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  • 1.1. The length of the poly(A) tail at the 3'-end of mRNA may control protein synthesis by bringing the 3'-end in close proximity to the 5'-end of the noncoding region as well as increasing the duration of mRNA translation by its binding to the poly(A) binding protein.
  • 2.2. The rate-limiting step in the decay of the body of the message is the shortening of a long poly(A) tail during mRNA translation. The shortening of the poly(A) tail occurs during pre-elongation in the protein synthesis cycle.
  • 3.3. The shortening of the poly(A) tail during mRNA translation may not involve RNase activity, however poly(A) binding protein seems to play a role, at least in part, in shortening of the poly(A) tail.

在生物体中,信使核糖核酸(mRNA)的生物学功能是从DNA接受遗传信息,再以密码形式翻译出特异性蛋白质。mRNA对于基因表达和遗传信息传递起着重要作用。真核细胞mRNA分子的结构较为复杂,其特征之一是它的3′端几乎都有多聚腺嘌呤核苷酸序列  相似文献   

Weaver BP  Andrews GK 《Biometals》2012,25(2):319-335
Translation of the basolateral zinc transporter ZIP5 is repressed during zinc deficiency but Zip5 mRNA remains associated with polysomes and can be rapidly translated when zinc is repleted. Herein, we examined the mechanisms regulating translation of Zip5. The 3′-untranslated region (UTR) of Zip5 mRNA is well conserved among mammals and is predicted by mFOLD to form a very stable stem-loop structure. Three algorithms predict this structure to be flanked by repeated seed sites for miR-328 and miR-193a. RNAse footprinting supports the notion that a stable stem-loop structure exists in this 3′-UTR and electrophoretic mobility shift assays detect polysomal protein(s) binding specifically to the stem-loop structure in the Zip5 3′-UTR. miR-328 and miR-193a are expressed in tissues known to regulate Zip5 mRNA translation in response to zinc availability and both are polysome-associated consistent with Zip5 mRNA localization. Transient transfection assays using native and mutant Zip5 3′-UTRs cloned 3′ to luciferase cDNA revealed that the miRNA seed sites and the stem-loop function together to augment translation of Zip5 mRNA when zinc is replete.  相似文献   

Summary Abnormalities of chromosome 9p have been reported in human leukemias and lymphomas, and in cell lines lacking the enzyme methylthioadenosine phosphorylase. It has been shown pCN2, the 3 nontranslated region of the N-ras oncogene, crosshybridizes with unknown DNA segments on chromosome 6, 9p, and 22, in addition to the N-ras oncogene itself on chromosome 1p. To use pCN2 to study chromosome 9p abnormalities in malignancies, we undertook to localize the pCN2 crosshybridizing region in chromosome 9p. By analyzing the copy numbers of the pCN2 crosshybridizing bands associated with chromosome 9p among various chromosomally aberrant human cell lines, we mapped the pCN2 hybridizing region to 9cen-p12. Since there is no other available probe in this region, pCN2 should prove very useful in studying abnormalities of chromosome 9p in human malignancies.This is publication number 5969-MEM from the Research Institute of Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, California  相似文献   

The decay of eukaryotic mRNA is triggered mainly by deadenylation, which leads to decapping and degradation from the 5′ end of an mRNA. Poly(A)-binding protein has been proposed to inhibit the decapping process and to stabilize mRNA by blocking the recruitment of mRNA to the P-bodies where mRNA degradation takes place after stimulation of translation initiation. In contrast, several lines of evidence show that poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1p) has distinct functions in mRNA decay and translation in yeast. To address the translation-independent function of Pab1p in inhibition of decapping, we examined the contribution of Pab1p to the stability of non-translated mRNAs, an AUG codon-less mRNA or an mRNA containing a stable stem-loop structure at the 5′-UTR. Tethering of Pab1p stabilized non-translated mRNAs, and this stabilization did not require either the eIF4G-interacting domain of Pab1p or the Pab1p-interacting domain of eIF4G. In a ski2Δ mutant in which 3′ to 5′ mRNA degradation activity is defective, stabilization of non-translated mRNAs by the tethering of Pab1p lacking an eIF4G-interacting domain (Pab1–34Cp) requires a cap structure but not a poly(A) tail. In wild type cells, stabilization of non-translated mRNA by tethered Pab1–34Cp results in the accumulation of deadenylated mRNA. These results strongly suggest that tethering of Pab1p may inhibit the decapping reaction after deadenylation, independent of translation. We propose that Pab1p inhibits the decapping reaction in a translation-independent manner in vivo.  相似文献   

Leaky ribosomal scanning allows the expression of multiple proteins from a single mRNA by occasionally skipping the first start codon, and initiating translation at a subsequent one. A3- and A1-crystallin, two members of the -crystallin family of vertebrate eye lens proteins, are produced via this mechanism, of which, until now, only very few examples have been found in eukaryotic genes. Since the two start codons on the A3/A1 messenger lie in the same reading frame, the two translated proteins are identical, except for the 17 residues shorter N-terminal extension of A1-crystallin. It has been suggested that the very short leader (5–7 nucleotides) of the A3/A1 messenger might cause slippage at the first start codon, although the unfavorable context of this start codon might also be responsible. Using transient transfections, we now demonstrate that increasing the length of the leader sequence to 67 nucleotides indeed completely abolishes translation initiation at the second start codon, and thus expression of the A1-crystallin protein. Messengers having a leader of 5, 7 or 14 nucleotides all express both A3- and A1-crystallin at very similar relative levels.  相似文献   

The homogeneous poly(A)-specific 2,3-exoribonuclease from calf thymus gland, which cleaves both 3,5-and 2,5-linked oligoriboadenylates, does not degrade (xyloA2'p)2 xyloA, the xylofuranosyladenosine analogue of the 2-5A core. This oligonucleotide, which is supposed to enter intact cells rapidly, was found to possess an increased stability and an enhanced antiherpesvirus activity compared to the natural (A2'p)2A (Eppstein, D. A., Barnett, J. W., Marsh, Y. V., Gosselin, G. and Imbach, J.-L. (1983) Nature 302, 723–724). The poly(A) anabolic enzyme, poly(A) polymerase (Mn2+-dependent), from the same source, which is initiated by (A3'p)2A and its higher oligomers, does not accept 2–5A core and its xyloadenosine analogue as primer. Both oligonucleotides exert no influence on endoribonuclease IV and on the integrity of the poly(A)-ribonucleoprotein complex.Abbreviations 2-5A ppp(A2'p)nA(n2). 5-triphospho-oligo [(2–5)adenylyl]adenosine - 2-5A core (A2'p)2A, adenylyl(2–5) adenylyl(2–5)adenosine - xyto 2-tA core (xyloA2'p)2 xyloA, xyloadenylyl(2–5)xyloadenylyl(2–5)xyloadenosine The other abbreviations are according to the recommendations of the Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature, see Europ. J. Biochem.15 (1970) 203–208.  相似文献   

The nuclear hormone receptor estrogen receptor α (ERα) mediates the actions of estrogens in target cells and is a master regulator of the gene expression and proliferative programs of breast cancer cells. The presence of ERα in breast cancer cells is crucial for the effectiveness of endocrine therapies, and its loss is a hallmark of endocrine-insensitive breast tumors. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of the cellular levels of ERα are not fully understood. Our findings reveal a unique cellular pathway involving the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK)-mediated phosphorylation of ERα at Ser-294 that specifies its turnover by the SCF(Skp2) proteasome complex. Consistently, we observed an inverse relationship between ERα and Skp2 or active p38MAPK in breast cancer cell lines and human tumors. ERα regulation by Skp2 was cell cycle stage dependent and critical for promoting the mitogenic effects of estradiol via ERα. Interestingly, by the knockdown of Skp2 or the inhibition of p38MAPK, we restored functional ERα protein levels and the control of gene expression and proliferation by estrogen and antiestrogen in ERα-negative breast cancer cells. Our findings highlight a novel pathway with therapeutic potential for restoring ERα and the responsiveness to endocrine therapy in some endocrine-insensitive ERα-negative breast cancers.  相似文献   

A novel two-allele pentanucleotide tandem duplication polymorphism is described within the 3 untranslated region of the HLA-linked HSP70-2 gene, for which a PstI polymorphism is known. All four haplotype combinations were found.  相似文献   

The human NRAMP1 gene located on Chromosome (Chr) region 2q35 is a candidate gene for increased risk of infection by several intracellular macrophage parasites, including M. tuberculosis and M. leprae. In search for a possible mutational hot spot, we have analyzed a 3.5-kb region 5′ to NRAMP1 that is highly enriched for DNA repeat sequences. The repeat sequences could be grouped into one Mer element and six Alu elements, representing five Alu subfamilies, that had integrated in the same DNA region during successive rounds of Alu retropositional activity. Comparative sequence analysis of the Alu cluster region in humans, chimpanzee (Pan paniscus), and gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) revealed only modest sequence variability and failed to detect any evidence for genomic instability of the highly repetitive DNA region. These results show that sequence length variants in the Alu-flanking regions as well as nucleotide substitutions are the most common genomic variations even in a region of extreme Alu-clustering. Moreover, the high degree of sequence conservation among three primate species argues against the Alu cluster being the site of frequent genomic rearrangements or other frequent genetic events that might influence NRAMP1 expression. Received: 20 September 1997 / Accepted: 23 January 1998  相似文献   

2,3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphohydrolase (CNP) was phosphorylated in vivo, in brain slices and in a cell free system. Phosphoamino acid analysis of immunoprecipitated CNP labeled in vivo and in brain slices revealed phosphorylation of phosphoserine (94%) and phosphothreonine (5%) residues. Phosphorylation of CNP increased by 3-fold after brain slices were incubated with forskolin. Similarly, incubation of isolated myelin with [-32]ATP with cAMP (5 M) and cAMP (5 M) + catalytic unit of cAMP dependent protein kinase dramatically increased CNP2 phosphorylation by 4- and 6-fold, respectively. It is feasible that CNP2 was predominantly phosphorylated on serine and/or threonine residues of the amino terminal peptide of CNP2, and this phosphorylation was catalyzed by protein kinase A. Phosphorylation of CNP1 and CNP2 increased 2-fold by incubating brain slices with phorbol ester. Forskolin and phorbol ester increased the phosphorylation of single, but distinct, CNP peptides. We present the first biochemical evidence that CNP2, on a protein mass basis, is far more heavily phosphorylated than CNP1, suggesting there are more phosphorylation sites on CNP2 than CNP1 and that at least one site is located on the 20-amino acid terminus of CNP2 and that is is likely a PKA site.  相似文献   

Khan MA  Goss DJ 《Biochemistry》2012,51(7):1388-1395
VPg of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) was previously shown to interact with translation initiation factor eIFiso4F and play an important role in mRNA translation [Khan, M. A., et al. (2008) J. Biol. Chem.283, 1340-1349]. VPg competed with cap analogue for eIFiso4F binding and competitively inhibited cap-dependent translation and enhanced cap-independent translation to give viral RNA a significant competitive advantage. To gain further insight into the cap-independent process of initiation of protein synthesis, we examined the effect of PABP and/or eIF4B on the equilibrium and kinetics of binding of VPg to eIFiso4F. Equilibrium data showed the addition of PABP and/or eIF4B to eIFiso4F increased the binding affinity for VPg (K(d) = 24.3 ± 1.6 nM) as compared to that with eIFiso4F alone (K(d) = 81.3 ± 0.2.4 nM). Thermodynamic parameters showed that binding of VPg to eIFiso4F was enthalpy-driven and entropy-favorable with the addition of PABP and/or eIF4B. PABP and eIF4B decreased the entropic contribution by 67% for binding of VPg to eIFiso4F. The decrease in entropy involved in the formation of the eIFiso4F·4B·PABP-VPg complex suggested weakened hydrophobic interactions for complex formation and an overall conformational change. The kinetic studies of eIFiso4F with VPg in the presence of PABP and eIF4B show 3-fold faster association (k(2) = 182 ± 9.0 s(-1)) compared to that with eIFiso4F alone (k(2) = 69.0 ± 1.5 s(-1)) . The dissociation rate was 3-fold slower (k(-2) = 6.5 ± 0.43 s(-1)) for eIFiso4F with VPg in the presence of PABP and eIF4B (k(-2) = 19.0 ± 0.9 s(-1)). The addition of PABP and eIF4B decreased the activation energy of eIFiso4F with VPg from 81.0 ± 3.0 to 44.0 ± 2.4 kJ/mol. This suggests that the presence of both proteins leads to a rapid, stable complex, which serves to sequester initiation factors.  相似文献   

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