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Eight species of ectoparasites were recovered from 35 Sylvilagus audubonii and 35 Lepus californicus occurring sympatrically near the Clovis-Portales area of eastern New Mexico. Recovered were Anoplura (Haemodipsus setoni), Diptera (Cuterebra lepusculi and Cuterebra ruficrus), Siphonaptera (Echidnophaga gallinacea and Euhoplopsyllus glacialis), and Acari (Ornithodoros parkeri, Dermacentor parumapertus, and Haemaphysalis leporispalustris). Jaccard's index showed a 50% ectoparasitic overlap with H. setoni, E. glacialis, D. parumapertus, and H. leporispalustris present on both host species. Cuterebra lepusculi, E. gallinacea, and Ornithodoros parkeri were taken only from S. audubonii, whereas C. ruficrus occurred only on jack rabbits. Euhoplopsyllus glacialis was the only species to demonstrate a preference for sex of host, occurring more abundantly on females.  相似文献   

Thirty-five desert cottontails (Sylvilagus audubonii) and 35 black-tailed jack rabbits (Lepus californicus), occurring sympatrically near the Clovis-Portales area of eastern New Mexico were infected with four species of Eucestoda (adults of Raillietina salmoni and Raillietina selfi, larvae of Taenia pisiformis and Taenia serialis). Raillietina salmoni and T. pisiformis more commonly infected S. audubonii. Raillietina selfi was found in near equal prevalence in both host species. Taenia serialis was recovered only from L. californicus. Thus, three of the four helminth species were shared by both lagomorphs (Jaccard's coefficient = 75). Female hosts were most heavily infected with R. selfi and Taenia serialis.  相似文献   

Analysis of 9 genetic loci by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was performed on 203 specimens of South African representatives of the leporid genera Lepus and Pronolagus . Three loci were found to be polymorphic within samples of the various species of both genera: transferrin (Tf-I), esterase-1 (Es-I) and esterase-2 (Es-II). Only one system, carbonic anhydrase (CA-I), proved useful in species identification, this being restricted to the genus Lepus . Based on this system all Lepus specimens analysed would be assigned to one of two groups corresponding to the species L. capensis and L. saxatils .  相似文献   

Analysis of 9 genetic loci by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was performed on 203 specimens of South African representatives of the leporid genera Lepus and Pronolagus. Three loci were found to be polymorphic within samples of the various species of both genera: transferrin (Tf-I), esterase-1 (Es-I) and esterase-2 (Es-II). Only one system, carbonic anhydrase (CA-I), proved useful in species identification, this being restricted to the genus Lepus. Based on this system all Lepus specimens analysed would be assigned to one of two groups corresponding to the species L. capensis and L. saxatilis.  相似文献   

Zygotene and pachytene configurations of the X chromosome were studied in whole-mount, silver-stained preparations of spermatocytes from XY males from a population of Talpa occidentalis in which sex reversal has been described. The most striking finding in this study was a self-pairing conformation of the axial (differential) element of the X chromosome. This self-pairing was markedly constant in the site of initiation, which invariably involved the distal free end of the X and the region beyond the X-Y pairing segment, so that X-Y synapsis was never disturbed. In addition, self-pairing occurred later than autosomal synapsis and was accompanied by thickening of the axes, although this seemed to occur after the formation of an ordinary synaptonemal complex. The etiology of this phenomenon may be based on residual homology, possibly due to conservation of a primitive isochromosome throughout the karyotypic evolution of this species. However, the possible relationship between self-pairing and sex reversal remains obscure.  相似文献   

Two species of early lagomorph, Strenulagus solaris sp. nov. (Monogolia, Khaychin-Ula 2 and 3 localities, Middle Eocene) and Gobiolagus hekkeri (Kyrgyzstan, Andarak 2 locality, terminal Lower Eocene), are described. A revision of Romanolagus hekkeri Shevyreva from the Andarak 2 locality has shown that it belongs to the genus Gobiolagus; consequently, the monotypic genus Romanolagus Shevyreva, 1995 is a junior synonym of Gobiolagus Burke, 1941. The diagnoses and species compositions of the genera Strenulagus and Gobiolagus are revised. Zaissanolagus gromovi Erbajeva from the Lower Oligocene of eastern Kazakhstan is shown to be the latest representative of the genus Gobiolagus and the family Strenulagidae.  相似文献   

A new species of Venezuelan rabbit of the genus Sylvilagus from Fundo Millano (08 degrees 46'N and 69 degrees 56'W) and Chorrosco Bajo (08 degrees 05'N and 69 degrees 18'W), between 190 and 120 masl, state of Barinas, is described based on: 1. Body and skull measurements. 2. Coloration patterns of the pelage. 3. Arrangement and length of the color hair bands of dorsal, lateral, ventral nuchal, and gular patches. Body and cranial measurements, and some color patterns of the new species, Sylvilagus varynaensis, were compared with those of the closest relative groups such as S. brasiliensis (from Venezuela and Brazil), S. b. meridensis from the Venezuelan paramos, and three of the most representative groups of S. floridanus (S. f. continentis, S. f. orinoci, and S. f. valenciae). Most of the values recorded for these parameters were significantly higher for the new species (P < 0.005; Student "t" test). Cluster and principal components analysis of the data recorded for cranial characteristics indicated that S. varynaensis is the largest and darkest of the known Venezuelan rabbits, with a broader elongated skull and a different arrangement of the color hair bands.  相似文献   

The marsh rabbit, Sylvilagus palustris, was epidemiologically incriminated as the source of two human cases of tularemia. This represents the first published report of involvement for this species in the human disease.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. All of 100 cottontail rabbits Sylvilagus audubonii were found to be infected with 1-6 species of Eimeria. Three new species, E. audubonii, E. neoirresidua and E. poudrei are described from this host. Sub-spherical oocysts of E. audubonii average 21.2 by 17.1 μ; polar body, micropyle, oocyst residuum and sporocyst residuum are all absent; ellipsoidal sporocysts average 12.9 by 5.8 μ. Ovoid to ellipsoidal oocysts of E. neoirresidua average 25.7 by 17.9 μ; polar body and oocyst residuum are absent; micropyle and sporocyst residuum are present; ellipsoidal sporocysts average 14.5 by 6.4 μ. Ovoid to ellipsoidal oocysts of E. poudrei average 26.0 by 18.1 μ; polar body is lacking; micropyle, oocyst residuum and sporocyst residuum are present; ellipsoidal sporocysts average 14.4 by 6.4 μ. Three species of Eimeria previously described in the literature, E. maior Honess, 1939, E. media form honessi Carvalho, 1943 and E. environ Honess, 1939 are redescribed. A detailed structural and statistical analysis of each species is presented with at least 200 sporulated oocysts measured in each instance. A host list and a key to the Eimeria of cottontails is given. The use of detailed studies of oocyst size and structure as a tool for specific diagnosis of the Eimeria of cottontails is discussed.  相似文献   

Melanism is a common phenomenon in the animal kingdom. While the occurrence of melanism in lagomorphs has been less studied, this phenomenon has led to systematic confusion among different forms of pikas (Ochotona) and hares (Lepus). Within Ochotona, the Pianma black pika (O. nigritia) was established primarily based on its pelage phenotype variation compared with the sympatric Forrest's pika (O. forresti). The Gaoligong pika (O. gaoligongensis) was also described based on pelage color differences with O. forresti. However, the specific status of these two taxa has been questioned for several years. We conducted a detailed examination of the cranial characters used for the initial diagnosis of each of these forms (O. forresti, O. gaoligongensis and O. nigritia). Insignificant differences were displayed among these species, thus contradicting the classification of O. gaoligongensis and O. nigritia as separate species. Within Lepus, the Manchurian black hare (Lepus melainus) was also initially described based on the melanistic pelage possessed by this form. We conducted a detailed examination of the cranial characteristics of L. melainus and the sympatric Manchurian hare (L. mandshuricus) and confirmed the synonomy of these forms; L. melainus represents melanistic individuals of L. mandshuricus. These taxonomic mistakes probably resulted from underestimating the prevalence of melanism and the potential for adaptative variation of pelage coloration in nature. A more detailed study on the genetic background leading to the occurrence of melanistic lagomorphs is needed.  相似文献   

Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco, Solanaceae) has two 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) families, one of unit length approximately 646 bp and the other -430 bp, that differ in the length of the 5S rDNA non-transcribed spacer (NTS). The long 5S rDNA family, found on the T genome of tobacco and in Nicotiana tomentosiformis, contains a GC-rich subregion that is absent in the short family. We designed primers for this subregion and generated a probe that we used against a range of Nicotiana and related Solanaceous species. We demonstrated the presence of the GC-rich subregion in a range of Nicotiana species, but it was absent in Nicotiana sylvestris, Nicotiana longiflora, and two closely related genera, Petunia and Solanum. These data suggest that this subregion of the NTS is likely to have evolved with the genus Nicotiana. The absence of the subregion in N. sylvestris and N. longiflora is likely to have arisen by a deletion event in the evolution of section alatae. We demonstrate patterns of evolution in the 5S rDNA unit cluster in relation to a phylogenetic reconstruction of species relationships in section tomentosae. Nicotiana glutinosa diverged early from the section and contains a 5S rDNA family based on a 550-bp unit. After this divergence, 430- and 650-bp rDNA unit families evolved. The 650-bp family is found in all species of tomentosae (except N. glutinosa) and in tobacco. The 430-bp family within tomentosae includes the GC-rich subregion and is thus unrelated to the 430-bp family in N. sylvestris. Nicotiana setchellii is unusual in that it has three 5S rDNA loci, including one locus that is exceptionally large. This species, unique to tomentosae, has a very abundant 900-bp unit family. It is possible that this 900-bp family occurs on this one large locus. In N. tomentosa and N. kawakamii, the 650-bp family is predominant, whereas N. tomentosiformis and N. otophora have only the 650-bp family. There is no clear relationship between the number of 5S families and the number of 5S rDNA loci. Certainly the replacement of 5S rDNA units, perhaps by gene conversion, has occurred repeatedly in the evolution of genus Nicotiana.  相似文献   

Waltari E  Cook JA 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(10):3005-3016
Phylogeographical investigations of arctic organisms provide spatial and temporal frameworks for interpreting the role of climate change on biotic diversity in high-latitude ecosystems. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted on 473 base pairs of the mitochondrial control region in 192 arctic hares (Lepus arcticus, Lepus othus, Lepus timidus) and two individual Lepus townsendii. The three arctic hare species are closely related. All L. othus individuals form one well-supported clade, L. arcticus individuals form two well-supported clades, and L. timidus individuals are scattered throughout the phylogeny. Arctic hare distribution was altered dramatically following post-Pleistocene recession of continental ice sheets. We tested for genetic signatures of population expansion for hare populations now found in deglaciated areas. Historical demographic estimates for 12 arctic hare populations from throughout their range indicate that L. arcticus and L. othus persisted in two separate North American arctic refugia (Beringia and High Canadian Arctic) during glacial advances of the Pleistocene, while the high genetic diversity in L. timidus likely reflects multiple Eurasian refugia.  相似文献   

New insights for the systematic and evolution of the wild sheep are provided by molecular phylogenies inferred from Maximum parsimony, Bayesian, Maximum likelihood, and Neighbor-Joining methods. The phylogeny of the wild sheep was based on cytochrome b sequences of 290 samples representative of most of the sub-species described in the genus Ovis. The result was confirmed by a combined tree based on cytochrome b and nuclear sequences for 79 Ovis samples representative of the robust clades established with mitochondrial data. Urial and mouflon, which are either considered as a single or two separate species, form two monophyletic groups (O. orientalis and O. vignei). Their hybrids appear in one or the other group, independently from their geographic origin. The European mouflon O. musimon is clearly in the O. orientalis clade. The others species, O. dalli, O. canadensis, O. nivicola, and O. ammon are monophyletic. The results support an Asiatic origin of the genus Ovis, followed by a migration to North America through North-Eastern Asia and the Bering Strait and a diversification of the genus in Eurasia less than 3 million years ago. Our results show that the evolution of the genus Ovis is a striking example of successive speciation events occurring along the migration routes propagating from the ancestral area.  相似文献   

We examined a cranial morphometric data set consisting of 186 specimens from the entire distribution range of Ochotona pallasii sensu lato and O. argentata, as well as 67 complete sequences of the COI gene and 28 sequences of the MGF and PRKCI introns from these and closely allied species. Our results show that the two allopatric morphologically similar taxa composing Opallasii sensu lato – from Mongolia and adjacent territories and Kazakhstan – are paraphyletic relative to O. argentata. Genetic distances between these three taxa are larger than the intraspecific variation known for the subgenus Pika, in which the species under consideration belong; these distances are even larger than the interspecific differences among closely related species such as O. hyperborea, O. mantchurica and O. hoffmanni. Thus, the three focal taxa are recognized here as distinct species. Inspection of the type specimen of Opallasii indicated that this specimen was not collected in Kazakhstan, has previously been theorized. The most probable place of the holotype's origin is Russian south‐eastern Altai (Chuyskaya Steppe); whatever its exact origin, it definitively originates from the ‘Mongolian’ taxon. Based on this evidence, the senior synonym for the Kazakh pika is O. opaca Argyropulo, 1930. Thus, we propose to recognize three separate species in the Opallasii species group: Opallasii (Mongolia and adjacent territories), O. opaca (eastern Kazakhstan) and O. argentata (Helan Shan Range, China).  相似文献   

The lengths and widths of body parts are influenced to a considerable extent by the environment. Along with increasing altitude, wings of arthropods degenerated or even disappeared so that a trend of degeneration on their acoustic systems appeared. We measured 131 adult skulls of daurian pikas, Ochotona daurica , in order to know whether the degeneration will happen in mammals. Our results show that both the size and relative size of auditory bulla of daurian pikas were negatively correlated with altitude and this change was significant. However, the ear length showed an opposite trend. We suggest that lower oxygen concentration, constantly strong winds and lack of resources at high altitude are responsible for the decrease in the size of the auditory bulla. Besides thermoregulation for large different temperatures of day and night in high altitude, larger external ears of the pika help detect the direction of the predator and could compensate for a relatively small bulla.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(8):927-940
Although the pika from the Moldovan Kalfa locality (early MN10) — representing the oldest European record of Ochotoninae (the clade derived from Bellatona) — is of crucial importance to understand the earliest history of Ochotona, its taxonomy has remained unclear until now. The paper fills the gap by providing a detailed revision of the type material from Kalfa, originally referred to Proochotona kalfense. The analysis is supported by a direct comparison with type materials of Proochotona eximia, Bellatonoides eroli, and Ochotona ozansoyi, the important early ochotonines of the peri-Paratethyan area. The genus Proochotona is regarded here as a junior subjective synonym of Ochotona. The specie kalfense is confirmed to be valid, undoubtedly belonging to the genus Ochotona. It demonstrates an occurrence of a surprisingly advanced p3 phenotype already present in the pre-Turolian of Europe. At the Holoarctic scale, a detailed synoptic survey and discussion of the fossil record, taxonomy, and phylogeny of the oldest representatives of Ochotoninae are provided.  相似文献   

Aim Studies comparing feeding habits across a genus in different geographical regions or habitats can identify factors associated with adaptive feeding behaviour, linking key ecological traits between consumers and their environment. We investigated biogeographical patterns in dietary composition and trophic diversity across the genus Martes in relation to geographical range and environmental variables. We hypothesized that widely distributed opportunistic Martes species should demonstrate adaptive variations in dietary composition and trophic diversity relative to regional geographical location (e.g. latitude, elevation), environmental variation (e.g. temperature, rainfall, snow cover and primary productivity) and concomitant variation in food supply. Location Europe, Asia and North America. Methods We examined the dietary habits of martens (Martes spp.) using original data expressed as relative frequency of occurrence, and using principal components analysis to extract the main gradients in diet composition. These were then used as response variables in regression analyses, predicted from latitude or elevation. Multiple regression analyses were performed to assess the influence of food types and environmental variables on the trophic diversity index. Results A clear latitudinal gradient in dietary composition was observed. Small mammals were the primary food type, but were less abundant in the diet of martens at lower latitude and elevation. Vegetable matter and insects were consumed more frequently in southerly and/or lower‐elevation localities. Trophic diversity was lower at higher elevation, and increased with a decline in consumption of the dominant food types, i.e. rodents, fruits and insects. Trophic diversity also increased with increasing mean temperature. Main conclusions Biogeographical variations in feeding habits across the genus Martes proved to be associated with latitude, local climate (especially temperature regime) and the availability of alternative potential foods. On an extensive geographical scale, martens respond to varying food availability by adjusting their foraging strategy and thus should be considered facultative generalists. At the species level, however, different climatic variables emerged as differentially important, indicative of adaptations to local conditions. Martes species are opportunistic and flexible feeders, and thus their conservation requires informed management, mindful of how changes in environmental conditions might influence their varied food supply.  相似文献   

Based on 203 specimens belonging to the Rhinolophus "pusillus group" (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae), univariate and multivariate morphometric analyses using 19 characters were performed to assess the confused species taxonomy. The results indicated that R. pusillus (including calidus, parcus, and szechuanus) in the continental region and Hainan Island of China and "R. cornutus" in Japan are morphologically divergent species. Rhinolophus cornutus should be further split into R. cornutus (including orii, pumilus, and miyakonis) in the main islands of Japan, the Amami and Okinawa Group of the central Ryukyu Archipelago, and Miyako Group of the southern Ryukyus; and R. perditus and R. imaizumii from the Yaeyama Group in the southern Ryukyus. Rhinolophus monoceros from Taiwan is morphologically more similar to species in Japan than to R. pusillus. In addition to R. pusillus, another form that is morphologically similar to species in Japan was recognized from Langzhong in Sichuan Province; this may represent an undescribed species, and further examination is necessary to determine its taxonomic status. Specimens from Guang'an in Sichuan Province, China, are also different from the others, and are characterized by the smallest skull size. Although further studies are required, these specimens were tentatively identified as R. subbadius.  相似文献   

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