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Individual drinking patterns are a potential tool for disease monitoring in pigs. However, to date, individual pig drinking behaviour has not been described, and effects of external factors have not been examined. The aim of this study was to perform detailed quantification of drinking behaviour of growing pigs and to examine effects of period of day and effects of competition for access to the drinking nipple on the drinking behaviour, amount of water used and water wastage. In all, 52 cross-bred castrated male pigs (live weight 20.5±1.7 kg; mean±s.d.) maintained as either 3 (N3) or 10 (N10) pigs per pen and water nipple (four groups/treatment) were used. All pigs were fitted with a transponder ear tag. A radio frequency identification reader recorded and time stamped visits at the nipple. In each pen, water flow was logged every second. The drinking behaviour was recorded for 4 consecutive days and analysed using a linear mixed model. Overall, the pigs spent 594 s at the nipple during 24 h distributed among 44 visits. During this period, 5 l of water were used, of which >30% was wasted. Social competition did not affect the drinking behaviour over 24 h, except for the proportion of interrupted visits where pigs, kept with recommended nipple availability (N10), showed an increased proportion of interrupted drinking bouts compared with pigs kept at very low level of competition (N3) (0.18±0.01 v. 0.11±0.01; P<0.01). However, splitting data into 8-h periods (P1, P2, P3) starting from 0600 h revealed differences between treatments, showing that in N3, water use per visit was lower in P1 than P2 and P3 (110±10 v. 126±7 and 132±7 ml; P<0.05), whereas in N10, the water used per visit was higher during P3 than during the other periods (P1: 107±14 ml, P2: 112±10 ml v. P3: 151±10 ml; P<0.001). A similar pattern was found for visit duration. In N3, fewer nipple visits were observed in P2 than P1 (15.6±1.2 v. 22.0±1.2; P<0.001), whereas no difference was found between P1 and P2 in N10. The results demonstrate that growing pigs at the two levels of competition maintained a comparable level of 24 h water intake by changing behavioural variables involved in drinking. This dynamic characteristic of drinking behaviour means that if individual drinking patterns are to be used as disease monitoring tools, it is important to consider effects of external factors and include data on period level to allow rapid detection of behavioural changes.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate and compare the physiological responses of sheep and goats to water restriction using the deuterium dilution technique (D2O) to predict the total water intake (TWI) in both species. In two consecutive trials, 10 non-lactating Boer goats and 10 non-lactating German black-head mutton ewes were each randomly allocated into a treatment and a control group. In the control groups (n = 5, for each species), water was offered ad libitum, whereas the treatment groups (n = 5, for each species) received water 3 h/day on experimental days 8 to 14 and 6 h every 2 days on experimental days 15 to 22. The respiratory rate, rectal temperature, body mass and drinking behaviour were also recorded. The TWI was estimated by D2O for each animal. Water restriction for 21 h/day or 42 h/2 days had no significant (P > 0.05) effect on water intake (WI), feed intake, WI to dry matter intake ratio or body mass in both species. The absence of differences between species in their WIs was also confirmed using D2O. However, sheep had higher respiratory rates and rectal temperatures than goats in both control and treatment groups. Both species showed the ability to tolerate a moderate water shortage by activating several physiological mechanisms and behavioural strategies.  相似文献   

Growing pigs do not show, in their watering behaviour, a direct response to systemic water requirements. At environmental temperatures around 25° C, growing pigs have a daily water turnover (measured by tritiated water) of 120–130 ml/kg or about 250 ml/kg0·82 when fed dry pellets at the rate of 4–5% of body weight daily. Water intake was unchanged or slightly decreased when food intake was allowed to increase. Both reduction of food supply to half its usual amount, and fasting, significantly increased drinking and water turnover rate. The pigs, therefore, consumed more water when food was restricted; a behaviour attributable to hunger. The concept of overconsumption was supported by studies of responses to replacement of normal drinking water by quinine or sucrose solutions. Drinking of water was abolished when the normal amount of dry pellets was mixed with two parts of water (a total of 71% water) and offered to the pigs at an environmental temperature of 32° C. Drinking returned, however, when wet food (71% water) containing inadequate dry solids equal to only 2–3% of body weight daily, was provided.Behavioural observations and the turnover studies with tritiated water both suggest that water for abdominal fill was taken during the afternoon. The high water turnover rate of pigs and their reduced discrimination of water from food accord with adaptation to the wet habitats in which pigs evolved.  相似文献   

The ways in which challenging environments during development shape the brain and behaviour are increasingly being addressed. To date, studies typically consider only single variables, but the real world is more complex. Many factors simultaneously affect the brain and behaviour, and whether these work independently or interact remains untested. To address this, zebrafish (Danio rerio) were reared in a two-by-two design in housing that varied in structural complexity and/or exposure to a stressor. Fish experiencing both complexity (enrichment objects changed over time) and mild stress (daily net chasing) exhibited enhanced learning and were less anxious when tested as juveniles (between 77 and 90 days). Adults tested (aged 1 year) were also less anxious even though fish were kept in standard housing after three months of age (i.e. no chasing or enrichment). Volumetric measures of the brain using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that complexity alone generated fish with a larger brain, but this increase in size was not seen in fish that experienced both complexity and chasing, or chasing alone. The results highlight the importance of looking at multiple variables simultaneously, and reveal differential effects of complexity and stressful experiences during development of the brain and behaviour.  相似文献   

Observations of drinking behaviour were taken on six rodent species during fasting. Four of these species were wild-caught and had not previously been examined for food deprivation polydipsia (FDP). These data support an hypothesis that a negative correlation exists between water availability in the natural habitat and the occurrence of FDP. Namely, xerophilous species exhibit an absolute polydipsia during food deprivation while mesically adapted species evidence depressed water consumption. Urine analyses during food deprivation indicated substantial decreases in electrolyte and osmotic pressure concentrations in all species. The drinking patterns of the three desert species investigated are discussed with reference to the availability of green vegetation in the natural habitat; however, there is presently no explanation for the observed polydipsia.  相似文献   

No changes in body weight are observed if adult male guinea pigs are removed from their groups and kept singly in their home enclosure. In contrast, subjects markedly lose weight and show a marked reduction of water intake if isolated from their groups and caged singly in an unfamiliar test room. It is recommended that if guinea pigs have to be caged singly, they should remain in their home room, for enabling them to express their need for oldfactory/auditory contact with conspecifics.  相似文献   

The pattern of drinking behaviour in pigs, and the influence of social factors such as competition on this behaviour, have been poorly documented. If competition for access to a limited resource is substantial, access to that resource may be allocated disproportionately to different members of a group. Priority may be based on a dominance hierarchy, or on physical characteristics, such as weight. The pattern of drinking behaviour was examined and the effect of pig liveweight on drinking behaviour under conditions likely to produce different levels of competition was investigated. Four replicates of a 2x2 factorial design of two group sizes (20 vs. 60) and two drinker:pig ratios (1:10 vs. 1:20) used a total of 640 growing pigs (start weight 36+/-5.0 kg). The drinking behaviour, skin lesion score and performance of nine focal pigs (three each of heavy (41.9 S.E.M. 0.57 kg), medium (35.7 S.E.M. 0.51 kg) and light weight (30.9 S.E.M. 0.63 kg)) per pen were recorded. For all focal pigs, the maximum time spent at the drinkers occurred between the 1800 and 1900 h and the minimum time between 0700 and 0800 h. The mean number of drinking bouts per pig per day was 30.9 S.E.M. 1.41, the median bout length was 21 s and the mean daily duration spent at the drinkers was 832 s. The frequency of visits to the drinkers, drinking bout duration and daily drinking time were affected by group size and drinker allocation, but not by weight or the interaction of treatments and weight. The diurnal spread of drinking was similar for each of the four treatment combinations and each weight category. Heavy pigs had the greatest number of lesions, and light weight pigs the least (13.2 vs. 8.8 S.E.D. 1.18, P<0.005), but this was not affected by the four treatment combinations. Lesion score correlated poorly with the parameters of drinking behaviour. The treatments, in isolation, or in interaction with weight, did not affect performance. No treatment encouraged sufficient competition to compromise the drinking behaviour, social behaviour or performance of the lightest animals in the pen.  相似文献   

This experiment aimed to identify how a pig's age affected the extent and synchrony of use of different environmental enrichment materials, and how this use changed over time. Ten diverse novel objects were each presented to three replicate litters of 3 weeks of age (sucklers) and three replicate groups of three animals of 5 (weaners) weeks and 13 (growers) weeks of age. Video recordings were made of the pigs’ behaviour over a period of 5 days and subsequently analysed for activity, inactivity and object directed behaviour of three animals per group on days 1 and 5. The observed performance of any given behaviour, when at least one other member of the group was also performing that behaviour, was compared with the probability that such concurrence occurred by chance and these results were used to calculate the degree of synchronisation. Gender had no effect on the duration of object use or approach latency. Growers displayed a shorter latency to approach the objects initially compared to sucklers and weaners (mean seconds; 2153 versus 2660 versus 980 for sucklers, weaners and growers, respectively, S.E.D. 542, p = 0.007). Sucklers used the objects to a much lesser extent than either the weaners or growers (mean duration object interaction (s); 129 versus 1253 versus 1412 for sucklers, weaners and growers, respectively, S.E.D. 93, p < 0.001). Overall object use decreased between days 1 and 5 (mean duration object interaction (s); 1326 versus 536 for days 1 and 5, respectively, S.E.D. 76, p < 0.001). All of the age groups synchronised their behaviour to a much greater extent than expected by chance. The sucklers showed a higher degree of synchrony of activity (K; 0.890 versus 0.776 versus 0.682 for sucklers, weaners and growers respectively, S.E.D. 0.013, p < 0.001) and inactivity (K; 0.963 versus 0.905 versus 0.909 respectively, S.E.D. 0.007, p < 0.001), but lower degree of synchrony for object directed behaviour (K; 0.149 versus 0.375 versus 0.370 respectively, S.E.D. 0.025, p < 0.001), than the weaners and growers. The degree of synchronisation of object directed behaviour decreased over the 5-day period, irrespective of age (K; 0.382 versus 0.214 for days 1 and 5 respectively, S.E.D. 0.020, p < 0.001). Significant correlations (r = 0.678–0.879) were found between the degree of synchrony and extent of object interaction only for the sucklers. Since pigs showed behavioural synchronisation, object availability should be considered when providing desirable enrichment in order to avoid excessive competition in larger commercial groups.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study investigated the influence of water chemistry on copper solvation (cuprosolvency) by pure culture biofilms of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from copper plumbing. METHODS AND RESULTS: Heterotrophic bacteria isolated from copper plumbing biofilms including Acidovorax delafieldii, Flavobacterium sp., Corynebacterium sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia were used in laboratory coupon experiments to assess their potential for cuprosolvency. Sterile copper coupons were exposed to pure cultures of bacteria to allow biofilm formation and suspended in drinking waters with different chemical compositions. Sterile coupons not exposed to bacteria were used as controls. After 5 days of incubation, copper release and biofilm accumulation was quantified. The results demonstrated that cuprosolvency in the control experiments was influenced by water pH, total organic carbon (TOC) and conductivity. Cuprosolvency in the presence of biofilms correlated with the chemical composition of the water supplies particularly pH, Langeliers Index, chloride, alkalinity, TOC and soluble phosphate concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest water quality may influence cuprosolvency by biofilms present within copper plumbing pipes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The potential for water chemistry to influence cuprosolvency by biofilms may contribute to the sporadic nature of copper corrosion problems in distribution systems.  相似文献   

The influence of three handling treatments on the behaviour, reproduction and free corticosteroid concentrations was studied in 15 male and 30 female pigs. Two handling treatments, considered as pleasant and unpleasant, were imposed for 5 min, three times per week from 11 weeks of age. The third handling treatment involved minimal contact with humans from 11 weeks of age. In a 3-min test at 18 weeks, pigs in the pleasant treatment were quicker (P<0.01) to enter an area within 0.5 m of the experimenter and had more interactions (P<0.05) with the experimenter than pigs in the unpleasant and minimal treatments. Gilts in the unpleasant treatment had a lower (P<0.05) pregnancy rate at the second oestrus when mated to non-experimental boars than gilts in the pleasant treatment (33.3 and 87.5%, respectively). Boars in the unpleasant treatment had smaller (P<0.05) testicles at 23 weeks of age and attained a coordinated mating response at a later age (P<0.05) than boars in the pleasant treatment (53.2 and 63.3 cm2, and 192 and 161 days, respectively). In addition, pigs in the unpleasant treatment had higher (P<0.05) free corticosteroid concentrations in the absence of humans at 20 weeks (gilts) and 27 weeks (boars) than pigs in the pleasant treatment (boars and gilts combined, 2.4 and 1.7 ng ml−1, respectively). For many of the reproductive parameters, the effect of the minimal handling treatment was intermediate to that of the other two treatments. It was concluded that the unpleasant handling treatment resulted in a chronic stress response, with consequent adverse effects on reproduction.  相似文献   

Access to drinking water is essential for animal welfare, but it is unclear if temporary water restriction during the night represents a welfare problem. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of various durations of nightly restriction of water on thirst in loose housed lactating sows from day 10 to 28 of lactation. A total of 48 sows were deprived of water for either 0 h (n=12; control), 3 h (n=12; 0500 to 0800 h), 6 h (n=12; 0200 to 0800 h) or 12 h (n=12; 2000 to 0800 h). Control sows consumed 22% of their water intake during the night (2000 to 0800 h), whereas water consumption during this time was reduced to 13%, 7% and 0% in sows restricted for 3, 6 and 12 h. With increased duration of nightly water restriction a reduced latency to drink (26.8, 18.0, 5.3 and 6.7 min for 0, 3, 6 and 12 h sows; P<0.001) and an increased water intake during the 1st hour after water became accessible (2.1, 3.4, 4.7 and 5.6 l for 0, 3, 6 and 12 h sows; P<0.001) was seen. During the last 30 min before water became accessible more sows deprived of water investigated (0%, 50%, 75%,and 50% of 0, 3, 6 and 12 h sows; P<0.01) or forcefully manipulated (0%, 17%, 50% and 33% of 0, 3, 6 and 12 h sows; P<0.05) the water trough, suggesting frustration and a negative experience of thirst. When all signs of imminent water access were provided, but access was delayed by 25 min, a tendency for more of the sows deprived of water for 6 and 12 h to interact forcefully with the water trough was seen (22%, 18%, 42% and 67% of 0, 3, 6 and 12 h sows; P=0.09). Duration of water restriction did not affect water consumption on a 24-h basis, nursing behaviour or performance. In conclusion, behavioural indicators of thirst increased with increasing duration of nightly water restriction in lactating sows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different trough types on the water consumption and drinking behaviour of pasture-based beef heifers. Two trials were implemented with 32 beef heifers to test two different types of water troughs, namely a rectangular concrete trough (RC) and a round polyvinyl chloride water tank (PVC). In Trial 1, both troughs were simultaneously available to groups of four animals within eight paddocks. In Trial 2, the animals were distributed in pairs throughout 16 paddocks and, in a crossover design, were exposed to one type of trough at a time. In both trials, estimated water intake was per four animals. Number of drinking bouts, time spent drinking and amount of water intake from the RC and PVC trough were recorded in both trials. Data were statistically analysed by analysis of variance. In Trial 1, group and trough effect were in the model. In Trial 2, stage, pair and trough were tested. In Trial 1, where both types of troughs were available, animals had a higher number of drinking bouts (3.32 v. 0.57 ± 0.09; P < 0.01), longer drinking periods (144.21 v. 22.81 ± 7.3 s; P < 0.01) and greater intake (160.21 v. 23.76 ± 13.06 l; P < 0.01) from the PVC water tank, compared to the RC trough. In Trial 2, all groups drank more often (5.10 v. 3.28 ± 0.32; P < 0.001), for longer periods (167.23 v. 115.23 ± 15.61 s; P < 0.02) and with higher intake (141.36 v. 118.47 ± 5.01 l; P < 0.02) from the PVC than from the RC trough. Thus, heifers not only prefer, but also drink more from a PVC water tank in comparison to a RC trough.  相似文献   

The perception and assessment of predation risk often cause changes in the activities of animals and induce behavioural responses that may in turn affect their movements and distribution. To simulate high predation risk in a midfield pond riparian habitat, we used fresh faeces from ranch American mink Neovison vison and recorded behavioural responses of water voles Arvicola amphibius. In areas where mink odour was deployed, the numbers of captured vole individuals and their trappability were significantly lower than in control areas. Several voles migrated from the zones with deployed mink faeces to the areas without faeces, thus proving that increased predation risk affects the distribution of individuals in a population. The response to mink odour was much more pronounced in females than in males; in areas with deployed mink faeces, not a single female was trapped. We conclude that although American mink is a non‐native, invasive predator, water voles respond to mink odour by reducing their activity and/or by avoiding places with higher predation risk.  相似文献   

Various leaf models made of paper were presented to carrot flies, Psila rosae (F.) (Diptera: Psilidae) in choice assays to investigate the effect of non-chemical plant traits on oviposition behaviour. The surrogate leaves differed in colour, shape, surface coating, size and stem length. In the presence of host-plant extracts, physical factors strongly influenced oviposition. Green, yellow and orange three-dimensional models similar in shape to host-plant leaves (pinnately or ternately compound or dissected) and with a thin cover of paraffin wax were most acceptable to the females. Egg-laying was not affected by leaf size, but was negatively correlated with stem length. The results obtained by testing models with simple leaf silhouettes were confirmed in an experiment using more lifelike imitations of real host and non-host leaves. The findings are discussed by an extensive review of similar studies in three other phytophagous fly species (cabbage root fly, onion fly, Hessian fly).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to validate an electronic system for monitoring individual feeding and drinking behaviour and intake developed for young cattle housed in group. A total of 35 Holstein–Gyr crossbred heifers (BW: 180±52 kg; age: 121.5±32.5 days), fitted with an ear tag containing a unique passive transponder, were distributed in three groups of 12, 12 and 11 animals per period and had free access to 12 electronic feed bins and two electronic water bins (Intergado® Ltd). The dimensions of feed and water bins, as well as the sensors position were appropriate for young cattle. The system documented the visit frequency and duration, as well as the feed and water intakes, by recording the animal’s identification tag, bin number, initial and final times of visits and the difference of feed/water weight at the start and end of each bin visit. Feed bins were monitored using time-lapse video recording over 4 days and the water bins were monitored over 6 days. For each feed bin, two feeding events were monitored using manual weighings with an external scale immediately before and after the animal’s visit and the difference between them was assumed as feed intake (n=24 observations). For the water bins, 60 manual weighings were made. Video and manual weighing data were regressed on the electronic feeding and drinking behaviour and intake data to evaluate the system’s precision and accuracy. The system showed high specificity (98.98% and 98.56% for the feed and water bins, respectively) and sensitivity (99.25% and 98.74%, respectively) for identifying an animal’s presence or absence. Duration of feed and water bin visits as well as feed and water consumption per visit estimated by the system were highly correlated and precise compared with the observed video and manual weighing data (r2=0.917, 0.963, 0.973 and 0.986, respectively). It was concluded that Intergado® system is a useful tool for monitoring feeding and drinking behaviour as well as water and feed intakes in young cattle housed in groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between tooth root colour and age, and its possible application in age assessment. In this research altogether 100 tooth roots have been analysed. All teeth, that is their roots, were digitally recorded and the colorimetric treatment was made using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 computer program. Studies have shown no significant difference between RGB values analysed on the whole root surface or only on its central part, with certainty p >0.99. It is also established that there is no statistically significant difference in colouration on four anatomical surfaces (buccal, mesial, lingual, distal) of tooth roots with certaintyp>0.99 for red, p>0.99 for green and p>0.50 for blue colouration component. Statistical data interpretation showed that there is a linear correlation between obtained RGB values and age, with r=-0.994, p>0.99 for red component, r=-0.972, p>0.99 for green and r=-0.982, p>0.95 for blue colouration component. From the obtained results it is possible to conclude that analysing the above mentioned parameter we can easily establish dental age and this technique can be the basis of practical application in establishing chronological age of man.  相似文献   

Growing pigs can display undesirable behaviours, reflecting or causing poor welfare. Addition of magnesium (Mg) to the diet could reduce these, as Mg supplementation has been associated with improved coping ability in response to stress. This study examined the effect of supplementation with a Mg-rich marine extract-based product (Supplement) on the behaviour, skin and tail lesion scores and salivary cortisol concentrations of growing pigs. At weaning (28 days), 448 piglets were assigned to either Control or Supplement (0.05%) diets in single-sex groups of 14. Four weeks later (c. 17 kg), pigs were blocked according to weight and back test scores. Seven piglets from each pen were mixed with seven from another pen of the same sex and dietary treatment to yield the following groups: control male, Supplement male, control female and Supplement female (n = 4 of each). This marked the start of the 9-week experimental period. Instances of the following behaviours were recorded in each pen for 8 × 2 min periods 1 day/week: aggression (fight, head-knock and bite); harmful (tail-in-mouth, ear-chewing and belly-nosing); and sexual/mounting behaviour. Four focal pigs were selected from each pen, and their behaviour was continuously recorded for 2 × 5 min periods on the same day. Saliva was collected once per week at 1000 h by allowing pigs to chew on a cotton bud for c. 1 min. Salivary cortisol was analysed in duplicate by an enzyme immunoassay. Skin and tail lesions were scored according to severity 1 day/week. There were fewer aggressive incidents in Supplement pens (P < 0.01), and mounting behaviour (performed only by males) was almost three times lower in Supplement than in control pens (P < 0.01). However, there was no effect of Supplement on the incidence of each of the harmful behaviours. Behaviour of the focal pigs showed no treatment effect on the duration or incidence of aggressive behaviour. However, Supplement pigs spent less time performing harmful behaviours compared with control pigs (P < 0.001). Supplement had no effect on the occurrence or severity of tail-biting outbreaks or on tail lesion scores. However, Supplement females had lower skin lesion scores, in particular in the ears and shoulders (P < 0.01). Finally, Supplement pigs had lower salivary cortisol concentrations (P < 0.01). Mounting is a major welfare concern in uncastrated pigs, and therefore this represents an important welfare benefit of Supplement. Reduced salivary cortisol, in conjunction with reduced skin lesion scores in supplemented females, suggests that addition of a Mg-rich marine extract improved pig welfare in this system.  相似文献   

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