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This article presents a new method for the comparison of multiple macromolecular sequences. It is based on a hierarchical sequence synthesis procedure that does not require anya priori knowledge of the molecular structure of the sequences or the phylogenetic relations among the sequences. It differs from the existing methods as it has the capability of: (i) generating a statistical-structural model of the sequences through a synthesis process that detects homologous groups of the sequences, and (ii) aligning the sequences while the taxonomic tree of the sequences is being constructed in one single phase. It produces superior results when compared with some existing methods.  相似文献   

CLUSTAL V: improved software for multiple sequence alignment   总被引:109,自引:0,他引:109  
The CLUSTAL package of multiple sequence alignment programshas been completely rewritten and many new features added. Thenew software is a single program called CLUSTAL V, which iswritten in C and can be used on standard C compiler. The mainnew features are the ability to store and reuse old alignmentsand the ability to calculate phylogenetic trees after alignment.The program is simple to use, completely menu driven and on-linehelp is provided.  相似文献   

Models of nucleotide substitution were constructed for combined analyses of heterogeneous sequence data (such as those of multiple genes) from the same set of species. The models account for different aspects of the heterogeneity in the evolutionary process of different genes, such as differences in nucleotide frequencies, in substitution rate bias (for example, the transition/transversion rate bias), and in the extent of rate variation across sites. Model parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood and the likelihood ratio test was used to test hypotheses concerning sequence evolution, such as rate constancy among lineages (the assumption of a molecular clock) and proportionality of branch lengths for different genes. The example data from a segment of the mitochondrial genome of six hominoid species (human, common and pygmy chimpanzees, gorilla, orangutan, and siamang) were analyzed. Nucleotides at the three codon positions in the protein-coding regions and from the tRNA-coding regions were considered heterogeneous data sets. Statistical tests showed that the amount of evolution in the sequence data reflected in the estimated branch lengths can be explained by the codon-position effect and lineage effect of substitution rates. The assumption of a molecular clock could not be rejected when the data were analyzed separately or when the rate variation among sites was ignored. However, significant differences in substitution rate among lineages were found when the data sets were combined and when the rate variation among sites was accounted for in the models. Under the assumption that the orangutan and African apes diverged 13 million years ago, the combined analysis of the sequence data estimated the times for the human-chimpanzee separation and for the separation of the gorilla as 4.3 and 6.8 million years ago, respectively.  相似文献   

The most popular way of comparing the performance of multiple sequence alignment programs is to use empirical testing on sets of test sequences. Several such test sets now exist, each with potential strengths and weaknesses. We apply several different alignment packages to 6 benchmark datasets, and compare their relative performances. HOMSTRAD, a collection of alignments of homologous proteins, is regularly used as a benchmark for sequence alignment though it is not designed as such, and lacks annotation of reliable regions within the alignment. We introduce this annotation into HOMSTRAD using protein structural superposition. Results on each database show that method performance is dependent on the input sequences. Alignment benchmarks are regularly used in combination to measure performance across a spectrum of alignment problems. Through combining benchmarks, it is possible to detect whether a program has been over-optimised for a single dataset, or alignment problem type.  相似文献   

The analysis of extant sequences shows that molecular evolution has been heterogeneous through time and among lineages. However, for a given sequence alignment, it is often difficult to uncover what factors caused this heterogeneity. In fact, identifying and characterizing heterogeneous patterns of molecular evolution along a phylogenetic tree is very challenging, for lack of appropriate methods. Users either have to a priori define groups of branches along which they believe molecular evolution has been similar or have to allow each branch to have its own pattern of molecular evolution. The first approach assumes prior knowledge that is seldom available, and the second requires estimating an unreasonably large number of parameters. Here we propose a convenient and reliable approach where branches get clustered by their pattern of molecular evolution alone, with no need for prior knowledge about the data set under study. Model selection is achieved in a statistical framework and therefore avoids overparameterization. We rely on substitution mapping for efficiency and present two clustering approaches, depending on whether or not we expect neighbouring branches to share more similar patterns of sequence evolution than distant branches. We validate our method on simulations and test it on four previously published data sets. We find that our method correctly groups branches sharing similar equilibrium GC contents in a data set of ribosomal RNAs and recovers expected footprints of selection through dN/dS. Importantly, it also uncovers a new pattern of relaxed selection in a phylogeny of Mantellid frogs, which we are able to correlate to life-history traits. This shows that our programs should be very useful to study patterns of molecular evolution and reveal new correlations between sequence and species evolution. Our programs can run on DNA, RNA, codon, or amino acid sequences with a large set of possible models of substitutions and are available at http://biopp.univ-montp2.fr/forge/testnh.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Comparison of multimegabase genomic DNA sequences is a popular technique for finding and annotating conserved genome features. Performing such comparisons entails finding many short local alignments between sequences up to tens of megabases in length. To process such long sequences efficiently, existing algorithms find alignments by expanding around short runs of matching bases with no substitutions or other differences. Unfortunately, exact matches that are short enough to occur often in significant alignments also occur frequently by chance in the background sequence. Thus, these algorithms must trade off between efficiency and sensitivity to features without long exact matches. RESULTS: We introduce a new algorithm, LSH-ALL-PAIRS, to find ungapped local alignments in genomic sequence with up to a specified fraction of substitutions. The length and substitution rate of these alignments can be chosen so that they appear frequently in significant similarities yet still remain rare in the background sequence. The algorithm finds ungapped alignments efficiently using a randomized search technique, locality-sensitive hashing. We have found LSH-ALL-PAIRS to be both efficient and sensitive for finding local similarities with as little as 63% identity in mammalian genomic sequences up to tens of megabases in length  相似文献   

Dai Q  Liu X  Yao Y  Zhao F 《Amino acids》2012,42(5):1867-1877
There are two crucial problems with statistical measures for sequence comparison: overlapping structures and background information of words in biological sequences. Word normalization in improved composition vector method took into account these problems and achieved better performance in evolutionary analysis. The word normalization is desirable, but not sufficient, because it assumes that the four bases A, C, T, and G occur randomly with equal chance. This paper proposed an improved word normalization which uses Markov model to estimate exact k-word distribution according to observed biological sequence and thus has the ability to adjust the background information of the k-word frequencies in biological sequences. The improved word normalization was tested with three experiments and compared with the existing word normalization. The experiment results confirm that the improved word normalization using Markov model to estimate the exact k-word distribution in biological sequences is more efficient.  相似文献   

Efficient methods for multiple sequence alignment with guaranteed error bounds   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Multiple string (sequence) alignment is a difficult and important problem in computational biology, where it is central in two related tasks: finding highly conserved subregions or embedded patterns of a set of biological sequences (strings of DNA, RNA or amino acids), and inferring the evolutionary history of a set of taxa from their associated biological sequences. Several precise measures have been proposed for evaluating the goodness of a multiple alignment, but no efficient methods are known which compute the optimal alignment for any of these measures in any but small cases. In this paper, we consider two previously proposed measures, and given two computationaly efficient multiple alignment methods (one for each measure) whose deviation from the optimal value isguaranteed to be less than a factor of two. This is the novel feature of these methods, but the methods have additional virtues as well. For both methods, the guaranteed bounds are much smaller than two when the number of strings is small (1.33 for three strings of any length); for one of the methods we give a related randomized method which is much faster and which gives, with high probability, multiple alignments with fairly small error bounds; and for the other measure, the method given yields a non-obviouslower bound on the value of the optimal alignment.  相似文献   

We have developed MUMMALS, a program to construct multiple protein sequence alignment using probabilistic consistency. MUMMALS improves alignment quality by using pairwise alignment hidden Markov models (HMMs) with multiple match states that describe local structural information without exploiting explicit structure predictions. Parameters for such models have been estimated from a large library of structure-based alignments. We show that (i) on remote homologs, MUMMALS achieves statistically best accuracy among several leading aligners, such as ProbCons, MAFFT and MUSCLE, albeit the average improvement is small, in the order of several percent; (ii) a large collection (>10000) of automatically computed pairwise structure alignments of divergent protein domains is superior to smaller but carefully curated datasets for estimation of alignment parameters and performance tests; (iii) reference-independent evaluation of alignment quality using sequence alignment-dependent structure superpositions correlates well with reference-dependent evaluation that compares sequence-based alignments to structure-based reference alignments.  相似文献   



We present a complete re-implementation of the segment-based approach to multiple protein alignment that contains a number of improvements compared to the previous version 2.2 of DIALIGN. This previous version is superior to Needleman-Wunsch-based multi-alignment programs on locally related sequence sets. However, it is often outperformed by these methods on data sets with global but weak similarity at the primary-sequence level.  相似文献   

An algorithm for multiple sequence comparison was implementedin FORTRAN 77 for VAX/VMS in GCG-atible format. The MULTICOMPprogram package includes several procedures with which one querysequence can be compared simultaneously to several DNA, RNAor amino acid sequences. The same technique was also introducedfor comparing propensities of secondary structural features,which can be predicted on the basis of amino acid sequences.The technique has been applied to a wide range of sequence andstructural analyses.  相似文献   

A survey of multiple sequence comparison methods   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Multiple sequence comparison refers to the search for similarity in three or more sequences. This article presents a survey of the exhaustive (optimal) and heuristic (possibly sub-optimal) methods developed for the comparison of multiple macromolecular sequences. Emphasis is given to the different approaches of the heuristic methods. Four distance measures derived from information engineering and genetic studies are introduced for the comparison between two alignments of sequences. The use ofentropy, which plays a central role in information theory as measures of information, choice and uncertainty, is proposed as a simple measure for the evaluation of the optimality of an alignment in the absence of anya priori knowledge about the structures of the sequences being compared. This article also gives two examples of comparison between alternative alignments of the same set of 5SRNAs as obtained by several different heuristic methods.  相似文献   

The constrained multiple sequence alignment problem is to align a set of sequences of maximum length n subject to a given constrained sequence, which arises from some knowledge of the structure of the sequences. This paper presents new algorithms for this problem, which are more efficient in terms of time and space (memory) than the previous algorithms, and with a worst-case guarantee on the quality of the alignment. Saving the space requirement by a quadratic factor is particularly significant as the previous O(n4)-space algorithm has limited application due to its huge memory requirement. Experiments on real data sets confirm that our new algorithms show improvements in both alignment quality and resource requirements.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions are fundamentally important in many biological processes and it is in pressing need to understand the principles of protein-protein interactions. Mutagenesis studies have found that only a small fraction of surface residues, known as hot spots, are responsible for the physical binding in protein complexes. However, revealing hot spots by mutagenesis experiments are usually time consuming and expensive. In order to complement the experimental efforts, we propose a new computational approach in this paper to predict hot spots. Our method, Rough Set-based Multiple Criteria Linear Programming (RS-MCLP), integrates rough sets theory and multiple criteria linear programming to choose dominant features and computationally predict hot spots. Our approach is benchmarked by a dataset of 904 alanine-mutated residues and the results show that our RS-MCLP method performs better than other methods, e.g., MCLP, Decision Tree, Bayes Net, and the existing HotSprint database. In addition, we reveal several biological insights based on our analysis. We find that four features (the change of accessible surface area, percentage of the change of accessible surface area, size of a residue, and atomic contacts) are critical in predicting hot spots. Furthermore, we find that three residues (Tyr, Trp, and Phe) are abundant in hot spots through analyzing the distribution of amino acids.  相似文献   



Most gene finders score candidate gene models with state-based methods, typically HMMs, by combining local properties (coding potential, splice donor and acceptor patterns, etc). Competing models with similar state-based scores may be distinguishable with additional information. In particular, functional and comparative genomics datasets may help to select among competing models of comparable probability by exploiting features likely to be associated with the correct gene models, such as conserved exon/intron structure or protein sequence features.  相似文献   

The identification and validation of protein allergens have become more important nowadays as more and more transgenic proteins are introduced into our food chains. Current allergen prediction algorithms focus on the identification of single motif or single allergen peptide for allergen detection. However, an analysis of the 575 allergen dataset shows that most allergens contain multiple motifs. Here, we present a novel algorithm that detects allergen by making use of combinations of motifs. Sensitivity of 0.772 and specificity of 0.904 were achieved by the proposed algorithm to predict allergen. The specificity of the proposed approach is found to be significantly higher than traditional single motif approaches. The high specificity of the proposed algorithm is useful in filtering out false positives, especially when laboratory resources are limited.  相似文献   

A comprehensive comparison of multiple sequence alignment programs.   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
In recent years improvements to existing programs and the introduction of new iterative algorithms have changed the state-of-the-art in protein sequence alignment. This paper presents the first systematic study of the most commonly used alignment programs using BAliBASE benchmark alignments as test cases. Even below the 'twilight zone' at 10-20% residue identity, the best programs were capable of correctly aligning on average 47% of the residues. We show that iterative algorithms often offer improved alignment accuracy though at the expense of computation time. A notable exception was the effect of introducing a single divergent sequence into a set of closely related sequences, causing the iteration to diverge away from the best alignment. Global alignment programs generally performed better than local methods, except in the presence of large N/C-terminal extensions and internal insertions. In these cases, a local algorithm was more successful in identifying the most conserved motifs. This study enables us to propose appropriate alignment strategies, depending on the nature of a particular set of sequences. The employment of more than one program based on different alignment techniques should significantly improve the quality of automatic protein sequence alignment methods. The results also indicate guidelines for improvement of alignment algorithms.  相似文献   

多序列比对是一种重要的生物信息学工具,在生物的进化分析以及蛋白质的结构预测方面有着重要的应用。以ClustalW为代表的渐进式多序列比对算法在这个领域取得了很大的成功,成为应用最为广泛的多序列比对程序。但其固有的缺陷阻碍了比对精度的进一步提高,近年来出现了许多渐进式比对算法的改进算法,并取得良好的效果。本文选取了其中比较有代表性的几种算法对其基本比对思想予以描述,并且利用多序列比对程序平台BAliBASE和仿真程序ROSE对它们的精度和速度分别进行了比较和评价。  相似文献   



Profile-based analysis of multiple sequence alignments (MSA) allows for accurate comparison of protein families. Here, we address the problems of detecting statistically confident dissimilarities between (1) MSA position and a set of predicted residue frequencies, and (2) between two MSA positions. These problems are important for (i) evaluation and optimization of methods predicting residue occurrence at protein positions; (ii) detection of potentially misaligned regions in automatically produced alignments and their further refinement; and (iii) detection of sites that determine functional or structural specificity in two related families.  相似文献   

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