoelectric points and amino acid composition. Previous analysis of numerous individual progeny of Nicotiana tabacum (two kinds of polypeptides), N. glauca + N. langsdorffii parasexual hybrids (three kinds), and other examples showed no change in F-1 protein composition as a consequence of alternation of generations. Experiments reported here show that absence of one member of each of the 24 different pairs of chromosomes in an N. tabacum monosomic series and also absence of the “S” pair in a nullisome did not affect F-1 protein composition. Absence of the “E” pair caused reduction in the amount of the least acidic of the two kinds of N. tabacum small subunit polypeptides. The question of how many individual progeny of self-fertile hybrids would have to be analyzed to detect segregation of genes coding for F-1 protein small subunit polypeptides, if segregation occurs, was answered by analysis of F1 hybrids between N. otophora and N. tomentosiformis, and two subspecies of N. suaveolens, together with their F2 progeny. In both cases, analysis of 16 progeny was sufficient to demonstrate a segregation pattern of two F1 hybrid type to one each of the two parental types. Therefore, in the absence of segregation, it is likely that coding information for different kinds of F-1 protein small subunit polypeptides is sequestered on heterologous chromosomes, as postulated in previous reports.  相似文献   

Functional and structural regions inferred from the Escherichia coli R ecA protein crystal structure and mutation studies are evaluated in terms of evolutionary conservation across 63 RecA eubacterial sequences. Two paramount segments invariant in specific amino acids correspond to the ATP-binding A site and the functionally unassigned segment from residues 145 to 149 immediately carboxyl to the ATP hydrolysis B site. Not only are residues 145 to 149 conserved individually, but also all three-dimensional structural neighbors of these residues are invariant, strongly attesting to the functional or structural importance of this segment. The conservation of charged residues at the monomer-monomer interface, emphasizing basic residues on one surface and acidic residues on the other, suggests that RecA monomer polymerization is substantially mediated by electrostatic interactions. Different patterns of conservation also allow determination of regions proposed to interact with DNA, of LexA binding sites, and of filament-filament contact regions. Amino acid conservation is also compared with activities and properties of certain RecA protein mutants. Arginine 243 and its strongly cationic structural environment are proposed as the major site of competition for DNA and LexA binding to RecA. The conserved acidic and glycine residues of the disordered loop L1 and its proximity to the RecA acidic monomer interface suggest its involvement in monomer-monomer interactions rather than DNA binding. The conservation of various RecA positions and regions suggests a model for RecA-double-stranded DNA interaction and other functional and structural assignments.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to study the evolutionary divergence of vibrational protein dynamics. To this end, we used the Gaussian Network Model to perform a systematic analysis of normal mode conservation on a large dataset of proteins classified into homologous sets of family pairs and superfamily pairs. We found that the lowest most collective normal modes are the most conserved ones. More precisely, there is, on average, a linear correlation between normal mode conservation and mode collectivity. These results imply that the previously observed conservation of backbone flexibility (B-factor) profiles is due to the conservation of the most collective modes, which contribute the most to such profiles. We discuss the possible roles of normal mode robustness and natural selection in the determination of the observed behavior. Finally, we draw some practical implications for dynamics-based protein alignment and classification and discuss possible caveats of the present approach.  相似文献   

Abstract The DNA relatedness of 64 enterobacterial species to Escherichia coli genes pts I, pts H, crr , pts G, and pts LPM, was determined by quantitative filter hybridization. DNA relatedness was expressed relative to E. coli K-12 DNA. Enterobacterial DNAs were 0 to 100% related to E. coli genes and the level of relatedness (except for crr data) reflected the known taxonomic (phylogenetic) position of species with respect to E. coli . When pts I relatedness data were plotted against pts H data, correlation was excellent. In pts G versus pts LPM plots, the data points (species) were scattered along the diagonal with a large gap separating E. coli strains (80–100% relatedness to both probes) from the 63 other species (1 to 40% relatedness to E. coli genes). Serratia (9 species), Buttiauxella agrestis , and Klebsiella planticola gave higher relatedness values with crr probe than with the other probes tested.  相似文献   

The sequence and structural conservation of folding transition states have been predicted on theoretical grounds. Using homologous sequence alignments of proteins previously characterized via coupled mutagenesis/kinetics studies, we tested these predictions experimentally. Only one of the six appropriately characterized proteins exhibits a statistically significant correlation between residues' roles in transition state structure and their evolutionary conservation. However, a significant correlation is observed between the contributions of individual sequence positions to the transition state structure across a set of homologous proteins. Thus the structure of the folding transition state ensemble appears to be more highly conserved than the specific interactions that stabilize it.  相似文献   



Being the first noneutherian mammal sequenced, Monodelphis domestica (opossum) offers great potential for enhancing our understanding of the evolutionary processes that take place in mammals. This study focuses on the evolutionary relationships between conservation of noncoding sequences, cis-regulatory elements, and biologic functions of regulated genes in opossum and eight vertebrate species.  相似文献   

An analysis of interspecific hybrids of Nicotiana spp. in which one of the parents was sensitive to tentoxin showed that this sensitivity was transmitted only through the female parent. Since tentoxin acts by selectively binding to the alpha,beta subunit complex of chloroplast coupling factor 1, the gene(s) specifying either one or both of these subunits is located in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

K Shinozaki  H Deno  A Kato  M Sugiura 《Gene》1983,24(2-3):147-155
The nucleotide sequences of the genes for the beta and epsilon subunits of tobacco chloroplast ATPase have been determined. The coding regions for the beta and epsilon subunits contain 1494 bp (498 codons) and 399 bp (133 codons), respectively. The 3' end of the beta-coding region overlaps by one nucleotide with the 5' end of the epsilon-coding region. The overlapping termination and initiation codons are ATGA. The beta and epsilon genes are cotranscribed as a 2.7-kb polycistronic mRNA. The amount of the beta and epsilon mRNA in the chloroplast is about one-twentieth that of the LS mRNA.  相似文献   

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