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Using PCR technology, we have cloned parts of three developmentally regulated putative serine/threonine kinases from Dictyostelium. All show significant homology to members of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A/protein kinase C subfamilies. A genomic clone encoding one of these, DdPK3, has been isolated and sequenced. The open reading frame encodes a protein of 648 amino acids with the conserved kinase domain in the C-terminal half. The protein encoded by this gene is unusual in that it contains long homopolymer runs in the N-terminal half of the protein, including a long run of 88 amino acids in which 73 are glutamine residues. To examine the function of DdPK3, a gene disruption was created via homologous recombination. Ddpk3- cells do not aggregate by themselves but will co-aggregate with wild-type cells. However, after aggregation these cells are 'sloughed off' and do not proceed further through development, but are found as a discrete mass alongside the fruiting body formed by the wild-type cells. Analysis of signal transduction pathways indicates that cAMP pulse-induced expression of aggregation stage-specific genes is normal in Ddpk3- cells, as is induction of the prestalk gene Ddras in single cell assays. However, cAMP induction of the late promoters of cAMP receptor cAR1 and of two prespore-specific genes is absent under similar conditions. These cells show normal activation of adenylate cyclase and normal phosphorylation of the G alpha protein G alpha 2 in response to cAMP. The possible role of DdPK3 in Dictyostelium development is discussed.  相似文献   

The RHO1 gene encodes a homolog of mammalian RhoA small GTP binding protein in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rho1p is localized at the growth sites, including the bud tip and the cytokinesis site, and is required for bud formation. We have recently shown that Pkc1p, a yeast homolog of mammalian protein kinase C, and glucan synthase are targets of Rho1p. Using the two-hybrid screening system, we cloned a gene encoding a protein which interacted with the GTP-bound form of Rho1p. This gene was identified as BNI1, known to be implicated in cytokinesis or establishment of cell polarity in S.cerevisiae. Bni1p shares homologous domains (FH1 and FH2 domains) with proteins involved in cytokinesis or establishment of cell polarity, including formin of mouse, capu and dia of Drosophila and FigA of Aspergillus. A temperature-sensitive mutation in which the RHO1 gene was replaced by the mammalian RhoA gene showed a synthetically lethal interaction with the bni1 mutation and the RhoA bni1 mutant accumulated cells with a deficiency in cytokinesis. Furthermore, this synthetic lethality was caused by the incapability of RhoA to activate Pkc1p, but not glucan synthase. These results suggest that Rho1p regulates cytoskeletal reorganization at least through Bni1p and Pkc1p.  相似文献   

In this study we describe the identification and structure-function analysis of a novel death-associated protein (DAP) kinase-related protein, DRP-1. DRP-1 is a 42-kDa Ca(2+)/calmodulin (CaM)-regulated serine threonine kinase which shows high degree of homology to DAP kinase. The region of homology spans the catalytic domain and the CaM-regulatory region, whereas the remaining C-terminal part of the protein differs completely from DAP kinase and displays no homology to any known protein. The catalytic domain is also homologous to the recently identified ZIP kinase and to a lesser extent to the catalytic domains of DRAK1 and -2. Thus, DAP kinase DRP-1, ZIP kinase, and DRAK1/2 together form a novel subfamily of serine/threonine kinases. DRP-1 is localized to the cytoplasm, as shown by immunostaining and cellular fractionation assays. It binds to CaM, undergoes autophosphorylation, and phosphorylates an exogenous substrate, the myosin light chain, in a Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent manner. The truncated protein, deleted of the CaM-regulatory domain, was converted into a constitutively active kinase. Ectopically expressed DRP-1 induced apoptosis in various types of cells. Cell killing by DRP-1 was dependent on two features: the status of the catalytic activity, and the presence of the C-terminal 40 amino acids shown to be required for self-dimerization of the kinase. Interestingly, further deletion of the CaM-regulatory region could override the indispensable role of the C-terminal tail in apoptosis and generated a "superkiller" mutant. A dominant negative fragment of DAP kinase encompassing the death domain was found to block apoptosis induced by DRP-1. Conversely, a catalytically inactive mutant of DRP-1, which functioned in a dominant negative manner, was significantly less effective in blocking cell death induced by DAP kinase. Possible functional connections between DAP kinase and DRP-1 are discussed.  相似文献   

During investigations of the regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) by protein phosphorylation, a novel protein kinase activity has been discovered in rat pheochromocytoma. Originally detected as a trace contaminant in preparations of highly purified TH, this novel kinase activity phosphorylated TH at serine 8 in the proline-rich amino-terminal region of the enzyme. This particular site is not phosphorylated by, nor is the amino acid sequence surrounding this site selective for, any of the classical (i.e. well characterized) protein kinases. In this report, we describe the identification, characterization, and partial purification of this novel protein kinase. By utilizing a synthetic peptide corresponding to the amino-terminal region of TH, a selective assay for this protein kinase was developed. The kinase activity utilized ATP and magnesium, although GTP could also be utilized as a phosphate donor. The kinase activity was found to co-purify with TH activity through ammonium sulfate precipitation and DEAE-cellulose chromatography and could be only partially resolved from TH by heparin-agarose affinity chromatography. Substantial kinase activity could be resolved from TH by phosphocellulose chromatography. The novel kinase migrates as a protein with a molecular mass of approximately 45 kDa on gel permeation chromatography as well as sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Studies of site specificity indicate that this Ser/Thr kinase activity appears to be directed by an adjacent (carboxyl-terminal) proline residue, exhibiting a minimal recognition sequence of -X-Ser/Thr-Pro-X-. In addition to TH, this proline-directed protein kinase will also phosphorylate synapsin I, histone H1, and glycogen synthase, suggesting that this kinase may have multiple substrates in vivo. Additional findings indicate that the activity of proline-directed protein kinase is increased transiently in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells following treatment with nerve growth factor. Distinctions between this novel kinase and other well characterized protein kinases can be made on the basis of phosphorylation site specificity, chromatographic behavior, and physical characteristics.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a novel mammalian protein phosphatase, termed PPX (and designated PPP4 in the human genome nomenclature), has been deduced from the cDNA and shown to be 65% identical to PP2A alpha and PP2A beta and 45% identical to PPI isoforms, the predicted molecular mass being 35 kDa. PPX was expressed in the baculovirus system. Its substrate specificity and sensitivity to the inhibitors, okadaic acid and microcystin, were similar (but not identical) to the catalytic subunit of PP2A. However, PPX did not bind the 65 kDa regulatory subunit of PP2A. The intracellular localization of PPX was investigated by immunofluorescence using two different antibodies raised against bacterially expressed PPX and a PPX-specific peptide. These showed that although PPX was distributed throughout the cytoplasm and the nucleus, intense staining occurred at centrosomes. The centrosomal staining was apparent in interphase and at all stages of mitosis, except telophase. In contrast, antibodies directed against bacterially expressed PP2A were not specifically localized to centrosomes. The human autoantibody #5051, which stains the pericentriolar material, colocalizes with PPX antibodies, suggesting that PPX may play a role in microtubule nucleation.  相似文献   

The cmk2 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe encodes a 504 amino acid protein kinase with sequence homology with the calmodulin-dependent protein kinase family. The cmk2(+) gene is not essential for cell viability but overexpression of cmk2(+) blocks the cell cycle at G2 phase and this inhibition is cdc2-dependent. The Cmk2 is a cytoplasmic protein expressed in a cell cycle-dependent manner, peaking at the G1/S boundary. Overexpression of Cmk2 suppresses fission yeast DNA replication checkpoint defects but not DNA damage checkpoint defects, suggesting that the G2 cell cycle arrest mediated by high levels of Cmk2 provides sufficient time to correct DNA replication alterations.  相似文献   

The defecation behavior of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is controlled by a 45-s ultradian rhythm. An essential component of the clock that regulates the rhythm is the inositol trisphosphate receptor in the intestine, but other components remain to be discovered. Here, we show that the flr-4 gene, whose mutants exhibit very short defecation cycle periods, encodes a novel serine/threonine protein kinase with a carboxyl terminal hydrophobic region. The expression of functional flr-4::GFP was detected in the intestine, part of pharyngeal muscles and a pair of neurons, but expression of flr-4 in the intestine was sufficient for the wild-type phenotype. Furthermore, laser killing of the flr-4-expressing neurons did not change the defecation phenotypes of wild-type and flr-4 mutant animals. Temperature-shift experiments with a temperature-sensitive flr-4 mutant suggested that FLR-4 acts in a cell-functional rather than developmental aspect in the regulation of defecation rhythms. The function of FLR-4 was impaired by missense mutations in the kinase domain and near the hydrophobic region, where the latter allele seemed to be a weak antimorph. Thus, a novel protein kinase with a unique structural feature acts in the intestine to increase the length of defecation cycle periods.  相似文献   

Tumor cells exhibit two interconvertible modes of cell motility referred to as mesenchymal and amoeboid migration. Mesenchymal mode is characterized by elongated morphology that requires high GTPase Rac activation, whereas amoeboid mode is dependent on actomyosin contractility induced by Rho/Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) signaling. While elongated morphology is driven by Rac-induced protrusion at the leading edge, how Rho/ROCK signaling controls amoeboid movement is not well understood. We identified FilGAP, a Rac GTPase-activating protein (GAP), as a mediator of Rho/ROCK-dependent amoeboid movement of carcinoma cells. We show that depletion of endogenous FilGAP in carcinoma cells induced highly elongated mesenchymal morphology. Conversely, forced expression of FilGAP induced a round/amoeboid morphology that requires Rho/ROCK-dependent phosphorylation of FilGAP. Moreover, depletion of FilGAP impaired breast cancer cell invasion through extracellular matrices and reduced tumor cell extravasation in vivo. Thus phosphorylation of FilGAP by ROCK appears to promote amoeboid morphology of carcinoma cells, and FilGAP contributes to tumor invasion.  相似文献   

The addition of phorbol esters to U937 leukemic cells stimulates the phosphorylation of c-Jun on serines 63 and 73. To isolate the protein kinase which stimulates this phosphorylation, we have used heparin-Sepharose chromatography followed by affinity chromatography over glutathione-Sepharose beads bound with a fusion protein of glutathione S-transferase and amino acids 5-89 of c-Jun (GST-c-Jun). Using this procedure we purify a 67-kDa protein which is capable of phosphorylating GST-c-Jun as well as the complete c-Jun protein. By making mutations in serines 63 and 73 and then creating a fusion protein with GST (GST-c-Jun mut), we demonstrate that this protein kinase specifically phosphorylates these sites in the c-Jun amino terminus. Treatment of purified c-Jun amino-terminal protein kinase (cJAT-PK) with phosphatase 2A inhibits its ability to phosphorylate GST-c-Jun. This inactivated enzyme can be reactivated by phosphorylation with protein kinase C (PKC), although PKC is not capable of phosphorylating the GST-c-Jun substrate. Because v-Jun cannot be phosphorylated in vivo, we compared the ability of cJAT-PK to bind to GST-v-Jun or GST-c-Jun mut. The cJAT-PK bound 50-fold better to GST-c-Jun mut than GST-v-Jun suggesting that the delta domain which is missing in v-Jun plays a role in binding the cJAT-PK. These results suggest that there is a protein kinase cascade mediated by protein phosphatases and PKC which regulates c-Jun phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We have cloned and characterized a novel mammalian serine/threonine protein kinase WNK1 (with no lysine (K)) from a rat brain cDNA library. WNK1 has 2126 amino acids and can be detected as a protein of approximately 230 kDa in various cell lines and rat tissues. WNK1 contains a small N-terminal domain followed by the kinase domain and a long C-terminal tail. The WNK1 kinase domain has the greatest similarity to the MEKK protein kinase family. However, overexpression of WNK1 in HEK293 cells exerts no detectable effect on the activity of known, co-transfected mitogen-activated protein kinases, suggesting that it belongs to a distinct pathway. WNK1 phosphorylates the exogenous substrate myelin basic protein as well as itself mostly on serine residues, confirming that it is a serine/threonine protein kinase. The demonstration of activity was striking because WNK1, and its homologs in other organisms lack the invariant catalytic lysine in subdomain II of protein kinases that is crucial for binding to ATP. A model of WNK1 using the structure of cAMP-dependent protein kinase suggests that lysine 233 in kinase subdomain I may provide this function. Mutation of this lysine residue to methionine eliminates WNK1 activity, consistent with the conclusion that it is required for catalysis. This distinct organization of catalytic residues indicates that WNK1 belongs to a novel family of serine/threonine protein kinases.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA sequencing in the vicinity of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase gene (mutAB) from a rifamycin SV-producing Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 allowed us to clone, sequence, and identify a gene encoding a novel serine/threonine protein kinase (amk). The sequence contains a complete ORF of 1821 base pairs encoding a predicted protein of 606 amino acids in length. The N-terminal domain of the protein shows significant homology to the catalytic domain of other protein kinases from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic sources. It also contains all the structural features that are highly conserved in active protein kinases, including the Gly-X-Gly-X-X-Gly motif of ATP-binding and the essential amino acids known to be important for the recognition of the correct hydroxyamino acid in serine/threonine protein kinase. This protein kinase gene was expressed in Escherichia coli and was shown to have the ability of autophosphorylation. The autophosphorylated site was found to be the threonine at position 164 by labeled phosphoamino acid analysis and site-directed mutagenesis. The C-terminal half of protein kinase was found to contain strong transmembrane structures by PhoA fusion protein analysis, suggesting that Amk protein kinase is a transmembrane protein. A Southern hybridization experiment showed that this type of protein kinase is distributed ubiquitously and might play significant physiological roles in the various species of streptomycetes. However, overexpression of amk gene in Streptomyces cinnamonensis showed no effect on methylmalonyl-CoA mutase activity, monensin production and the hyphae morphology. Although its biological role is still unknown, Amk protein kinase is the first transmembrane serine/threonine protein kinase described for genus Amycolatopsis.  相似文献   

A novel protein kinase, Mx-interacting protein kinase (PKM), has been identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen for interaction partners of human MxA, an interferon-induced GTPase with antiviral activity against several RNA viruses. A highly conserved protein kinase domain is present in the N-terminal moiety of PKM, whereas an Mx interaction domain overlaps with C-terminal PEST sequences. PKM has a molecular weight of about 127,000 and exhibits high sequence homology to members of a recently described family of homeodomain-interacting protein kinases. Recombinant PKM has serine/threonine kinase activity that is abolished by a single amino acid substitution in the ATP binding domain (K221W). PKM catalyzes autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of various cellular and viral proteins. PKM is expressed constitutively and colocalizes with the interferon-inducible Sp100 protein and murine Mx1 in discrete nuclear structures known as nuclear bodies.  相似文献   

We report the molecular cloning and initial characterization of a novel fatty acid acylated serine/threonine protein kinase. The putative open reading frame is predicted to encode a 305 amino acid protein possessing a carboxy-terminal protein kinase domain and amino-terminal myristylation and palmitylation sites. The protein kinase has been accordingly denoted as the myristylated and palmitylated serine/threonine protein kinase (MPSK). Human and mouse MPSKs share approximately 93% identity at the amino acid level with complete retention of acylation sites. Radiation hybridization localized the human MPSK gene to chromosome 2q34-37. Northern analysis demonstrated that the human MPSK 1.7 kilobase mRNA is widely distributed. Epitope tagged human MPSK was found to be acylated by myristic acid at glycine residue 2 and by palmitic acid at cysteines 6 and/or 8. Palmitylation of MPSK in these experiments was found to require an intact myristylation site. While epitope tagged MPSK in immune complexes or purified human glutathione S transferase-MPSK was found to autophosphorylate at one or more threonine residues, the enzyme was not found to phosphorylate several other common exogenous substrates. Indeed, only PHAS-I was identified as an exogenous substrate which was found to be phosphorylated on threonine and serine residues.  相似文献   

An hepatic protein kinase that phosphorylates microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2) on Ser/Thr residues is markedly activated after intraperitoneal injection of cycloheximide in the rat. The enzyme has been purified greater than 10,000-fold to near homogeneity and corresponds to a 54-kDa polypeptide, based on auto-phosphorylation, renaturation of activity from sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, and gel filtration. The protein kinase activity is unaffected by prior autophosphorylation, Ca2+, diacylglycerol and phospholipids, cyclic nucleotides, staurosporine, and protein kinase inhibitor, but can be totally and specifically deactivated by the Ser/Thr protein phosphatase 2A. The enzyme is inhibited completely but reversible by transition metals and p-chloromercuribenzoate, and is strongly stimulated by poly-L-lysine toward most, but not all protein substrates. The activity of the cycloheximide-stimulated MAP-2 kinase (pp54 MAP-2 kinase) toward potential polypeptide substrates was compared to that of an insulin-stimulated MAP-2 kinase (pp42 MAP-2 kinase). Although both MAP-2 kinases exhibited little or no ability to phosphorylate histones and casein, the two kinases had a distinguishable substrate specificity. At comparable MAP-2 phosphorylating activities, pp42 MAP-2 kinase, but not pp54 MAP-2 kinase, phosphorylated and activated the Xenopus S6 protein kinase II. Moreover, pp42 MAP-2 kinase phosphorylated myelin basic protein at 10-12-fold higher rates than did pp54 MAP-2 kinase. Cycloheximide-activated pp54 MAP-2 protein kinase appears to be a previously uncharacterized protein kinase that is itself regulated through Ser/Thr phosphorylation and, perhaps, polypeptide regulators with basic domains. The identity of the upstream regulatory elements and the native substrates remain to be established.  相似文献   

Xenopus MAP kinase activator, a 45 kDa protein, has been shown to function as a direct upstream factor sufficient for full activation and both tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphorylation of inactive MAP kinase. We have now shown by using an anti-MAP kinase activator antiserum that MAP kinase activator is ubiquitous in tissues and is regulated post-translationally. Activation of MAP kinase activator is correlated precisely with its threonine phosphorylation during the oocyte maturation process. It is a key question whether MAP kinase activator is a kinase or not. We have shown that Xenopus MAP kinase activator purified from mature oocytes is capable of undergoing autophosphorylation on serine, threonine and tyrosine residues. Dephosphorylation of purified activator by protein phosphatase 2A treatment inactivates its autophosphorylation activity as well as its activator activity. Thus, Xenopus MAP kinase activator is a protein kinase with specificity for both serine/threonine and tyrosine. Partial protein sequencing of purified activator indicates that it contains a sequence homologous to kinase subdomains VI and VII of two yeast protein kinases, STE7 and byrl.  相似文献   

The effector domain of human protein serine/threonine kinase N (PKN), an effector protein for the small GTP-binding protein Rho, was expressed and purified for protein characterization and crystallization in a complex form with human RhoA. In solution, RhoA binds to the PKN effector domain with 1:2 stoichiometry in a GTP-dependent manner. The obtained complex crystals diffract to 2.2 A resolution.  相似文献   

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