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Summary Permeability coefficients (P's) and apparent activation energies (E a s) for nonelectrolyte permeation across the toad urinary bladder have been analyzed in terms of the thermodynamics of partition between membrane lipids and water. Particular attention has been paid to the contributions made by –CH2– and –OH groups: on the average, the addition of one –CH2– group to a molecule increasesP fourfold, while the addition of one –OH group reducesP 500-fold. Using these changes inP, we have calculated the incremental free energies (F), enthalpies (H), and entropies (S) for partition, hydration, and solution in membrane lipids. The results for toad bladder have been compared and contrasted with those extracted from the literature for red blood cells, lecithin liposomes, and bulk phase lipid solvents. The partition of –CH2– groups into toad bladder and red cell membranes is dominated by entropy effects, i.e., a decrease in entropy of the aqueous phase that pushes the group out of water, and an increase in entropy of the membrane lipid that pulls the group into the membrane. This process resembles that in frozen liposome membranes. In melted liposomes and bulk lipid solvents the free energy of solution in the lipid is controlled by enthalpy of solution. Partition of –OH groups in all systems is governed by hydrogen bonding between the –OH group and water. However, the solution of the –OH group in toad bladder membranes is complex, and processes such as dimer and tetramer formation in the lipid phase may be involved. The results presented in this and the previous paper are discussed in terms of the structure of phospholipid bilayer membranes. Attention is drawn to the possible role of structural defects in the quasi-crystalline structure of the lipid (so-called 2gl kinks) in the permeation of small molecules such as water, urea, methanol and acetamide.  相似文献   

Osmotic water movement across the toad urinary bladder in response to both vasopressin and cyclic AMP was inhibited by 10?5 to 10?4 M colchicine on the serosal but not on the mucosal side. This inhibitory effect was found to be time- and dose-dependent. Colchicine alone did not change basal osmotic flow and a baseline of the short-circuit current (Isc) and also did not affect a vasopressin-induced rise of the Isc. The inhibitory effect was not prevented by the addition of pyruvate. The osmotic water movement produced by 360 mM Urea (mucosal), 360 mM mannitol (serosal) or 2 μg/ml amphotericin B (mucosal), was not affected by 10?4 M colchicine. These results suggest that colchicine inhibits some biological process subsequent to the formation of cyclic AMP except a directional cytoplasmic streaming process where microtubules may be involved.  相似文献   

Summary Urea and other small amides cross the toad urinary bladder by a vasopressinsensitive pathway which is independent of somotic water flow. Amide transport has characteristics of facilitated transport: saturation, mutual inhibition between amides, and selective depression by agents such as phloretin. The present studies were designed to distinguish among several types of transport including (1) movement thought a fixed selective membrane channel and (2) movement via a mobile carrier. The former wold be characterized by co-transport (acceleration of labele amide flow in the direction of net flow in the opposite direction). Mucosal to serosal (MS) and serosal to mucosal (SM) permeabilities of labeled amides were determined in paired bladers. Unlabeled methylurea, a particularly potent inhibitor of amide movement, was added to either the M or S bath, while osmotic water flow was eliminated by addition of ethylene glycol to the opposite bat. Co-transport of labeled methylurea and, to a lesser degree, acetamide and urea with unlabeled methylurea was observed. Co-transport of the nonamides ethylene glycol and ethanol could not be demonstrated. Methylurea did not alter water permeability or transmembrane electrical resistance. The demonstration of co-transport is consistent with the presence of ADH-sensitive amide-selective channcels rather than a mobile carrier.  相似文献   

Summary A theoretical formulation was derived for the dependence of bulk solute permeability,P, defined as net flux :- concentration gradient, c, across any membrane in which solute concentration is controlling for net flux, . According to this formulation, is stimulated by increments in trans concentration,c 2, in the rangec 2/c 1=0.0–0.1. Net flux of urea across toad bladder down concentration gradients was shown to be stimulated threefold by small increments in trans urea concentration. The theory also predicts that, in the absence of concentration gradients, tracer permeability,P *, defined as tracer flux :- tracer concentration, will be independent ofc provided thatP=P *, but will diminish with increasingc ifP/P *<1.P/P * was not significantly different from unity for urea, and bothP andP * were independent ofc in the absence of concentration gradients. However,P/P * was significantly less than unity (0.90 and 0.85) for thiourea and mannitol, respectively. In conformity with theory,P * (and alsoP) of these two solutes, measured asc was increased by 3–4 orders of magnitude, diminished progressively. These effects are more consistent with this formulation than with transport via a saturable carrier.  相似文献   

Osmotic water movement across the toad urinary bladder in response to both vasopressin and cyclic AMP was inhibited by 10(-5) to 10(-4) M colchicine on the serosal but not on the mucosal side. This inhibitory effect was found to be time- and dose-dependent. Colchicine alone did not change basal osmotic flow and a baseline of the short-circuit current (Isc) and also did not affect a vasopressin-induced rise of the Isc. The inhibitory effect was not prevented by the addition of pyruvate. The osmotic water movement produced by 360 mM Urea (mucosal), 360 mM mannitol (serosal) or 2 mug/ml amphotericin B (mucosal), was not affected by 10(-4) M colchicine. These results suggest that colchicine inhibits some biological process subsequent to the formation of cyclic AMP except a directional cytoplasmic streaming process where microtubules may be involved.  相似文献   

Summary Toad urinary bladders were exposed on either their mucosal or serosal surfaces, or on both surfaces, to medium in which sodium was replaced completely by lithium. With mucosal lithium Ringer's, serosal sodium Ringer's, short-circuit current (SCC) declined by about 50 percent over the first 60 min and was then maintained over a further 180 min. Cellular lithium content was comparable to the sodium transport pool. With lithium Ringer's serosa, SCC was abolished over 60 to 120 min whether the mucosal cation was sodium or lithium. Measurements of cellular ionic composition revealed that the epithelial cells gained lithium from both the mucosal and serosal media. With lithium Ringer's mucosa and serosa, cells lost potassium and gained lithium and a little chloride and water, but these changes in cellular ions could not account for the current flow across the tissue under these conditions, which must, therefore, have been carried by a transepithelial movement of lithium itself. The inhibition by serosal lithium of SCC was overcome by exposure of the mucosal surface of the bladders to amphotericin B. Thus it reflected, predominantly, an inhibition of lithium entry to the cells across the apical membrane. It is suggested that this inhibition is a consequence of cellular lithium accumulation.  相似文献   

Summary The transepithelial conductance of toad bladder epithelia and the amplitude of the fluctuations of this conductance caused by the action of the underlying smooth muscle have been further investigated. In particular, amiloride was found to reduce both tissue conductance and its fluctuating component to the same extent. Analysis suggests that the steady-state conductance of the toad urinary bladder may be associated only with the paracellular pathway for ions.  相似文献   

1--The mechanism of the vasopressin-induced, facilitated transport across toad urinary bladder was studied by treating the luminal membrane of the epithelium with the following reagents of protein functional groups: NEM (SH groups), SITS (amino groups), EEDQ (carboxylic groups), DEPC (histidine). 2--Treatment of the luminal side of the epithelium by NEM strongly inhibits the ADH-induced urea transport, leaving unmodified the effect of the hormone on the flux of antipyrine, a lipid soluble molecule. These results confirm the hypothesis that the urea carrier is of proteic nature. 3--Treatment of the luminal side by SITS strongly inhibits ADH action on urea and antipyrine permeability; thus this effect can be considered rather unspecific. 4--On the contrary the EEDQ effect is more specific; in fact treatment of the luminal side by EEDQ strongly inhibits ADH effect on the permeability of urea, slightly increasing the ADH effect on that of antipyrine. 5--Finally, the luminal treatment by diethylpyrocarbonate inhibits almost completely the ADH action on the urea fluxes, slightly increasing the hormone effect on the antipyrine ones. 6--Based on these results we conclude that carboxylic groups and the imidazolic ring are more important than the amino groups in determining the urea transport across toad bladder, in the presence of ADH.  相似文献   

Pathways for movement of ions and water across toad urinary bladder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypertonicity of the mucosal bathing medium increases the electrical conductance of toad urinary bladder by osmotic distension of the epithelial "tight" or limiting junctions. However, toad urine is not normally hypertonic to plasma. In this study, the transmural osmotic gradient was varied strictly within the physiologic range; initially hypotonic mucosal bathing media were made isotonic by addition of a variety of solutes. Mucosal NaCl increased tissue conductance substantially. This phenomenon could not have reflected soley an altered conductance of the transcellular active transport pathway since mucosal KCl also increased tissue conductance, whether or not Na+ was present in the bathing media. The effect of mucosal NaCl could not have been mediated solely by a parallel transepithelial pathway formed by damaged tissue since mucosal addition of certain nonelectrolytes also increased tissue conductance. Finally, the osmotically-induced increase in conductance could not have occurred soley in transcellular transepithelial channels in parallel with the active pathway for Na+, since the permeability to 22Na from serosa to mucosa (s to m) was also increased by mucosal addition of NaCl; a number of lines of evidence suggest that s-to-m movement of Na+ proceeds largely through paracellular transepithelial pathways. The results thus establish that the permeability of the limiting junctions is physiologically dependent on the magnitude of the transmural osmotic gradient. A major role is proposed for this mechanism, serving to conserve the body stores of NaCl from excessive urinary excretion.  相似文献   

Summary Mucosal hypertonicity, produced by the addition of NaCl, KCl, mannitol, urea, sucrose or raffinose, reduced the electrical resistance of toad urinary bladder and induced bullous deformations (blisters) of the most apical junctions of the mucosal epithelium: the smaller solutes were most effective in eliciting both phenomena. Study of the effect of addition and subsequent removal of mannitol from the mucosal medium indicated that both the electrical and morphologic changes are reversible and follow the same time course. Mucosal hypertonicity induced comparable changes in the tissue in the presence or absence of inhibition of active sodium transport by replacement of sodium by choline, or by addition of ouabain or amiloride. Dilution of the tonicity of the serosal medium similarly reduced the tissue resistance and induced blisters within the epithelium, demonstrating that the osmotic gradient, rather than the mucosal hypertonicity itself is the cause of the osmotically-induced resistance change. The data indicate, therefore, that the osmotic gradient reduces the electrical resistance of the tissue primarily by deforming the apical junctions.The simplest interpretation of the data is that the apical tight junctions are considerably more permeable to water and small solutes than had previously been thought. Addition of solute to the mucosal medium leads to the diffusion of solute into the junctions: the subsequent transfer of water from the lateral intercellular spaces and/or the adjacent cellular cytoplasm, deforms these structures and reduces the resistance to the passage of ions across the tissue. The results suggest that the apical junctions constitute the rate-limiting permeability barrier of the putative parallel shunt pathway across toad bladder.  相似文献   

Summary Net transport of inorganic phosphate occurs in the absence of an electrochemical gradient from the mucosal to the serosal bathing solution in the isolated toad urinary bladder. This transport can be inhibited by metabolic inhibitors. The magnitude of this transport can be altered by changes in phosphate concentration or by the addition of parathyroid hormone.This work was presented in part at the Fall Meeting of the American Physiological Society Proceedings, October, 1975; Abstract inThe Physiologist, 1975,18:384.  相似文献   

Net transport of inorganic phosphate occurs in the absence of an electrochemical gradient from the mucosal to the serosal bathing solution in the isolated toad urinary bladder. This transport can be inhibited by metabolic inhibitors. The magnitude of this transport can be altered by changes in phosphate concentration or by the addition of parathyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Gluconeogenesis in toad urinary bladder   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Osmotic permeabilities of several epithelial structures have been determined with novel optical procedures based on specular microscopy. The osmotic permeabilities of several tissue layers were determined by continuously monitoring the position of the apical tissue borders while an osmotic flow was imposed across those layers. The values found were (in μm/s; mean ± SE): corneal epithelium, 137 ± 30 (n = 5); antidiuretic hormone stimulated toad bladder, 429 ± 64 (n = 6); and corneal endothelium, 711 ± 34 (n = 7). In addition, the osmotically-induced transient change in thickness of the corneal endothelial cells was determined with the help of a computer, and the apparent osmotic permeability measured for the apical membrane was 1420 ± 160 μm/s (n = 5). It is concluded that the osmotic permeability across the endothelial layer is sizably larger than had been previously detected and that osmotic flows across such layer largely traverse the cellular membranes. With osmotic permeability values (per unit of cell membrane area) as large as presently reported, isotonic fluid transport by epithelia can be explained simply on the basis of local osmotic gradients.  相似文献   

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