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Characterizations of genetic variations among hepatitis delta virus (HDV) isolates have focused principally on phylogenetic analysis of sequences, which vary by 30 to 40% among three genotypes and about 10 to 15% among isolates of the same genotype. The significance of the sequence differences has been unclear but could be responsible for pathogenic variations associated with the different genotypes. Studies of the mechanisms of HDV replication have been limited to cDNA clones from HDV genotype I, which is the most common. To perform a comparative analysis of HDV RNA replication in genotypes I and III, we have obtained a full-length cDNA clone from an HDV genotype III isolate. In transfected Huh-7 cells, the functional roles of the two forms of the viral protein, hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg), in HDV RNA replication are similar for both genotypes I and III; the short form is required for RNA replication, while the long form inhibits replication. For both genotypes, HDAg was able to support replication of RNAs of the same genotype that were mutated so as to be defective for HDAg production. Surprisingly, however, neither genotype I nor genotype III HDAg was able to support replication of such mutated RNAs of the other genotype. The inability of genotype III HDAg to support replication of genotype I RNA could have been due to a weak interaction between the RNA and HDAg. The clear genotype-specific activity of HDAg in supporting HDV RNA replication confirms the original categorization of HDV sequences in three genotypes and further suggests that these should be referred to as types (i.e., HDV-I and HDV-III) rather than genotypes.  相似文献   

Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA replicates in the nuclei of virus-infected cells. The mechanism of nuclear import of HDV RNA is so far unknown. Using a fluorescein-labeled HDV RNA introduced into partially permeabilized HeLa cells, we found that HDV RNA accumulated only in the cytoplasm. However, in the presence of hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg), which is the only protein encoded by HDV RNA, the HDV RNA was translocated into the nucleus, suggesting that nuclear import of HDV RNA is mediated by HDAg. Deletion of the nuclear localization signal (NLS) or RNA-binding motifs of HDAg resulted in the failure of nuclear import of HDV RNA, indicating that both the NLS and an RNA-binding motif of HDAg are required for the RNA-transporting activity of HDAg. Surprisingly, any one of the three previously identified RNA-binding motifs was sufficient to confer the RNA-transporting activity. We have further shown that HDAg, via its NLS, interacts with karyopherin α2 in vitro, suggesting that nuclear import of the HDAg-HDV RNA complex is mediated by the karyopherin α2β heterodimer. The nuclear import of HDV RNA may be the first biological function of HDAg in the HDV life cycle.  相似文献   

Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) replication and packaging require interactions between the unbranched rodlike structure of HDV RNA and hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg), a basic, disordered, oligomeric protein. The tendency of the protein to bind nonspecifically to nucleic acids has impeded analysis of HDV RNA protein complexes and conclusive determination of the regions of HDAg involved in RNA binding. The most widely cited model suggests that RNA binding involves two proposed arginine-rich motifs (ARMs I and II) in the middle of HDAg. However, other studies have questioned the roles of the ARMs. Here, binding activity was analyzed in vitro using HDAg-160, a C-terminal truncation that binds with high affinity and specificity to HDV RNA segments in vitro. Mutation of the core arginines of ARM I or ARM II in HDAg-160 did not diminish binding to HDV unbranched rodlike RNA. These same mutations did not abolish the ability of full-length HDAg to inhibit HDV RNA editing in cells, an activity that involves RNA binding. Moreover, only the N-terminal region of the protein, which does not contain the ARMs, was cross-linked to a bound HDV RNA segment in vitro. These results indicate that the amino-terminal region of HDAg is in close contact with the RNA and that the proposed ARMs are not required for binding HDV RNA. Binding was not reduced by mutation of additional clusters of basic amino acids. This result is consistent with an RNA-protein complex that is formed via numerous contacts between the RNA and each HDAg monomer.  相似文献   

Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA forms an unbranched rod structure that is associated with hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg) in cells replicating HDV. Previous in vitro binding experiments using bacterially expressed HDAg showed that the formation of a minimal ribonucleoprotein complex requires an HDV unbranched rod RNA of at least about 300 nucleotides (nt) and suggested that HDAg binds the RNA as a multimer of fixed size. The present study specifically examines the role of HDAg multimerization in the formation of the HDV ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP). Disruption of HDAg multimerization by site-directed mutagenesis was found to profoundly alter the nature of RNP formation. Mutant HDAg proteins defective for multimerization exhibited neither the 300-nt RNA size requirement for binding nor specificity for the unbranched rod structure. The results unambiguously demonstrate that HDAg binds HDV RNA as a multimer and that the HDAg multimer is formed prior to binding the RNA. RNP formation was found to be temperature dependent, which is consistent with conformational changes occurring on binding. Finally, analysis of RNPs constructed with unbranched rod RNAs successively longer than the minimum length indicated that multimeric binding is not limited to the first HDAg bound and that a minimum RNA length of between 604 and 714 nt is required for binding of a second multimer. The results confirm the previous proposal that HDAg binds as a large multimer and demonstrate that the multimer is a critical determinant of the structure of the HDV RNP.Human hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is an unusual subviral agent that increases the severity of acute and chronic liver disease in those infected with its helper, hepatitis B virus (23). The HDV genome is a 1,680-nucleotide (nt) single-stranded circular RNA that is replicated by a double-rolling-circle mechanism (reviewed in references 15 and 28). Both the genome and antigenome RNAs form a characteristic unbranched rod structure due to 70% sequence complementarity between the noncoding and coding regions of the RNA (10, 11, 31). HDV encodes just one protein, hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg), which forms ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes with both the genome and the antigenome in cells replicating HDV (3, 5, 30). These complexes play fundamental roles in viral RNA replication and packaging and their characterization is essential for understanding these processes, which are not well characterized.HDAg has been shown to form dimers and higher order multimers, even in the absence of HDV RNA (25, 30, 32). The multimerization activity has been localized to the amino-terminal third of the 195-amino-acid (aa) protein (12, 24, 30, 32). X-ray crystallographic analysis of a peptide comprised of aa 12 to 60 indicated that antiparallel dimers are stabilized by a coiled coil (aa 16 to 48), as well as a hydrophobic core region (aa 50 to 60) that also stabilizes interactions between dimers such that an octameric structure may form (35). Zuccola et al. found that bacterially expressed HDAg could be cross-linked in an octameric structure, and Cornillez-Ty et al. obtained evidence supporting such a structure in cells replicating HDV (7, 35). Site-directed mutations of HDAg amino acids critical for dimerization and/or multimerization abolish the ability of HDAg to support RNA replication (18, 32), indicating that the formation of HDAg multimers is essential for this process.We recently showed that bacterially expressed, C-terminally truncated HDAg forms stable RNP complexes in vitro with segments of HDV RNA that form unbranched rod structures (8). No particular sequences or structures in the RNA, other than the HDV unbranched rod, were essential for complex formation, but, remarkably, binding required that the RNA have a minimum length of at least about 300 nt. Overall, the results were consistent with the formation of a large RNP containing multiple copies of the 19-kDa protein that bound to the RNA either in a highly cooperative manner or as a preformed multimer. On the other hand, based on indirect measures of the RNA-binding activity of site-directed HDAg mutations in cells, others have found that HDAg multimerization might not be required for RNA-binding activity (18).Here, we directly analyze the role of HDAg multimerization in the formation of the HDV RNP complex. We find that HDAg binds to HDV unbranched rod RNA as a preformed multimer. Site-directed mutations that disrupted protein multimerization did not abolish binding but profoundly altered the nature of the RNA-protein complex. In particular, we found that multimerization is associated with RNA-binding specificity, including the RNA length requirement for binding. For the wild-type protein, RNP formation was found to be strongly temperature dependent, suggesting that conformational changes occur on binding, and providing a plausible explanation of the RNA length requirement for binding. Furthermore, we show that the protein binds as multiple multimeric units on longer RNAs, provided the length of the RNA is sufficient. We conclude that the HDAg multimer plays a critical role in the formation of properly structured HDV RNPs.  相似文献   

Specific inhibitory mechanisms suppress the T-cell response against the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in chronically infected patients. However, the relative importance of suppression by IL-10, TGF-β and regulatory T-cells and the impact of pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin (PegIFN-α/ribavirin) therapy on these inhibitory mechanisms are still unclear. We revealed that coregulation of the HCV-specific T-cell responses in blood of 43 chronic HCV patients showed a highly heterogeneous pattern before, during and after PegIFN-α/ribavirin. Prior to treatment, IL-10 mediated suppression of HCV-specific IFN-γ production in therapy-naive chronic HCV patients was associated with higher HCV-RNA loads, which suggests that protective antiviral immunity is controlled by IL-10. In addition, as a consequence of PegIFN-α/ribavirin therapy, negative regulation of especially HCV-specific IFN-γ production by TGF-β and IL-10 changed dramatically. Our findings emphasize the importance of negative regulation for the dysfunctional HCV-specific immunity, which should be considered in the design of future immunomodulatory therapies.  相似文献   

针对丙型肝炎病毒RNA(HCV-RNA)的5′非编码区和部分C区的二级结构,设计并合成了四个不同的锤头型核酶(ribozyme A, ribozyme B, ribozyme C1, ribozyme C2).首先应用体外切割实验筛选出作用于HCV-RNA起始密码子上游GTA↓位点的核酶RzA有较好的活性.为初步验证核酶RzA在细胞内的切割活性,经脂质体介导,将RzA-RNA与另一携带该核酶靶基因的质粒表达载体pCl-neo-luciferase(载体中荧光素酶基因受核酶靶基因的调控)共转染HepG2细胞.通过测定荧光素酶基因的表达证实了核酶在细胞内有较好的切割活性.在此实验基础上,把RzA基因克隆至pCl-neo质粒表达载体中,再次经脂质体介导,将重组的表达载体pCl-neo-RzA与携带该核酶靶基因的质粒表达载体pCl-neo-luciferase共转染HepG2细胞,获得了更好的切割效果.  相似文献   

Cyclosporine A and nonimmunosuppressive cyclophilin (Cyp) inhibitors such as Debio 025, NIM811, and SCY-635 block hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication in vitro. This effect was recently confirmed in HCV-infected patients where Debio 025 treatment dramatically decreased HCV viral load, suggesting that Cyps inhibitors represent a novel class of anti-HCV agents. However, it remains unclear how these compounds control HCV replication. Recent studies suggest that Cyps are important for HCV replication. However, a profound disagreement currently exists as to the respective roles of Cyp members in HCV replication. In this study, we analyzed the respective contribution of Cyp members to HCV replication by specifically knocking down their expression by both transient and stable small RNA interference. Only the CypA knockdown drastically decreased HCV replication. The re-expression of an exogenous CypA escape protein, which contains escape mutations at the small RNA interference recognition site, restored HCV replication, demonstrating the specificity for the CypA requirement. We then mutated residues that reside in the hydrophobic pocket of CypA where proline-containing peptide substrates and cyclosporine A bind and that are vital for the enzymatic or the hydrophobic pocket binding activity of CypA. Remarkably, these CypA mutants fail to restore HCV replication, suggesting for the first time that HCV exploits either the isomerase or the chaperone activity of CypA to replicate in hepatocytes and that CypA is the principal mediator of the Cyp inhibitor anti-HCV activity. Moreover, we demonstrated that the HCV NS5B polymerase associates with CypA via its enzymatic pocket. The study of the roles of Cyps in HCV replication should lead to the identification of new targets for the development of alternate anti-HCV therapies.Hepatitis C virus (HCV)2 is the main contributing agent of acute and chronic liver diseases worldwide (1). Primary infection is often asymptomatic or associated with mild symptoms. However, persistently infected individuals develop high risks for chronic liver diseases such as hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cirrhosis (1). The combination of IFNα and ribavirin that serves as current therapy for chronically HCV-infected patients not only has a low success rate (about 50%) (2) but is often associated with serious side effects (2). There is thus an urgent need for the development of novel anti-HCV treatments (2).The immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine A (CsA) was reported to be clinically effective against HCV (3). Controlled trials showed that a combination of CsA with IFNα is more effective than IFNα alone, especially in patients with a high viral load (4, 5). Moreover, recent in vitro studies provided evidence that CsA prevents both HCV RNA replication and HCV protein production in an IFNα-independent manner (610). CsA exerts this anti-HCV activity independently of its immunosuppressive activity because the nonimmunosuppressive Cyp inhibitors such as Debio 025, NIM811, and SCY-635 also block HCV RNA and protein production (9, 1114). Unlike CsA, these molecules do not display calcineurin affinity and specifically inhibit the peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans-isomerase (PPIase) Cyps. Most importantly, recent clinical data demonstrated that Debio 025 dramatically decreased HCV viral load (3.6 log decrease) in patients coinfected with HCV and HIV (15). This 14-day Debio 025 treatment (1200 mg orally administered twice daily) was effective against the three genotypes (genotypes 1, 3, and 4) represented in the study. More recently, the anti HCV effect of Debio 025 in combination with peginterferon α 2a (peg-IFNα2a) was investigated in treatment-inexperienced patients with chronic hepatitis C. Debio 025 (600 mg administered once daily) in combination with peg-IFNα2a (180 μg/week) for 4 weeks induced a continuous decay in viral load that reached −4.61 ± 1.88 IU/ml in patients with genotypes 1 and 4 and −5.91 ± 1.11 IU/ml in patients with genotypes 2 and 3 at week 4 (16). The Debio 025 findings are critical because they suggest that Cyp inhibitors represent a novel class of anti-HCV agents. However, it remains unclear how these compounds control HCV replication. The fact that several recent studies using small RNA interference knockdown approaches suggest that Cyps are critical for the HCV life cycle (9, 17, 18) strongly implies that there is a direct or indirect link between the CsA- and CsA derivative-mediated inhibitory effect on HCV replication and host Cyps.The discovery 20 years ago of the first cellular protein showing PPIase activity (19) was entirely unrelated to the discovery of CypA as an intracellular protein possessing a high affinity for CsA (20). It is only a few years later that Fischer et al. (21) demonstrated that the 18-kDa protein with PPIase activity and CypA represent a single unique protein. All Cyps contain a common domain of 109 amino acids, called the Cyp-like domain, which is surrounded by domains specific to each Cyp members and which dictates their cellular compartmentalization and function (22). Bacteria, fungi, insects, plants, and mammals contain Cyps, which all have PPIase activity and are structurally conserved (22). To date, 16 Cyp members have been identified, and 7 of them are found in humans: CypA, CypB, CypC, CypD, CypE, Cyp40, and CypNK (22).Although there is a growing body of evidence that Cyps control HCV replication in human hepatocytes, a major disagreement currently exists on the respective roles of Cyp members in HCV replication. One study suggests that CypB, but not CypA, is critical for HCV replication (17), another suggests that CypA, but not CypB and CypC, is critical for HCV replication (18), and a third study suggests that three Cyps, CypA, B, and C, are all required for HCV replication (9). Thus, although it becomes evident that Cyps serve as HCV co-factors, their respective contributions and roles in the HCV life cycle remain to be determined. An understanding of the mechanisms that control the Cyp inhibitor-mediated anti-HCV effect is imperative because it will provide new alternate anti-HCV therapies and shed light on the still poorly understood early and late steps of the HCV life cycle.  相似文献   

戊型肝炎(Hepatitis E,HE)是由戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus,HEV)引起的病毒性肝炎,已经成为全球范围内的公共卫生问题,在临床人群中进行HE的诊断对于疾病传播的预防与控制具有重要的公共卫生意义,对于疾病的治疗具有重要的指导意义。本文对HEV抗原新指标的建立和发展进行综述,同时将其与现有指标进行比较,对其应用前景和优化方向提出展望。  相似文献   

The RNA genome of human hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is an unusual small circular single-stranded species that can fold on itself to form an unbranched rod-like structure. This RNA is replicated in the nucleus by RNA-directed RNA synthesis coupled with RNA processing events. During processing events a subgenomic, polyadenylated RNA that is complementary to the genome and expressed in the cytoplasm as the small form of the delta antigen, a 195-amino-acid protein essential for genome replication is produced. The strategies of RNA virus genome organization and expression are very diverse; those used by HDV seem unique among animal viruses, although there are some distant similarities with those used by some plant pathogens.  相似文献   

Yu Wei  Don Ganem 《Journal of virology》1998,72(3):2089-2096
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) encodes two isoforms of its principal gene product, hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg). These two forms play distinctive and complementary roles in viral replication. Here we report that the large (LHDAg), but not the small (SHDAg), isoform of HDAg has the capacity to activate the expression of cotransfected genes driven by a variety of promoters, including the pre-S, S, and C promoters of hepatitis B virus. Mutational analysis of the C-terminal 19 amino acids unique to LHDAg shows that changing prolines to alanines in the two PXXP motifs in this region specifically ablates the activation function without abolishing another activity of LHDAg, namely, its ability to inhibit HDV RNA synthesis. However, C-terminal truncations that also disrupt these PXXP motifs only slightly diminished the activation function, indicating that the proline mutations were not acting by inactivating potential SH3 interactions that could be mediated by these motifs. Mutation of the isoprenylated cysteine to serine decreases but does not abolish the activation activity, and overexpression of SHDAg does not interfere with the transactivation function of LHDAg. Although the mechanism and biological significance of this activity of LHDAg remain unknown, the presence of this activity serves as yet another marker that functionally distinguishes this protein from the closely related isoform SHDAg.Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is an RNA virus that requires coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) to complete its life cycle. The helper function supplied by HBV is limited to the provision of envelope proteins (hepatitis B surface antigens) for the completion of HDV assembly (28, 29, 31). HDV RNA replication is independent of its HBV helper (19). In fact, the presence of HDV suppresses HBV replication in vivo (30, 39). Nonetheless, clinical studies have shown that HDV infection can be associated with more severe hepatitis than HBV alone and is often implicated in cases of fulminant hepatitis (4, 32).The genome of HDV is a circular, single-stranded RNA of about 1,700 nucleotides (nt), of which approximately 70% are self-complementary (for a review, see references 20 and 21). This self-complemetarity allows the genome to form an unbranched rod-like structure. A unique functional protein, hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg), is encoded by the genome (3, 38), and two isoforms of this protein are produced during infection. The canonical small form of HDAg (SHDAg) is 195 amino acids (aa) long; it harbors an N-terminal coiled-coil domain responsible for oligomerization (37), a central domain responsible for binding to the RNA genome (7, 23), a nuclear localization signal (2, 7), and a C-terminal glycine- and proline-rich region with an uncertain function. This form of HDAg is essential for viral RNA replication, although it is not itself a polymerase. Host RNA polymerase II is thought to supply the polymerase function for replication (15, 26). During viral replication, an RNA editing event occurs at the UAG termination codon of SHDAg, allowing readthrough of another 19 aa (Fig. (Fig.1)1) to generate the large isoform of the protein, LHDAg (25). Since LHDAg contains all of the domains of SHDAg, it too can form multimers with itself and with the SHDAg isoform, bind HDV RNA (as a homo- or heteromultimer), and be localized to the nucleus. Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Sequence of the 19 aa unique to the C terminus of LHDAg. The PXXP motifs are underlined. Below are shown the amino acid changes present in the mutants employed in this study. The positions of the termination codons introduced into the truncation mutants are indicated by asterisks.Despite these similarities, the two HDAgs have very distinct functions (22) and play complementary roles in HDV replication, which takes place largely in the nuclei of infected cells (34). While SHDAg activates HDV RNA replication, LHDAg is a trans-dominant inhibitor of this process (8). By contrast, LHDAg, but not SHDAg, is capable of interacting with the HBV envelope proteins to mediate envelopment of the HDV ribonucleoprotein in viral assembly (6). This interaction has been shown to require farnesylation of a cysteine residue found in the C-terminal 19 aa unique to LHDAg (27, 16). Furthermore, it has been shown recently that only LHDAg is phosphorylated in cells (1).In this report, we describe yet another activity of LHDAg that further differentiates it from the related isoform SHDAg, i.e., the ability to activate gene expression in trans.  相似文献   

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