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Given the global concern about the status of elasmobranch fishes, the paucity of information on elasmobranchs in the Red Sea is worrisome. Management of elasmobranchs in areas other than the Red Sea has been helped by research on population ecology, reproductive biology and resource partitioning, subjects that are virtually absent in the Red Sea elasmobranch literature. This review provides the first comprehensive summary of elasmobranch biology in the Red Sea with the aim of facilitating research in a region that remains remarkably under-studied.  相似文献   

This review summarizes what is currently known about urea transporters in fishes in the context of their physiology and evolution within the vertebrates. The existence of urea transporters has been investigated in red blood cells and hepatocytes of fish as well as in renal and branchial cells. Little is known about urea transport in red blood cells and hepatocytes, in fact, urea transporters are not believed to be present in the erythrocytes of elasmobranchs nor in teleost fish. What little physiological evidence there is for urea transport across fish hepatocytes is not supported by molecular evidence and could be explained by other transporters. In contrast, early findings on elasmobranch renal urea transporters were the impetus for research in other organisms. Urea transport in both the elasmobranch kidney and gill functions to retain urea within the animal against a massive concentration gradient with the environment. Information on branchial and renal urea transporters in teleost fish is recent in comparison but in teleosts urea transporters appear to function for excretion and not retention as in elasmobranchs. The presence of urea transporters in fish that produce a copious amount of urea, such as elasmobranchs and ureotelic teleosts, is reasonable. However, the existence of urea transporters in ammoniotelic fish is curious and could likely be due to their ability to manufacture urea early in life as a means to avoid ammonia toxicity. It is believed that the facilitated diffusion urea transporter (UT) gene family has undergone major evolutionary changes, likely in association with the role of urea transport in the evolution of terrestriality in the vertebrates.  相似文献   

Some biochemical properties of actomyosin and myosin from elasmobranchs, Squalus acanthias and Raja tengu are compared with those of a freshwater (Cyprinus carpio) and a marine teleost (Seriola quinquiradiata). Whereas Ca2+-ATPase of teleost actomyosins are more stable in the absence of urea, the reverse is true for elasmobranchs up to 1.0 M urea. In contrast to that of teleosts, the Mg2+-ATPase of S. acanthias actomyosin shows an activation in the presence of urea, where as that of R. tengu persists. Below 1.0 M urea, there is low incorporation of DTNB into thiols of elasmobranch myosins, and losses in alpha-helicity are reversible up to 5.0 M urea. The results, thus, demonstrate that for a certain concentration of urea, elasmobranch myofibrillar proteins may exhibit a group specific tolerance to urea.  相似文献   

Upper jaw protrusion is a prominent component of the feedingmechanism in most elasmobranchs and has received considerableattention over the years. In this paper, we review what is knownof muscle activity during prey capture in elasmobranchs, particularlythat of upper jaw protrusion, and evaluate the extent to whichfunctional modifications have evolved through changes in anatomyor patterns of muscle activity. To date, motor activity duringfeeding has been documented in only four species of elasmobranchs,although they represent the three major elasmobranch groups:Galea (typical sharks); Squalea (dogfish sharks); and Batoidea(skates and rays). Our efforts show that while muscles involvedin cranial elevation and lower jaw depression and elevationshow a conserved pattern of motor activity and function acrossspecies, other muscles show a more variable history. Our observationsof elasmobranch upper jaw protrusion mechanisms suggest a mosaicof character changes over the course of evolution that involveanatomical changes in all cases and modifications of muscleactivation patterns in some cases. During the evolution of feedingmechanisms of elasmobranchs, there have been two structuralchanges incorporating a pre-existing motor pattern to yieldan unmodified kinematic profile, the original preorbitalis andthe descendent preorbitalis. One additional instance of structuralmodification is accompanied by an alteration in the motor patternleading to a change in movement pattern, the levator palatoquadrati.  相似文献   

Elasmobranchs (sharks, rays, and skates) are currently facing substantial anthropogenic threats, which expose them to acute and chronic stressors that may exceed in severity and/or duration those typically imposed by natural events. To date, the number of directed studies on the response of elasmobranch fishes to acute and chronic stress are greatly exceeded by those related to teleosts. Of the limited number of studies conducted to date, most have centered on sharks; batoids are poorly represented. Like teleosts, sharks exhibit primary and secondary responses to stress that are manifested in their blood biochemistry. The former is characterized by immediate and profound increases in circulating catecholamines and corticosteroids, which are thought to mobilize energy reserves and maintain oxygen supply and osmotic balance. Mediated by these primary responses, the secondary effects of stress in elasmobranchs include hyperglycemia, acidemia resulting from metabolic and respiratory acidoses, and profound disturbances to ionic, osmotic, and fluid volume homeostasis. The nature and magnitude of these secondary effects are species-specific and may be tightly linked to metabolic scope and thermal physiology as well as the type and duration of the stressor. In fishes, acute and chronic stressors can incite a tertiary response, which involves physiological changes at the organismal level, thereby impacting growth rates, reproductive outputs or investments, and disease resistance. Virtually no studies to date have been conducted on the tertiary stress response in elasmobranchs. Given the diversity of elasmobranchs, additional studies that characterize the nature, magnitude, and consequences of physiological stress over a broad spectrum of stressors are essential for the development of conservation measures. Additional studies on the primary, secondary, and tertiary stress response in elasmobranchs are warranted, with particular emphasis on expanding the range of species and stressors examined. Future studies should move beyond simply studying the effects of known stressors and focus on the underlying physiological mechanisms. Such studies should include the coupling of stress indicators with quantifiable aspects of the stressor, which will allow researchers to test hypotheses on survivorship and, ultimately, derive models that effectively link physiology to mortality. Studies of this nature are essential for decision-making that will result in the effective management and conservation of these species.  相似文献   

Elasmobranchs are key to a healthy marine ecosystem but are under threat from human activities, such as destructive fisheries and shark finning. Embryos of oviparous elasmobranchs may be further challenged during development by rising temperatures and falling dissolved oxygen concentrations in their intertidal environment. However, the impact of climate change on survival and growth of oviparous elasmobranchs is still poorly understood. Here, we investigate the effects of temperature and hypoxia on the growth and survival of small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) embryos by incubating eggs in normoxia 15°C, normoxia 20°C, hypoxia 15°C, or hypoxia 20°C. Incubation under the elevated temperature increased the embryonic growth rate, yolk consumption rate and Fulton's condition factor at hatching, whilst decreasing the total length and body mass of newly hatched sharks. Under low oxygen conditions (50% air saturation) the survival rate of S. canicula embryos dropped significantly and the temperature-induced increase in Fulton's condition factor was reversed. Together, these data demonstrate both the individual and compound effects of elevated temperature and hypoxia on the survival and growth during early ontogeny of a ubiquitous, coastal elasmobranch, S. canicula.  相似文献   

Application of modern molecular tools is expanding the understanding of elasmobranch reproductive ecology. High-resolution molecular markers provide information at scales ranging from the identification of reproductively isolated populations in sympatry (i.e. cryptic species) to the relationships among parents, offspring and siblings. This avenue of study has not only augmented the current understanding of the reproductive biology of elasmobranchs but has also provided novel insights that could not be obtained through experimental or observational techniques. Sharing of genetic polymorphisms across ocean basins indicates that for some species there may be gene flow on global scales. The presence, however, of morphologically similar but genetically distinct entities in sympatry suggests that reproductive isolation can occur with minimal morphological differentiation. This review discusses the recent findings in elasmobranch reproductive biology like philopatry, hybridization and polyandry while highlighting important molecular and analytical techniques. Furthermore, the review examines gaps in current knowledge and discusses how new technologies may be applied to further the understanding of elasmobranch reproductive ecology.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that the von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM) is appropriate to describe growth in length-at-age of elasmobranchs. However, a review of the literature suggests that a two-phase growth model could better describe growth in elasmobranchs. We compare the two-phase growth model (TPGM) with the VBGM for 18 data sets of elasmobranch species, by fitting the models to 36 age-length-at-age data pairs available. The Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) and the difference in AIC between both models revealed that in 23 cases the probability that the TPGM was true ≥50%. The VBGM tends to estimate larger L values than the two-phase growth model, while the k parameter tends to be underestimated. The growth rate in length-at-age appears tends to decrease near the age at first maturity in several species of elasmobranch. The importance of the TPGM lies in that it may better describe this aspect of the life history of many elasmobranchs. In this context, we conclude that the TPGM should be used along with other growth models in order to precisely estimate elasmobranch life history parameters.  相似文献   

Since the landmark contributions of Homer Smith and co-workers in the 1930s there has been a considerable advance in our knowledge regarding the osmoregulatory strategy of elasmobranch fish. Smith recognised that urea was retained in the body fluids as part of the ‘osmoregulatory ballast’ of elasmobranch fish so that body fluid osmolality is raised to a level that is iso- or slightly hyper-osmotic to that of the surrounding medium. From studies at that time he also postulated that many marine dwelling elasmobranchs were not capable of adaptation to dilute environments. However, more recent investigations have demonstrated that, at least in some species, this may not be the case. Gradual acclimation of marine dwelling elasmobranchs to varying environmental salinities under laboratory conditions has demonstrated that these fish do have the capacity to acclimate to changes in salinity through independent regulation of Na+, Cl and urea levels. This suggests that many of the presumed stenohaline marine elasmobranchs could in fact be described as partially euryhaline. The contributions of Thomas Thorson in the 1970s demonstrated the osmoregulatory strategy of a fully euryhaline elasmobranch, the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, and more recent investigations have examined the mechanisms behind this strategy in the euryhaline elasmobranch, Dasyatis sabina. Both partially euryhaline and fully euryhaline species utilise the same physiological processes to control urea, Na+ and Cl levels within the body fluids. The role of the gills, kidney, liver, rectal gland and drinking process is discussed in relation to the endocrine control of urea, Na+ and Cl levels as elasmobranchs acclimate to different environmental salinities.  相似文献   

Fishes display a variety of anatomical relationships betweenbrain and pituitary to a degree unique among vertebrates. Thisgroup is pivotal for understanding evolution of functions ofhypophysiotropic peptides. We review information concerningoccurrences, distributions and physiological activities of threeidentified peptides in fish brain, and biological propertiesof fish brain extracts. Thyrotropin releasing hormone may bepresent universally in piscine central nervous tissue; however,this peptide has not been clearly demonstrated to have hypophysiotropicactivity in fishes. Somatostatin also has been shown to occurin fish brains; studies of actions of this substance are virtuallyabsent. Gonadotropin releasing hormone is apparently of broadoccurrence in fishes; its hypophysiotropic activity is wellestablished for several teleostean species. Anatomical relationshipsbetween brain and pituitary are particularly varied among elasmobranchs.Investigations involving additional elasmobranch representatives,as well as other fishes, are needed before generalizations canbe made. Widespread extrahypothalamic distribution of hypophysiotropicpeptides in lower vertebrates and neurotransmitter (or related)functions of neurones containing these peptides provide a basisfor proposals concerning evolution of hypothalamic control ofthe pituitary gland.  相似文献   

There is general consensus that the living elasmobranchs comprise a monophyletic taxon. There is evidence that, among tetraphyllidean tapeworms, the approximately 201 hooked species (Onchobothriidae) may also comprise a monophyletic group. Determinations of host specificity are contingent upon correct specific identifications. Since 1960, over 200 new elasmobranch species and over 100 new onchobothriid species have been described. Some confidence can be placed in host and parasite identifications of recent studies, but specific identifications provided in older literature in many cases are suspect. There is some consensus among published works on the phylogenetic relationships among elasmobranchs. Phylogenetic relationships among onchobothriids remain largely unresolved. Elasmobranchs have been poorly sampled for onchobothriids; records exist for approximately 20% of the 911 species and approximately 44% of the 170 elasmobranch genera. Onchobothriids are remarkably host specific, exhibiting essentially oioxenous specificity for their definitive hosts. Multiple onchobothriid species commonly parasitise the same host species; in some cases these are congeners, in other cases these are members of two different onchobothriid genera. There is substantial incongruence between available host and parasite phylogenies. For example, Acanthobothrium is by far the most ubiquitous onchobothriid genus, parasitising almost all orders of elasmobranchs known to host onchobothriids, yet, there is no evidence of major clades of Acanthobothrium corresponding to postulated major subgroupings of elasmobranchs (e.g. Galea and Squalea or sharks and rays). Potamotrygonocestus appears to be among the most basal onchobothriid groups, yet it parasitises one of the most derived elasmobranch groups (the freshwater stingray genus Potamotrygon). It appears that congeners parasitising the same host species are not necessarily each other's closest relatives. At this point the preliminary and limited available data suggest that, at least in this system, strict host specificity is not necessarily indicative of strict co-evolution. This study was extremely limited by the lack of available robust phylogenies for onchobothriids and elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

The Subclass Elasmobranchii is widely considered nowadays to be the sister group of the Subclass Holocephali, although chimaeroid fishes were originally classified as elasmobranchs along with modern sharks and rays. While this modern systematic treatment provides an accurate reflection of the phylogenetic relationships among extant taxa, the classification of many extinct non-holocephalan shark-like chondrichthyans as elasmobranchs is challenged. A revised, apomorphy-based definition of elasmobranchs is presented in which they are considered the equivalent of neoselachians, i.e. a monophyletic group of modern sharks and rays which not only excludes all stem and crown holocephalans, but also many Palaeozoic shark-like chondrichthyans and even close extinct relatives of neoselachians such as hybodonts. The fossil record of elasmobranchs (i.e. neoselachians) is reviewed, focusing not only on their earliest records but also on their subsequent distribution patterns through time. The value and limitations of the fossil record in answering questions about elasmobranch phylogeny are discussed. Extinction is seen as a major factor in shaping early elasmobranch history, especially during the Triassic. Extinctions may also have helped shape modern lamniform diversity, despite uncertainties surrounding the phylogenetic affinities of supposedly extinct clades such as cretoxyrhinids, anacoracids and odontids. Apart from these examples, and the supposed Cretaceous extinction of 'sclerorhynchids', elasmobranch evolution since the Jurassic has mostly involved increased diversification (especially during the Cretaceous). The biogeographical distribution of early elasmobranchs may be obscured by sampling bias, but the earliest records of numerous groups are located within the Tethyan realm. The break-up of Gondwana, and particularly the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean (together with the development of epicontinental seaways across Brazil and Africa during the Cretaceous), provided repeated opportunities for dispersal from both eastern (European) and western (Caribbean) Tethys into newly formed ocean basins.  相似文献   

This review addresses an often overlooked aspect of elasmobranch osmoregulation, i.e., control of body fluid volume. More specifically the review addresses the impact of changes in blood volume in elasmobranchs exposed to different environmental salinities. Measurement of blood volume in the European lesser-spotted dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula, following acute and chronic exposure to 80% and 120% seawater (SW) is reported. In 80%, 100% and 120% SW-adapted S. canicula, blood volume was 6.3+/-0.2, 5.6+/-0.2 and 4.6+/-0.2 mL 100 g(-1) body mass, respectively. Blood volume was significantly higher and lower in 80% and 120% SW-acclimated animals compared to 100% SW controls. Comparisons are made between these results and previously published data. The role of drinking and volume regulation in elasmobranchs is discussed. For the first time measured water reabsorption rates and solute flux rates across the elasmobranch intestinal epithelia are presented. Water reabsorption rates did not differ between 100% SW-adapted bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum, and fish acutely transferred to 140% SW. For the most part net solute flux rates and direction for both the 100% and 140% SW groups were the same with the exception of a net efflux of chloride and potassium in the 140% group and influx of these ions in the 100% adapted group. The significance of the intestine as part of the overall elasmobranch osmoregulatory strategy is discussed as is the role of the kidneys, rectal gland and gills in the regulation of body fluid volume in this class of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The organization of the vertebrate cerebellum has been thoroughly studied over the past century, but the function of this structure remains poorly understood. In elasmobranch fishes, the cerebellum displays tremendous variation in size and development although the basic and conservative nature of cerebellar circuitry as seen in other vertebrate taxa is largely retained. Large and morphologically complex cerebelli have evolved independently in both sharks and batoids, and the relative development of this structure in both taxa parallels those of birds and mammals. There are relatively few studies of the physiological role of the cerebellum in generating or shaping behaviors, however, and a convincing explanation of cerebellar hypertrophy in elasmobranchs is lacking. The purpose of this article is to review the current understanding of the structure of the cerebellum in elasmobranch fishes, the physiological responses of cerebellar neurons and the possible role of the cerebellum in behavior. I will also provide a number of hypotheses for future research directions, based upon models that have been suggested by different investigators. These hypotheses include models of cerebellar function as a sensory coincidence detector, a dynamic state estimator and/or a direct modulator of motor programs. Hypotheses concerning the possible organization of cerebellar microcomplexes, the evolution of afferent and efferent cerebellar connections paralleling those observed in mammals and the role of the cerebellum in learning are also suggested.  相似文献   

Cartilaginous fish, especially sharks, rays and skates (elasmobranchs), hold interest as comparative models in immunology because they are thought to be among the organisms most closely related to the ancestor animal that first developed acquired immunity. The aim of this study was to improve methods used for the purification of viable leucocytes from peripheral blood of elasmobranchs. Here we describe modifications of density gradient centrifugation and medium formulation that improve isolation and analysis of highly purified leucocytes from peripheral blood of a model elasmobranch, Leucoraja erinacea, the little skate. These techniques contribute to the preparation of elasmobranch immune cells that can be reliably analyzed by a variety of means, including the study of immune function.  相似文献   

This review highlights the potential role that post-copulatory sexual selection plays in elasmobranch reproductive systems and the utility of this group to further understanding of evolutionary responses to the post-copulatory processes of sperm competition and cryptic female choice. The growing genetic evidence for female multiple mating (polyandry) in elasmobranchs is summarized. While polyandry appears to be common in this group, rates of multiple paternity are highly variable between species suggesting that there is large variance in the strength of post-copulatory sexual selection among elasmobranchs. Possible adaptations of traits important for post-copulatory sexual selection are then considered. Particular emphasis is devoted to explore the potential for sperm competition and cryptic female choice to influence the evolution of testes size, sperm morphology, genital morphology and sperm storage organs. Finally, it is argued that future work should take advantage of the wealth of information on these reproductive traits already available in elasmobranchs to gain a better understanding of how post-copulatory sexual selection operates in this group.  相似文献   

Freshwater elasmobranchs: a review of their physiology and biochemistry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Only 5% of elasmobranch species live in freshwater (FW) compared to more than 40% of known teleost species. The factors affecting the poor penetration of elasmobranchs into FW environments are currently unknown, however, an important consideration may be the high urea requirement of many proteins in marine elasmobranchs. Urea is an important osmolyte in marine elasmobranchs and must be reduced in dilute environments. There are three identifiable stages in the successful colonization of FW. The euryhaline marine species freely entering and leaving FW represent the initial stage of FW colonization. In this group, there is an apparent inability to eliminate all urea due to protein integrity issues and this results in energy and nitrogen losses that may constrain growth and reproduction. The second stage is represented by those species that live entirely in FW but must also retain some urea. This group also suffers from the same constraints as the first group. These two groups have kidneys and sensory organs that more closely resemble strictly marine forms. The third and final stage is represented by the Potamotrygonid stingrays where the need for urea in FW has been eliminated. Consequently nitrogen and energy losses are reduced and those sections of the kidney needed for urea conservation have been eliminated. The driving force for such modifications is a reduction in urea levels and the concomitant saving of energy needed for urea synthesis. Other physiological adaptations associated with survival in FW include giving birth to live young, the capacity of sperm to be activated in freshwater and modifications of the electrosensory system to function in a low conductivity environment. The need for many anatomical, metabolic and physiological modifications for FW existence may constrain the rapidity and hence the frequency of FW colonization, compared to the situation in the more advanced osmoregulating teleosts. Once optimally adapted to FW, recolonization of sea water by elasmobranchs is problematic due to the loss of urea synthetic capacity and renal structures for urea retention.  相似文献   

The life history characteristics of some elasmobranchs make them particularly vulnerable to fishing mortality; about a third of all species are listed by the IUCN as Threatened or Near Threatened. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been suggested as a tool for conservation of elasmobranchs, but they are likely to be effective only if such populations respond to fishing impacts at spatial-scales corresponding to MPA size. Using the example of the Celtic Sea, we modelled elasmobranch biomass (kg h−1) in fisheries-independent survey hauls as a function of environmental variables and ‘local’ (within 20 km radius) fishing effort (h y−1) recorded from Vessel Monitoring Systems data. Model selection using AIC suggested strongest support for linear mixed effects models in which the variables (i) fishing effort, (ii) geographic location and (iii) demersal fish assemblage had approximately equal importance in explaining elasmobranch biomass. In the eastern Celtic Sea, sampling sites that occurred in the lowest 10% of the observed fishing effort range recorded 10 species of elasmobranch including the critically endangered Dipturus spp. The most intensely fished 10% of sites had only three elasmobranch species, with two IUCN listed as Least Concern. Our results suggest that stable spatial heterogeneity in fishing effort creates de facto refugia for elasmobranchs in the Celtic Sea. However, changes in the present fisheries management regime could impair the refuge effect by changing fisher''s behaviour and displacing effort into these areas.  相似文献   

Tissue levels of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) were compared for seven teleost and two elasmobranch species captured from three depth ranges: shallow (<150 m), moderate (500-700 m), and deep (1,000-1,500 m). Within the teleosts, the deep-caught species had significantly greater TMAO content than shallow- or moderate-caught species. In all teleosts, muscle had substantially more TMAO than all other tissues. Kidney or, in some cases, liver had elevated trimethylamine (TMA) content, 2.20-9.65 mmol/kg, along with appreciable trimethylamine oxidase (TMAoxi) activity, suggesting active TMAO synthesis. No correlation was found between TMAoxi activity and TMAO content. The elasmobranchs in this study, Squalus acanthias and Centroscyllium fabricii from shallow and deep water, respectively, were both squaliform sharks. The deep-caught species had significantly more TMAO in all tissues than the shallow species. Furthermore, urea was significantly less in the deep species in all tissues except liver, while the urea:TMAO ratio was significantly less in all tissues. As with teleosts, the TMAO content of muscle was substantially higher for both elasmobranchs than in all other tissues. TMAoxi was below levels of detection in both elasmobranch species, suggesting that TMAO is obtained solely from the diet. This study expands the trend of increased muscle TMAO in deep-sea fish to a variety of other tissues. The accumulation of TMAO in various tissues in deep-sea teleosts and the accumulation of TMAO and concurrent urea decrease in a deep-sea elasmobranch in comparison to a shallow water species strongly support the contention that TMAO is of physiological importance in deep-sea fish.  相似文献   

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