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蛋白质可逆磷酸化调节植物细胞离子跨膜运动研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
汪矛  王法宏 《西北植物学报》2008,28(7):1491-1499
蛋白激酶和蛋白磷酸酶催化的可逆磷酸化是植物细胞中多种信号转导途径中重要的组成因子.本文对蛋白质可逆磷酸化通过调节多种离子跨膜运动而参与植物细胞激发子信号途径、毒性物质诱导的钙离子内流、盐胁迫适应、气孔运动以及蛋白质可逆磷酸化参与胞外与胞内之间Ca2 状况信息传递,调节花粉管顶端Ca2 离子通道活性进行综述,以揭示蛋白质可逆磷酸化在植物细胞离子跨膜运动中的调控作用,为蛋白质可逆磷酸化调节植物生长发育、响应逆境胁迫等机理的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

Of the TRIM/RBCC family proteins taking part in a variety of cellular processes, TRIM50 is a stomach-specific member with no defined biological function. Our biochemical data demonstrated that TRIM50 is specifically expressed in gastric parietal cells and is predominantly localized in the tubulovesicular and canalicular membranes. In cultured cells ectopically expressing GFP-TRIM50, confocal microscopic imaging revealed dynamic movement of TRIM50-associated vesicles in a phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent manner. A protein overlay assay detected preferential binding of the PRY-SPRY domain from the TRIM50 C-terminal region to phosphatidylinositol species, suggesting that TRIM50 is involved in vesicular dynamics by sensing the phosphorylated state of phosphoinositol lipids. Trim50 knock-out mice retained normal histology in the gastric mucosa but exhibited impaired secretion of gastric acid. In response to histamine, Trim50 knock-out parietal cells generated deranged canaliculi, swollen microvilli lacking actin filaments, and excess multilamellar membrane complexes. Therefore, TRIM50 seems to play an essential role in tubulovesicular dynamics, promoting the formation of sophisticated canaliculi and microvilli during acid secretion in parietal cells.  相似文献   

The Drosophila phototransduction cascade terminates in the opening of the ion channel transient receptor potential (TRP) and TRP-like (TRPL). Contrary to TRP, TRPL undergoes light-dependent subcellular trafficking between rhabdomeric photoreceptor membranes and an intracellular storage compartment, resulting in long term light adaptation. Here, we identified in vivo phosphorylation sites of TRPL that affect TRPL stability and localization. Quantitative mass spectrometry revealed a light-dependent change in the TRPL phosphorylation pattern. Mutation of eight C-terminal phosphorylation sites neither affected multimerization of the channels nor the electrophysiological response of flies expressing the mutated channels. However, these mutations resulted in mislocalization and enhanced degradation of TRPL after prolonged dark-adaptation. Mutation of subsets of the eight C-terminal phosphorylation sites also led to a reduction of TRPL content and partial mislocalization in the dark. This suggests that a light-dependent switch in the phosphorylation pattern of the TRPL channel mediates stable expression of TRPL in the rhabdomeres upon prolonged dark-adaptation.  相似文献   

Transcytosis via caveolae is critical for maintaining vascular homeostasis by regulating the tissue delivery of macromolecules, hormones, and lipids. In the present study, we test the hypothesis that interactions between F-actin cross-linking protein filamin A and caveolin-1 facilitate the internalization and trafficking of caveolae. Small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of filamin A, but not filamin B, reduced the uptake and transcytosis of albumin by ∼35 and 60%, respectively, without altering the actin cytoskeletal structure or cell–cell adherens junctions. Mobility of both intracellular caveolin-1–green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled vesicles measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and membrane-associated vesicles measured by total internal reflection-fluorescence microscopy was decreased in cells with reduced filamin A expression. In addition, in melanoma cells that lack filamin A (M2 cells), the majority of caveolin-1-GFP was localized on the plasma membrane, whereas in cells in which filamin A expression was reconstituted (A7 cells and M2 cells transfected with filamin A-RFP), caveolin-1-GFP was concentrated in intracellular vesicles. Filamin A association with caveolin-1 in endothelial cells was confirmed by cofractionation of these proteins in density gradients, as well as by coimmunoprecipitation. Moreover, this interaction was enhanced by Src activation, associated with increased caveolin-1 phosphorylation, and blocked by Src inhibition. Taken together, these data suggest that filamin A association with caveolin-1 promotes caveolae-mediated transport by regulating vesicle internalization, clustering, and trafficking.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs) are scaffolding proteins that organize supramolecular protein complexes, thereby partitioning the plasma membrane into spatially and functionally distinct subdomains. Their modular organization is ideally suited to organize protein complexes with cell type- or stage-specific composition, or both. Often more than one MAGUK isoform is expressed by one gene in the same cell, yet very little is known about their individual in vivo functions. Here, we show that two isoforms of Drosophila stardust, Sdt-H (formerly called Sdt-B2) and Sdt-D, which differ in their N terminus, are expressed in adult photoreceptors. Both isoforms associate with Crumbs and PATJ, constituents of the conserved Crumbs–Stardust complex. However, they form distinct complexes, localized at the stalk, a restricted region of the apical plasma membrane. Strikingly, Sdt-H and Sdt-D have antagonistic functions. While Sdt-H overexpression increases stalk membrane length and prevents light-dependent retinal degeneration, Sdt-D overexpression reduces stalk length and enhances light-dependent retinal degeneration. These results suggest that a fine-tuned balance of different Crumbs complexes regulates photoreceptor homeostasis.  相似文献   

In plants, the trans-Golgi network and early endosomes (TGN/EE) function as the central junction for major endomembrane trafficking events, including endocytosis and secretion. Here, we demonstrate that the KEEP ON GOING (KEG) protein of Arabidopsis thaliana localizes to the TGN/EE and plays an essential role in multiple intracellular trafficking processes. Loss-of-function keg mutants exhibited severe defects in cell expansion, which correlated with defects in vacuole morphology. Confocal microscopy revealed that KEG is required for targeting of plasma membrane proteins to the vacuole. This targeting process appeared to be blocked at the step of multivesicular body (MVB) fusion with the vacuolar membrane as the MVB-associated small GTPase ARA6 was also blocked in vacuolar delivery. In addition, loss of KEG function blocked secretion of apoplastic defense proteins, indicating that KEG plays a role in plant immunity. Significantly, KEG was degraded specifically in cells infected by the fungus Golovinomyces cichoracearum, suggesting that this pathogen may target KEG to manipulate the host secretory system as a virulence strategy. Taking these results together, we conclude that KEG is a key component of TGN/EE that regulates multiple post-Golgi trafficking events in plants, including vacuole biogenesis, targeting of membrane-associated proteins to the vacuole, and secretion of apoplastic proteins.  相似文献   

离子通道蛋白作为神经系统的重要组成部分,在早期神经细胞发育中的作用却没有被研究过。基于神经发育在果蝇与小鼠间的保守性,果蝇幼虫大脑视觉中心可作为很好的模型来筛选参与神经干细胞行为调节的基因。文章通过体内RNA干扰和失活突变体来研究重要的钙离子通道和钾离子通道蛋白对神经干细胞的调节作用。结果表明,这些蛋白表达水平降低和shaker蛋白完全失活均对果蝇幼虫大脑神经干细胞的发育无影响。  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome, a common form of inherited mental retardation, is caused by the loss of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). We have previously demonstrated that dFmr1, the Drosophila ortholog of the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene, plays a role in the proper maintenance of germline stem cells in Drosophila ovary; however, the molecular mechanism behind this remains elusive. In this study, we used an immunoprecipitation assay to reveal that specific microRNAs (miRNAs), particularly the bantam miRNA (bantam), are physically associated with dFmrp in ovary. We show that, like dFmr1, bantam is not only required for repressing primordial germ cell differentiation, it also functions as an extrinsic factor for germline stem cell maintenance. Furthermore, we find that bantam genetically interacts with dFmr1 to regulate the fate of germline stem cells. Collectively, our results support the notion that the FMRP-mediated translation pathway functions through specific miRNAs to control stem cell regulation.  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a well-known ciliopathy with mutations reported in 18 different genes. Most of the protein products of the BBS genes localize at or near the primary cilium and the centrosome. Near the centrosome, BBS proteins interact with centriolar satellite proteins, and the BBSome (a complex of seven BBS proteins) is believed to play a role in transporting ciliary membrane proteins. However, the precise mechanism by which BBSome ciliary trafficking activity is regulated is not fully understood. Here, we show that a centriolar satellite protein, AZI1 (also known as CEP131), interacts with the BBSome and regulates BBSome ciliary trafficking activity. Furthermore, we show that AZI1 interacts with the BBSome through BBS4. AZI1 is not involved in BBSome assembly, but accumulation of the BBSome in cilia is enhanced upon AZI1 depletion. Under conditions in which the BBSome does not normally enter cilia, such as in BBS3 or BBS5 depleted cells, knock down of AZI1 with siRNA restores BBSome trafficking to cilia. Finally, we show that azi1 knockdown in zebrafish embryos results in typical BBS phenotypes including Kupffer''s vesicle abnormalities and melanosome transport delay. These findings associate AZI1 with the BBS pathway. Our findings provide further insight into the regulation of BBSome ciliary trafficking and identify AZI1 as a novel BBS candidate gene.  相似文献   

TRPML3 is an inward rectifying Ca2+ channel that is regulated by extracytosolic H+. Although gain-of-function mutation in TRPML3 causes the varitint-waddler phenotype, the role of TRPML3 in cellular physiology is not known. In this study, we report that TRPML3 is a prominent regulator of endocytosis, membrane trafficking and autophagy. Gradient fractionation and confocal localization reveal that TRPML3 is expressed in the plasma membrane and multiple intracellular compartments. However, expression of TRPML3 is dynamic, with accumulation of TRPML3 in the plasma membrane upon inhibition of endocytosis, and recruitment of TRPML3 to autophagosomes upon induction of autophagy. Accordingly, overexpression of TRPML3 leads to reduced constitutive and regulated endocytosis, increased autophagy and marked exacerbation of autophagy evoked by various cell stressors with nearly complete recruitment of TRPML3 into the autophagosomes. Importantly, both knockdown of TRPML3 by siRNA and expression of the channel-dead dominant negative TRPML3(D458K) have a reciprocal effect, reducing endocytosis and autophagy. These findings reveal a prominent role for TRPML3 in regulating endocytosis, membrane trafficking and autophagy, perhaps by controlling the Ca2+ in the vicinity of cellular organelles that is necessary to regulate these cellular events.  相似文献   

BackgroundUbiquitination is known to regulate physiological neuronal functions as well as to be involved in a number of neuronal diseases. Several ubiquitin proteomic approaches have been developed during the last decade but, as they have been mostly applied to non-neuronal cell culture, very little is yet known about neuronal ubiquitination pathways in vivo.Conclusions/SignificanceThese data cast light on the differential and common ubiquitination pathways between the embryonic and adult neurons, and hence will contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms by which neuronal function is regulated. The in vivo biotinylation methodology described here complements other approaches for ubiquitome study and offers unique advantages, and is poised to provide further insight into disease mechanisms related to the ubiquitin proteasome system.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination plays a key role in trafficking of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). Previous work indicated that ubiquitination enhances ENaC endocytosis and sorting to lysosomes for degradation. Moreover, a defect in ubiquitination causes Liddle syndrome, an inherited form of hypertension. In this work, we identified a role for USP8 in the control of ENaC ubiquitination and trafficking. USP8 increased ENaC current in Xenopus oocytes and collecting duct epithelia and enhanced ENaC abundance at the cell surface in HEK 293 cells. This resulted from altered endocytic sorting; USP8 abolished ENaC degradation in the endocytic pathway, but it had no effect on ENaC endocytosis. USP8 interacted with ENaC, as detected by co-immunoprecipitation, and it deubiquitinated ENaC. Consistent with a functional role for deubiquitination, mutation of the cytoplasmic lysines of ENaC reduced the effect of USP8 on ENaC cell surface abundance. In contrast to USP8, USP2-45 increased ENaC surface abundance by reducing endocytosis but not degradation. Thus, USP8 and USP2-45 selectively modulate ENaC trafficking at different steps in the endocytic pathway. Together with previous work, the data indicate that the ubiquitination state of ENaC is critical for the regulation of epithelial Na+ absorption.  相似文献   

Many plant ion channels have been identified, but little is known about how these transporters are regulated. We have investigated the regulation of a slow vacuolar (SV) ion channel in the tonoplast of barley aleurone storage protein vacuoles (SPV) using the patch-clamp technique. SPV were isolated from barley aleurone protoplasts incubated with CaCl2 in the presence or absence of gibberellic acid (GA) or abscisic acid (ABA). A slowly activating, voltage-dependent ion channel was identified in the SPV membrane. Mean channel conductance was 26 pS when 100 mM KCl was on both sides of the membrane, and reversal potential measurements indicated that most of the current was carried by K+. Treatment of protoplasts with GA3 increased whole-vacuole current density compared to SPV isolated from ABA- or CaCl2-treated cells. The opening of the SV channel was sensitive to cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) between 600 nM and 100 [mu]M, with higher [Ca2+]i resulting in a greater probability of channel opening. SV channel activity was reduced greater than 90% by the calmodulin (CaM) inhibitors W7 and trifluoperazine, suggesting that Ca2+ activates endogenous CaM tightly associated with the membrane. Exogenous CaM partially reversed the inhibitory effects of W7 on SV channel opening. CaM also sensitized the SV channel to Ca2+. In the presence of ~3.5 [mu]M CaM, specific current increased by approximately threefold at 2.5 [mu]M Ca2+ and by more than 13-fold at 10 [mu]M Ca2+. Since [Ca2+]i and the level of CaM increase in barley aleurone cells following exposure to GA, we suggest that Ca2+ and CaM act as signal transduction elements mediating hormone-induced changes in ion channel activity.  相似文献   

植物保卫细胞离子通道在气孔运动中的作用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
介绍保卫细胞质膜和液泡膜上的离子通道活性变化及其在气孔运动中的作用,同时对各种刺激引发气孔运动过程中的信使Ca2 、H2O2和pH等对离子通道的调节作用作了概述.  相似文献   

Rhodopsins (Rhs) are light sensors, and Rh1 is the major Rh in the Drosophila photoreceptor rhabdomere membrane. Upon photoactivation, a fraction of Rh1 is internalized and degraded, but it remains unclear how the rhabdomeric Rh1 pool is replenished and what molecular players are involved. Here, we show that Crag, a DENN protein, is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab11 that is required for the homeostasis of Rh1 upon light exposure. The absence of Crag causes a light-induced accumulation of cytoplasmic Rh1, and loss of Crag or Rab11 leads to a similar photoreceptor degeneration in adult flies. Furthermore, the defects associated with loss of Crag can be partially rescued with a constitutive active form of Rab11. We propose that upon light stimulation, Crag is required for trafficking of Rh from the trans-Golgi network to rhabdomere membranes via a Rab11-dependent vesicular transport.  相似文献   

Mammalian voltage-dependent potassium (Kv) channels regulate the excitability of nerve and muscle cells. Kv12.2 features the longest S5-P loop among all known mammalian Kv channels with the most N-linked glycosylation sites (three sites). Despite its unique structural features, Kv12.2 is not well characterized. Because glycosylation plays important roles in the folding, trafficking, and function of various Kv channels, we focused on the N-glycosylation of Kv12.2. We show that Kv12.2 is N-glycosylated in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and in cultured neurons as well as in the mouse brain. As an effect of N-glycosylation on the function of Kv12.2, we demonstrate that removal of sugar chains causes a depolarizing shift in the steady-state activation without a significant reduction in current amplitude. Unlike the previously reported shift for Shaker-type Kv channels, this shift does not appear to be due to negatively charged sialic acid residues in the sugar chains. We next examined the trafficking in CHO cells to address whether the unglycosylated Kv12.2 channels are utilized in vivo. Although double mutants, retaining only one glycosylation site, are trafficked to the surface of CHO cells irrespective of the position of the glycosylated site, unglycosylated channels are not trafficked to the cell surface. Furthermore, we could not detect unglycosylated channels in the mouse brain. Our data suggest that only glycosylated Kv12.2 channels show proper voltage dependence and are utilized in vivo.  相似文献   

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