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The Florida harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex badius) excavates deep nests in the sandy soils of the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains. Nest relocations of over 400 colonies in a north Florida coastal plains pine forest were tracked and mapped from 2010 to 2013. Individual colonies varied from one move in two years to four times a year, averaging about one per year. Almost all moves occurred between May and November peaking in July when more than 1% of the colonies moved per day. Move directions were random, and averaged 4 m, with few moves exceeding 10 m. Distance moved was not related to colony size. Over multiple moves, paths were random walks around the original nest location. Relocation is probably intrinsic to the life history of this species, and the causes of relocation remain obscure— the architecture of old and new nests was very similar, and neither the forest canopy nor the density or size of neighbors was correlated with relocation. Monitoring entire relocations (n = 20) showed that they were usually completed in 4 to 6 days. Moves were diurnal, peaking in the mornings and afternoons dipping during mid-day, and ceasing before sundown. Workers excavated the new nest continuously during the daytime throughout the move and beyond. A minority of workers carried seeds, charcoal and brood, with seeds being by far the most common burden. The proportion of burdened workers increased throughout the move. Measured from year to year, small colonies gained size and large ones lost it. Colonies moving more than once in two years lost more size than those moving less often, suggesting that moving may bear a fitness cost. Colony relocation is a dramatic and consistent feature of the life history of the Florida harvester ant, inviting inquiry into its proximal and ultimate causes.  相似文献   

In much of the world, soil-nesting ants are among the leading agents of biomantling and bioturbation, depositing excavated soil on the surface or in underground chambers. Colonies of the Florida harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius excavate a new nest once a year on average, depositing 0.1 to 12 L (3 L average) of soil on the surface. Repeated surveys of a population of about 400 colonies yielded the frequency of moves (approximately once per year), the distance moved (mean 4 m), and the direction moved (random). The area of the soil disc correlated well with the volume and maximum depth of the nest, as determined by excavation and mapping of chambers. The population-wide frequency distribution of disc areas thus yielded the frequency distribution of nest volumes and maximum depths. For each surveyed colony, the volume of soil excavated from six specified depth ranges and deposited on the surface was estimated. These parameters were used in a simulation to estimate the amount of soil mantled over time by the observed population of P. badius colonies. Spread evenly, P. badius mantling would create a soil layer averaging 0.43 cm thick in a millennium, with 10–15% of the soil deriving from depths greater than 1 m. Biomantling by P. badius is discussed in the context of the ant community of which it is a part, and in relation to literature reports of ant biomantling.  相似文献   

The reproductive ground plan hypothesis (RGPH) proposes that the physiological pathways regulating reproduction were co-opted to regulate worker division of labor. Support for this hypothesis in honeybees is provided by studies demonstrating that the reproductive potential of workers, assessed by the levels of vitellogenin (Vg), is linked to task performance. Interestingly, contrary to honeybees that have a single Vg ortholog and potentially fertile nurses, the genome of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus harbors two Vg genes (Pb_Vg1 and Pb_Vg2) and nurses produce infertile trophic eggs. P. barbatus, thus, provides a unique model to investigate whether Vg duplication in ants was followed by subfunctionalization to acquire reproductive and non-reproductive functions and whether Vg reproductive function was co-opted to regulate behavior in sterile workers. To investigate these questions, we compared the expression patterns of P. barbatus Vg genes and analyzed the phylogenetic relationships and molecular evolution of Vg genes in ants. qRT-PCRs revealed that Pb_Vg1 is more highly expressed in queens compared to workers and in nurses compared to foragers. By contrast, the level of expression of Pb_Vg2 was higher in foragers than in nurses and queens. Phylogenetic analyses show that a first duplication of the ancestral Vg gene occurred after the divergence between the poneroid and formicoid clades and subsequent duplications occurred in the lineages leading to Solenopsis invicta, Linepithema humile and Acromyrmex echinatior. The initial duplication resulted in two Vg gene subfamilies preferentially expressed in queens and nurses (subfamily A) or in foraging workers (subfamily B). Finally, molecular evolution analyses show that the subfamily A experienced positive selection, while the subfamily B showed overall relaxation of purifying selection. Our results suggest that in P. barbatus the Vg gene underwent subfunctionalization after duplication to acquire caste- and behavior- specific expression associated with reproductive and non-reproductive functions, supporting the validity of the RGPH in ants.  相似文献   

We report the first described non-plant family of TRIMs (terminal-repeat retrotransposons in miniature), which are small nonautonomous LTR retrotransposons, from the whole-genome sequence of the red harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae). Members of this retrotransposon family, named PbTRIM, have typical features of plant TRIMs in length and structure, although they share no overall sequence similarity. PbTRIM elements and their solo-LTRs are abundant in the host genome and exhibit an uneven distribution pattern. Elements are preferentially inserted into TA-rich regions with ATAT as the most common pattern of target site duplication (TSD). PbTRIM is most likely mobile as indicated by the young age of many complete elements, the high degree of sequence similarity among elements at different genomic locations, the abundance of elements in the host genome, and the presence of 4-bp target site duplications (TSDs) flanking the elements and solo-LTRs. Many PbTRIM elements and their solo-LTRs are located within or near genes, suggesting their potential roles in restructuring the host genes and genome. Database search, PCR and sequencing analysis revealed the presence of homologous PbTRIM elements in other ant species. The high sequence similarity between elements from distantly related ant species, the incongruence between the phylogenies of PbTRIM and its hosts, and the patchy distribution of the retroelement within the Myrmicinae subfamily indicate possible horizontal transfer events of the retroelement.  相似文献   

Eusocial insects actively combat pathogen proliferation with a myriad of tactics, one of which is the removal of corpses from the nest, a behavior known as necrophoresis. Spatial patterns of corpse depositions by colonies of the western harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, were examined. Colonies were presented with nestmate and non-nestmate corpses to discern if each type of waste was handled differently. Specialized areas for corpse disposal were not observed. Non-nestmate corpses were carried farther from the nest than were nestmate corpses, perhaps reducing the chance of introduction of pathogens new to the colony that may be harbored by a non-nestmate. Factors external to the nest mound, such as slope and neighboring colonies, had no perceptible effect on these depositions and did not change the uniformity of dispersal of this particular waste. These findings add to our knowledge of the intricacies of corpse removal in eusocial insects and suggest that this is a more dynamic activity than previously thought.  相似文献   

Seed-eating ants could have a significant effect on plant communities in deserts and semiarid zones. This effect is mediated through spatial and temporal foraging patterns, and seed selection within patches. Foraging patterns of harvester ants in South American deserts are almost unknown. The purpose of this work is to determine the temporal variations in the activity levels of Pogonomyrmex pronotalis and P. rastratus in the central Monte desert, and how these patterns may be related to abiotic factors, particularly to soil temperature. Activity levels and soil surface temperature were recorded at hourly intervals in five colonies for each species during the activity season (October, December, February, and April) in both 1999–2000 and 2000–2001 periods (except for October 1999). Surface ant activity starts in October, increases between December and February, and then ceases by April. Surface ant activity is diurnal throughout the season and usually has a unique peak during midday in October and April, and two peaks in the morning and the afternoon from December to February. The proportion of the activity budget devoted to nest's maintenance activity was similar for both species. Activity levels of foraging workers tended to be higher in P. pronotalis than in P. rastratus. P. pronotalis is active between 20 and 59°C, with higher levels of activity between 35 and 45°C, whereas P. rastratus shows activity between 18 and 58°C, with higher levels of activity between 30 and 40°C. Our results suggest that temporal changes in surface activity respond mainly to soil temperature fluctuations. However, at intermediate temperatures (those probably encompassing the thermal tolerance range of these ant species), temperature appears not to be a good predictor of daily and seasonal activity fluctuations.  相似文献   



Spalax (blind subterranean mole rat), is a mammal adapted to live in fluctuating oxygen levels, and can survive severe hypoxia and hypercapnia. The adaptive evolution of Spalax to underground life resulted in structural and molecular-genetic differences comparing to above-ground mammals. These differences include higher myocardial maximal oxygen consumption, increased lung diffusion capacity, increased blood vessels density, and unique expression patterns of cancer and angiogenesis related genes such as heparanase, vascular endothelial growth factor, and P53.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we elucidate the main characteristics of Spalax lipid profile, as well as its main antioxidant and serum parameters. Compared to human, Spalax possesses lower total-cholesterol, low density lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides levels, and higher levels of high density lipoproteins (HDL). Apolipoprotein A-I and apolipoprotein B-100 were significantly lower in Spalax compared to human. Paraoxonase (PON) 1 arylesterase activity, was higher in Spalax compared to both human and mouse serum levels. Analysis of serum chemistry of Spalax revealed special features in this mammal.


Spalax possesses a unique lipid profile with high HDL and low LDL lipoproteins. The antioxidant serum content in the mole rat is higher than that of human and mouse. Serum C reactive protein (CRP) levels are significantly lower in Spalax compared to that of human or mouse, reflecting low levels of inflammation. These differences between Spalax, human and mouse are due to several factors including the intensive activity life-style that Spalax pursue underground, dietary components, and evolutionary genetic adaptations. Unfolding the genetic basis of these differences will probably result in unique treatments for a variety of human diseases such as dyslipedemias, inflammation and cancer.  相似文献   

Harvester ants (P. badius) were collected from 49 localities in the southeastern U.S. Amylase and naphthylamidase activities were assayed by gel electrophoresis, and the frequencies of alleles controlling electrophoretic variation were calculated. Soil samples were analyzed and plotted against allelic frequencies. Climatographic and genetic data were analyzed by the method of principal components. Statistically significant correlations were found to occur between the patterns of genetic variation, and between the genetic and environmental patterns. These correlations are consistent with a selective basis for the maintenance of isozyme polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Levengood, W. C. 1985, Ion transport in the testa of germinatingseeds.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1053–1063. The current flow produced when an electrical potential is appliedto a partially hydrated seed is drastically altered by the applicationof a thermal pulse. Specific responses to thermally inducedchanges in electrical activity are related to the cell wallstructure of the seed coat and its state of hydration. It issuggested that expansion and contraction of the micropores inthe cell wall matrix provide a model based on a diffusion anddehydration during a thermal pulse and an ion-gating effectimmediately following the pulse. Mechanical flexing producedoscillatory behaviour in the electrical current flow throughseed coat tissues in a manner predicted by the thermal responses. Key words: Ion transport, testa, germinating seeds  相似文献   

Trans-isomers of cytokinins (CK) are thought to predominate and have greater biological activity than corresponding cis-isomers in higher plants. However, this study demonstrates a system within which the predominant CK are cis-isomers. CK were measured at four developmental stages in developing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. cultivar Kaniva) seeds by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Concentrations were highest at an early endospermic fluid stage and fell considerably when the cotyledons expanded. The cis-isomers of zeatin nucleotide ([9R-MP]Z), zeatin riboside ([9R]Z), and zeatin (Z) were present in greater concentrations than those of corresponding trans-isomers: (trans)[9R-MP]Z, (trans)[9R]Z, (trans)Z, or dihydrozeatin riboside. Dihydrozeatin, dihydrozeatin nucleotide, and the isopentenyl-type CK concentrations were either low or not detectable. Root xylem exudates also contained predominantly cis-isomers of [9R-MP]Z and [9R]Z. Identities of (cis)[9R]Z and (cis)Z were confirmed by comparison of ion ratios and retention indices, and a full spectrum was obtained for (cis)[9R]Z. Tissues were extracted under conditions that minimized the possibility of RNase hydrolysis of tRNA following tissue disruption, being a significant source of the cis-CK. Since no isomerization of (trans)[2H]CK internal standards occurred, it is unlikely that the cis-CK resulted from enzymic or nonenzymic isomerization during extraction. Although quantities of total CK varied, similar CK profiles were found among three different chickpea cultivars and between adequately watered and water-stressed plants. Developing chickpea seeds will be a useful system for investigating the activity of cis-CK or determining the origin and metabolism of free CK.  相似文献   

Stachyose synthase (STS) (EC was purified to homogeneity from mature seeds of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis). Electrophoresis under denaturing conditions revealed a single polypeptide of 90 kD. Size-exclusion chromatography of the purified enzyme yielded two activity peaks with apparent molecular masses of 110 and 283 kD. By isoelectric focusing and chromatofocusing the protein was separated into several active forms with isoelectric point values between pH 4.7 and 5.0. Purified STS catalyzed the transfer of the galactosyl group from galactinol to raffinose and myo-inositol. Additionally, the enzyme catalyzed the galactinol-dependent synthesis of galactosylononitol from d-ononitol. The synthesis of a galactosylcyclitol by STS is a new oberservation. Mutual competitive inhibition was observed when the enzyme was incubated with both substrates (raffinose and ononitol) simultaneously. Galactosylononitol could also substitute for galactinol in the synthesis of stachyose from raffinose. Although galactosylononitol was the less-efficient donor, the Michaelis constant value for raffinose was lower in the presence of galactosylononitol (13.2 mm) compared with that obtained in the presence of galactinol (38.6 mm). Our results indicate that STS catalyzes the biosynthesis of galactosylononitol, but may also mediate a redistribution of galactosyl residues from galactosylononitol to stachyose.  相似文献   

The Australian intertidal ant, Polyrhachis sokolova lives in mudflat habitats and nests at the base of mangroves. They are solitary foraging ants that rely on visual cues. The ants are active during low tides at both day and night and thus experience a wide range of light intensities. We here ask the extent to which the compound eyes of P. sokolova reflect the fact that they operate during both day and night. The ants have typical apposition compound eyes with 596 ommatidia per eye and an interommatidial angle of 6.0°. We find the ants have developed large lenses (33 µm in diameter) and wide rhabdoms (5 µm in diameter) to make their eyes highly sensitive to low light conditions. To be active at bright light conditions, the ants have developed an extreme pupillary mechanism during which the primary pigment cells constrict the crystalline cone to form a narrow tract of 0.5 µm wide and 16 µm long. This pupillary mechanism protects the photoreceptors from bright light, making the eyes less sensitive during the day. The dorsal rim area of their compound eye has specialised photoreceptors that could aid in detecting the orientation of the pattern of polarised skylight, which would assist the animals to determine compass directions required while navigating between nest and food sources.  相似文献   

The circadian clock is a core molecular mechanism that allows organisms to anticipate daily environmental changes and adapt the timing of behaviors to maximize efficiency. In social insects, the ability to maintain the appropriate temporal order is thought to improve colony efficiency and fitness. We used the newly sequenced fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) genome to characterize the first ant circadian clock. Our results reveal that the fire ant clock is similar to the clock of the honeybee, a social insect with an independent evolutionary origin of sociality. Gene trees for the eight core clock genes, period, cycle, clock, cryptochrome-m, timeout, vrille, par domain protein 1 & clockwork orange, show ant species grouping closely with honeybees and Nasonia wasps as an outgroup to the social Hymenoptera. Expression patterns for these genes suggest that the ant clock functions similar to the honeybee clock, with period and cry-m mRNA levels increasing during the night and cycle and clockwork orange mRNAs cycling approximately anti-phase to period. Gene models for five of these genes also parallel honeybee models. In particular, the single ant cryptochrome is an ortholog of the mammalian-type (cry-m), rather than Drosophila-like protein (cry-d). Additionally, we find a conserved VPIFAL C-tail region in clockwork orange shared by insects but absent in vertebrates. Overall, our characterization of the ant clock demonstrates that two social insect lineages, ants and bees, share a similar, mammalian-like circadian clock. This study represents the first characterization of clock genes in an ant and is a key step towards understanding socially-regulated plasticity in circadian rhythms by facilitating comparative studies on the organization of circadian clockwork.  相似文献   

Some social insects produce workers of variable size and/or shape. One hypothesis to explain such variation is that it increases colony efficiency in performing diverse tasks, with greater efficiency leading to greater colony-level fitness. Using the granivorous ant Messor pergandei, which produces a unimodal distribution of worker sizes, I explored two corollaries of this ergonomic hypothesis: that there should be detectable task-matching and that the mean size should shift predictably with a change in task. In five experiments conducted in different years and sites in California deserts, colonies were baited with fragments of wheat or millet ground and sieved to different sizes. In six of eight colonies so baited the minimum linear dimension or mass of seeds carried by foragers was significantly related to forager size, with r2 values ranging from 3 to 30%. In four of the five experiments, colonies were subsequently baited with either large seed fragments alone or small fragments alone. In three of these four experiments I detected a rapid response, over a few hours or days, in which foragers deployed by colonies shifted to larger or smaller mean size in directions predicted by size of the bait. These results suggest that an ergonomic function is one contributor to worker size polymorphism in M. pergandei. Although task-matching did not explain a substantial amount of the variance in forager size in all experiments, the rapid size shifts provide behavioral evidence that task-matching is important to colonies.  相似文献   

Transport of Sterols to the Plasma Membrane of Leek Seedlings   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
To investigate the intracellular transport of sterols in etiolated leek (Allium porrum L.) seedlings, in vivo pulse-chase experiments with [1-14C]acetate were performed. Then, endoplasmic reticulum-, Golgi-, and plasma membrane (PM)-enriched fractions were prepared and analyzed for the radioactivity incorporated into free sterols. In leek seedlings sterols are present as a mixture in which (24R)-24-ethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol is by far the major compound (around 60%). The other sterols are represented by cholest-5-en-3β-ol, 24-methyl-cholest-5-en-3β-ol, (24S)-24-ethylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, and stigmasta-5,24(241)Z-dien-3β-ol. These compounds are shown to reside mainly in the PM. Our results clearly indicate that free sterols are actively transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to the PM during the first 60 min of chase, with kinetics very similar to that of phosphatidylserine. Such a transport was found to be decreased at low temperature (12°C) and following treatment with monensin and brefeldin A. These data are consistent with a membrane-mediated process for the intracellular transport of sterols to the PM, which likely involves the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   



Territorial boundaries between conspecific social insect colonies are maintained through nestmate recognition systems. However, in supercolony-forming ants, which have developed an extraordinary social organization style known as unicoloniality, a single supercolony extends across large geographic distance. The underlying mechanism is considered to involve less frequent occurrence of intraspecific aggressive behaviors, while maintaining interspecific competition. Thus, we examined whether the supercolony-forming species, Formica yessensis has a nestmate recognition system similar to that of the multicolonial species, Camponotus japonicus with respect to the cuticular hydrocarbon-sensitive sensillum (CHC sensillum), which responds only to non-nestmate CHCs. We further investigated whether the sensory system reflects on the apparent reduced aggression between non-nestmates typical to unicolonial species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

F. yessensis constructs supercolonies comprising numerous nests and constitutes the largest supercolonies in Japan. We compared the within-colony or between-colonies’ (1) similarity in CHC profiles, the nestmate recognition cues, (2) levels of the CHC sensillar response, (3) levels of aggression between workers, as correlated with geographic distances between nests, and (4) their genetic relatedness. Workers from nests within the supercolony revealed a greater similarity of CHC profiles compared to workers from colonies outside it. Total response of the active CHC sensilla stimulated with conspecific alien CHCs did not increase as much as in case of C. japonicus, suggesting that discrimination of conspecific workers at the peripheral system is limited. It was particularly limited among workers within a supercolony, but was fully expressed for allospecific workers.


We demonstrate that chemical discrimination between nestmates and non-nestmates in F. yessensis was not clear cut, probably because this species has only subtle intraspecific differences in the CHC pattern that typify within a supercolony. Such an incomplete chemical discrimination via the CHC sensilla is thus an important factor contributing to decreased occurrence of intraspecific aggressive behavior especially within a supercolony.  相似文献   

Granivorous animals, through seed consumption, may have an important influence on plant abundance, distribution and species composition in desert ecosystems. The aims of this study are twofold: to quantify the diet of Pogonomyrmex rastratus (Mayr) and pogonomyrmex pronotalis (Santschi), and to estimate seed removal per colony of both species throughout their activity season (October-April) in the central Monte desert, Argentina. Both species rely heavily upon seeds, which account for 87–94 % of the items carried to the nests. Their diets are similar, consisting mainly of grass seeds, which represent more than 93 % of the seeds. Among them, three species predominate: Aristida spp., Trichloris crinita and Pappophorum spp. Seasonal variations as well as seed species richness in the diet are also similar between species. However, their food-handling behaviour differs: most caryopses carried by P. pronotalis bear bracts whereas most caryopses carried by P. rastratus lack them. Seed removal per colony by P. rastratus (6 × 104 seeds/colony) and by P. pronotalis (5 × 104 seeds/colony) throughout the season is similar to the one reported for P. occidentalis in North America. However, seed removal per hectare, which could be estimated for P. rastratus (8.3 × 105 seeds/ha), is lower than removal rates reported for the North American species P. barbatus, P. desertorum, P. rugosus and P. californicus, probably because P. rastratus has lower activity levels and smaller colonies than the North American studied species. Received 6 April 2005; revised 1 September 2005; accepted 2 September 2005.  相似文献   

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