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Summary The assignments of the 1H, 15N, 13CO and 13C resonances of recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2), a protein comprising 154 residues and with a molecular mass of 17.2 kDa, is presented based on a series of three-dimensional triple-resonance heteronuclear NMR experiments. These studies employ uniformly labeled 15N- and 15N-/13C-labeled FGF-2 with an isotope incorporation >95% for the protein expressed in E. coli. The sequence-specific backbone assignments were based primarily on the interresidue correlation of C, C and H to the backbone amide 1H and 15N of the next residue in the CBCA(CO)NH and HBHA(CO)NH experiments and the intraresidue correlation of C, C and H to the backbone amide 1H and 15N in the CBCANH and HNHA experiments. In addition, C and C chemical shift assignments were used to determine amino acid types. Sequential assignments were verified from carbonyl correlations observed in the HNCO and HCACO experiments and C correlations from the carbonyl correlations observed in the HNCO and HCACO experiments and C correlations from the HNCA experiment. Aliphatic side-chain spin systems were assigned primarily from H(CCO)NH and C(CO)NH experiments that correlate all the aliphatic 1H and 13C resonances of a given residue with the amide resonance of the next residue. Additional side-chain assignments were made from HCCH-COSY and HCCH-TOCSY experiments. The secondary structure of FGF-2 is based on NOE data involving the NH, H and H protons as well as 3JH n H coupling constants, amide exchange and 13C and 13C secondary chemical shifts. It is shown that FGF-2 consists of 11 well-defined antiparallel -sheets (residues 30–34, 39–44, 48–53, 62–67, 71–76, 81–85, 91–94, 103–108, 113–118, 123–125 and 148–152) and a helix-like structure (residues 131–136), which are connected primarily by tight turns. This structure differs from the refined X-ray crystal structures of FGF-2, where residues 131–136 were defined as -strand XI. The discovery of the helix-like region in the primary heparin-binding site (residues 128–138) instead of the -strand conformation described in the X-ray structures may have important implications in understanding the nature of heparin-FGF-2 interactions. In addition, two distinct conformations exist in solution for the N-terminal residues 9–28. This is consistent with the X-ray structures of FGF-2, where the first 17–19 residues were ill defined.  相似文献   

Summary NMR pulse sequences for measuring coupling constants in 13C, 15N-labeled proteins are presented. These pulse sequences represent improvements over earlier experiments with respect to resolution and number of radiofrequency pulses. The experiments are useful for measuring JNH , JNCO, JNC , JH N CO and JH N H . Applications to chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI-2) are shown.  相似文献   

A triple resonance NMR experiment is presented for the simultaneous recording of HNCA and HNCO data sets on 15N, natural abundance 13C samples. The experiment exploits the fact that transfers of magnetization from 15N to 13CO and from 15N to 13C (and back) proceed independently for samples that are not enriched in 13C. A factor of 2 in measuring time is gained by recording the two data sets simultaneously with no compromise in spectral quality. An application to a 0.5 mM 15N labeled sample of protein-L is presented with all expected correlations observed in spectra recorded with a cryogenic probe at 500 MHz.  相似文献   

Two triple resonance experiments, HNN and HN(C)N, are presented which correlate HN and 15N resonances sequentially along the polypeptide chain of a doubly (13C, 15N) labeled protein. These incorporate several improvements over the previously published sequences for a similar purpose and have several novel features. The spectral characteristics enable direct identification of certain triplets of residues, which provide many starting points for the sequential assignment procedure. The experiments are sensitive and their utility has been demonstrated with a 22 kDa protein under unfolding conditions where most of the standard triple resonance experiments such as HNCA, CBCANH etc. have limited success because of poor amide, C and C chemical shift dispersions.  相似文献   


It was found by 1H, 13C and 15N NMR study that substitution of 4,9-dihydro-4, 6-dimethyl-9-oxo-3-(2′,3′,5′-tri-O-acetyl-β-D-ribofuranosyl) imidazo [1,2-a]purine (wyosine triacetate, 1) at C2 position with electronegative groups CH3O and C6H5CH2O results in a noticeable electron distribution disturbance in the “left-hand” imidazole ring and a significant increase in the North conformer population of the sugar moiety.  相似文献   

A triple-resonance pulse scheme is described which records15N, NH correlations of residues that immediately follow amethyl-containing amino acid. The experiment makes use of a15N, 13C and fractionally deuterated proteinsample and selects for CH2D methyl types. The experiment isthus useful in the early stages of the sequential assignment process as wellas for the confirmation of backbone 15N, NH chemical shiftassignments at later stages of data analysis. A simple modification of thesequence also allows the measurement of methyl side-chain dynamics. This isparticularly useful for studying side-chain dynamic properties in partiallyunfolded and unfolded proteins where the resolution of aliphatic carbon andproton chemical shifts is limited compared to that of amide nitrogens.  相似文献   

Summary The 1H, 13C and 15N NMR resonances of serine protease PB92 have been assigned using 3D tripleresonance NMR techniques. With a molecular weight of 27 kDa (269 residues) this protein is one of the largest monomeric proteins assigned so far. The side-chain assignments were based mainly on 3D H(C)CH and 3D (H)CCH COSY and TOCSY experiments. The set of assignments encompasses all backbone carbonyl and CHn carbons, all amide (NH and NH2) nitrogens and 99.2% of the amide and CHn protons. The secondary structure and general topology appear to be identical to those found in the crystal structure of serine protease PB92 [Van der Laan et al. (1992) Protein Eng., 5, 405–411], as judged by chemical shift deviations from random coil values, NH exchange data and analysis of NOEs between backbone NH groups.Abbreviations 2D/3D/4D two-/three-/four-dimensional - HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence - HMQC heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence - COSY correlation spectroscopy - TOCSY total correlation spectroscopy - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement (connectivity) - NOESY 2D NOE spectroscopy Experiment nomenclature (H(C)CH, etc.) follows the conventions used elsewhere [e.g. Ikura et al. (1990) Biochemistry, 29, 4659–4667].  相似文献   

Protocols have been developed and applied for the high-throughput production of [U-15N]- or [U-13C-, U-15N]-labeled proteins using the conditional methionine auxotroph Escherichia coli B834. The large-scale growth and expression uses a chemically defined auto-induction medium containing salts and trace metals, vitamins including vitamin B12, and glucose, glycerol, and lactose. The results from nine expression trials in 2-L of the auto-induction medium (500 mL in each of four polyethylene terephthalate beverage bottles) gave an average final optical density at 600 nm of approximately 5, an average wet cell mass yield of approximately 9.5 g L(-1), and an average yield of approximately 20 mg of labeled protein in the six instances in which proteolysis of the fusion protein was observed. Correlations between the cell mass recovered, the level of protein expression, and the relative amounts of glucose, glycerol, and lactose in the auto-induction medium were noted. Mass spectral analysis showed that the purified proteins contained both 15N and 13C at levels greater than 95%. 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum correlation spectroscopy as well as 13C; 15N-edited spectroscopy showed that the purified [U-15N]- and [U-13C, U-15N]-labeled proteins were suitable for structure analysis.  相似文献   

Summary In this study we report on the 1H, 13C and 15N NMR chemical shifts for the random coil state and nearest-neighbor sequence effects measured from the protected linear hexapeptide Gly-Gly-X-Y-Gly-Gly (where X and Y are any of the 20 common amino acids). We present data for a set of 40 peptides (of the possible 400) including Gly-Gly-X-Ala-Gly-Gly and Gly-Gly-X-Pro-Gly-Gly, measured under identical aqueous conditions. Because all spectra were collected under identical experimental conditions, the data from the Gly-Gly-X-Ala-Gly-Gly series provide a complete and internally consistent set of 1H, 13C and 15N random coil chemical shifts for all 20 common amino acids. In addition, studies were also conducted into nearest-neighbor effects on the random coil shift arising from a variety of X and Y positional substitutions. Comparisons between the chemical shift measurements obtained from Gly-Gly-X-Ala-Gly-Gly and Gly-Gly-X-Pro-Gly-Gly reveal significant systematic shift differences arising from the presence of proline in the peptide sequence. Similarly, measurements of the chemical shift changes occurring for both alanine and proline (i.e., the residues in the Y position) are found to depend strougly on the type of amino acid substituted into the X position. These data lend support to the hypothesis that sequence effects play a significant role in determining peptide and protein chemical shifts.  相似文献   

A novel protocol, based on the HN(C)N experiment, has been developed for rapid assignment of backbone H(N) and (15)N resonances in ((15)N, (13)C) labeled proteins. The protocol exploits the directly observable (15)N and H(N) sequential correlations and the distinctive peak patterns in the different planes of the HN(C)N spectrum, depending upon the nature of the residues displaying the correlations. Glycines and prolines, which are responsible for the distinctive features, provide many check/start points for the sequential walks. These features enhance the speed of data analysis and render side chain assignments less crucial for the success of the assignments. The application of the protocol has been demonstrated with FK506 binding protein (FKBP, molecular mass 12 kDa).  相似文献   

Summary Specific and uniform15N labelings along with site-directed mutagenesis of glutamine-binding protein have been utilized to obtain assignments of the His156, Trp32 and Trp.220 residues. These assignments have been made not only to further study the importance of these 3 amino acid residues in protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions associated with the active transport ofl-glutamine across the cytoplasmic membrane ofEscherichia coli, but also to serve as the starting points in the sequence-specific backbone assignment. The assignment of H2 of His156 refines the earlier, model where this particular proton formas an intermolecular hydrogen bond to the -carbonyl ofl-glutamine, while assignments of both Trp32 and Trp220 show the variation in local structures which ensure the specificity in ligand binding and protein-protein interaction. Using 3D NOESY-HMQC NMR, amide connectivities can be traced along 8–9 amino acid residues at a time. This paper illustrates the usefulness of combining15N isotopic labeling and multinuclear, multidimensional NMR techniques for a structural investigation of a protein with a molecular weight of 25 000.  相似文献   

Based on the HSQC scheme, we have designed a 2D heterocorrelated experiment which combines constant time (CT) 13C and variable time (VT) 15N chemical shift labelling. Although applicable to all carbons, this mode is particularly suitable for simultaneous recording of methyl-carbon and nitrogen chemical shifts at high digital resolution. The methyl carbon magnetisation is in the transverse plane during the whole CT period (1/JCC=28.6 ms). The magnetisation originating from NH protons is initially stored in the 2HzNz state, then prior to the VT chemical shift labelling period is converted into 2HzNy coherence. The VT -15N mode eliminates the effect of 1 J N,CO and 1,2 J N,CA coupling constants without the need for band-selective carbon pulses. An optional editing procedure is incorporated which eliminates signals from CH2 groups, thus removing any potential overlap with the CH3 signals. The CT-13CH3,VT-15N HSQC building block is used to construct two 3D experiments: 3D NOESY-CH3NH and 3D 13C,15N HSQC-NOESY-CH3NH. Combined use of these experiments yields proton and heteronuclear chemical shifts for moieties experiencing NOEs with CH3 and NH protons. These NOE interactions are resolved as a consequence of the high digital resolution in the carbon and nitrogen chemical shifts of CH3 and NH groups, respectively. The techniques are illustrated using a double labelled sample of the CH domain from calponin.  相似文献   

Summary A biosynthetic strategy has recently been developed for the production of 15N, 13C, 2H-labeled proteins using 1H3C-pyruvate as the sole carbon source and D2O as the solvent. The methyl groups of Ala, Val, Leu and Ile (2 only) remain highly protonated, while the remaining positions in the molecule are largely deuterated. An (H)C(CO)NH-TOCSY experiment is presented for the sequential assignment of the protonated methyl groups. A high-sensitivity spectrum is recorded on a 15N, 13C, 2H, 1H3C-labeled SH2 domain at 3°C (correlation time 18.8 ns), demonstrating the utility of the method for proteins in the 30–40 kDa molecular weight range.  相似文献   

Recently, several TROSY-based experiments have been designed for backbone chemical shift assignment and measurement of the NOEs of 2H, 13C and 15N labeled proteins. Here, we present TROSY-enhanced NOESY experiments, namely the 2D S3E-NOESY-S3E, 3D TROSY-NOESY-S3E and S3E-NOESY-TROSY experiments. These experiments use the spin-state selective excitation method (S3E), and have the TROSY effect in all the indirectly and directly detected dimensions, and so provide optimal resolution for amide protons. The first two experiments provide an additional useful feature in that the diagonal peaks of the amide proton region are cancelled or greatly reduced, allowing clear identification of NOE cross peaks that are close to diagonal peaks.  相似文献   

C, N CP MAS and high resolution multinuclear NMR study of methyl

Four new derivatives of methyl

were studied by 1H, 13C, 15N NMR in CDCl3 solutions and by 13C, 15N NMR in the solid state. The replacement of one aryl substituent by another has no influence on the proton and carbon chemical shifts within the sugar moiety, in solution. The differences in 13C chemical shifts Δ = δliquid - δsolid are significant for C-3 (deshielding of -3.4 to -3.8 ppm), C-5 and OMe but not observed for C-2, where the ureido substituent is linked, thus indicating that this fragment of the structure is rigid. The values of Δ in 15N chemical shifts of N-3′ are -2.3 to -2.8 ppm (increase of shielding in the solids); the effect of replacement of substituent at aromatic ring is larger than the contribution of intermolecular H-bond interaction. The values of 15.5–16.1 Hz for 1JC-1′-N and 21.2–21.5 Hz for 1JCO-N indicate that the two C---N-3′ bonds are of significant double bond character.  相似文献   

Summary Nearly complete assignment of the protonated carbon resonances of apo-neocarzinostatin, 113-amino acid antitumor antibiotic carrier protein, has been achieved at natural 13C abundance using heteronuclear 2D experiments. Most of the cross peaks in the proton-carbon correlation map were identified by the combined use of HMQC, HMQC-RELAY and HMQC-NOESY spectra, using already published proton chemical shifts. However, double-DEPT and triple-quantum experiments had to be performed for the edition of CH and CH2 side-chain groups, respectively, which were hardly visible on HMQC-type maps. The triple-quantum pulse sequence was adapted from its original scheme to be applicable to a natural abundance sample. The correlation between carbon chemical shifts and the apo-neocarzinostatin structure is discussed. In particular, 13C alpha secondary shifts correlate well with the backbone conformation. These shifts also yield information about the main-chain flexibility of the protein. Assignments reported herein will be used further for interpretation of carbon relaxation times in a study of the internal dynamics of apo-neocarzinostatin.  相似文献   

The X-ray diffraction analysis, (13)C CP MAS NMR spectra and powder X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained for selected methyl glycosides: alpha- and beta-d-lyxopyranosides (1, 2), alpha- and beta-l-arabinopyranosides (3, 4), alpha- and beta-d-xylopyranosides (5, 6) and beta-d-ribopyranoside (7) and the results were confirmed by GIAO DFT calculations of shielding constants. In X-ray diffraction analysis of 1 and 2, a characteristic shortening and lengthening of selected bonds was observed in molecules of 1 due to anomeric effect and, in crystal lattice of 1 and 2, hydrogen bonds of different patterns were present. Also, an additional intramolecular hydrogen bond with the participation of ring oxygen atom was observed in 1. The observed differences in chemical shifts between solid state and solution come from conformational effects and formation of various intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The changes in chemical shifts originating from intermolecular hydrogen bonds were smaller in magnitude than conformational effects. Furthermore, the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) performed for 4, 5 and 7 revealed that 7 existed as a mixture of two polymorphs, and one of them probably consisted of two non-equivalent molecules.  相似文献   

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