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Improving aspects of platelet cryopreservation would help ease logistical challenges and potentially expand the utility of frozen platelets. Current cryopreservation procedures damage platelets, which may be caused by ice recrystallization. We hypothesized that the addition of a small molecule ice recrystallization inhibitor (IRI) to platelets prior to freezing may reduce cryopreservation-induced damage and/or improve the logistics of freezing and storage. Platelets were frozen using standard conditions of 5–6% dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) or with supplementation of an IRI, N-(2-fluorophenyl)-d-gluconamide (2FA), prior to storage at −80 °C. Alternatively, platelets were frozen with 5–6% Me2SO at −30 °C or with 3% Me2SO at −80 °C with or without 2FA supplementation. Supplementation of platelets with 2FA improved platelet recovery following storage under standard conditions (p = 0.0017) and with 3% Me2SO (p = 0.0461) but not at −30 °C (p = 0.0835). 2FA supplementation was protective for GPVI expression under standard conditions (p = 0.0011) and with 3% Me2SO (p = 0.0042). Markers of platelet activation, such as phosphatidylserine externalization and microparticle release, were increased following storage at −30 °C or with 3% Me2SO, and 2FA showed no protective effect. Platelet function remained similar regardless of 2FA, although functionality was reduced following storage at −30 °C or with 3% Me2SO compared to standard cryopreserved platelets. While the addition of 2FA to platelets provided a small level of protection for some quality parameters, it was unable to prevent alterations to the majority of in vitro parameters. Therefore, it is unlikely that ice recrystallization is the major cause of cryopreservation-induced damage.  相似文献   

Newborn mouse calvaria, cyropreserved at -196 degrees C in serum-free medium containing dimethyl-sulfoxide, were compared to unpreserved explants for bone cell viability by [3H]thymidine uptake. Other explants were studied using autoradiography to compare the histological appearance of the cryopreserved and control unpreserved explant sites of cellular localization of [3H]thymidine. After short-term cryopreservation, calvarial bone cells, including less differentiated osteoprogenitor cells, survived as indicated by their incorporation of the DNA precursor. With culture continuing for up to 24 hr after thawing and in the continuous presence of [3H]thymidine, additional labeled thymidine was incorporated, indicating that the proliferative ability of explant cells persists after cryopreservation. Cryopreserved bone explants did not, however, incorporate the same amount of labeled thymidine as did controls at each time point studied. These events, as measured quantitatively and observed by autoradiography of the tissue, indicate that newborn calvarial bone cell proliferation in vitro continues after cryopreservation. The large surface:mass ratio of the tissue and its proportionate volume of calcified matrix apparently permits it to behave as an isolated cell population with regard to the diffusion of the cryoprotectant and thermal conductivity, thus permitting the retention of explant viability.  相似文献   

The field of stem-cell biology has emerged as a key technology for the treatment of various disorders and tissue regeneration applications. However, a major problem remains in clinical practice, which is the question of whether stem cells preserve their self-renewal and differentiation potential in the culture conditions or not. In the current study, effects of boron on the cryopreservation of human tooth germ stem cells (hTGSCs) were evaluated for the first time. The impacts of various boron concentrations (sodium pentaborate pentahydrate (NaB)) were tested on characterized hTGSCs viability for different time intervals (24, 48, and 72 h). 20 μg/ml NaB with lower Me2SO concentration was found to display positive effects on hTGSCs during repeated freezing and defrosting cycles, and long-term cryopreservation. After thawing, cells were analyzed for their surface antigens and differentiation capacity. hTGSCs were successfully cryopreserved without any change in their mesenchymal stem cell characteristics as they were treated with boron containing freezing medium. In addition, fatty acid composition was examined to demonstrate membrane fatty acid profiles after freeze-thawing. Besides, NaB treatment extended osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of hTGSCs remarkably after long-term cryopreservation with respect to control groups. The study clearly suggests that NaB has a protective role on the survival of hTGSCs in short- and long-term cryopreservation. Due to the possible storage of hTGSCs at early ages, development of a functional and reliable cryopreservation media can be designed as a future solution to the dental stem cell banking.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at improving the 2,3,5-triphenyl-tetrazoliumchloride (TTC) reduction test for initial assessment of cell survival after cryopreservation. Experiments were carried out on three embryogenic cell suspensions of different ages: 9-year-old Gentiana tibetica (King ex Hook. F.), 2-year-old G. kurroo (Royle), and 1-year-old G. cruciata (L.). The suspensions were maintained in MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg 1−1 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid, 0.1 mg 1−1 naphthaleneacetic acid, 2.0 mg l−1 6-benzylaminopurine, 80.0 mg 1−1 adenine sulphate and 0.09 M sucrose. Four weeks before freezing, part of the tissue was subcultured to the same medium with sucrose concentrations elevated from 0.09 M (3%sMS) to 0.175 M (6%sMS) or 0.26 M (9%sMS). In freezing treatments without cryoprotection, tissue was plunged directly into liquid nitrogen (LN) or cooled gradually. In freezing treatments with cryoprotection, the cells were pretreated with 1 M sucrose, or with 0.4 M sorbitol + 0.25 M proline or + 0.08 M DMSO, or with vitrification solution (PVS2). Encapsulation was another variant. TTC reduction activity was spectrophotometrically assessed immediately, 1, 3, 5, 24 and 48 h after thawing. Cells without cryoprotection were lethally damaged, but TTC reduction activity in those cells ranged from 6.5% (tissue from 3%sMS) to 73 % (tissue from 9%sMS) directly after thawing. Formazan production was reduced to zero after 24 h. The TTC test showed 50% formazan content immediately after thawing of DMSO-protected G. tibetica tissue, but only 22.47% after 24 h and 2.9% after 48 h. Ultrastructural analysis of those cells showed lethal damage in many of them. For the PVS2 treatment, the formazan content was similar in samples analyzed directly after thawing and 24 h later. Cells treated with PVS2 did not show structural disturbances. Encapsulated cell aggregates of G. cruciata treated with concentrations of sucrose increasing up to 1 M produced 2.6 times more formazan. When applied at least 48 h after thawing, the TTC test can reflect cell viability and can be used to compare the effectiveness of cryoprotectant performance and freezing protocols, but it must be carefully evaluated, with appropriate controls.  相似文献   

Caprine preantral follicles within ovarian fragments were cryopreserved in the absence or presence of 0.5 M sucrose with or without 1 M dimethyl sulfoxide and/or 1 M ethylene glycol (EG). After being thawed, they were washed in minimum essential medium with or without 0.3 M sucrose. Histological analysis of follicle integrity immediately after cryopreservation showed consistent beneficial effects of including sucrose in the three cryoprotectant solutions analyzed when tissue was thawed without sucrose (53.9±14.8–82.4±3.2% normal vs 27.6±1.6–36.6±6.5%, P<0.05). However, in further studies, the addition of sucrose to the thaw solutions proved detrimental or of no benefit. An analysis of the cryopreserved material with calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer (markers for living and dead cells, respectively) gave comparable results to those obtained by histology. Follicles cryopreserved in EG, EG plus sucrose, or sucrose alone were cultured in vitro for 24 h following warming. During this culture period, viability fell most rapidly in material cryopreserved in sucrose alone and was no longer correlated with either the viability or integrity estimates made immediately after warming. By contrast, the viability of follicles cryopreserved in EG with sucrose and then cultured for 24 h was not significantly different from the cultured non-frozen controls. These results indicate that cryopreservation in 1 M EG plus 0.5 M sucrose combined with thawing without sucrose is effective for caprine ovarian tissue.This work was supported by CAPES/Brazil. Regiane Rodrigues dos Santos is a recipient of a grant from FUNCAP of Brazil.  相似文献   

The utility of microalgal biomass and bioproducts depends on long-term maintenance of certain physiological or biochemical features of the species. While unique characteristics may not be durably maintained with general subculture, cryopreservation methods better prevent alterations from desired characteristics. Post-thaw viability is critical to establishing microalgal cultures, and there is a critical need to effectively and rapidly evaluate microalgal viability after the post-thawing process. In the present study, we developed a rapid assay based on the change of fluorescence ratio to determine microalgal viability post-thaw. It was shown that the assessment of microalgal viability by the fluorescence ratio method correlated well with that of the FDA-staining (R2 = 0.978) and regrowth method (R2 = 0.976), demonstrating that the present method could be applied in the high-throughput detection of viability of microalgal strains. Subsequent to establishing this method, we aimed to find out optimal cryopreservation protocol for each strain from a group of 125 microalgal strains. The viability of these strains under different treatments was quickly evaluated by the fluorescence ratio method. Of these strains, 95 attained post-thaw viability over 60%. DMSO was a suitable cryoprotectant for most strains at a concentration ≤10%. Based on the dataset, the relative contribution of 3 variables-genus, cryoprotectants and concentration to post-viability was analyzed with the Random Forest (RF) classification method. All variables together could explain 97.8% of the viability, and type and concentration of cryoprotectant could explain 59.1% in Chlorophyta. This study provided a new approach for viability assay and demonstrated that this method can facilitate to find out the optimal protocols for cryopreservation of microalgal strains.  相似文献   

Precision-cut liver slices are to some extent resistant to ice formation induced by rapid freezing. Susceptibility to rapid freezing damage has been shown to be (partly) dependent on intrinsic properties of cells. In the present study an attempt was made to decrease the susceptibility of rat liver slices for rapid freezing damage: the slices were pre-incubated at 37 degrees C under oxygen, prior to cryopreservation to recover from low ATP levels, impaired ion regulation and cell swelling induced by their preparation. It was shown that, unexpectedly, recovery of cellular homeostasis prior to the cryopreservation procedure by the 37 degrees C pre-incubation markedly decreased viability of rapidly frozen slices (in which ice was formed), but not of vitrified slices (in which no ice was formed), in a time- and temperature-dependent manner. UW was found to protect slices from this 'warm pre-incubation phenomenon.' Apparently, pre-incubation prior to freezing causes certain cellular alterations that render slices more susceptible to rapid freezing damage.  相似文献   

BackgroundSemen cryopreservation produces significant amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which may lead to impairment of sperm morphology, function, and ultimately, male fertility. Since Tribulus terrestris has antioxidant and free-radical-scavenging properties, this study aims to reveal the effect of the Tribulus terrestris extract on motility and vitality of human sperms after cryopreservation.Materials and methodsSemen specimens from 80 healthy volunteers were divided into eight groups: fresh control (group I), freeze control (group II), groups III, IV, and V, which had 20, 40, and 50 μg/mL doses of Tribulus terrestris extract added before cryopreservation, and groups VI, VII, and VIII, which were supplemented by these extract doses after the freeze-thaw process. To evaluate the effects of the Tribulus terrestris extract, the semen samples were incubated with the extract and evaluated with a light microscope for motility and viability.ResultsAfter cryopreservation, a significant improvement in spermatozoa viability was observed in group VII. In groups VII and VIII, motility, according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, increased considerably (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference among groups III, IV, and V.ConclusionThe present study demonstrated that the protective effects of Tribulus terrestris, which improves human sperm motility and viability, may be due to its antioxidant properties. On the basis of the results, the researchers concluded that Tribulus terrestris can be used as a safe therapeutic alternative to current modalities for the management of motility dysfunction in males.  相似文献   

Although lung transplant remains the only option for patients with end-stage lung failure, short preservation times result in an inability to meet patient demand. Successful cryopreservation may ameliorate this problem; however, very little research has been performed on lung cryopreservation due to the inability to prevent ice nucleation or growth. Therefore, this research sought to characterize the efficacy of a small-molecule ice recrystallization inhibitor (IRI) for lung cryopreservation given its well-documented ability to control ice growth.Sprague-Dawley heart-lung blocks were perfused at room temperature using a syringe-pump. Cytotoxicity of the IRI was assessed through the subsequent perfusion with 0.4% (w/v) trypan blue followed by formalin-fixation. Ice control was assessed by freezing at a chamber rate of −5 °C/min to −20 °C and cryofixation using a low-temperature fixative. Post-thaw cell survival was determined by freezing at a chamber rate of −5 °C/min to −20 °C and thawing in a 37 °C water bath before formalin-fixation. In all cases, samples were paraffin-embedded, sliced, and stained with eosin.The IRI studied was found to be non-toxic, as cell membrane integrity following perfusion was not significantly different than controls (p = 0.9292). Alveolar ice grain size was significantly reduced by the addition of this IRI (p = 0.0096), and the addition of the IRI to DMSO significantly improved post-thaw cell membrane integrity when compared to controls treated with DMSO alone (p = 0.0034).The techniques described here provide a low-cost solution for rat ex vivo lung perfusion which demonstrated that the ice control and improved post-thaw cell survival afforded by IRI-use warrants further study.  相似文献   

While significant progress has been made in directing the behavior of cells encapsulated within three-dimensional (3D) covalently crosslinked hydrogels, the capacity of these materials to support in situ cryopreservation of cells directly within the gels has not been assessed. Here, we demonstrate the retention of human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) viability within hyaluronic acid (HA) and polyethylene glycol based hydrogels via a facile gradual cooling and freezing protocol. Encapsulated cell viability was retained at similar rates in both materials systems regardless of initial duration in culture or adhesive ligand incorporation, indicating the versatility of the approach. Additionally, the cryopreservation protocol maintains stem cell differentiation potential; incubation in adipogenic differentiation media induced equal rates of hMSC adipogenesis in freeze-thawed and non-frozen HA based hydrogels on a per-cell basis. Collectively, these findings highlight the cryopreservation protocol as a platform technology that, in addition to contributing to an increased understanding of three-dimensional cell-matrix interactions, could enable the long-term preservation of tissue engineering constructs for clinical applications.  相似文献   

Ren  Ruifen  Li  Zedi  Zhou  Hao  Zhang  Lingling  Jiang  Xueru  Liu  Yan 《Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture》2020,140(2):357-368
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Pollen after cryopreservation has a variety of change trends in viability, with most pollens showing decreased viability. The role of apoptosis-like...  相似文献   

In a recent article published in Cryobiology, Seki and Mazur [9] performed kinetic analysis to investigate the physicochemical mechanism of the intracellular ice formation in mouse oocytes subjected to rapid cooling. Based on their results, the authors calculated the activation energy for the ice recrystallization process to be 27.5 kcal/mol. In this letter, we report our analysis of the result in terms of the transition-state theory to show that the process is unfavorable in terms of enthalpy but favorable in terms of entropy accompanying molecular expansions. This report is expected to evoke interests in applying thermodynamics to the investigation of the intracellular ice formation.  相似文献   

This study determined the changes in pollen viability of 102 species/cultivars of ornamental plants (affiliated to 32 genera of 14 families) following long-term liquid nitrogen storage in a cryopreservation pollen bank. The goal was to provide information on the safety and stability of pollen cryopreservation technology. Fresh pollen at the time of storage was used as the control, and the study examined the pollen viability of ornamental plants cryopreserved for 8, 9, or 10 years. The results show that pollen of the 102 species/cultivars in the cryopreservation pollen bank retained viability ranging from 1% to 58%, After long-term storage there were changes in viability: 11.76% (12 species/cultivars) had increased viability, 16.67% (17 species/cultivars) had stable viability, and the viability of 71.57% (73 species/cultivars) showed a decreasing trend.  相似文献   

Tumor tissue has great clinical and scientific value which relies highly on the proper preservation of primary materials. Conventional tumor tissue cryopreservation using slow-freezing method has yielded limited success, leading to significant cell loss and morphological damage. Here we report a standardized vitrification-based cryopreservation method, by which we have successfully vitrified and warmed 35 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) tissues with up to 80% viability of the fresh tumor tissues. Cryopreserved ICC tissue could generate patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) with take rates of 68.2% compared to 72.7% using fresh tumor tissues. Histological and genetic analyses showed that no significant alterations in morphology and gene expression were introduced by this cryopreservation method. Our procedure may facilitate collection, long-time storage and propagation of cholangiocarcinoma or other tumor specimens for (pre)clinical studies of novel therapies or for basic research.  相似文献   

Diverse citrus cultivars maintained clonally within gene banks serve as valuable resources for research and breeding programs worldwide. These critical collections are kept as trees within field, screenhouse, or greenhouse collections. Ex situ collections are at risk of being lost due to unforeseen environmental or biological disasters. Cryopreservation provides a secure method to back-up these important collections. Herein, we assessed the applicability of a vitrification-based cryopreservation method to conserve citrus collection cultivars. Shoot tips were excised from screenhouse-grown trees from the USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository for Citrus and Dates. Shoot tips were then treated with cryoprotectants, plunged into liquid nitrogen (LN), warmed and then recovered by micrografting onto ‘Carrizo’ citrange seedling rootstocks. Of 150 cryopreserved Citrus accessions representing 32 taxa, 24 taxa had mean regrowth levels that were at least 40?%. The 36 navel orange (Citrus sinensis) accessions had an average regrowth level of 64?%. There was no decrease in viability after 3 years of LN storage for the three accessions that are part of a long-term storage experiment. Histological observations revealed high levels of cell survival after LN exposure and that cellular regrowth occurred between rootstock and shoot tips within 2 days of micrografting. We demonstrate that diverse citrus cultivars can be successfully cryopreserved within gene banks for long-term conservation.  相似文献   

Microalgae currently receive growing attention as promising candidates for future bio‐economy concepts. However, the reliable maintenance of production strains remains challenging. The well‐established serial subculturing techniques suffer from low long‐time stability and high effort and are therefore stepwise being replaced by cryopreservation. Currently, available protocols are often deduced from cell culture technology and are rather complex. This study aimed to investigate if less complex approaches can be applied. We introduce an easy‐to‐use cryopreservation protocol based on the model organism Chlorella vulgaris. To overcome error‐prone viability estimation by plating techniques, an alternative method using growth pattern analysis was developed. As revealed by growth pattern analysis, the preservation of stationary phase cells proved superior to the commonly applied concept of freezing cells from the growing phase. Controlled‐rate cooling using simple devices resulted in reproducibly high post‐thawing viabilities in the range of 63 ± 2%. Moreover, the presented protocol highlights the potential of simplifying microalgal cryo‐preservation procedures, thereby reducing the required labor and material need to a minimum. Apart from the viability analysis of the cryopreserved microalga C. vulgaris, this approach seems to have the potential to be applied for other algae species and microorganisms, as well.  相似文献   

In this study, the growth of six different planctomycetes, a particular ubiquitous bacterial phylum, was assessed after exposure to pollutants. In addition and for comparative purposes, Pseudomonas putida, Escherichia coli and Vibrio anguillarum were tested. Each microorganism was exposed to several concentrations of 21 different pollutants. After exposure, bacteria were cultivated using the drop plate method. In general, the strains exhibited a great variation of sensitivity to pollutants in the order: V. anguillarum > planctomycetes > P. putida > E. coli. E. coli showed resistance to all pollutants tested, with the exception of phenol and sodium azide. Copper, Ridomil® (fungicide), hydrazine and phenol were the most toxic pollutants. Planctomycetes were resistant to extremely high concentrations of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium but they were the only bacteria sensitive to Previcur N® (fungicide). Sodium azide affected the growth on plates of E. coli, P. putida and V. anguillarum, but not of planctomycetes. However, this compound affected planctomycetes cell respiration but with less impact than in the aforementioned bacteria. Our results provide evidence for a diverse response of bacteria towards pollutants, which may influence the structuring of microbial communities in ecosystems under stress, and provide new insights on the ecophysiology of planctomycetes.  相似文献   

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