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Cardiovascular changes during deep breath-hold dives in a pressure chamber   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ferrigno, Massimo, Guido Ferretti, Avery Ellis, DanWarkander, Mario Costa, Paolo Cerretelli, and Claes E. G. Lundgren. Cardiovascular changes during deep breath-hold dives ina pressure chamber. J. Appl. Physiol.83(4): 1282-1290, 1997.Electrocardiogram, cardiac output, andblood lactate accumulation were recorded in three elite breath-holddivers diving to 40-55 m in a pressure chamber in thermoneutral(35°C) or cool (25°C) water. In two of the divers, invasiverecordings of arterial blood pressure were also obtained during divesto 50 m in cool water. Bradycardia during the dives was more pronouncedand developed more rapidly in the cool water, with heart rates droppingto 20-30 beats/min. Arrhythmias occurred, particularly during thedives in cool water, when they were often more frequent than sinusbeats. Because of bradycardia, cardiac output decreased during thedives, especially in cool water (to <3 l/min in 2 of the divers).Arterial blood pressure increased dramatically, reaching values as highas 280/200 and 290/150 mmHg in the two divers, respectively. Thishypertension was secondary to peripheral vasoconstriction, which alsoled to anaerobic metabolism, reflected in increased blood lactateconcentration. The diving response of these divers resembles the onedescribed for diving animals, although the presence of arrhythmias andlarge increases in blood pressure indicate a less perfect adaptation inhumans.


This investigation examined the question of whether gas mixtures containing multiple inert gases provide a decompression advantage over mixtures containing a single inert gas. Unanesthetized male albino rats, Rattus norvegicus, were subjected to 2-h simulated dives at depths ranging from 145 to 220 fsw. At pressure, the rats breathed various He-N2-Ar-O2 mixtures (79.1% inert gas-20.9% O2); they were then decompressed rapidly (within 10 s) to surface pressures. The probability of decompression sickness (DCS), measured either as severe bends symptoms or death, was related to the experimental variables in a Hill equation model incorporating parameters that account for differences in the potencies of the three gases and the weight of the animal. The relative potencies of the three gases, which affect the total dose of decompression stress, were determined as significantly different in the following ascending order of potency: He less than N2 less than Ar; some of these differences were small in magnitude. With mixtures, the degree of decompression stress diminished as either N2 or Ar was replaced by He. No obvious advantage or disadvantage of mixtures over the least potent pure inert gas (He) was evident, although limits to the expectation of possible advantage or disadvantage of mixtures were defined. Also, model analysis did not support the hypothesis that the outcome of decompression with multiple inert gases in rats under these experimental conditions can be explained totally by the volume of gas accumulated in the body during a dive.  相似文献   

The measurement of left ventricular volume by the conductance-catheter technique has many advantages, but it is difficult to determine absolute volumes with this method. Current procedure requires that a bolus of concentrated hypertonic saline be injected to measure absolute volume. It also demands that the subject be in a steady state and that measurements only be made at discrete intervals. The saline bolus may affect the cardiovascular state of the subject. This paper describes a new technique for estimating absolute volume utilizing the conductance catheter that relies on the different frequency responses of blood and muscle. Good correlation between the salt-injection method and the dual-frequency method was found in nine closed-chest pigs anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (r = 0.922). Further refinements may extend the utility of the dual-frequency approach.  相似文献   

To plan for any future rescue of personnel in a disabled and pressurized submarine, the US Navy needs a method for predicting risk of decompression sickness under possible scenarios for crew recovery. Such scenarios include direct ascent from compressed air exposures with risks too high for ethical human experiments. Animal data, however, with their extensive range of exposure pressures and incidence of decompression sickness, could improve prediction of high-risk human exposures. Hill equation dose-response models were fit, by using maximum likelihood, to 898 air-saturation, direct-ascent dives from humans, pigs, and rats, both individually and combined. Combining the species allowed estimation of one, more precise Hill equation exponent (steepness parameter), thus increasing the precision associated with human risk predictions. These predictions agreed more closely with the observed data at 2 ATA, compared with a current, more general, US Navy model, although the confidence limits of both models overlapped those of the data. However, the greatest benefit of adding animal data was observed after removal of the highest risk human exposures, requiring the models to extrapolate.  相似文献   

The after-effects of renal function were studied in rats exposed to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) at either 4.8 ATA for 60 min or 6.8 ATA until the onset of convulsions. Only the rats which suffered from HBO convulsions were found to have alterations in renal function. It was observed that 4 hr after convulsions, there was a decrease in urinary excretion of urea and creatinine, which resulted in an elevation of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine. Clearances of inulin and p-aminohippuric acid showed a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate and effective renal blood flow 4 hr after HBO convulsions. These parameters nearly returned to normal in 24 hr after convulsions. The renal handling of a large volume of infused saline was also retarded 4 hr after HBO convulsions, but by the end of 24 hr after HBO convulsions, it was much improved. Therefore, it was concluded that the renal function was altered after HBO convulsions, but nearly recovered in 24 hr.  相似文献   

We present an optimized solution to the problem of membrane impedance estimation when a patch-clamped cell is stimulated by a dual-frequency, sinusoidal excitation. The complete data set of raw whole-cell current samples is typically reduced, via digital lock-in detection, to measurements of the complex cell model admittance at the two stimulus frequencies. We describe a statistical model of both data sets and demonstrate that the admittance data adequately represent the essential features obtained from the raw data. The parameter estimates obtained by a nonlinear weighted least-squares solution (NWLS), which under normal recording conditions is equivalent to the maximum likelihood solution, essentially obtain the theoretical lower bound on variance established by the Cramér-Rao bound. Our software implementation of the NWLS solution produces estimates of the cell model parameters that are less noisy than other dual-frequency systems. Our system can be used 1) to measure slow changes in membrane capacitance-in the face of large, slow changes in membrane resistance, 2) to detect with confidence capacitance changes expected from the exocytosis of moderate-sized dense core granules, and 3) to reduce the cross-talk between transient changes in membrane conductance and membrane capacitance.  相似文献   

An algorithm for on-site computation with a hand-held programmable calculator (TI-59, Texas Instruments) of single inert-gas decompression schedules is described. This program is based on Workman's 'M-value' method. It can compute decompression schedules with changes in the oxygen content of the breathing mixture and extension of stay at any decompression stop. The features of the program that enable calculation of atypical dive profiles, along with the portability of small calculators, would make such an algorithm suitable for on-site applications. However, since dive profiles generated by the program have not yet been tested, divers are warned not to generate schedules until their safety has been established by field tests.  相似文献   

In 150 rabbits by means of histoautoradiographic, histochemical and certain histological methods, reparative processes in the cardiac muscle have been studied at experimental myocardial infarction and its combination with atherosclerosis under various regimes of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO). It has been demonstrated that HBO (pO2--2 kgs/cm2, saturation time--45 min, 3-7 sessions) positively affects the proliferative processes in the ischemic zone, contributes to better preservation of the periinfarction parts of the myocardium and enhances maturation of the scar. If HBO is used in another regime (pO2--1 kgs/cm2, saturation time--30 min, 1-7 sessions), its positive effect on the regenerative processes in the ischemic zone is preserved, while its toxic effect on distant cardiac zones decreases considerably.  相似文献   

In vivo bubble formation was studied in various crustaceans equilibrated with high gas pressures and rapidly decompressed to atmospheric pressure. The species varied widely in susceptibility to bubble formation, and adults were generally more susceptible than larval stages. Bubbles did not form in early brine shrimp larvae unless equilibration pressures of at least 175 atm argon or 350 atm helium were used; for adult brine shrimp, copepods, and the larvae of crabs and shrimps, 100-125 atm argon or 175-225 atm helium were required. In contrast, bubbles formed in the leg joints of megalopa and adult crabs following decompression from only 3-10 atm argon; stimulation of limb movements increased this bubble formation, whereas inhibition of movements decreased it. High hydrostatic compressions applied before gas equilibration or slow compressions did not affect bubble formation. We concluded that circulatory systems, musculature, and storage lipids do not necessarily render organisms susceptible to bubble formation and that bubbles do not generally originate as preformed nuclei. In some cases, tribonucleation appears to be the cause of the bubbles.  相似文献   

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