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Hong SK  Tsang M  Dawid IB 《PloS one》2008,3(4):e2029


Among Myc family genes, c-Myc is known to have a role in neural crest specification in Xenopus and in craniofacial development in the mouse. There is no information on the function of other Myc genes in neural crest development, or about any developmental role of zebrafish Myc genes.

Principal Findings

We isolated the zebrafish mych (myc homologue) gene. Knockdown of mych leads to severe defects in craniofacial development and in certain other tissues including the eye. These phenotypes appear to be caused by cell death in the neural crest and in the eye field in the anterior brain.


Mych is a novel factor required for neural crest cell survival in zebrafish.  相似文献   

The CAP superfamily member, CRISPLD2, has previously been shown to be associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate (NSCLP) in human populations and to be essential for normal craniofacial development in the zebrafish. Additionally, in rodent models, CRISPLD2 has been shown to play a role in normal lung and kidney development. However, the specific role of CRISPLD2 during these developmental processes has yet to be determined. In this study, it was demonstrated that Crispld2 protein localizes to the orofacial region of the zebrafish embryo and knockdown of crispld2 resulted in abnormal migration of neural crest cells (NCCs) during both early and late time points. An increase in cell death after crispld2 knockdown as well as an increase in apoptotic marker genes was also shown. This data suggests that Crispld2 modulates the migration, differentiation, and/or survival of NCCs during early craniofacial development. These results indicate an important role for Crispld2 in NCC migration during craniofacial development and suggests involvement of Crispld2 in cell viability during formation of the orofacies. genesis 53:660–667, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Notch signaling is involved in neurogenesis, including that of the peripheral nervous system as derived from neural crest cells (NCCs). However, it remains unclear which step is regulated by this signaling. To address this question, we took advantage of the Cre-loxP system to specifically eliminate the protein O-fucosyltransferase 1 (Pofut1) gene, which is a core component of Notch signaling, in NCCs. NCC-specific Pofut1-knockout mice died within 1 day of birth, accompanied by a defect of enteric nervous system (ENS) development. These embryos showed a reduction in enteric neural crest cells (ENCCs) resulting from premature neurogenesis. We found that Sox10 expression, which is normally maintained in ENCC progenitors, was decreased in Pofut1-null ENCCs. By contrast, the number of ENCCs that expressed Mash1, a potent repressor of Sox10, was increased in the Pofut1-null mouse. Given that Mash1 is suppressed via the Notch signaling pathway, we propose a model in which ENCCs have a cell-autonomous differentiating program for neurons as reflected in the expression of Mash1, and in which Notch signaling is required for the maintenance of ENS progenitors by attenuating this cell-autonomous program via the suppression of Mash1.  相似文献   

The vasculature and nervous system share striking similarities in their networked, tree-like architecture and in the way they are super-imposed in mature organs. It has previously been suggested that the intestinal microvasculature network directs the migration of enteric neural crest cells (ENCC) along the gut to promote the formation of the enteric nervous system (ENS). To investigate the inter-relationship of migrating ENCC, ENS formation and gut vascular development we combined fate-mapping of ENCC with immunolabelling and intravascular dye injection to visualise nascent blood vessel networks. We found that the enteric and vascular networks initially had very distinct patterns of development. In the foregut, ENCC migrated through areas devoid of established vascular networks. In vessel-rich areas, such as the midgut and hindgut, the distribution of migrating ENCC did not support the idea that these cells followed a pre-established vascular network. Moreover, when gut vascular development was impaired, either genetically in Vegfa120/120 or Tie2-Cre;Nrp1fl/− mice or using an in vitro Wnt1-Cre;Rosa26Yfp/+ mouse model of ENS development, ENCC still colonised the entire length of the gut, including the terminal hindgut. These results demonstrate that blood vessel networks are not necessary to guide migrating ENCC during ENS development. Conversely, in miRet51 mice, which lack ENS in the hindgut, the vascular network in this region appeared to be normal suggesting that in early development both networks form independently of each other.  相似文献   

Reiterated Wnt signaling during zebrafish neural crest development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
While Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is known to be involved in the development of neural crest cells in zebrafish, it is unclear which Wnts are involved, and when they are required. To address these issues we employed a zebrafish line that was transgenic for an inducible inhibitor of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, and inhibited endogenous Wnt/beta-catenin signaling at discrete times in development. Using this approach, we defined a critical period for Wnt signaling in the initial induction of neural crest, which is distinct from the later period of development when pigment cells are specified from neural crest. Blocking Wnt signaling during this early period interfered with neural crest formation without blocking development of dorsal spinal neurons. Transplantation experiments suggest that neural crest precursors must directly transduce a Wnt signal. With regard to identifying which endogenous Wnt is responsible for this initial critical period, we established that wnt8 is expressed in the appropriate time and place to participate in this process. Supporting a role for Wnt8, blocking its function with antisense morpholino oligonucleotides eliminates initial expression of neural crest markers. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Wnt signals are critical for the initial induction of zebrafish neural crest and suggest that this signaling pathway plays reiterated roles in its development.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from neural crest cells that migrate along the gastrointestinal tract to form a network of neurons and glia that are essential for regulating intestinal motility. Despite the number of genes known to play essential roles in ENS development, the molecular etiology of congenital disorders affecting this process remains largely unknown. To determine the role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in ENS development, we first examined the expression of bmp2, bmp4, and bmprII during hindgut development and find these strongly expressed in the ENS. Moreover, functional BMP signaling, demonstrated by the expression of phosphorylated Smad1/5/8, is present in the enteric ganglia. Inhibition of BMP activity by noggin misexpression within the developing gut, both in ovo and in vitro, inhibits normal migration of enteric neural crest cells. BMP inhibition also leads to hypoganglionosis and failure of enteric ganglion formation, with crest cells unable to cluster into aggregates. Abnormalities of migration and ganglion formation are the hallmarks of two human intestinal disorders, Hirschsprung's disease and intestinal neuronal dysplasia. Our results support an essential role for BMP signaling in these aspects of ENS development and provide a basis for further investigation of these proteins in the etiology of neuro-intestinal disorders.  相似文献   

The ENS resembles the brain and differs both physiologically and structurally from any other region of the PNS. Recent experiments in which crest cell migration has been studied with DiI, a replication-deficient retrovirus, or antibodies that label cells of neural crest origin, have confirmed that both the avian and mammalian bowel are colonized by émigrés from the sacral as well as the vagal level of the neural crest. Components of the extracellular matrix, such as laminin, may play roles in enteric neural and glial development. The observation that an overabundance of laminin develops in the presumptive aganglionic region of the gut in Is/Is mutant mice and is associated with the inability of crest-derived cells to colonize this region of the bowel has led to the hypothesis that laminin promotes the development of crest-derived cells as enteric neurons. Premature expression of a neuronal phenotype would cause crest-derived cells to cease migrating before they complete the colonization of the gut. The acquisition by crest-derived cells of a nonintegrin, nervespecific, 110 kD laminin-binding protein when they enter the bowel may enable these cells to respond to laminin differently from their pre-enteric migrating predecessors. Crest-derived cells migrating along the vagal pathway to the mammalian gut are transiently catecholaminergic (TC). This phenotype appears to be lost rapidly as the cells enter the bowel and begin to follow their program of terminal differentiation. The appearance and disappearance of TC cells may thus be an example of the effects of the enteric microenvironment on the differentiation of crest-derived cells in situ. Crest-derived cells can be isolated from the enteric microenvironment by immunoselection, a method that takes advantage of the selective expression on the surfaces of crest-derived cells of certain antigens. One neurotrophin, NT-3, promotes the development of enteric neurons and glia in vitro. Because trkC is expressed in the developing and mature gut, it seems likely that NT-3 plays a critical role in the development of the ENS in situ. Although the factors that are responsible for the development of the unique properties of the ENS remain unknown, progress made in understanding enteric neuronal development has recently accelerated. The application of new techniques and recently developed probes suggest that the accelerated pace of discovery in this area can be expected to continue. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The specification, differentiation and maintenance of diverse cell types are of central importance to the development of multicellular organisms. The neural crest of vertebrate animals gives rise to many derivatives, including pigment cells, peripheral neurons, glia and elements of the craniofacial skeleton. The development of neural crest-derived pigment cells has been studied extensively to elucidate mechanisms involved in cell fate specification, differentiation, migration and survival. This analysis has been advanced considerably by the availability of large numbers of mouse and, more recently, zebrafish mutants with defects in pigment cell development. We have identified the zebrafish mutant touchtone (tct), which is characterized by the selective absence of most neural crest-derived melanophores. We find that although wild-type numbers of melanophore precursors are generated in the first day of development and migrate normally in tct mutants, most differentiated melanophores subsequently fail to appear. We demonstrate that the failure in melanophore differentiation in tct mutant embryos is due at least in part to the death of melanoblasts and that tct function is required cell autonomously by melanoblasts. The tct locus is located on chromosome 18 in a genomic region apparently devoid of genes known to be involved in melanophore development. Thus, zebrafish tct may represent a novel as well as selective regulator of melanoblast development within the neural crest lineage. Further, our results suggest that, like other neural crest-derived sublineages, melanogenic precursors constitute a heterogeneous population with respect to genetic requirements for development.  相似文献   

Tu CT  Yang TC  Huang HY  Tsai HJ 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e32899


Although the embryonic expression pattern of ADP ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 1 (Arl6ip1) has been reported, its function in neural crest development is unclear.

Methods/Principal Findings

We found that knockdown of Arl6ip1 caused defective embryonic neural crest derivatives that were particularly severe in craniofacial cartilages. Expressions of the ectodermal patterning factors msxb, dlx3b, and pax3 were normal, but the expressions of the neural crest specifier genes foxd3, snai1b, and sox10 were greatly reduced. These findings suggest that arl6ip1 is essential for specification of neural crest derivatives, but not neural crest induction. Furthermore, we revealed that the streams of crestin- and sox10-expressing neural crest cells, which migrate ventrally from neural tube into trunk, were disrupted in arl6ip1 morphants. This migration defect was not only in the trunk neural crest, but also in the enteric tract where the vagal-derived neural crest cells failed to populate the enteric nervous system. We found that this migration defect was induced by dampened Shh signaling, which may have resulted from defective cilia. These data further suggested that arl6ip1 is required for neural crest migration. Finally, by double-staining of TUNEL and crestin, we confirmed that the loss of neural crest cells could not be attributed to apoptosis.


Therefore, we concluded that arl6ip1 is required for neural crest migration and sublineage specification.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCC) migrate, proliferate, and differentiate within the wall of the gastrointestinal tract to give rise to the neurons and glial cells of the enteric nervous system (ENS). The intestinal microenvironment is critical in this process and endothelin-3 (ET3) is known to have an essential role. Mutations of this gene cause distal intestinal aganglionosis in rodents, but its mechanism of action is poorly understood. We find that inhibition of ET3 signaling in cultured avian intestine also leads to hindgut aganglionosis. The aim of this study was to determine the role of ET3 during formation of the avian hindgut ENS. To answer this question, we created chick-quail intestinal chimeras by transplanting preganglionic quail hindguts into the coelomic cavity of chick embryos. The quail grafts develop two ganglionated plexuses of differentiated neurons and glial cells originating entirely from the host neural crest. The presence of excess ET3 in the grafts results in a significant increase in ganglion cell number, while inhibition of endothelin receptor-B (EDNRB) leads to severe hypoganglionosis. The ET3-induced hyperganglionosis is associated with an increase in enteric crest cell proliferation. Using hindgut explants cultured in collagen gel, we find that ET3 also inhibits neuronal differentiation in the ENS. Finally, ET3, which is strongly expressed in the ceca, inhibits the chemoattraction of NCC to glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). Our results demonstrate multiple roles for ET3 signaling during ENS development in the avian hindgut, where it influences NCC proliferation, differentiation, and migration.  相似文献   

Components of the zebrafish GDNF receptor complex are expressed very early in the development of enteric nervous system precursors, and are already present as these cells begin to enter the gut and migrate caudally along its length. Both gfra1a and gfra1b as well as ret are expressed at this time, while gfra2 expression, the receptor component that binds the GDNF-related ligand neurturin, is not detected until the precursors have migrated along the gut. Gfra genes are also expressed in regions of the zebrafish brain and peripheral ganglia, expression domains conserved with other species. Enteric neurons are eliminated after injection with antisense morpholino oligonucleotides against ret or against both Gfra1 orthologs, but are not affected by antisense oligonucleotides against gfra2. Blocking GDNF signaling prevents migration of enteric neuron precursors, which remain positioned at the anterior end of the gut. Phenotypes induced by injection of antisense morpholinos against both Gfra orthologs can be rescued by introduction of mRNA for gfra1a or for gfra2, suggesting that GFRalpha1 and GFRalpha2 are functionally equivalent.  相似文献   

The zebrafish enteric nervous system (ENS), like those of all other vertebrate species, is principally derived from the vagal neural crest cells (NCC). The developmental controls that govern the migration, proliferation and patterning of the ENS precursors are not well understood. We have investigated the roles of endoderm and Sonic hedgehog (SHH) in the development of the ENS. We show that endoderm is required for the migration of ENS NCC from the vagal region to the anterior end of the intestine. We show that the expression of shh and its receptor ptc-1 correlate with the development of the ENS and demonstrate that hedgehog (HH) signaling is required in two phases, a pre-enteric and an enteric phase, for normal ENS development. We show that HH signaling regulates the proliferation of vagal NCC and ENS precursors in vivo. We also show the zebrafish hand2 is required for the normal development of the intestinal smooth muscle and the ENS. Furthermore we show that endoderm and HH signaling, but not hand2, regulate gdnf expression in the intestine, highlighting a central role of endoderm and SHH in patterning the intestine and the ENS.  相似文献   

In the adult organism, cell migration is required for physiological processes such as angiogenesis and immune surveillance, as well as pathological events such as tumor metastasis. The adaptor protein and Src substrate Tks5 is necessary for cancer cell migration through extracellular matrix in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. However, a role for Tks5 during embryonic development, where cell migration is essential, has not been examined. We used morpholinos to reduce Tks5 expression in zebrafish embryos, and observed developmental defects, most prominently in neural crest-derived tissues such as craniofacial structures and pigmentation. The Tks5 morphant phenotype was rescued by expression of mammalian Tks5, but not by a variant of Tks5 in which the Src phosphorylation sites have been mutated. We further evaluated the role of Tks5 in neural crest cells and neural crest-derived tissues and found that loss of Tks5 impaired their ventral migration. Inhibition of Src family kinases also led to abnormal ventral patterning of neural crest cells and their derivatives. We confirmed that these effects were likely to be cell autonomous by shRNA-mediated knockdown of Tks5 in a murine neural crest stem cell line. Tks5 was required for neural crest cell migration in vitro, and both Src and Tks5 were required for the formation of actin-rich structures with similarity to podosomes. Additionally, we observed that neural crest cells formed Src-Tks5-dependent cell protrusions in 3-D culture conditions and in vivo. These results reveal an important and novel role for the Src-Tks5 pathway in neural crest cell migration during embryonic development. Furthermore, our data suggests that this pathway regulates neural crest cell migration through the generation of actin-rich pro-migratory structures, implying that similar mechanisms are used to control cell migration during embryogenesis and cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

The Zic genes are the vertebrate homologues of the Drosophila pair rule gene odd-paired. It has been proposed that Zic genes play several roles during neural development including mediolateral segmentation of the neural plate, neural crest induction, and inhibition of neurogenesis. Initially during mouse neural development Zic2 is expressed throughout the neural plate while later on expression in the neurectoderm becomes restricted to the lateral region of the neural plate. A hypomorphic allele of Zic2 has demonstrated that in the mouse Zic2 is required for the timing of neurulation. We have isolated a new allele of Zic2 that behaves as a loss of function allele. Analysis of this mutant reveals two further functions for Zic2 during early neural development. Mutation of Zic2 results in a delay of neural crest production and a decrease in the number of neural crest cells that are produced. These defects are independent of mediolateral segmentation of the neurectoderm and of dorsal neurectoderm proliferation, both of which occur normally in the mutant embryos. Additionally Zic2 is required during hindbrain patterning for the normal development of rhombomeres 3 and 5. This work provides the first genetic evidence that the Zic genes are involved in neural crest production and the first demonstration that Zic2 functions during hindbrain patterning.  相似文献   

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