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Summary β-galactosidase from Bifidobacterium longum CCRC 15708 was first extracted by ultrasonication then purified by Q Fast-Flow chromatography and gel chromatography on a Superose 6 HR column. These steps resulted in a purification of 15.7-fold, a yield of 29.3%, and a specific activity of 168.6 U mg−1 protein. The molecular weight was 357 kDa as determined from Native-PAGE. Using o-nitrophenyl-β-d-galactopyranoside (ONPG) as a substrate, the pH and temperature optima of the purified β-galactosidase were 7.0 and 50 °C, respectively. The enzyme was stable at a temperature up to 40 °C and at pH values of 6.5–7.0. K m and V max for this purified enzyme were noted to be 0.85 mM and 70.67 U/mg, respectively. Na+ and K+ stimulated the enzyme up to 10-fold, while Fe3+, Fe2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Mn2+ and Mg2+ inhibited the activity of β-galactosidase. Furthermore, although glucose, galactose, maltose, or raffinose exerted little or no effect on the β-galactosidase activity, lactose and fructose inhibited the enzyme activity. The effect of lactose on the enzyme activity for ONPG is probably a case of competitive inhibition. A relatively high specific activity of β-galactosidase from B. longum CCRC 15708 could be obtained by Q Fast-Flow chromatography and gel chromatography on a Superose 6 HR column. In some aspects, particularly the activation by monovalent cations, the properties of β-galactosidase of B. longum CCRC 15708 are different from those obtained from other sources. Data collected in the present study are of value and indispensable when β-galactosidase from B. longum CCRC 15708 is employed in practical application.  相似文献   

Kim M  Kwon T  Lee HJ  Kim KH  Chung DK  Ji GE  Byeon ES  Lee JH 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(15):1211-1217
A DNA fragment, which complemented the growth of E. coli both on M9 medium containing raffinose and on LB medium containing ampicillin, IPTG and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl--d-galactoside, was isolated from the genomic library of Bifidobacterium longum SJ32, which had been digested with EcoRI. In the cloned DNA fragment, a gene encoding a sucrose phosphorylase (splP) and a partially cloned putative sucrose regulator gene (splR) were identified using the deletion analysis and sequence analysis. A 56 kDa protein was synthesized in E. coli and partially purified by DEAE-ion exchange chromatography. The partially purified enzyme did not react with melibiose, melezitoze and raffinose but did with sucrose. It had transglucosylation activity in addition to hydrolytic activity.  相似文献   

Two distinct extracellular bifunctional proteins with β-L-arabinopyranosidase/α-D-galactopyranosidase activities were purified from the culture filtrate of Fusarium oxysporum 12S. The molecular masses of the enzymes were estimated to be 55 (Fo/AP1) and 73 kDa (Fo/AP2) by SDS-PAGE. They hydrolyzed both p-nitrophenyl β-L-arabinopyranoside and p-nitrophenyl α-D-galactopyranoside with different specificities. Fo/AP1 also showed low activity towards α-D-galactopyranosyl oligosaccharides such as raffinose. Interestingly, both enzymes hydrolyzed larch wood arabinogalactan (releasing arabinose) but not carob galactomannan, which has α-D-galactopyranosyl side chains. When larch wood arabinogalactan was incubated with excess Fo/AP1 or Fo/AP2, both enzymes released approximately 10% of the total arabinose in the substrate. cDNAs encoding Fo/AP1 and Fo/AP2 (Foap1 and Foap2) were isolated by in vitro cloning. The coding sequences of Foap1 and Foap2 genes were 1,647 and 1,620 bp in length and encode polypeptides of 549 and 540 amino acids, respectively. The N-terminal halves of both proteins had high similarity to putative conserved domains of the melibiase superfamily (Pfam account number 02065). The deduced amino acid sequences of the two enzymes indicate that they belong to glycosyl hydrolase family 27. Moreover, the C-terminal regions of both proteins contain a putative family 35 carbohydrate-binding module.  相似文献   

Bifidobacteria assimilated raffinose about 4-fold more effectively than other intestinal bacteria, and -galactosidase was active in all strains of Bifidobacteria tested. The enzyme activity of Bifidobacterium breve grown on raffinose was highly and specifically increased. Its activity was 30-fold higher than that of B. breve grown on glucose. Melibiose was also effective for production of the enzyme. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity from B. breve. It is a homodimer with Mr of about 160 kDa, and its optimum pH for activity of 5.5–6.5. The enzyme showed strict substrate specificity for -galactoside although it had slight activity for -glucoside. It hydrolysed stachyose, melibiose (Km = 2 mM) and raffinose (Km = 0.7 mM).  相似文献   

Bacteroides fragilis is a clinically important anaerobic pathogen present in the human gastrointestinal tract and is involved in a high number of anaerobic peritoneal infections. The complete genome sequence of B. fragilis NCTC 9343 revealed the presence of several putative fucosyltransferase gene homologues known as alpha-1,3-fucosyltransferases (α-1,3-FucTs). However, their expression and functional activities have not been studied. Here, we report the molecular cloning, functional expression, and characterization of the alpha-1,3-fucosyltransferase 3 (α-1,3-FucT3) enzyme from B. fragilis NCTC 9343. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach was used to clone the 331 amino acid long (MW, ~39 kDa) PCR product encoding fucosyltransferase enzyme. The enzyme had low identity of 30–40% with other known α-1,3-FucTs from Azospirillum sp, Rickettsia bellii, and different strains of Helicobacter pylori. An in vitro enzyme reaction analysis showed the ability of the enzyme to transfer the fucose moiety from guanosine-5′-diphosphate β-l-fucose to the N-acetyllactosamine to produce Lewis X. The reaction product, Lewis X was confirmed by thin layer chromatography, liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy, and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance analyses.  相似文献   

Although core α1,6-fucosylation is commonly observed in N-glycans of both vertebrates and invertebrates, the responsible enzyme, α1,6-fucosyltransferase, has been much less characterized in invertebrates compared to vertebrates. To investigate the functions of α1,6-fucosyltransferase in insects, we cloned the cDNA for the α1,6-fucosyltransferase from Bombyx mori (Bmα1,6FucT) and characterized the recombinant enzyme prepared using insect cell lines. The coding region of Bmα1,6FucT consists of 1737 bp that code for 578 amino acids of the deduced amino acid sequence, showing significant similarity to other α1,6-fucosyltransferases. Enzyme activity assays demonstrated that Bmα1,6FucT is enzymatically active in spite of being less active compared to the human enzyme. The findings also indicate that Bmα1,6FucT, unlike human enzyme, is N-glycosylated and forms a disulfide-bonded homodimer. These findings contribute to a better understanding of roles of α1,6-fucosylation in invertebrates and also to the development of the more efficient engineering of N-glycosylation of recombinant glycoproteins in insect cells.  相似文献   

Bifidobacterium infantis HL96 produces three -galactosidases (-gal I, II and III). A genomic bank of B. infantis was constructed in E. coli by using pBR322 as a cloning vector. Two E. coli transformants, BIG1 and BIG4, possessing -galactosidase activity, were selected from X-gal plates. They contained two different recombinant plasmids with insert DNA fragments of approx. 4.6 and 4.4 kb, respectively. The restriction maps of pBIG1 and pBIG4 were constructed. -Galactosidases from crude cell-free extracts of B. infantis and of two E. coli recombinants were analyzed by native PAGE and characterized by activity staining. pBIG1 and pBIG4 were shown to carry the genes for -gal I and -gal III, respectively. Optimal pH and temperature for hydrolytic activity of the native enzyme were 7.5 and 40°C, while those for recombinant BIG1 and BIG4 were 7.5, 50°C and 8.0, 40°C, respectively. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Two alpha-glucosidase encoding genes (aglA and aglB) from Bifidobacterium adolescentis DSM 20083 were isolated and characterized. Both alpha-glucosidases belong to family 13 of the glycosyl hydrolases. Recombinant AglA (EC and AglB (EC, expressed in Escherichia coli, showed high hydrolytic activity towards isomaltose and pnp-alpha-glucoside. The K(m) for pnp-alpha-glucoside was 1.05 and 0.47 mM and the V(max) was 228 and 113 U mg(-1) for AglA and AglB, respectively. Using pnp-alpha-glucoside as substrate, the pH optimum for AglA was 6.6 and the temperature optimum was 37 degrees C. For AglB, values of pH 6.8 and 47 degrees C were found. AglA also showed high hydrolytic activity towards isomaltotriose and, to a lesser extent, towards trehalose. AglB has a high preference for maltose and less activity towards sucrose; minor activity was observed towards melizitose, low molecular weight dextrin, maltitol, and maltotriose. The recombinant alpha-glucosidases were tested for their transglucosylation activity. AglA was able to synthesize oligosaccharides from trehalose and sucrose. AglB formed oligosaccharides from sucrose, maltose, and melizitose.  相似文献   

We solved the 1.8 ? crystal structure of β-fructofuranosidase from Bifidobacterium longum KN29.1 - a unique enzyme that allows these probiotic bacteria to function in the human digestive system. The sequence of β-fructofuranosidase classifies it as belonging to the glycoside hydrolase family 32 (GH32). GH32 enzymes show a wide range of substrate specificity and different functions in various organisms. All enzymes from this family share a similar fold, containing two domains: an N-terminal five-bladed β-propeller and a C-terminal β-sandwich module. The active site is located in the centre of the β-propeller domain, in the bottom of a 'funnel'. The binding site, -1, responsible for tight fructose binding, is highly conserved among the GH32 enzymes. Bifidobacterium longum KN29.1 β-fructofuranosidase has a 35-residue elongation of the N-terminus containing a five-turn α-helix, which distinguishes it from the other known members of the GH32 family. This new structural element could be one of the functional modifications of the enzyme that allows the bacteria to act in a human digestive system. We also solved the 1.8 ? crystal structure of the β-fructofuranosidase complex with β-D-fructose, a hydrolysis product obtained by soaking apo crystal in raffinose.  相似文献   

In the vermicomposting of paper mill sludge, the activity of earthworms is very dependent on dietetic polysaccharides including cellulose as energy sources. Most of these polymers are degraded by the host microbiota and considered potentially important source for cellulolytic enzymes. In the present study, a metagenomic library was constructed from vermicompost (VC) prepared with paper mill sludge and dairy sludge (fresh sludge, FS) and functionally screened for cellulolytic activities. Eighteen cellulase expressing clones were isolated from about 89,000 fosmid clones libraries. A short fragment library was constructed from the most active positive clone (cMGL504) and one open reading frame (ORF) of 1,092 bp encoding an endo-β-1,4-glucanase was indentified which showed 88% similarity with Cellvibrio mixtus cellulase A gene. The endo-β-1,4-glucanase cmgl504 gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant cmgl504 cellulase displayed activities at a broad range of temperature (25–55°C) and pH (5.5–8.5). The enzyme degraded carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) with 15.4 U, while having low activity against avicel. No detectable activity was found for xylan and laminarin. The enzyme activity was stimulated by potassium chloride. The deduced protein and three-dimensional structure of metagenome-derived cellulase cmgl504 possessed all features, including general architecture, signature motifs, and N-terminal signal peptide, followed by the catalytic domain of cellulase belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 5 (GHF5). The cellulases cloned in this work may play important roles in the degradation of celluloses in vermicomposting process and could be exploited for industrial application in future.  相似文献   

Annulohypoxylon stygium is an ascomycete that helps Tremella fuciformis produce the fruiting body in wild state or artificial cultivation. Although the interaction between these two fungi is well known, the underlying molecular mechanism is limited. In this study, the 981 bp and 886 bp promoter sequences of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd) gene and α-tubulin gene have been cloned, respectively. Sequence analysis showed that gpd promoter contained nine CAAT boxes, and single TGACG-motif, TATA box, ABRE motif, STRE motif, MYB motif, and W box. The α-tubulin promoter included eight CAAT boxes, three STRE, two TATA boxes and MYB, single Box 4, CAT-box, CCAAT-box, TGA-element, and ABRE. Subsequently, we evaluated the promoters' function by constructing four vectors pGEH, pGRH, pTEH, and pTRH to drive fused enhanced green fluorescent protein and hygromycin B phosphotransferase (egfp-hph) or red fluorescent protein and hygromycin B phosphotransferase (rfp-hph) expression under the control of gpd or α-tubulin promoters in A. stygium. The integration of the transformed DNA into A. stygium genome was verified by PCR, Southern blot, fluorescence microscopy, and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). All the results indicated that the two promoters could drive egfp-hph and rfp-hph expression. This result could provide help in gene functional studies by using gpd and α-tubulin promoters to direct gene over-expression or build dual promoter silencing systems.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a putative extracellular α-L-arabinofuranosidase was cloned from the basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea (CcAbf62A). CcAbf62A belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 62 (GH62), but is phylogenetically distinct from previously characterized GH62 enzymes. The recombinant CcAbf62A, expressed in Pichia pastoris, released L-arabinose from both wheat arabinoxylan and oat-spelt xylan. The enzyme activity for wheat arabinoxylan was increased by the addition of CcEst1, a carbohydrate esterase from C. cinerea.  相似文献   

Summary An -glucosidase was purified from Aspergillus carbonarious CCRC 30414 over 20 fold with 37 % recovery. Its molecular mass was estimated to be 328 kDa by gel filtration with an optimum pH from 4.2 to 5.0, and pI=5.0. The optimum temperature is at 60°C over 40 min. The enzyme was partially inhibited by 5 mM Ag+, Hg2+, Ba2+, Pb2+, and Aso4 +.  相似文献   

ORF Cthe0357 from the thermophilic bacterium Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 that encodes a putative α-glucan phosphorylase (αGP) was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The protein with a C-terminal His-tag was purified by Ni2+ affinity chromatography; the tag-free protein obtained from a cellulose-binding module–intein–αGP fusion protein was purified through affinity adsorption on amorphous cellulose followed by intein self-cleavage. Both purified enzymes had molecular weights of ca. 81,000 and similar specific activities. The optimal conditions were pH 6.0–6.5 and 60 °C for the synthesis direction and pH 7.0–7.5 and 80 °C for the degradation direction. This enzyme had broad substrate specificities for different chain length dextrins and soluble starch. The thermal inactivation of this enzyme strongly depended on temperature, protein concentration, and certain addictives that were shown previously to benefit the protein thermostability. The half lifetime of 0.05 mg αGP/mL at 50 °C was extended by 45-fold to 90 h through a combined addition of 0.1 mM Mg2+, 5 mM DTT, 1% NaCl, 0.1% Triton X-100, and 1 mg/mL BSA. The enzyme with prolonged stability would work as a building block for cell-free synthetic enzymatic pathway biotransformations, which can implement complicated biocatalysis through assembly of a number of enzymes and coenzymes.  相似文献   

α‐L ‐arabinofuranosidases (EC participate in the degradation of a variety of L ‐arabinose‐containing polysaccharides and interact synergistically with other hemicellulases in the production of oligosaccharides and bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass into biofuels. In this work, the structure of a novel thermostable family 51 (GH51) α‐L ‐arabinofuranosidase from Thermotoga petrophila RKU‐1 (TpAraF) was determined at 3.1 Å resolution. The TpAraF tertiary structure consists of an (α/β)‐barrel catalytic core associated with a C‐terminal β‐sandwich domain, which is stabilized by hydrophobic contacts. In contrast to other structurally characterized GH51 AraFs, the accessory domain of TpAraF is intimately linked to the active site by a long β‐hairpin motif, which modifies the catalytic cavity in shape and volume. Sequence and structural analyses indicate that this motif is unique to Thermotoga AraFs. Small angle X‐ray scattering investigation showed that TpAraF assembles as a hexamer in solution and is preserved at the optimum catalytic temperature, 65°C, suggesting functional significance. Crystal packing analysis shows that the biological hexamer encompasses a dimer of trimers and the multiple oligomeric interfaces are predominantly fashioned by polar and electrostatic contacts.  相似文献   

A gene coding for a DNA polymerase β from the Trypanosoma cruzi Miranda clone, belonging to the TcI lineage, was cloned (Miranda Tcpolβ), using the information from eight peptides of the T. cruzi β-like DNA polymerase purified previously. The gene encodes for a protein of 403 amino acids which is very similar to the two T. cruzi CL Brener (TcIIe lineage) sequences published, but has three different residues in highly conserved segments. At the amino acid level, the identity of TcI-polβ with mitochondrial polβ and polβ-PAK from other trypanosomatids was between 68–80% and 22–30%, respectively. Miranda Tc-polβ protein has an N-terminal sequence similar to that described in the mitochondrial Crithidia fasciculata polβ, which suggests that the TcI-polβ plays a role in the organelle. Northern and Western analyses showed that this T. cruzi gene is highly expressed both in proliferative and non-proliferative developmental forms. These results suggest that, in addition to replication of kDNA in proliferative cells, this enzyme may have another function in non-proliferative cells, such as DNA repair role similar to that which has extensively been described in a vast spectrum of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

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