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Indolizidin-2-one amino acids (I2aas, 6S- and 6R-1) possessing 6S- and 6R-ring-fusion stereochemistry were introduced into the antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS) to explore the relationships between configuration, peptide conformation and biological activity. Solution-phase and solid-phase techniques were used to synthesize three analogs with I2aa residues in place of the d-Phe-Pro residues at the turn regions of GS: [(6S)-I2aa4-5,4'-5']GS (2), [Lys2,2',(6S)-I2aa4-5,4'-5']GS (3) and [(6R)-I2aa4-5,4'-5']GS (4). Although conformational analysis of [I2aa4-5,4'-5']GS analogs 2-4 indicated that both ring-fusion stereoisomers of I2aa gave peptides with CD and NMR spectral data characteristic of GS, the (6S)-I2aa analogs 2 and 3 exhibited more intense CD curve shapes, as well as greater numbers of nonsequential NOE between opposing Val and Leu residues, relative to the (6R)-I2aa analog 4, suggesting a greater propensity for the (6S)-diastereomer to adopt the beta-turn/antiparallel beta-pleated sheet conformation. In measurements of antibacterial and antifungal activity, the (6S)-I2aa analog 2 exhibited significantly better potency than the (6R)-I2aa diastereomer 4. Relative to GS, [(6S)-I2aa4-5,4'-5']GS (2) exhibited usually 1/2 to 1/4 antimicrobial activity as well as 1/4 hemolytic activity. In certain cases, antimicrobial and hemolytic activities of GS were shown to be dissociated through modification at the peptide turn regions with the (6S)-I2aa diastereomer. The synthesis and evaluation of GS analogs 2-4 has furnished new insight into the importance of ring-fusion stereochemistry for turn mimicry by indolizidin-2-one amino acids as well as novel antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity scanning of the ligand-G-protein-coupled receptor bimolecular interface is a direct approach to mapping the interactions of ligands and receptors. Such studies are an important first step toward generating an experimentally based model of the ligand-receptor complex. The synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of Boc-3-(3'-fluorenyl-9'-oxo)-L-alanine and 9-fluorenone-3-carboxylic acid are described. Incorporation of these two photophores into the parathyroid hormone (PTH) molecule yields potent agonists. These photoreactive analogs cross-link specifically with the recombinant human PTH1 receptor stably expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. The availability of the 9-fluorenone (a conformationally constrained derivative of benzophenone, the abundantly used photophore) for photoaffinity scanning provides an important tool to probe the effect of conformational flexibility of the photophore on the selection of the cross-linking site in the macromolecular acceptor.  相似文献   

The spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia subclassification of bone dysplasias includes achondrogenesis, hypochondrogenesis, and spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita. The phenotypic expression of these disorders ranges from mild to perinatal lethal forms. We report the detection and partial characterization of a defect in type II collagen in a perinatal lethal form of hypochondrogenesis. Electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide of CB peptides (where CB represents cyanogen bromide) from type II collagen of the diseased cartilage showed a doublet band for peptide alpha 1(II)CB10 and evidence for post-translational overmodification of the major peptides (CB8, CB10, and CB11) seen as a retarded electrophoretic mobility. Peptide CB10 was digested by endoproteinase Asp-N; and on reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography, fragments of abnormal mobility were noted. Sequence analysis of a unique peptide D12 revealed a single amino acid substitution (Gly-->Glu) at position 853 of the triple helical domain. This was confirmed by sequence analysis of amplified COL2A1 cDNA, which revealed a single nucleotide substitution (GGA-->GAA) in 5 of 10 clones. Electron micrographs of the diseased cartilage showed a sparse extracellular matrix and chondrocytes containing dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum, which suggested impaired assembly and secretion of the mutant protein. This case further documents the molecular basis of the spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia spectrum of chondrodysplasias as mutations in COL2A1.  相似文献   

A series of 3-aryl-4-hydroxyquinolin-2(1H)-ones with fatty acid synthase inhibitory activity was prepared. Starting from a derivative with an IC(50) = 1.4 microM, SAR studies led to compounds with more than 70-fold increase in potency (IC(50) < 20 nM).  相似文献   

The 4,6,8(14)-triene-3-one steroids, highly fluorescent in aqueous solutions, lose their fluorescence power when binding occurs to hydrophobic regions of other molecules, such as the hydrophobic cavity in the ring system of cyclodextrins. The fluorescence intensity decreases almost completely when beta- and gamma-cyclodextrins are present in the solution. Scatchard plots derived from fluorescence titrations show that one or two molecules of steroid bind to one cyclodextrin molecule with KD,F-values of about 10(-4)-10(-5) mol/liter. Temperature-jump experiments show a single relaxation process, with rate constants for the decay of the beta-cyclodextrin-steroid complexes of about 10(4)-10(5) per s. For alpha- and gamma-cyclodextrins such relaxation processes are not observed.  相似文献   

Bicyclic peptides are useful model molecules that can mimic the constrained local folding of a great number of natural peptides and proteins, such as ionophoric peptides, enzyme active site, and ligand-receptor active site. The synthesis of the bicyclic title compound with the liquid phase method is described with experimental details. Of particular interest is the heterodetic closure of the second ring. The peptide showed a complexing activity with metal cations like Ba2+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. The free bicyclic peptide conformation in solution has been studied by means of NMR spectroscopy and a plausible structure model worked out with model building on NMR constraints is proposed.  相似文献   

A high-pressure-liquid-chromatographic method suitable for the separation and sensitive detection of putreanine and isoputreanine is described. This method allowed us to study the formation of the metabolites of the oxidative deamination of spermidine and N1-acetylspermidine. Administration of spermidine trishydrochloride to mice causes a time-dependent accumulation of putreanine and N-(3-aminopropyl)pyrrolidin-2-one in various organs. The latter compound yields isoputreanine by hydrolysis. It can be assumed that the analogous lactam. N-(3-acetamidopropyl)pyrrolidin-2-one is formed from N1-acetylspermidine, since hydrolysis of tissue extracts of N1-acetylspermidine-treated mice produced isoputreanine. No putreanine is formed under these conditions. Pretreatment of the animals with 25 mg of aminoguanidine sulphate/kg body wt. completely inhibits the formation of putreanine and of the respective isoputreanine precursor from spermidine and N1-acetylspermidine. This suggests a role for a diamine oxidase-like enzyme in the oxidative deamination of spermidine and N1-acetylspermidine.  相似文献   

The polymerization of DL -β-phenylalanine N-carboxyanhydride (NCA) initiated by poly(N-benzylglycine)diethylamide (DEA) and poly(N-methyl-DL -alanine)DEA has been investigated. As previously reported, polysarcosine DEA, poly-N-ethylglycine DEA, and poly-N-n-propylglycine DEA showed marked accelerations in the polymerization of DL -β-phenylalanine NCA as compared with the polymerization initiated by low molecular weight, amines having similar base strength. However, this phenomenon (the chain effect) was not observed with the two polymer catalysts studied in the present investigation With poly-N-methyl-DL -alanine DEA, adsorption of DL -β-phenylalanine NCA onto the polymer chain takes place, though not so effectively as with other polypeptides, so the absence of chain effect was ascribed to a reduced flexibility of the polymer chain. With poly(N-benzylglycine)DEA, the reactivity of terminal base group was found to be much lower than that of other polymer catalysts. However, the absence of the chain effect would be attributed to the rigidity of polymer chain of poly-N-benzylglycine DEA due to the bulkiness of the N-benzyl group.  相似文献   

The toll-like receptor (TLR)-7 has been shown to sense the retroviral infection. However, a surrogate sensor has been implicated. We examined whether retrovirus serves as a TLR3 ligand in human cells by utilizing cell lines LNCaP and PC-3 lacking TLR7, and the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-relamoted virus (XMRV) insensitive to human tripartite motif-containing (TRIM) 5, a newly characterized pattern recognition receptor (PRR). A dominant-negative TLR3 or a chemical inhibitor of TLR3 attenuated the XMRV-induced IP-10/CXCL10 expression, a marker of TLR3 response. These data clearly indicated that retroviral infection exemplified by XMRV activates the TLR3 signal in human cells.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of the phytoanticipin HBOA and its major degradation metabolites 2-hydroxy-N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide (7) and N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide (8) by Chaetosphaeria sp., an endophytic fungus isolated from Aphelandra tetragona, was studied. Three new metabolites could be identified as 2-amino-7-hydroxy-3H-phenoxazin-3-one (12), 2-acetylamino-7-hydroxy-3H-phenoxazin-3-one (13) and 7-hydroxy-2-(2-hydroxyacetyl)-amino-3H-phenoxazin-3-one (14). Structure elucidation of 12 and 13 was performed by MS, 1H, 13C NMR and 2D NMR techniques and confirmed by chemical transformation.  相似文献   

Amyloid plaques, which are primarily composed of aggregated amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptide, are the neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Fluorescent markers containing 2-styrylpyridazin-3(2H)-ones were developed to detect intracellular aggregated Aβ peptides. Nine compounds exhibited a greater than 10-fold increase of in emission spectra before and after mixing with Aβ aggregates compared with before mixing. Among these compounds, compound 9n exhibited the highest affinity for Aβ aggregates (K(d)=1.84 μM) and selectively stained both aggregated intracellular Aβ and Aβ plaques in the transgenic AD model mice (APP/PS1). These preliminary results indicate that 2-styrylpyridazin-3(2H)-one derivatives are promising alternative fluorescence imaging agent for the study of AD.  相似文献   

2′,3′-O-(2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl) adenosine 5′-triphosphate (TNP-ATP) is a fluorescent analogue of ATP. MgTNP-ATP was found to be an allosteric activator of pyruvate carboxylase that exhibits competition with acetyl CoA in activating the enzyme. There is no evidence that MgTNP-ATP binds to the MgATP substrate binding site of the enzyme. At concentrations above saturating, MgATP activates bicarbonate-dependent ATP cleavage, but inhibits the overall reaction. The fluorescence of MgTNP-ATP increases by about 2.5-fold upon binding to the enzyme and decreases on addition of saturating acetyl CoA. However, not all the MgTNP-ATP is displaced by acetyl CoA, or with a combination of saturating concentrations of MgATP and acetyl CoA. The kinetics of the binding of MgTNP-ATP to pyruvate carboxylase have been measured and shown to be triphasic, with the two fastest phases having pseudo first-order rate constants that are dependent on the concentration of MgTNP-ATP. The kinetics of displacement from the enzyme by acetyl CoA have been measured and also shown to be triphasic. A model of the binding process is proposed that links the kinetics of MgTNP-ATP binding to the allosteric activation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Local determinants of 3(10)-helix stabilization have been ascertained from the analysis of the crystal structure data base. We have clustered all 5-length substructures from 51 nonhomologous proteins into classes based on the conformational similarity of their backbone dihedral angles. Several clusters, derived from 3(10)-helices and multiple-turn conformations, had strong amino acid sequence patterns not evident among alpha-helices. Aspartate occurred over twice as frequently in the N-cap position of 3(10)-helices as in the N-cap position of alpha-helices. Unlike alpha-helices, 3(10)-helices had few C-termini ending in a left-handed alpha conformation; most 3(10) C-caps adopted an extended conformation. Differences in the distribution of hydrophobic residues among 3(10)- and alpha-helices were also apparent, producing amphipathic 3(10)-helices. Local interactions that stabilize 3(10)-helices can be inferred both from the strong amino acid preferences found for these short helices, as well as from the existence of substructures in which tertiary interactions replace consensus local interactions. Because the folding and unfolding of alpha-helices have been postulated to proceed through reverse-turn and 3(10)-helix intermediates, sequence differences between 3(10)- and alpha-helices can also lend insight into factors influencing alpha-helix initiation and propagation.  相似文献   

The structure of the trimeric, manganese metalloenzyme, rat liver arginase, has been previously determined at 2.1-A resolution (Kanyo, Z. F., Scolnick, L. R., Ash, D. E., and Christianson, D. W., (1996) Nature 383, 554-557). A key feature of this structure is a novel S-shaped oligomerization motif at the carboxyl terminus of the protein that mediates approximately 54% of the intermonomer contacts. Arg-308, located within this oligomerization motif, nucleates a series of intramonomer and intermonomer salt links. In contrast to the trimeric wild-type enzyme, the R308A, R308E, and R308K variants of arginase exist as monomeric species, as determined by gel filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation, indicating that mutation of Arg-308 shifts the equilibrium for trimer dissociation by at least a factor of 10(5). These monomeric arginase variants are catalytically active, with k(cat)/K(m) values that are 13-17% of the value for wild-type enzyme. The arginase variants are characterized by decreased temperature stability relative to the wild-type enzyme. Differential scanning calorimetry shows that the midpoint temperature for unfolding of the Arg-308 variants is in the range of 63.6-65.5 degrees C, while the corresponding value for the wild-type enzyme is 70 degrees C. The three-dimensional structure of the R308K variant has been determined at 3-A resolution. At the high protein concentrations utilized in the crystallizations, this variant exists as a trimer, but weakened salt link interactions are observed for Lys-308.  相似文献   

The possibility of using mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), with an apparent sunscreen function in nature, as ultraviolet radiation (UVR) blockers to prevent skin injury has been raised by diverse authors. Production of MAAs by the dinoflagellate Heterocapsa sp. (Dinophyceae) is shown here. Three major peaks with absorption maxima at 330.8, 332.0 and 333.2 nm were detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of methanolic extracts in all tested conditions. Analysis of crude extract by mass spectroscopy with electrospray ionization (MS-EI) showed a set of molecular ions ([M+H](+)) with main peaks being at m/z 242.4, 288.4, 303.3 and 333.3 u.m.a. According to these data, along with retention times, the MAA profile of Heterocapsa sp. is assumed to be composed of shinorine (lambda(max)=334 nm), mycosporine-2-glycine (lambda(max)=331 nm) and palythinol (lambda(max)=332 nm). A constitutive MAA content of about 4 microg (10(6) cells)(-1) was measured under exposure to PAR only. A maximal accumulation of MAA per culture volume of 1.1 mg l(-1) was obtained after 72 h of exposure to PAR+UVA, while the highest production rate (0.025 mg l(-1) h(-1)) was computed after 24 h of exposure to PAR+UVA+UVB.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence analysis of the pFc' fragment obtained by pepsin digestion of an IgG3; G3m(g) human myeloma protein HER shows it to consist of 112 residues. It starts at position 334 (gamma1 numbering), contains eight residues of the Cgamma2 region, and the whole Cgamma3 domain. Comparison with the sequence of gamma1 shows five differences including an extra Met at 397. Each is accountable by a single base substitution. The sequence is identical to that of a G3m(b0) molecule except for the previously noted allotype related Tyr/Phe exchange at position 436. The high degree of homology (95%) among gamma-chain subclasses suggests a recent diversification.  相似文献   

The use of paramagnetic constraints in protein NMR is an active area of research because of the benefits of long-range distance measurements (>10 Å). One of the main issues in successful execution is the incorporation of a paramagnetic metal ion into diamagnetic proteins. The most common metal ion tags are relatively long aliphatic chains attached to the side chain of a selected cysteine residue with a chelating group at the end where it can undergo substantial internal motions, decreasing the accuracy of the method. An attractive alternative approach is to incorporate an unnatural amino acid that binds metal ions at a specific site on the protein using the methods of molecular biology. Here we describe the successful incorporation of the unnatural amino acid 2-amino-3-(8-hydroxyquinolin-3-yl)propanoic acid (HQA) into two different membrane proteins by heterologous expression in E. coli. Fluorescence and NMR experiments demonstrate complete replacement of the natural amino acid with HQA and stable metal chelation by the mutated proteins. Evidence of site-specific intra- and inter-molecular PREs by NMR in micelle solutions sets the stage for the use of HQA incorporation in solid-state NMR structure determinations of membrane proteins in phospholipid bilayers.  相似文献   

3-ethoxy-1,2,4-dithiazoline-5-one (EDITH) was recently introduced as an efficient sulfurizing reagent for solid-phase oligonucleotide synthesis. The successful syntheses were performed using standard base protecting groups (i.e. benzoyl for A and C, isobutyryl for G), which required deprotection in concentrated ammonium hydroxide at 55 degrees C for 15-18 h. We have explored the possibility of using EDITH in combination with fast deprotection chemistry(e.g. Expedite Chemistry using tert -butylphenoxy acetyl as a base protecting group). Surprisingly, poor synthesis performance was observed when syntheses were conducted with EDITH, Expedite Chemistry and standard synthesis cycle (i.e. Coupling-Thio-Cap). Potential G modification seemed to be the source of incompatibility since sequences containing no G or carrying isobutyryl- protected G residues could be synthesized with high efficiency. However, the deleterious G modification can be readily eliminated by inserting a capping step before the sulfurization reaction. Oligomers prepared with the Coupling-Cap-Thio-Cap cycle contained few phosphodiester contaminants as measured by31P-NMR, anion-exchange HPLC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. In addition to reducing deprotection time, this new combination also provides a mild method for the preparation of certain phosphorothioate oligomers that may be sensitive to prolonged ammonia treatment (e.g. thioated RNAs).  相似文献   

As a continuation of our SAR studies of dipeptidyl aspartyl-fmk as caspase inhibitors, we explored the replacement of the P(2) amino acid by a 2-aminoaryl acid or other non-natural amino acids. Several of these compounds, such as 6l and 6p, were found to have good activities with inhibition potencies of around 100 nM in a caspase-3 enzyme assay. EP1113, Z-Val-(2-aminobenzoyl)-Asp-fmk (9b), is identified as a potent broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor with IC(50) values of 6-60 nM in different caspases. EP1113 also has good activity in a cell apoptosis protection assay.  相似文献   

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