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We recently found that Xenopus dicalcin, present in the extracellular egg-coating envelope, suppresses the efficiency of fertilization in vitro through binding to envelope-constituent glycoproteins. In the present study, we explored the mouse counterpart of Xenopus dicalcin, specifically its localization in the female reproductive tract and its action on mouse fertilization. Our homology and phylogenetic analyses using known S100 proteins showed that S100A11 is most closely related to Xenopus dicalcin. S100A11 was localized in the cytosol of luteal cells, but not in the follicle, in the mouse ovary, and also in the cytosol of the oviductal epithelial cells. In addition, our quantitative analyses revealed preferential expression of S100A11 in the ampullary region of the oviduct and at the estrus stage during the mouse estrous cycle. In the cumulus cell-oocyte complex dissected from the oviduct following ovulation, S100A11 was present in the plasma membrane of cumulus cells, but not in the zona pellucida, which is comparable with Ca(2+) -dependent binding of exogenously applied S100A11 to the plasma membrane of cumulus cells. Pretreatment of the cumulus cell-oocyte complex with recombinant S100A11 substantially reduced the efficiency of in vitro fertilization, but S100A10, the next closest S100 protein to Xenopus dicalcin, had no effect. These results suggested that S100A11 is the mouse counterpart of Xenopus dicalcin, suppresses the fertilization process through its action on cumulus cells, and thereby plays a key role in fertilization success in the mouse.  相似文献   

Flowering is a major developmental phase change that transforms the fate of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) from a leaf-bearing vegetative meristem to that of a flower-producing inflorescence meristem. In Arabidopsis, floral meristems are specified on the periphery of the inflorescence meristem by the combined activities of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT)–FD complex and the flower meristem identity gene, LEAFY ( LFY ). Two redundant functioning homeobox genes, PENNYWISE ( PNY ) and POUND-FOOLISH ( PNF ), which are expressed in the vegetative and inflorescence SAM, regulate patterning events during reproductive development, including floral specification. To determine the role of PNY and PNF in the floral specification network, we characterized the genetic relationship of these homeobox genes with LFY and FT . Results from this study demonstrate that LFY functions downstream of PNY and PNF. Ectopic expression of LFY promotes flower formation in pny pnf plants, while the flower specification activity of ectopic FT is severely attenuated. Genetic analysis shows that when mutations in pny and pnf genes are combined with lfy , a synergistic phenotype is displayed that significantly reduces floral specification and alters inflorescence patterning events. In conclusion, results from this study support a model in which PNY and PNF promote LFY expression during reproductive development. At the same time, the flower formation activity of FT is dependent upon the function of PNY and PNF.  相似文献   

The social environment is a key feature influencing primate life histories. Chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) are a female-bonded species with a strict linear dominance hierarchy. In this species, the allocation of energy to competing demands of growth and reproduction is hypothesized to vary as a function of competitive ability, which in turn increases with social rank. Since growth rate is a major component of life history models, measures of age-specific growth were used to analyze variation in life history traits across social ranks. Weights of 42 immature baboons were obtained without sedation or baiting from a troop of well-habituated chacma baboons in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Using demographic and weight data from this wild population, five main findings emerged: 1) Weight for age and growth rate of infant and juvenile females are positively associated with maternal rank. 2) Male growth is not influenced by maternal rank. 3) Female growth shows smaller variation across feeding conditions than male growth. 4) Low-ranking adult females continue investment in offspring through prolonged lactation until they reach a weight comparable to that of high-ranking infants. 5) The benefit of rank to reproductive success shown in this study is 0.83 additional offspring. Reproductive span determined predominantly by age at maturation contributes 27-38% to the difference in expected number of offspring by rank, vs. 62-73% due to reproductive rate. These findings have major implications for understanding the role of social environment in phenotypic plasticity of life history traits, and in the evolution of primate life histories.  相似文献   

姚宝辉  安康  苏军虎 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7761-7770
生殖抑制指原本具有生育能力的动物个体因特定外界环境或生理条件而减少或丧失生殖能力的现象,有时是受环境变化的主动调控,更多的是出现在其他个体影响下的被动抑制,极端情况发生在社会性动物的永久性抑制,即永久无法生殖或无法生殖成熟。研究发现非社会性动物也有生殖的推迟及可恢复性的生殖抑制,生殖抑制影响着动物种群数量动态、维持和进化。随着多学科的发展,生殖抑制机理研究取得了诸多进展。从阐述生殖抑制的概念出发,解析生殖抑制的形态、激素和分子生理特征,总结了生殖抑制的原因、作用,终述现有的理论模型以及不同物种方面的最新进展,并就生殖抑制在生物资源管理方面的应用价值进行了展望,旨在丰富生殖抑制的理论,扩展应用实践,为后续的生物资源管理提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Members of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play important roles in many aspects of vertebrate embryogenesis. In developing limbs, BMPs have been implicated in control of anterior-posterior patterning, outgrowth, chondrogenesis, and apoptosis. These diverse roles of BMPs in limb development are apparently mediated by different BMP receptors (BMPR). To identify the developmental processes in mouse limb possibly contributed by BMP receptor-IB (BMPR-IB), we generated transgenic mice misexpressing a constitutively active Bmpr-IB (caBmpr-IB). The transgene driven by the mouse Hoxb-6 promoter was ectopically expressed in the posterior mesenchyme of the forelimb bud, the lateral plate mesoderm, and the whole mesenchyme of the hindlimb bud. While the forelimbs appeared normal, the transgenic hindlimbs exhibited several phenotypes, including bifurcation, preaxial polydactyly, and posterior transformation of the anterior digit. However, the size of bones in the transgenic limbs seemed unaltered. Defects in sternum and ribs were also found. The bifurcation in the transgenic hindlimb occurred early in the limb development (E10.5) and was associated with extensive cell death in the mesenchyme and occasionally in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER). Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Patched (Ptc) expression appeared unaffected in the transgenic limb buds, suggesting that the BMPR-IB mediated signaling pathway is downstream from Shh. However, ectopic Fgf4 expression was found in the anterior AER, which may account for the duplication of the anterior digit. An ectopic expression of Gremlin found in the transgenic limb bud would be responsible for the ectopic Fgf4 expression. The observations that Hoxd-12 and Hoxd-13 expression patterns were extended anteriorly provide a molecular basis for the posterior transformation of the anterior digit. Together these results suggest that BMPR-IB is the endogenous receptor to mediate the role of BMPs in anterior-posterior patterning and apoptosis in mouse developing limb. In addition, BMPR-IB may represent a critical component in the Shh/FGF4 feedback loop by regulating Gremlin expression.  相似文献   

The developing limb is a useful model for studying organogenesis and developmental processes. Although Cre alleles exist for conditional loss‐ or gain‐of‐function in limbs, Cre alleles targeting specific limb subdomains are desirable. Here we report on the generation of the Hoxa13:Cre line, in which the Cre gene is inserted in the endogenous Hoxa13 gene. We provide evidence that the Cre is active in embryonic tissues/regions where the endogenous Hoxa13 gene is expressed. Our results show that cells expressing Hoxa13 in developing limb buds contribute to the entire autopod (hand/feet) skeleton and validate Hoxa13 as a distal limb marker as far as the skeleton is concerned. In contrast, in the limb musculature, Cre‐based fate mapping shows that almost all muscle masses of the zeugopod (forearm) and part of the triceps contain Hoxa13‐expressing cells and/or their descendants. Besides the limb, the activity of the Cre is detectable in the urogenital system and the hindgut, primarily in the epithelium and smooth muscles. Together our data show that the Hoxa13:Cre allele is a useful tool for conditional gene manipulation in the urogenital system, posterior digestive tract, autopod and part of the limb musculature. genesis 53:366–376, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The penises of bats are taxonomically distinctive in size and shape. In addition, they are variable in microscopic anatomy, indicating that histomorphological studies of copulatory organs of bats may help understanding their successful reproductive strategies. We studied adult males of 13 species of vespertilionid and phyllostomid bats. Both families exhibited the basic structure of the vascular penis of mammals: the hydrostatic elements of the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum surrounding the urethra, as well as accessory cavernous tissue. Variation in the position and amount of the tissues were observed in these families. Vespertilionid bats have a small glans penis with abundant accessory cavernous tissue on the prepuce and a highly variable baculum. The baculum varied in size and morphology, even among congeneric species, such as the three Lasiurus species and the two Myotis species. Phyllostomid species possess no bacula, but vascular structures are present to produce penile stiffening, particularly on the glans. Variation in the microscopic anatomy of the phyllostomid prepuce was observed, for example, Artibeus species had accessory cavernous tissue surrounded by a tunica albuginea, but Carollia perspicillata had two bundles of striated musculature and some adipose tissue; abundant pigments were present in the prepuce of most species.  相似文献   

The reproductive characteristics of Oreochromis niloticus females were studied in two large hydroelectric dams and 6 small agropastoral reservoirs of Côte d'Ivoire, selected for their diversity of environmental conditions and sizes (6 to 80000 ha). Comparative analysis of age and size at maturity revealed large differences between the populations with early maturity, late maturity, and intermediate situations. All the populations matured in their first year, between 5.6 and 10 months. Age and size at maturity were positively correlated with the reservoir area. The range of variation in age at maturity between populations was far greater than that of size at maturity. However, size at maturity also appears to be very plastic as intra-population variations of 2 to 3 cm were found between consecutive years. A comparison of age at maturity for a population in 1994 and 1996 showed that this trait is also likely to vary significantly at the intra-population level. Environmental factors which could potentially affect age and size at maturity are discussed. Growth differences are the probable explanation for the observed patterns of variation between populations. Rapid changes in age and size at maturity at inter or intra-population levels suggest that the observed variations might be explained by differences in environmental variables (phenotypic plasticity) rather than by genetic differences.  相似文献   

Characterization of the CYP4A11 gene,a second CYP4A gene in humans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Comparison between the cDNA sequence of CYP4A11 and that deduced from a published genomic clone suggested the presence of an additional CYP4A gene in humans, CYP4A22. PCR amplification of genomic DNA yielded overlapping clones covering 13kb of genomic DNA and extending from 1003bp upstream from CYP4A11 translation initiation to 135bp upstream of the mRNA polyadenylation signal. Sequence and Southern blot analysis showed the presence in humans of two highly homologous CYP4A genes, CYP4A11 and CYP4A22. These two genes share 96% sequence identity and have similar intron/exon sizes and distribution. Short nucleotide insertions (< or =10bp) in introns 1, 3, 9, and 11, and deletions (< or =18bp) in introns 4, 6, and 11 differentiate the two genes. RT-PCR amplification of human kidney RNA followed by restriction fragment analysis showed that CYP4A11 is the predominant isoform expressed in kidney.  相似文献   

目的:筛选和鉴定同源盒基因A10编码蛋白(HOXA10)的靶调节基因。方法:以人子宫内膜细胞系AN3CA为实验对象,采用染色质免疫沉淀方法筛选HOXA10靶基因;采用平端克隆方法构建HOXA10靶基因库;采用DNA序列分析结合生物信息学方法鉴定HOXA10靶基因。结果:共获得含有HOXA10结合片段的克隆197个,选取插入片段大于100bp的质粒67个进行DNA序列分析,其中含有HOXA10结合序列TTAT的基因16个。结论:初步筛选出16个HOXA10候选靶基因,为进一步研究HOXA10的基因调节机理提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The mammalian inner ear is a complex organ that develops from a surface ectoderm into distinct auditory and vestibular components. Congenital malformation of these two components resulting from single or multiple gene defects is a common clinical occurrence and is observed in patients with split hand/split foot malformation, a malformation which is phenocopied by Dlx5/6 null mice. Analysis of mice lacking Dlx5 and Dlx6 homeobox genes identified their restricted and combined expression in the otic epithelium as a crucial regulator of vestibular cell fates. Otic induction initiates without incident in Dlx5/6(-/-) embryos, but dorsal otic derivatives including the semicircular ducts, utricle, saccule, and endolymphatic duct fail to form. Dlx5 and Dlx6 seem to influence vestibular cell fates by restricting Pax2 and activating Gbx2 and Bmp4 expression domains. Given their proximity to the disease locus and the observed phenotype in Dlx5/6 null mice, Dlx5/6 are likely candidates to mediate the inner ear defects observed in patients with split hand/split foot malformation.  相似文献   

The reproductive tract of B. truncatus was investigated histologically in order to study possible effects of castration upon the accessory sex glands. In the female part of the reproductive tract—subdivided into albumen gland, oviduct, muciparous gland, oothecal gland, uterus, vagina and bursa copulatrix—13 histochemically different secretory cell types were distinguished. The majority produce different types of (acid) mucopolysaccharides. The roles of the various parts of the female tract in the production of an egg mass were elucidated by comparing the histochemistry of the egg mass to that of the female tract; the abundance and location of the cell types were also taken into account for this purpose.

The male part appeared to contain 12 histochemically different secretory cell types. These produce mainly (phospho lipoproteins together with some polysaccharides and neutral lipids.

Castration causes an acceleration of the growth of the snails. The volumes of female (albumen gland) and male (prostate gland) accessory sex glands were measured on histological sections. It appeared that growth of the albumen gland is not arrested by castration. This was not established beyond doubt for the prostate gland. The results suggest that the stimulating effects of the dorsal body hormone on the growth and synthetic capacity of the female accessory sex glands—such effects have been established for Lymnaea stagnalis—are not exerted via the ovotestis in B. truncatus.  相似文献   

Vas deferens is a conduit for sperm and fluid from the epididymis to the urethra. The duct is surrounded by a thick smooth muscle layer. To map the actin cytoskeleton of the duct and its epithelium, we reacted sections of the proximal and distal regions with fluorescent phalloidin. Confocal microscopic imaging showed that the cylinder‐shaped epithelium of the proximal region has a thick apical border of actin filaments that form microvilli. The epithelium of the distal region is covered with tall stereocilia (13–18 µm) that extend from the apical border into the lumen. In both regions, the lateral and basal cell borders showed a thin lining of actin cytoskeleton. The vas deferens epithelium contains various channels to regulate the fluid composition in the lumen. We mapped the localization of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), aquaporin‐9 (AQP9), and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in the rat and mouse vas deferens. ENaC and AQP9 immunofluorescence were localized on the luminal surface and stereocilia and also in the basal and smooth muscle layers. CFTR immunofluorescence appeared only on the luminal surface and in smooth muscle layers. The localization of all three channels on the apical surface of the columnar epithelial cells provides clear evidence that these channels are involved concurrently in the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance in the lumen of the vas deferens. ENaC allows the flow of Na+ ions from the lumen into the cytoplasm, and the osmotic gradient generated provides the driving force for the passive flow of water through AQP channels.  相似文献   

Cartilage patterning and differentiation are prerequisites for skeletal development through endochondral ossification (EO). Multipotential mesenchymal cells undergo a complex process of cell fate determination to become chondroprogenitors and eventually differentiate into chondrocytes. These developmental processes require the orchestration of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. In this review, we present limb bud development as a model for cartilage patterning and differentiation. We summarize the molecular and cellular events and signaling pathways for axis patterning, cell condensation, cell fate determination, digit formation, interdigital apoptosis, EO, and joint formation. The interconnected nature of these pathways underscores the effects of genetic and teratogenic perturbations that result in skeletal birth defects. The topics reviewed also include limb dysmorphogenesis as a result of genetic disorders and environmental factors, including FGFR, GLI3, GDF5/CDMP1, Sox9, and Cbfa1 mutations, as well as thalidomide- and alcohol-induced malformations. Understanding the complex interactions involved in cartilage development and EO provides insight into mechanisms underlying the biology of normal cartilage, congenital disorders, and pathologic adult cartilage.  相似文献   

Flapping flight has evolved independently in three vertebrate clades: pterosaurs, birds and bats. Each clade has a unique flight mechanism involving different elements of the forelimb. Here, patterns of limb integration are examined using partial correlation analysis within species and matrix correlation analysis across species to test whether the evolution of flapping flight has involved developmental dissociation of the serial homologues in the fore- and hind limb in each clade. Our sample included seven species of birds, six species of bats, and three species of pterosaurs for which sufficient sample sizes were available. Our results showed that, in contrast to results previously reported for quadrupedal mammals, none of the three clades demonstrated significant integration between serial homologues in the fore- and hind limb. Unexpectedly, there were few consistent patterns of within-forelimb correlations across each clade, suggesting that wing integration is not strongly constrained by functional relationships. However, there was significant integration within the hind limbs of pterosaurs and birds, but not bats, possibly reflecting the differing functions of hind limbs (e.g. upright support vs. suspension) in these clades.  相似文献   

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