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Abstract. The relative proportions of cuticular components having the same retention times were compared between the slave-making ant Polyergus rufescens and the slave ant Formica rufibarbis living in monospecific or mixed colonies. The two species were found to present different spectra. The Formica workers, when enslaved by Polyergus , tend to lose their colony characteristics but they do not seem to adopt the characteristics of Polyergus.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationship between behavioural tests and relative proportions of cuticular components were studied in the slave-making species Polyergus rufescens and the slave and Formica rufibarbis living in either monospecific or mixed colonies. A correlation between the relative proportions of the cuticular products and interindividual recognition exists in each of the two species Polyergus and Formica: Polyergus are fiercely aggressive towards individuals which have different cuticular spectra and originate from a geographically isolated nest. This seems to be true also in the case of Formica living in monospecific colonies. A similar correlation also exists between the two species, which have different cuticular spectra: encounters arranged between them show that free-living Formica are always fiercely aggressive towards Polyergus. The reason why no such correlation seems to exist, however, between Polyergus and Formica when the latter are enslaved and the two species coexist peacefully at the same nest is discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of slave-making Polyergus rufescens ants reared alone or with their Formica rufibarbis slaves. Chemical analyses showed that due to the close contacts occurring when the Formica were tending the Polyergus, the synthesis of the cuticular hydrocarbons carried by the slaves was enhanced in the slave-makers. The postpharyngeal hydrocarbon levels increased during the first 15 days of life, whether or not the Polyergus were exposed to Formica. Our findings suggest that Polyergus is able to secrete all components of their cuticular hydrocarbon blend and that none are acquired through contact with Formica. In addition to presenting our experimental evidence, several hypotheses are proposed to explain the synthesis and regulation of hydrocarbon blends borne when these two species cohabitate within a single colony.  相似文献   

We studied recruitment behavior of the slavemaking ant Polyergus breviceps,which typically raids colonies of Formica gnava.The first test series demonstrated the importance of social context, by showing that recruitment was high during raiding, but virtually absent during preraid circling and during the return trip after a slave raid. The second test series showed that Formicapupae (alone or together with adults) must be present for workers of Polyegrusto recruit nestmates. The third test series demonstrated that panic alarm by raided Formicais caused by a pheromone, and we suggest that adults of Formicamay be the source of this secretion. Finally, the fourth test series showed that formic acid is lethal to adults of Formicabut has almost no adverse effect on Polyergus.This relative immunity by Polyergusmay enable them to remain organized while entering nests of Formicaduring slave raids.  相似文献   

J. Heinze 《Insectes Sociaux》1996,43(3):319-328
Summary Colonies of slave-making ants have been used repeatedly to test sex allocation theory. It was suggested that workers of slave-making ants are more strongly selected to reproduce than workers of related, non-parasitic species, because they are incapable of manipulating sex allocation and the sexualization of larvae in their colonies. I show here that in slave-making Formicoxenini, worker ovaries on average consist of significantly more ovarioles than in non-parasiticLeptothorax species. Similarly, whereas in mostLeptothorax species, workers form reproductive hierarchies and lay eggs only in orphaned colonies, slave-maker workers show antagonistic interactions already in the presence of the queen and at least in some species have been observed ovipositing in queen-right colonies. The significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

The foraging and nest emigration abilities of the obligatory slave-making ants, Harpagoxenus canadensis, H. sublaevis and H. americanus, were examined in laboratory experiments involving both natural and slave-deprived colonies. The slave-makers contributed relatively little to these domestic tasks when slaves were present, but their apparent abilities expanded to varying degrees in the absence of slaves. H. canadensis appeared to be the most self-sufficient of the three species and displayed a surprisingly full repertoire of foraging and emigration behaviour, including the ability to recruit nestmates by ‘tandem running’ in both contexts. The relative degree of domestic degeneration in these species was correlated with the extent of their behavioural specialization for conducting slave-raids. These results reinforce current views regarding the evolution of slavery among leptothoracine ants.  相似文献   

Social insects typically occupy spatially fixed nests which may thus constrain their mobility. Nevertheless, colony movements are a frequent component of the life cycle of many social insects, particularly ants. Nest relocation in ants may be driven by a variety of factors, including nest deterioration, seasonality, disturbances, changes in microclimate, and local depletion of resources. The colony movements of slavemaking ants have been noted anecdotally, and in recent studies such relocations were primarily attributed to nest deterioration or shifts to overwintering locations. In this study we explore nest relocations in large colonies of formicine slavemakers which occupy stable and persistent earthen nest mounds. We investigate the hypothesis that colony relocations of these slavemakers are best explained by efforts to improve raiding success by seeking areas of higher host availability. Five summers of monitoring the raiding behavior of 11–14 colonies of the slavemakers Formica subintegra and Formica pergandei revealed relatively frequent nest relocations: of 14 colonies that have been tracked for at least three of 5 years, all but one moved at least once by invading existing host nests. Movements tended to occur in the middle of the raiding season and were typically followed by continued raiding of nearby host colonies. Spatial patterns of movements suggest that their purpose is to gain access to more host colonies to raid: the distance moved is typically farther than the mean raiding distance before the move, which may indicate an effort to escape their local neighborhood. Furthermore, the mean distance of raids after relocation is shorter than the distance before relocation. For many slavemaking ant colonies, particularly those on the verge of relocating, raiding distance increased as the raiding season progressed. In addition, movements tended to be toward areas of higher local host density. Nest relocation is likely an important component of the ecology of slavemaking ants that contributes to the dynamic nature of their interaction with the host ant population.  相似文献   

Comparisons of cuticular hydrocarbons between workers of the dulotic ant Polyergus samurai and its slave, Formica japonica, were carried out. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry showed that the slave‐maker and its slave shared the major cuticular hydrocarbon compounds, but possessed several minor products unique to each species. No difference in hydrocarbon composition was detected between enslaved and free‐living F. japonica workers, suggesting that association with P. samurai has no qualitative effect on hydrocarbon composition in these ants. Principal component analyses of the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles (CHP) revealed that (i) CHP was species specific in a given mixed colony; and (ii) among mixed colonies, P. samurai workers had species‐colony specific CHP, while the same feature was not always found in enslaved and free‐living F. japonica workers. Therefore, a ‘uniform colony odor’ in terms of CHP is not achieved in naturally mixed colonies of P. samurai nor those of its slaves, F. japonica.  相似文献   

Recently, avian brood parasites and their hosts have emerged as model systems for the study of host-parasite coevolution. However, empirical studies of the highly analogous social parasites, which use the workers of another eusocial species to raise their own young, have never explicitly examined the dynamics of these systems from a coevolutionary perspective. Here, we demonstrate interpopulational variation in behavioural interactions between a socially parasitic slave-maker ant and its host that is consistent with the expectations of host-parasite coevolution. Parasite pressure, as inferred by the size, abundance and raiding frequency of Protomognathus americanus colonies, was highest in a New York population of the host Leptothorax longispinosus and lowest in a West Virginia population. As host-parasite coevolutionary theory would predict, we found that the slave-makers and the hosts from New York were more effective at raiding and defending against raiders, respectively, than were conspecifics from the West Virginia population. Some of these variations in efficacy were brought about by apparently simple shifts in behaviour. These results demonstrate that defence mechanisms against social parasites can evolve, and they give the first indications of the existence of a coevolutionary arms race between a social parasite and its host.  相似文献   

Genetic population structure was studied in two types of populations in the ants Formica exsecta and F. pressilabris: populations consisting of single-nest colonies (monodomy) and populations consisting of multi-nest colonies (polydomy). These characteristics seem to be associated with the number of egg-laying females (gynes) in a nest, mating structure of the population, sex ratio and male size variation. The monodomous populations are characterized by single-gyne nests, the population sex ratio is either I:1 or female-biased, males are mainly large-sized, and there is slight inbreeding in the population. The polydomous populations have multi-gyne nests with gynes related to each other, sex ratio is strongly male-biased, most males are small-sized, and there is slight genetic microdifferentiation within the populations. Diploid males found in a polydomous F. pressilabris population suggest that the population is inbred and isolated. Habitat localization is presented as a plausible explanation for the evolution of the polygynous and polydomous population structure.  相似文献   

Ants are interesting subjects for studies of evolution of altruism. We developed 13 microsatellite loci in a red wood ant Formica (s. str.) yessensis from random amplified polymorphic DNA fragments to study genetic structure within populations and colonies. Five loci bore two to five alleles in both F. (s. str.) yessensis and F. (s. str.) truncorum and two were also polymorphic in a related species, Polyergus samurai. Results suggest that the loci will be useful in evolutionary studies on Formica and Polyergus species.  相似文献   

Ant colonies are commonly thought to have a stable and simple family structure, with one or a few egg-laying queens and their worker daughters. However, recent genetic studies reveal that the identity of breeding queens can vary over time within colonies. In several species, some queens are apparently specialized to enter established colonies instead of initiating a new colony on their own. The previously overlooked occurrence of queen turnover within colonies has important consequences not only on the genetic structure and nature of kin conflict within colonies, but also on the evolution of social parasitism.  相似文献   

The pace and trajectory of coevolutionary arms races between parasites and their hosts are strongly influenced by the number of interacting species. In environments where a parasite has access to more than one host species, the parasite population may become divided in preference for a particular host. In the present study, we show that individual colonies of the pirate ant Polyergus breviceps differ in host preference during raiding, with each colony specializing on only one of two available Formica host species. Moreover, through genetic analyses, we show that the two hosts differ in their colony genetic structure. Formica occulta colonies were monogynous, whereas Formica  sp. cf. argentea colonies were polygynous and polydomous (colonies occupy multiple nest sites). This difference has important implications for coevolutionary dynamics in this system because raids against individual nests of polydomous colonies have less impact on overall host colony fitness than do attacks on intact colonies. We also used primers that we designed for four microsatellite loci isolated from P. breviceps to verify that colonies of this species, like other pirate ants, are comprised of simple families headed by one singly mated queen.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 565–572.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. One of the main themes in ecology is adaptation for survival in different habitats and the potential of the environment to regulate populations.
2. The effects of clear-cutting on nest-abandonment rate and local population sizes in the polydomous wood ant Formica aquilonia was studied, using uncut forest stands as controls.
3. The nest-abandonment rate was clearly higher in clear-cuts than in forest interiors. In clear-cuts, 39% of pre-deforestation nests and 73% of new bud-nests were abandoned 4–5 years after deforestation, whereas in forest interiors fewer than 2% of nests were abandoned at the same time period. Local population size decreased 30% in clear-cuts, but fewer than 2% in forest interiors.
4. The results demonstrate that despite modern logging practices in which mechanical harming of nest mounds is reduced, nest mounds are abandoned at high rate, and despite frequent establishment of new bud-nests, populations start to decline.
5. The likely reason for the high nest-abandonment rate in clear-cuts is a combination of changed abiotic conditions, resource limitation, and disturbed reproduction.
6. Species that are sensitive to changes in the size of habitat patch, such as F. aquilonia , likely are harmed by logging, even employing biodiversity oriented management practices. Hence there is a need for conservation actions that are based on the size of protection areas.  相似文献   

The mating and postmating behavior of reproductives belonging to two sympatric dulotic colonies of the facultative slave-making ant Formica sanguinea was analyzed in the field. Our observations showed that the European blood-red ant adopts a reproductive behavior similar to the male aggregation syndrome. Newly mated females return to a dulotic colony and often wait for a raid. Following a slave raid is an advantageous strategy to locate and invade host nests and to establish a new dulotic colony. In the laboratory, the following modes of colony founding were studied: independent, adoption, alliance, usurpation, and brood raiding. Independent foundation was possible only when several females were kept together. Alliance was obtained with females of two potential slave species (F. cunicularia, F. rufibarbis). Usurpation and adoption were more frequent in the incipient than in the mature host colonies. Mixed colonies were always obtained after the sack of the host pupae. It seems likely that, rather than conspecific adoption followed by budding, F. sanguinea relies on temporary parasitism to start new colonies.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Because of the large numbers within a colony and their aggressive nature, red wood ants (Formica rufa group) have a potential to greatly influence the cold‐temperate forest ecosystem. Wood ants are omnivorous and hunt in trees as well as on the forest floor. 2 A field experiment in a mixed forest in central Sweden was carried out to examine (i) the foraging behaviour of wood ants on the forest floor and (ii) the impact of increased numbers of wood ants on the soil fauna. The foraging behaviour of wood ants was manipulated by excluding the ants from their food resources in the tree canopy, with the intention to increase ant activity on the forest floor. To estimate this activity, the number of trees with foraging ants, the numbers of ants going to and from their nests and the prey carried by home‐running wood ants were determined during the summer period. Pitfall traps were placed in the soil to determine effects on mobile soil invertebrates. 3 When excluded from local trees, wood ants searched other trees further away from the nests rather than searching more intensively for prey on the forest floor. By contrast to the initial hypothesis, more soil‐living prey were caught by ants in the control plots than in the plots where the local trees were not accessible to the wood ants. The proportion of soil‐living to tree‐living prey tended to be greater in the control plots. 4 In the treated plots (no access to the trees), wood ants had a negative effect on the activity of Linyphiidae spiders. There was little effect of wood ants on other soil invertebrates. 5 This study suggests that the role of wood ants as top predators in the forest soil food‐web in central Sweden is limited.  相似文献   

In social animals, inbreeding depression may manifest by compromising care or resources individuals receive from inbred group members. We studied the effects of worker inbreeding on colony productivity and investment in the ant Formica exsecta. The production of biomass decreased with increasing inbreeding, as did biomass produced per worker. Inbred colonies produced fewer gynes (unmated reproductive females), whereas the numbers of males remained unchanged. As a result, sex ratios showed increased male bias, and the fraction of workers increased among the diploid brood. Males raised in inbred colonies were smaller, whereas the weight of gynes remained unchanged. The results probably reflect a trade-off between number and quality of offspring, which is expected if the reproductive success of gynes is more dependent on their weight or condition than it is for males. As males are haploid (with the exception of abnormal diploid males produced in very low frequencies in this population), and therefore cannot be inbred themselves, the effect on their size must be mediated through the workers of the colony. We suggest the effects are caused by the inbred workers being less proficient in feeding the growing larvae. This represents a new kind of social inbreeding depression that may affect sex ratios as well as caste fate in social insects.  相似文献   

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